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Transmission of infections in pediatric practices

In pediatric practices, there is an increased risk for transmission of infections because of the high prevalence of infections in children as well as because of mouthing of the children, although invasive medical treatments (e.g., drawing blood, infusions, urinary catheters) are seldom compared to practices for adults. Critical medical products are only used as single products in most cases; therefore, reprocessing of critical medical products seldom occur.

Ensuring a proper hygiene

Appropriate hygiene in pediatric practices requires that personnel are aware of risks of infections and observe proper hand hygiene and surface disinfection. These measures are not expensive but they are very effective, even regarding the increasing problem of multidrug-resistant organisms. It is the responsibility and duty of the owners of the pediatric practices to ensure good quality hygiene in their practices in order to prevent infections in patients and personnel, and also to prevent legitimate complaints, legal disputes, or court cases.  相似文献   

Advances in neonatal intensive care medicine have resulted in an improved survival of preterm infants. However, these infants are at increased risk for medical problems which may result in post-discharge morbidities or special health care needs. Formerly preterm infants also have increased rates of readmissions within the first years of life. Therefore standardized and multidisciplinary follow-up care in addition to routinely performed health check-ups (“Mutter-Kind-Pass” examinations) is important. Infants with perinatal asphyxia, meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN), infection, and congenital malformations also require intensive care and are at risk for health and neurodevelopmental sequelae. This article focuses primarily on preterm infants.  相似文献   

In the position paper of the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on non-nutritive sweeteners, stevia and steviol glycosides are listed as save products that can be used in a nutritional regimen recommendable for general use. According to current FAO/WHO data, the average nutritional intake of stevia glycoside is approximately 1–2 mg/kg body weight, thus not exceeding the recommended accepted daily intake (ADI) of 4 mg/kg body weight.The Nutrition Committee of the Austrian Academy of Paediatrics demands clear declarations of the amounts of stevia and steviol glycosides for all nutrients of relevance to children and adolescents (fruit juice, carbonated beverages, cow’s milk, etc.) in order to calculate the actual nutritional intake of stevia and steviol glycosides.  相似文献   



Sepsis and septic shock are important causes of pediatric morbidity and mortality. Early recognition of the critically ill patient followed by immediate and aggressive treatment is the hallmark of survival and prevention of organ dysfunction.


Fluid resuscitation in order to counteract sepsis-induced capillary leak remains the cornerstone of therapy. Three boluses of 20 ml/kg of isotonic full electrolyte solution should be administered within the first 15 min. If shock persists, inotropes should be started within the first 15–30 min. Respiratory therapy includes oxygen administration and mechanical ventilation according to ARDS guidelines (high peep, low tidal volume). Further ICU management aims at secondary organ protection. Invasive monitoring is mandatory. Metabolic acidosis and hypo- or hyperglycemia should be corrected aiming at high-normal blood sugar levels and providing the patient with 2–3 g/kg/day of glucose. Antibiotics are given as a combination therapy and should be chosen according to the most probable site of infection. The clinical course within the first 24–48 h may require significant changes and intensification of therapy. Early contact with a tertiary level care center and careful planning of transfer is recommended.  相似文献   



Professional doctor-patient-parent communication is a genuine lifelong challenge. Doctors who are constantly under time pressure would therefore benefit from effective communication skills in the clinical routine of pediatric and adolescent medicine.


Efficient communication skills can be trained and acquired by doctors. This article presents an overview of key aspects of communication in the clinical practice and reveals important factors for a successful doctor-patient-parent interaction.

Material and methods

In this article practical examples, references and practice-oriented recommendations are used to illustrate the principles of communication theory. The difficulties of communicating with the parents of sick children are demonstrated and solutions to overcome these hurdles are provided. Established knowledge of communication theories is also included.


In the challenging communication triangle involving the doctor, parents and child, pediatricians must make the conversational partner the center of communication behavior. With the help of nonverbal and verbal intervention techniques a doctor can identify problems arising with parents of sick children and treat them using communication strategies, such as body language, empathy, active listening skills and conversation management. Doctors who practice communication skills gain confidence in the daily interaction with patients and parents. Empathic communication and clear linguistic expression increase the therapy success and job satisfaction.


Pediatricians should receive professional training in communication skills, which would enable them to be better prepared for the clinical work. These findings are increasingly being applied in medical education and specialty training.

