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目的探讨Y染色体拷贝数变异致性发育异常(DSD)患儿的临床表型和遗传学特点。方法回顾性分析郑州大学第一附属医院2018年1月至2022年9月收治的3例Y染色体拷贝数变异致DSD患儿的临床资料, 应用染色体核型分析、全外显子测序(WES)、低深度全基因组拷贝数变异测序(CNV-seq), 荧光原位杂交(FISH)和性腺组织病理活检技术对患儿进行临床分析和遗传学检测。结果 3例患儿就诊年龄分别为12、9、9岁, 均表现为身材矮小和性腺发育不良, 社会性别均为女。均为正常女童外阴, 例1伴脊柱侧弯, 余未见明显异常。3例患儿均报告为46, XY核型, WES未发现相关基因变异。CNV-seq确定例1为47, XYY, +Y(2.12), 例2为46, XY, +Y(1.6), 即Y染色体拷贝数增加。FISH最终确定2例患儿Yq11.2附近断裂后发生重组, 为携带拟双着丝粒Y染色体idic(Y)的嵌合体DSD。例1核型重新诠释为mos 47, X, idic(Y)(q11.23)×2[10]/46, X, idic(Y)(q11.23)[50], 例2为45, XO[6]/46, X, idi...  相似文献   

目的探讨8号染色体短臂倒位重复伴末端缺失[inv dup del(8p)]综合征的临床特征及细胞分子遗传学特点。方法回顾分析1例inv dup del(8p)综合征患儿的临床资料以及细胞分子遗传学分析资料。结果 6月龄女性患儿,具有发育迟缓、特殊面容、先天性心脏病及喉软化症等临床表现。外周血淋巴细胞染色体核型分析显示,患儿为46,XX,der(8)inv dup(8)(p21),del(8)(p23),父母均无异常;高通量测序染色体组拷贝数分析(CNV)精确定位拷贝数异常改变的染色体片段区域,检出患儿在8p23.3-p23.1(160 001-7 120 000)区域缺失6.96 Mb片段,在8p23.1-p21.1(12 560 001-27 940 000)区域,重复15.38 Mb片段;荧光定量PCR验证CNV显示在重复和缺失片段之间有一个5.4 Mb的拷贝数正常片段。结合临床表现及各检测结果确诊患儿为inv dup del(8p)综合征。结论结合临床特征、外周血染色体核型分析、CNV及荧光定量PCR技术可有效确诊inv dup del(8p)综合征。  相似文献   

急性白血病分子-细胞遗传学研究及临床应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lu J  Jin J  Wang XC 《中华儿科杂志》2005,43(12):954-957
近年来,染色体双色或多色荧光原位杂交(FISH)、光谱核型分析、高通量基因芯片、染色体涂抹及基因扩增、定位和克隆等新技术的应用,大大提高了白血病常规法易漏检的隐匿性或复杂性异常染色体的检出率。发现约50%的白血病是由于染色体易位导致基因突变而发病。下面将综述近年来急性白血病(acute leukemia,AL)的分子-细胞遗传学改变与临床关系的研究进展,供临床医师参考。  相似文献   

目的探讨Pallister-Killian综合征(PKS)的细胞分子遗传学特点。方法采集患儿外周血标本进行G显带染色体核型分析,单核苷酸多态性-微阵列芯片(SNP array)技术鉴定异常片段来源,运用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术加以确认。结果女性患儿,8月龄,因精神运动发育迟缓就诊。出生后有喂养困难、肌张力低下、面容异常、后发际线低、足部畸形、双耳听力未过关等临床表现。外周血染色体G显带核型为mos 47,XX,+mar[18]/46,XX[82];芯片分析结果发现患儿12号染色体短臂嵌合重复,提示为12 p四体嵌合体;FISH检测显示有48%的细胞有4个12 p信号。结论根据临床表现,常规外周血染色体核型分析结合SNP-array及FISH检测诊断PKS。  相似文献   

