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BACKGROUND: Sebaceous nevus is a benign congenital epidermal nevus. Its association with basal cell carcinoma is well known. METHOD: This is a case report of sebaceous carcinoma complicated by both basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. RESULTS: The behavior of this tumor is very aggressive, resulting in poor prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: All sebaceous nevi should be excised early.  相似文献   

A case of cerebriform melanocytic intradermal nevus is presented, because of its extreme rarity, familial characteristics, and the good result obtained with total excision and skin grafting. The treatment is of interest because these lesions may become malignant or infected, and there can be aesthetic problems which could result in behavioral difficulties and the patient feeling socially rejected. We insist on the importance of following a systematic study of these patients, and possible extracutaneous lesions must be ruled out. The cerebriform intradermal nevus is a benign tumor, which may appear at birth or at an early age. It is located on the scalp, and its external appearance is similar to that of the brain.  相似文献   

Giant cerebriform nevus is a rare benign tumor, located on the scalp. Surgery is required because of their growth potential and possible malignant behavior. A case of scalp cerebriform melanocytic intradermal nevus is presented. It was totally excised and the defect was covered with a free skin graft.  相似文献   

颜面部皮肤色素痣的治疗体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨颜面部色素痣的治疗方法。方法:用高频电灼法、Q开关Nd:YAG激光、手术切除缝合术治疗颜面部色素痣。结果:高频电灼法易遗留凹陷性瘢痕,Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗后无瘢痕,无色素沉着及脱失,但治疗周期长,反复刺激有恶变可能;手术切除法彻底,面积大者分次切除有线状瘢痕。结论:高频电灼法不适用治疗颜面部色素痣,直径在5mm以下者色素痣首选Nd:YAG激光,直径在5mm以上或有恶变体征者选择手术切除。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Few reports about melanocytic lesions treatment by means of noncoherent-intense-pulsed light (NCIPL) have been published. Here we evaluate the clinical results of a relapsing hairy intradermal melanocytic nevus treated with a noncoherent-intense-pulsed light source. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: A facial repigmented hairy intradermal melanocytic nevus that relapsed after shave excision, received four treatment sessions of a noncoherent-intense-pulsed light source (EpiLight, ESC Medical Systems Ltd, Israel) with the following parameters: 755 nm, a fluence energy of 40-42.5 J/cm(2), triple mode, a pulse width of 3.8 ms, and a delay of 20 ms, at 4-week intervals. RESULTS: Complete pigment clearance and hair removal was obtained. We have neither observed repigmentation nor hair regrowth after a 6 month-follow-up. No side effects were documented. CONCLUSIONS: Noncoherent-intense-pulse light is an effective treatment for hairy-pigmented melanocytic nevus.  相似文献   

目的:探讨环形缝合法结合星形切口在黑色素细胞痣分期切除中的应用。方法:根据黑色素细胞痣的形态作不同星形切口结合皮下环形缝合法分期切除黑色素细胞痣9例。结果:9例患者术后的切口瘢痕小,患者对手术效果满意。结论:环形缝合法结合星形切口分期切除黑色素细胞痣操作简便,临床效果好,患者满意度高,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

为避免传统切缝法的直线瘢痕和可能的周围组织变形,采用切除后不缝合的痣剜除术。沿痣的周边切透皮肤全层,将其剜除,创面不涂任何药物,只覆盖无菌敷料,任其自行愈合。根据创面大小,创面1 ~4 周后愈合,留下比创面小的瘢痕。本法适合于内外眦、眼睑、口唇、鼻翼、鼻唇沟等处7m m 以下直径的色素痣或其它皮肤病变。操作简单、瘢痕小,但愈合时间较长。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Despite the extensive use of QS Ruby, there is no report looking at its long-term complication in the treatment of nevus of Ota. To look at the long-term complications of nevus of Ota patients treated with QS Ruby laser. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: A teaching hospital in Japan where over 400 patients with nevus of Ota had been treated since 1984. Hundred and one nevus of Ota patients that had been treated with QS Ruby laser, but had not received treatment for 12 months prior to the study, were called back for further assessment. Patients were called back to the hospital where they were interviewed and examined by two independent clinicians. RESULTS: Hypopigmentation was the most common complication, affecting 16.8% of the patients and 5.9% had hyperpigmentation. One patient that had complete clearance post-laser surgery developed recurrence. CONCLUSION: QS Ruby laser is effective in the treatment of nevus of Ota. Recurrence is rare, but hypopigmentation is common and can be permanent. Further prospective study comparing its use with other Q-switched lasers is necessary.  相似文献   

目的:探讨多种整形外科手术方法治疗皮肤黑色素细胞痣的适应证及临床效果。方法:根据痣的部位及大小,分别采用直接切除缝合法、切削术、植皮术和皮肤软组织扩张术,切除106例患者的144处皮损。结果:切削法术后外观基本接近正常,其余141个黑色素细胞痣最终全部切除,痣面积最小为2.0mm×2.5mm,最大为200mm×350mm。通过1~5年随访,切口瘢痕不明显,效果满意。结论:整形外科的治疗方法是治疗皮肤黑色素细胞痣较为实用可行的方法,值得推广。  相似文献   

眼睑分裂痣的手术整形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨眼睑分裂痣的手术方法,总结保持泪道通畅的技巧。方法在局部麻醉或全身麻醉下,采用手术切除上下睑病变区皮肤,用硬膜外导管重塑泪道,保持泪道通畅,创面取全厚皮片游离移植合并结膜睑板瓣修复缺损的方法,进行Ⅰ期修复眼睑分裂痣。结果临床治疗患者11例,切除痣体的最大面积,上眼睑约3.0cm×4.0cm,厚3~4mm;下眼睑约1.5cm×3.0cm,厚约2mm,均获得Ⅰ期愈合,术后泪道通畅,形态满意。结论手术切除痣体后,全厚皮片植皮合并结膜睑板瓣修复缺损,重塑泪道的同时,Ⅰ期修复中度大小的眼睑分裂痣。该手术方法简单易行,疗效满意。  相似文献   

