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用混合腐蚀法制作保留骨骼的血管铸型标本 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
以往在制作保留骨骼的肢体血管铸型标本时通常采用碱腐蚀法。它具有快捷、能完整保留关节囊等优点,但由于肢体各部位的软组织厚薄不均,其时间、浓度不易掌握。若将已暴露出骨骼的部位再浸入碱液中或碱液浓度过高,则易伤及骨组织,且易致细小 相似文献
铸型标本自然腐蚀法的改进 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
保存骨骼的新鲜铸型标本常采用自然腐蚀法———将灌注好的标本放入装入有水的容器内 ,并使之稍露出水面 ,适时将标本的朝阳面和向阴面互调 ,使整个标本各部分腐蚀进程一致 ,但整个标本腐蚀进程缓慢 ,在全年高温天气相对较多的南方地区 ,一件头颈部标本需时约一年半。经常翻动标本对大件标本甚至全身整体铸型标本损害较大 ,甚至使整个标本铸型“散架”而前功尽弃。为加速标本的腐蚀进程 ,尽量避免皮下脂肪等皂化 ,我们采取如下措施 ,大大缩短了标本的腐蚀时间 ,通常只需半年左右 ,效果满意。现报道如下 :1 前期准备工作灌注标本前 ,在标本… 相似文献
用硫酸腐蚀法制作保留骨骼的头颈部血管铸型标本 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2
在头颈部铸型标本的腐蚀制作方法中,一般认为欲保留骨骼不宜用酸腐蚀法,而只能用自然腐蚀法.但自然腐蚀法所需时间较长,即使在全年气温都较高的南方.一件标本也需一年半左右,在北方所需时间则更长;且有污染空气,腐蚀场所受限之缺点.近年来.我们做了大量试验和探索,用硫酸作腐蚀剂,也能制作出保留骨骼的头颈部铸型标本,且制作周期仅需15天左右. 相似文献
多碱混合溶液制作保存骨关节血管铸型标本的优化 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
制作保留骨骼的血管铸型标本,通常有碱腐蚀法、自然腐蚀法、硫酸钙饱和腐蚀法及混合腐蚀法[1-4],但要制作保存骨和关节的血管铸型标本却只能采用碱腐蚀,常用的碱腐蚀法为Ca(OH)2饱和的乙醇碱腐蚀法[5-7]和饱和次氯酸钠溶液腐蚀法[8]2种.Ca(OH)2饱和的乙醇碱腐蚀法采用50%的强碱液添加Ca(OH)2,使碱腐蚀液中的Ca(OH)2量达到饱和状态,继续反应生成的Ca(OH)2覆盖在骨面,形成一层保护膜,从而阻止腐蚀液对标本骨骼的破坏;添加乙醇能使油脂分解消化,但作用较慢,腐蚀时间过长会生成少量皂化物[5-7]. 相似文献
全身保留骨骼血管铸型标本明胶加固自然腐蚀法 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
保留骨骼的血管铸型技术是解剖学标本制作技术中最富有表现力的一种特殊技术,也是最难以掌握的解剖学技术之一,尤其是制作全身整体保留骨骼的血管铸型技术难度很大。其主要难点为:灌注不均匀,在腐蚀过程中易断枝,要保留全身骨骼更是困难。我们采用多点分部灌注法制作童尸全身血管铸型标本取得成功[1]。在此基础上,经过进一步实验研究,探索出了用明胶加固自然腐蚀法成功地制作出了保留骨骼成人整体血管铸型标本,报道如下。1材料和方法1·1尸体材料选用身高1·55~1·65 m非外伤致死的新鲜尸体材料。1·2填充剂低浓度填充剂:过氯乙烯10~15 g,乙… 相似文献
用次氯酸钠溶液制作带骨骼血血铸型标本的方法 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5
目的:报道保留骨骼血管铸型酝酿的技术方法。方法:用饱和氯酸钠溶液反复浸泡和冲洗手、足和头颈部血管铸型材料。结果:肌肉腐蚀完全,骨骼和关节保留完好,血管铸型无损。结论:用饱和次氯酸钠腐蚀法制作事骨骼的血管铸型标本,能保留微小因管铸型,具有快捷、安全等优点。 相似文献
腐蚀雕刻法制作人体皮瓣血管铸型标本 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
<正> 随着临床显微外科和美容整形外科迅速发展,要求对细小血管的分布、走行及营养血管来源的认识显得尤为重要,特别是临床上每一个新皮瓣的诞生都是以体表浅血管的分布、走行、营养范围及供血血管源为依据,因此对体表浅血管特征的认识无疑成了一项重要的临床基础研究。目前,用于制作显示人体皮瓣血管的方法已见较多,其各有其优缺点。作者在长期的皮瓣血管标本制作中,总结出一种制作简单、高效的制作方法,可在短时间内为临床显微外科和美容整形外科对人体浅表血管提供可观可测 相似文献
To study the intrarenal vascular segments of human kidney by corrosion cast technique 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A study of the intrarenal arterial pattern of kidney by corrosion cast method has been carried out on 100 kidneys obtained from post mortem bodies. The abnormal origin of renal artery is rare and observed only in 2% cases. The renal artery divides extrarenally in about 68%, intrarenally in about 18% and at the hilum in 14% cases into anterior and posterior divisions. In very rare cases (2%) both the divisions arise separately at one point from abdominal aorta. Alternatively renal artery may not divide into anterior and posterior divisions but continues as anterior division and divide into upper, middle and lower segmental arteries in 1% cases. The branching pattern of anterior division shows 5 different variations grouped in 5 groups. The branching pattern of posterior division shows 3 different patterns. Vary rarely (1%) the posterior division is absent. Origin of apical segmental artery shows many variations and are grouped into 7 types. Origin and