Zusammenfassung Die Verfasser haben aufröntgenkinematographischem und auf angiokardiographischem Wege die Veränderungen im Blutkreislauf im Augenblick der Geburt an menschlichen und tierischen Embryonen sowie an Neugeborenen untersucht. Die als Versuchsmaterial verwendeten menschlichen Embryonen entstammten legalen Aborten; die untersuchten Tiere waren Schafe, Katzen, Hunde, Schweine und Meerschweinchen. Dabei ergaben sich die folgenden Tatbestände: Der Ductus venosus bleibt beim Menschenkind auch funktionell mindestens eine Woche über die Geburt hinaus offen. In den Vv. cavae verläuft im embryonalen Stadium während der Kammerdiastole das Blut retrograd. Die Blutströme von den beiden Vv. cavae her bleiben zur Hauptsache unvermengt. Der Ductus Botalli schließt sich oft schon nach dem ersten Atemzug, bleibt aber nicht endgültig geschlossen. Der Blutstrom im Ductus Botalli läuft normalerweise von links nach rechts, schlägt aber bei Steigerung des pulmonalen Drucks im Anschluß an Anstrengungen in die Gegenrichtung um. Als durchschnittliche Druckwerte wurden festgestellt: Pulmonaldruck des neugeborenen Menschen = 46 mm Hg, Pulmonaldruck des neugeborenen Schweines = 48 mm Hg, Aortendruck des neugeborenen Schweines = 78 mm Hg, Druck im Portasystem des neugeborenen Menschen = 15 mm Hg. Nach dem augenblicklichen Stand der Forschung scheint die Aeration der Lungenalveolen dem Beginn des capillaren Lungenblutkreislaufs voranzugehen.  相似文献   



At least 14?% of German women drink alcohol during pregnancy. It is estimated that approximately 4 out of 1000 children show the full picture of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).


This study was carried out to identify possible risk factors for maternal alcohol consumption and for the development of FAS.

Material and methods

A systematic literature search from 2001 until 2013 was carried out for the evaluation of risk factors for maternal alcohol consumption confirmed in European studies. The search was limited to European studies because the social conditions and development described in them were more compatible with those of the German society. A further systematic literature search was carried out for evaluation of the risk factors for FAS as confirmed by international studies. The very low number of European studies would not have led to any conclusive results; therefore, the search was extended to American and Canadian studies in addition to the European studies.


Well-educated and well-paid older women in particular consume alcohol during pregnancy; however, women who use (other) drugs, smoke or have close relatives or friends who drink alcohol or use drugs also drink alcohol more often. Women who suffer from a psychiatric disorder have a higher risk of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. A combination of multiple risk factors for alcohol consumption during pregnancy often exists. Whether a pregnant woman who consumes alcohol actually gives birth to a child with FAS or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), seems to depend on multiple factors including the stage of pregnancy, duration, frequency and amount of alcohol consumed, nutrition, maternal age, ethnicity, genetic disposition and other factors.


The knowledge of risk factors can contribute to the primary prevention of FAS, via education and support of affected mothers and their families and to the early diagnosis of FAS in affected children.  相似文献   

Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde - Physiologisch unterliegt die Körperbehaarung eines Menschen während der Kindheit kaum Veränderungen. Erst mit einsetzender Pubertätsentwicklung...  相似文献   



The immun-mediated type of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a severe complication of heparin therapy. HIT is caused by antibodies of IgG class against multimolecular complexes consisting of platelet factor 4 (PF4) and heparin. These antibodies crosslink platelet Fcγ-receptors resulting in platelet activation, platelet aggregation, and thrombin generation. This can lead to new thromboembolic complications during heparin therapy.

Case reports.

We report a new case of HIT in a newborn and summarize the 51 cases reported in the literature. This analysis shows, newborns and small children develop HIT mostly after heart surgery. In older children, HIT mainly occurs during heparinization due to spontaneous thromboembolic complications. In two children, HIT was induced by heparin for prolonging catheter patency. In all cases, HIT occurred during therapy with unfractionated heparin. After diagnosis of HIT anticoagulation was continued with aspirin, warfarin, danaparoid, lepirudin, or low-molecular-weight heparin. Most children survived HIT, five newborns and one 4-year-old girl died, most likely because of the severity of the underlying disease.


Similar to adults, incidence of HIT might be reduced when low-molecular-weight heparins are used instead of unfractionated heparin.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eigene Untersuchungen ergaben, daß ein Unterschied im fermentativen Abbau homogenisierter und nicht homogenisierter Kuhmilch icht besteht. Die hierzu im Gegensatz stehende Meinung von Ilgner u. Thurau sowie Ewerbeck u. Jaeger wurde auf Grund theoretischer Überlegungen und anhand des von den Autoren vorgelegten Untersuchungsmaterials widerlegt. Insbesondere wurde kritisch vermerkt, daß die Autoren bei ihren Versuchen die Substratkonzentration des zu verdauenden Milchproteins nicht beachtet, bei der Auswertung eine prozentuale Darstellungsweise gewählt hatten und somit zu irrtümlichen Ergebnissen gelangten. Außerdem mußte die angewandte Untersuchungsmethodik hinsichtlich des Begriffes Filtrat-N-Eiweiß als unzulänglich abgelehnt werden.  相似文献   

Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde - Eine adäquate Energie- und Nährstoffversorgung ist Grundlage für ein gesundes Wachstum und Voraussetzung für die Erhaltung von Gesundheit und...  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungErweiterter Vortrag, gehalten auf der Tagung der Nordwestdeutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde, Lübeck, am 3. 6. 1961.Herrn Professor Heinrich Meng zum 75. Geburtstag verehrungsvoll gewidmet.  相似文献   

Pain occurs frequently at all ages and can impair quality of life significantly. Pain in the pediatric population is also a risk factor for a multitude of health problems in adulthood. In the case of hematological/oncological diseases, there are many possible causes of pain, making a detailed pain anamnesis essential. The gold standard for measuring pain is the child or adolescent??s self-evaluation of pain. Physiotherapy and integrative methods represent the main non-medicamentous treatments used. Medicamentous pain therapy in children and adolescents with hematological/oncological diseases is governed in principle by the WHO pain ladder, whereby opioids should be introduced early. Whether pain therapy should be administered on an in- or outpatient basis needs to be considered for each individual hematological/oncological patient.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei der 4. Befragung pädiatrischer und kinderchirurgischer stationärer Einrichtungen im Jahr 2006 zum Stand der Versorgung krankenhausbehandlungsbedürftiger Kinder und Jugendlicher 2005 wurden von der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kind und Krankenhaus (BAKuK) 352 Kinderkliniken/Abteilungen und 84 kinderchirurgische Kliniken/Abteilungen angeschrieben, von denen 165 bzw. 51 antworteten. Die Ergebnisse der Befragung wurden tabellarisch aufbereitet und denen der Jahre 1993, 1997 und 2001 gegenübergestellt. Allerdings lieferten die sehr umfangreichen Fragebögen so viele Informationen, dass bei weitem nicht alle Ergebnisse in dieser Publikation dargestellt werden konnten. Die bisherige Auswertung ergab, dass sich die tatsächlichen Veränderungen in allen Bereichen langsamer abspielen als es der gefühlten Veränderung entspricht.Für die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kind und Krankenhaus (BAKuK)  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Drogenabhängigkeit bei Jugendlichen ist ein zunehmendes Problem. Das Einstiegsalter in den Drogenkonsum wird immer niedriger. Bei der Früherkennung und Intervention kommt dem Kinder- und Jugendarzt eine wichtige Aufgabe zu. Die Versorgungsstrukturen für drogenabhängige Jungendliche sind unzureichend. Eine Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Institutionen ist notwendig.  相似文献   

Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde - Erratum zu: Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 2019 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00112-019-0723-3 Aufgrund eines technischen Fehlers wurde die Online-Version des Artikels...  相似文献   



The prevalence of pediatric obesity is increasing in Western nations. Obese children and adolescents suffer from a variety of psychological stress factors, which impair the course of their disease. Thus, psychological stress can cause emotion-induced eating behavior. Therefore, coping with stressful situations should be improved in educational training for obese children and adolescents.


An in-patient educational program designed to incorporate stress management training is described in detail. In a first pilot study, 77 children aged 11–15 years took part in this program and were compared with a group of 13 children who did not take part in the stress management training.


Preliminary results of the pilot study show that the body mass index (BMI) decreased significantly in the experimental group after the treatment. Furthermore, eating behavior and stress management improved. In the control group only the BMI decreased.


The results support the hypothesis that stress management training should be integrated into an educational program for obesity to improve eating behavior as well as coping with stressful situations. Nevertheless, results have to be replicated in future studies with a control group design.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Gonaden sind zunächst unabhängig vom chromosomalen Geschlecht als undifferenzierte Primordien angelegt. Die entscheidende Grundlage für die Entwicklung der bipotenten Gonade in Hoden ist die Expression des Y-chromosomalen Gens sry. Dies induziert die Differenzierung von Sertoli-Zellen, die ihrerseits die Entwicklung der Müller-Gänge unterdrücken und die von Leydig-Zellen fördern. Zudem induzieren sie eine Kaskade der die Hodenentwicklung unterstützenden Transkriptionsfaktoren. Entwicklungsstörungen der Hoden gehen meist mit einer mangelnden Virilisierung von Feten mit männlichem Karyotyp einher. Molekulare Ursachen können Mutationen der Gene für WT-1, SF-1, DAX-1, SOX-9, INSL-3 oder den LH-Rezeptor sein. insl-3-Mutationen sind für die häufigste Störung der Hodenentwicklung, den Maldeszensus, verantwortlich. Die von den primären Entwicklungsdefekten des Hodens abzugrenzenden Störungen der Androgensynthese und Androgenrezeptordefekte stellen die häufigste Ursache eines Pseudohermaphroditismus masculinus dar. Die Defekte der Hodenentwicklung beruhen häufig auf heterozygoten Funktionsverlustmutationen.  相似文献   

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