目的:观察翠绿宝石激光治疗太田痣的效果,找出治疗太田痣合适的能量值。方法:应用Photo GenicaT10 Q-开关翠绿宝石激光器(波长752nm,脉宽45~75ns)对96例太田痣患者进行治疗。结果:采用该疗法可安全去除太田痣,且创伤小,操作简便,无瘢痕等并发症发生,总有效率达96%。结论:Q-开关翠绿宝石激光治疗太田痣具有很好的效果,选择合适的能量值及做好围术期处理是成功治疗太田痣的关键。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Malignant blue nevus is a highly aggressive tumor arising from a background of benign blue nevus. Extensive review of the medical literature revealed a few reported cases of this transformation from cutaneous origin. We report the first case of blue nevus of the parotid gland and its malignant transformation within this gland. METHODS: A 62-year-old woman presented to our clinic with sudden onset parotid mass. After a superficial parotidectomy, histologic examination of the specimen was performed. Features compatible with blue nevus with focal region of atypical mitotic activity were evident. The diagnosis of malignant blue nevus was confirmed by immunohistochemical studies. RESULTS: We report the first case of malignant transformation of blue nevus within the parotid gland. CONCLUSIONS: We found this lesion to be highly aggressive and to have metastasized shortly after diagnosis.  相似文献   

痣周围皮肤扩张术的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:介绍以痣周围扩张皮瓣修复痣切除后创面的方法。方法:一期手术,于痣中心区真皮深层浅面部分切除痣,植入扩张器体积最小50ml,最大200ml,缝合时将痣下真皮深层与皮下瓦合,扩张时间最短为45天,最长为80天。二期手术,痣切除,扩张皮瓣修复术。结果:自2006年~2009年,用该方法完成6例,1例男性,5例女性,年龄17~28岁。面部2例,四肢4例。最小面积5.5cm×3cm,最大面积8.5cm×6.5cm,均完全切除。术后随访3例,最长2年,无复发,瘢痕不明显。结论:痣周围皮肤扩张术安全、高效,无附加切口,可应用于小面积痣切除后修复整形。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Q-switched laser systems have been shown to be useful for removal of nevus of Ota, a pigmented lesion on the face. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Q-switched alexandrite laser in the treatment of nevus of Ota in 13 patients. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: A spot test was made at 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 J/cm(2) energy fluence, and the best energy fluence was selected after a 2-month postoperative evaluation. Q-switched alexandrite laser with a mean fluence of 7.290.46 J/cm(2) was used at 8-week intervals. Total treatment ranged from 1 to 15 sessions (mean 7.1 +/- 5.1 sessions). The single shot technique was used. RESULTS: More than 75% lightening was achieved in seven patients, between 51% and 75% in three, less than 50% in one, and less than 25% in one. In two patients with excellent clearance, a very light gray macula in the lower eyelid persisted after 8 and 14 treatment sessions, respectively. Mild transient hypopigmentation that subsided spontaneously after 2 months was observed in one patient. No repigmentation was seen. CONCLUSIONS: The Q-switched alexandrite laser seems to be an effective and safe modality for the treatment of nevus of Ota.  相似文献   

皮肤黑色素细胞痣的手术治疗探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的:探讨黑色素细胞痣患者的群体分布,比较不同手术方法及效果。方法:收集我院2002~2007年住院手术治疗的877例黑痣患者病历,分析患者基本情况、黑痣部位、住院及手术情况。结果:手术患者中1~10岁为610例,占69.59%;手术部位大多为阳光慢性暴露部位,共722例,占82.33%;一般经一次手术即可治愈,占74.00%;最常采用的手术方式为单次或分次切除术,切除后直接缝合或植皮,共计729例,占83.12%。结论:患者对暴露部位的黑痣治疗态度积极,对易恶变的隐蔽部位未引起足够重视。医师及患者均对治疗时间短的黑痣切除术的接受程度高。  相似文献   

Cutaneous ganglioneuroma has only occasionally been reported in the literature. Cutaneous ganglioneuroma is seen even more rarely in association with a giant congenital nevus. Differential diagnosis includes malignancies, especially melanoma and metastatic neuroblastoma.It is essential to rule out malignancy in a solid lesion within a congenital nevus. The present report is possibly the first relating ganglioneuroma and a congenital nevus to a cervical mass detected during routine prenatal ultrasound.  相似文献   

Abstract: A newly devised double balloon catheter to augment abdominal organ perfusion concomitant with original cardiac assist during intraaortic balloon counterpulsation provided satisfactory hemodynamics and urinary output around cardiac surgical procedures in 2 patients with coronary artery disease. Some optional advantages in clinical application and problems arising in the catheter design which need to be investigated are discussed.  相似文献   

Lam KY  Law S  Chan GS 《Head & neck》2001,23(6):506-509
BACKGROUND: The occurrence of blue nevus has seldom been reported in extracutaneous sites and with no record in the esophagus. CASE REPORT: A blue nevus was reported in the esophagus of a 58-year-old Chinese woman. On endoscopic examination, the lesion presented as linear patches of bluish pigmentation in the esophagus. The patient was free of symptoms 3 years after the endoscopic examination. CONCLUSIONS: We believe this represents the first reported case of blue nevus in the esophagus. The clinicopathologic features, differential diagnoses, and the nature of the lesion are discussed, along with a review of the literature.  相似文献   

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