intrarenal branching pattern of upper, middle and lower segmental arteries shows many variations. Presence of accessory renal artery is a rare occurrence (about 2%). As there is no constant arterial segmental patterns of the kidney, it may often not be possible to forecast beforehand the type of partial nephrectomy which might or might not be possible in a particular case. Hence, for practical purposes, attempts at grouping and classification of variable arterial pattern seen is hardly of much significance. Very often, the decision to perform a segmental resection of the kidney shall have to be taken on operation table by surgeon after exploration of kidney or before operation by angiography. But it may of importance for surgeon to be acquainted with different types of cases unsuitable for segmental resection and this will put the surgeon on guad to exercise greater cautions. 相似文献
目的:报道成人阴茎静脉铸型技术的改进。方法:用带导丝的硬膜外穿刺导管破坏静脉瓣后用25%、35?S乙酸乙酯溶液从阴茎背深静脉近端进行灌注。结果:静脉灌注饱满、完整,效果十分理想。结论:使用破坏静脉瓣后从近段灌注25%、35?S乙酸乙酯溶液的方法,具有灌注完整、方法可靠、重复性高等优点,为类似细小不易插管、且存在静脉瓣的静脉铸型提供可行的技术方法。 相似文献
肝内胆道铸型的设计改进 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
肝内有4种管道,按管径大小排列序为肝静脉、肝门静脉、肝动脉和肝内胆道,其中肝门静脉、肝动脉和肝内胆道合称G lisson系统。在铸型标本制作时,常利用管径粗大的肝门静脉为基架,为管径细小支撑力弱的肝动脉和胆道的依托。在有关肝内管道铸型设计的技术资料里,一直认为肝内胆道系细弱,应与肝门静脉或肝动脉搭配灌注,不宜单独铸型[1 ̄3],而且适用过氯乙烯等流动性好的溶剂挥发成型法类填充剂。我们通过实验研究,改用自凝牙托材料,改进了配方工艺,应用化学反应成型法,增强了支撑力,可以单独进行肝内管道铸型,取得了很好效果。现将方法介绍如下… 相似文献
Three named cell types degrade and remove skeletal tissues during growth, repair, or disease: osteoclasts, chondroclasts, and septoclasts. A fourth type, unnamed and less understood, removes nonmineralized cartilage during development of secondary ossification centers. “Osteoclasts,” best known and studied, are polykaryons formed by fusion of monocyte precursors under the influence of colony stimulating factor 1 (CSF)-1 (M-CSF) and RANKL. They resorb bone during growth, remodeling, repair, and disease. “Chondroclasts,” originally described as highly similar in cytological detail to osteoclasts, reside on and degrade mineralized cartilage. They may be identical to osteoclasts since to date there are no distinguishing markers for them. Because osteoclasts also consume cartilage cores along with bone during growth, the term “chondroclast” might best be reserved for cells attached only to cartilage. “Septoclasts” are less studied and appreciated. They are mononuclear perivascular cells rich in cathepsin B. They extend a cytoplasmic projection with a ruffled membrane and degrade the last transverse septum of hypertrophic cartilage in the growth plate, permitting capillaries to bud into it. To do this, antiangiogenic signals in cartilage must give way to vascular trophic factors, mainly vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The final cell type excavates cartilage canals for vascular invasion of articular cartilage during development of secondary ossification centers. The “clasts” are considered in the context of fracture repair and diseases such as arthritis and tumor metastasis. Many observations support an essential role for hypertrophic chondrocytes in recruiting septoclasts and osteoclasts/chondroclasts by supplying VEGF and RANKL. The intimate relationship between blood vessels and skeletal turnover and repair is also examined. 相似文献