目的 探讨无创产前检测(non-invasive prenatal testing,NIPT)提示8号染色体异常病例的产前诊断、遗传学咨询和妊娠结局。方法 2016年4月1日至2022年10月31日,在中国医学科学院北京协和医院进行NIPT检测的孕妇中,结果为8号染色体异常且接受产前诊断的孕妇共16例。所有病例均接受羊膜腔穿刺术,进行羊水细胞染色体核型分析及染色体微阵列分析(chromosomal microarray analysis,CMA),部分病例进行针对8号染色体的未培养细胞的荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)。回顾性分析患者的临床资料、产前遗传学诊断结果和妊娠结局。结果 (1) 13例未提示其他染色体异常,为孤立性NIPT 8号染色体异常组。其中1例为胎儿8-三体嵌合体,经咨询后继续妊娠,后续超声检查未见异常,随访新生儿未见异常。其余12例产前遗传学检测均未见异常,除3例失访之外,所有病例均继续妊娠,随访新生儿均未见异常。(2) 3例同时提示其他染色体异常,为非孤立性NIPT 8号染色体异常组。其中1例产前诊断结果...  相似文献   

分析9号染色体短臂缺失或重复患儿的临床表型及其与染色体核型的关系。患者,女,6个月,因运动发育迟缓就诊,染色体核型分析确定为9号染色体短臂异常,高通量测序分析发现存在9p24.3-9p23区域缺失和9p23-9p13.1区域重复,其父母染色体核型分析正常。核型分析结合高通量测序对于提高运动发育落后或多发先天畸形和智力落后患者的病因诊断效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease,CHD)是一种常见的出生缺陷,是由环境和遗传因素共同引起,其中遗传因素发挥着主要作用。G显带核型检测、荧光原位杂交,及染色体微阵列分析(CMA)技术是目前常见的基因诊断技术,近年来,CMA技术已逐渐成为产前诊断胎儿CHD的一线方法。CMA的主要优点之一是它能够精确定义不平衡区域,可明确诊断微缺失或微重复综合征,同时也可检测到大量的临床意义不明的拷贝数变异。在检测产前样本中总拷贝数变异时,拷贝数变异检测具有高可靠性、准确性和再现性的特点。但在许多情况下,拷贝数变异对CHD患儿心脏发育的影响尚不清楚。该文将以染色体微阵列分析技术为重点,对其在胎儿CHD的诊断意义及预后指导作一综述。  相似文献   

染色体病是先天性染色体数目异常或结构畸变引起的疾病。人类23对染色体上的基因有严格的排列顺序,各基因间的毗邻关系也较恒定。当染色体发生数目异常、结构畸变甚至是极微小的结构畸变,都会导致基因的增加或缺失。目前大多数染色体病尚无有效的治疗措施,这给家庭和社会带来严  相似文献   

目的:探讨染色体16p11.2微缺失相关癫痫的临床及遗传学特点。方法:收集首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院2018年1月至2021年1月收治的癫痫患儿中发现16p11.2微缺失者10例的病例资料,回顾性总结分析其临床表现、基因变异情况、随访情况及预后。结果:10例患儿中男5例、女5例,癫痫起病年龄为4.5(4.1,5.0)...  相似文献   

1病例资料患儿,男,1岁1个月,因智力、运动发育落后就诊。患儿系G1P1,足月顺产,出生时无窒息,出生体质量3.4 kg,出生身长不详。患儿出生后半个月内很少睁眼,睡觉时间多。目前抬头不稳,不能独坐,不能独走,不会抓  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the yield of array-based comparative genomic hybridization. STUDY DESIGN: The results of array comparative genomic hybridization were collected on 1500 consecutive clinical cases sent to our laboratory for a variety of developmental problems. Confirmation fluorescence in situ hybridization of metaphase or interphase cells, depending on the aberration, was performed. RESULTS: Of the 1500 cases, 134 (8.9%) showed an abnormality: 36 (2.4%) showed polymorphisms or familial variants, 14 (0.9%) showed alterations of unknown clinical significance, and 84 (5.6%) showed clinically relevant genomic alterations. These included subtelomeric deletions and unbalanced rearrangements, microdeletions and reciprocal duplications, rare abnormalities, and low-level trisomy mosaicism. CONCLUSIONS: A targeted array detects a substantial proportion of abnormalities even in those patients who have already had extensive cytogenetic and/or fluorescence in situ hybridization testing. This study, although not a controlled ascertainment of subjects with specific selection criteria, accurately reflects the reality of clinical cytogenetic practice and provides an estimate of the cytogenetic abnormalities that can be identified with a targeted microarray in a diagnostic laboratory. Microarray analysis likely doubles the current yield of abnormal results detected by conventional cytogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

We report a de novo cryptic 11p duplication found by genomic microarray with a cytogenetically detected 4p deletion. Terminal 4p deletions cause Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, but the phenotype probably was modified by the paternally derived 11p duplication. This emphasizes the clinical utility of genomic microarray.  相似文献   