This study presents the details of the microvasculature of the rat choroid visualized by scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. Wistar Kyoto rats were anesthetized with intraperitoneal sodium pentobarbital. The vascular system was perfused with heparinized saline, and Mercox resin was injected into the cannulated carotid arteries. After polymerization of the resin, the vascular casts were macerated with potassium hydroxide, washed with water, and freeze dried. The casts were examined with a Hitachi S-2360N scanning electron microscope (SEM). Corrosion casts of the entire choroidal vasculature revealed that the two long posterior ciliary arteries supplied the entire uveal vasculature. In the posterior choroid, these arteries formed five to seven branches on each side supplying the adjacent choriocapillaris. No interarterial or arteriovenous anastomoses were seen. The choriocapillaris appeared as a nonhomogeneous and nonlobular monolayer capillary network, consisting of dense honeycomb and irregular patterns. There are two distinct venous systems in the rat choroid. The venous blood from the central region, peripapillary choroid, and sometimes the optic nerve head drain into the posterior ciliary vein. The venous blood from the iris, ciliary body, anterior choroid, and half of the posterior choroid drain into the vortex veins. Corrosion casts and the SEM have shown details of the choroidal vascular architecture. These three-dimensional observations indicate that the rat choroidal vasculature has different features from those of humans and other primates. Despite these interspecies differences, the establishment of a thorough baseline concept of choroidal vasculature should permit additional studies of the choroidal pathology and enable the proper interpretation of results from rat experimental models for extrapolation to humans. 相似文献
正在人体血管铸型标本中,胃血管铸型标本较为少见,而且关于胃血管铸型标本制作的文献报道也极少~([1])。由于胃属于中空性器官,灌注时其原有的外形难以很好的支撑;胃壁较薄,胃黏膜下层的血管网丰富且缺乏保护~([2]),灌注时,血管比较容易撑破。因此,作者运用改良的技术方法制作胃血管铸型标本,并取得了很好的效果。1材料与方法 相似文献
R E Marchant J M Anderson A Hiltner E J Castillo J Gleit B D Ratner 《Journal of biomedical materials research》1986,20(6):799-815
The cellular response to films of cast Biomer and acetone-extracted Biomer were investigated over a 21-day implantation period, using an in vivo cage implant system. Film samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-IR), electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) and by contact angle measurements before implantation, and by SEM and ESCA after implantation and cleaning. Cellular and protein components of the inflammatory response were analyzed at periodic observation points after implantation. In addition, film samples were retrieved at 4, 7, and 21 days after implantation and analyzed for leukocyte adhesion by light microscopy and SEM. The results demonstrated that cast Biomer contains an extractable fraction, which when removed significantly improves the biocompatibility of the material. 相似文献