A female child with dicentric translocation between chromosome 9 and chromosome 18 presented non-specific minor anomalies with laryngomalacia. Chromosomal analyses were performed by the G-banding method and a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique with a specific probe for the centromeric region of chromosome 18 and the painting probe for the chromosomes 9 and 18. Her full karyotype was confirmed as 45, XX, tdic (9;18)(p24;p11). This is the first case of dicentric translocation between chromosomes 9 and 18. The FISH technique is an important tool in chromosome diagnostics.  相似文献   

Abstract Background. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has allowed the detection of numerical chromosomal aberrations in interphase nuclei on fresh or frozen smears of leukemia.
Methods. To analyze clonality and residual disease in myeloid leukemia retrospectively, we applied FISH to bone marrow smears stored at ambient temperature for up to 9 years.
Results: When hybridization efficiency was investigated on stored control smears from patients without hematological malignancy, more than 96% of nuclei showed the expected number of signals using DNA probes specific for chromosome 7, X or Y. In combination with cell morphology, we observed much higher hybridization efficiency in blasts and granulomonocytic cells compared with lymphoid and erythroid cells. On the basis of good hybridization efficiency for old smear specimens, we applied FISH to stored bone marrow smears of myeloid leukemias, in which either loss of chromosome 7 or loss of sex chromosomes had been verified previously by conventional cytogenetics (one patient with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) and four with acute myeloid leukemia (AML; three M2 and one M7)). As a result, the loss of chromosome was detected in blasts from all patients and was observed in mature granulocytes, except in M7. In the CMML patient and one AML (M2) patient with t(8;21), lymphoid and erythroid cells also showed the loss of chromosomes, suggesting that it should occur at stem-cell level. A high amount of residual disease was detected in the morphological remission samples in one AML (M2) patient after induction therapy. The patient eventually succumbed to relapse.
Conclusion Thus, the present FISH technique is useful to analyze the clinical significance of clonality and the residual disease in myeloid leukemia, retrospectively.  相似文献   

目的探讨单核苷酸多态性微阵列(SNP array)分析技术在先天性心脏病产前诊断中的应用价值。方法选择因胎儿CHD和/或超声软指标阳性再行产前诊断的孕妇及胎儿200例,行羊水细胞检查染色体核型和SNP array分析,分析两种技术的检出率并判断拷贝数变异的性质。结果普通染色体核型仅检出1例染色体异常,SNP array技术检出22例,其中11例为致病性拷贝数变异,11例为临床意义不明确的CNVs。结论 SNP技术可明显提高检出率,对于核型正常的先天性心脏病胎儿具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

We report a case of juxtaposed atypical meningioma and meningioangiomatosis (MA) in an 8-year-old boy with no clinical stigmata or family history of neurofibromatosis. We studied the proliferative activity and genetic changes in the two lesions in an attempt to define their biologic and pathogenetic relationships. The MIB-1 index was 11% in the meningioma and <1% in the MA, indicating increased proliferative activity in the meningioma. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was done for two chromosomal regions commonly deleted in meningiomas. There was loss of the neurofibromatosis 2 locus (22q12) in both the meningioma and MA. Conversely, the region of 1p32 was not deleted. Our results indicate that both the meningioma and MA arose from the same clonal process, with the meningioma probably undergoing additional, but undefined, genetic alterations that confer upon it a more proliferative potential. This loss of 22q12 in the MA raises doubt about the presumed hamartomatous nature of MA. Received February 7, 2001; accepted May 21, 2001.  相似文献   

目的分析3号染色体p25.3p25.2(3p25.3p25.2)片段缺失的临床表型及分子遗传学特点。方法回顾分析1例3p25.3p25.2染色体片段缺失患儿的临床资料,分析其临床表型及分子遗传学特征。结果患儿,男,1岁4个月。宫内发育迟缓,重度矮小、全面生长发育落后、语言发育迟缓、特殊面容伴多发畸形(小头畸形、小下颌、长人中、低耳位、双侧耳前瘘管等)、先天性十二指肠闭锁、肠旋转不良,先天性心脏病、隐睾、龟头裸露、肌张力低下、婴儿期喂养困难、睡眠障碍、甲状腺功能减低。患儿染色体核型分析46,XY。基因芯片分析示3p25.3p25.2区域存在一段3 327 kb的杂合缺失,共39个基因缺失。结论 3p25.3p25.2区域3 327 kb杂合缺失,致SETD5、VHL、FANCD2基因缺失导致该患儿临床表型。  相似文献   

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