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This study examines EEG low frequency characteristics which have been linked to specific cognitive functions such as stimulus encoding and attention during an auditory oddball task in schizophrenia patients and healthy controls. EEG data was recorded from 17 young schizophrenia patients in a stable phase of their illness and 17 healthy controls performing an auditory oddball task. Evoked and induced delta and theta activity, N100, P300 amplitude were computed. Between 200–500 ms after a stimulus was presented, patients displayed significantly reduced P300, less evoked and induced delta and theta activity than controls. We conclude that the well known finding of P300 reduction in schizophrenia can be linked to reductions in delta and theta activity, which are a manifestation of impaired stimulus evaluation, memory retrieval, and a lack of sustained attention.  相似文献   

Auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 71 healthy individuals between 18 and 82 years of age during performance of a disjunctive reaction time task in an auditory oddball paradigm. The effects of aging on reaction times and on the latencies, amplitudes, and distributions of each of the main ERP components were examined. No significant slowing of the reaction times of the elderly subjects was observed in relation to the younger ones. The peak latencies of both the N1 and P2 components elicited by standard tones were slightly but significantly slowed with age. In the ERPs of target tones, the later, endogenous components (N2, P3, and SW) showed linear increases in latency as a function of age; the later the component, the longer the age-related delay. In general, aging was associated with less negativity (both N2 and SW) and more positivity (P3) over the anterior scalp, together with a smaller P3 and a more pronounced N2 over posterior scalp areas. Most of the effects observed in target ERPs were also evident in the difference waves derived from subtraction of the standard from the target ERPs, although the slope of the age-related latency increase of N2 was shallower and that of the P3 was steeper in the difference ERPs. These findings are discussed in relation to previous accounts of ERP changes with aging.  相似文献   

This study evaluated whether P300 amplitude declines in response to repeated presentation of the target in a standard auditory oddball task; to what extent the decrease is affected by the number of targets presented, interrupted by an interblock interval (IBI, 3 min) and consistent. We also aimed to identify factors inducing P300 amplitude decrease and its psychological significance. Two blocks of 500 tones (each divided into five subblocks of 100 tones) were presented. First block: P300 amplitude was smaller in the first subblock than in the second, which we attribute to processing resources during the first subblock being divided between the task of identifying the target and the process of estimating subjective probability. Amplitude decreased from the second subblock onwards. The interblock interval was sufficient for amplitude to return to pre-decrease levels. The intrablock decline was replicated in the second block. The decline in P300 amplitude might to reflect a progressive automation of the context-updating operations.  相似文献   

The P300 component and the oscillatory 4–7 Hz electroencephalographic activity of auditory event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were assessed to study differences between passive and oddball task conditions. Theta responses from 15 adults were analyzed for single-sweep amplitude, phase locking, and enhancement against prestimulus activity. ERPs were characterized by enhanced and strongly phase-locked theta oscillations in the early (0–300 ms) poststimulus epoch, with only the late (300–600 ms) theta responses at Fz and Pz affected by the oddball condition. P300 was strongly associated not only with the concurrent theta oscillations but also with the evoked theta activity preceding P300 (0–300 ms). It was concluded that single theta response parameters can reveal specific functional differences between passive and oddball conditions and that a strong relationship exists between the theta frequency component and the time domain P300 ERP component.  相似文献   

Whenever rare target stimuli are presented interspersed by frequent irrelevant stimuli (standards), the targets elicit a late parieto-central positive wave called P3. Usually standards and targets differ by a simple physical feature (e.g. tone pitch). Less consistent are the data obtained in semantic tasks, in which standards and targets are represented by different word classes. Given an equal number of words in the target and standard categories, each individual standard is more frequent than each target, that is, the frequency of the category is confounded with that of individual stimuli. In the present study participants were presented five semantic classes each being represented by 15 words. Words belonging to one particular class should be counted. Thus targets were rare (20%), although the frequencies of each word and of each semantic class were equal. A highly significant P3 was recorded. Its latency was longer, and the amplitude was smaller, than when standards and targets were two tones. These data indicate that brain waves recorded in semantic tasks are not necessarily manifestations of specific semantic processing.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of the change in event-related potential (ERP) due to task difficulty during a visual oddball task. Specifically, we investigated the inter-subject difference in difficulty-related change of ERP patterns using single-trial ERP analysis focusing on P300 and P2 components. ERPs were recorded and analyzed from 14 subjects while performing a visual oddball task with two difficulty levels. After extracting independent components (ICs) from single-trial ERPs, the averaged ERPs were used to identify which ICs originated from major ERP components. The ERP components were estimated from single-trial waveforms by back-projecting relevant ICs onto scalp electrodes after removing all other ICs; thus, the comparison of ERP components could be performed for each subject. The averaged P300 amplitude was smaller and latency was larger for the more difficult task, and this tendency was also observed for single-trial ERP analysis within each subject. P2 amplitude increased for the hard task for both group and individual analyses, suggesting that the P2 may be interpreted as a manifestation of task relevance evaluation or response generation. The P2 amplitude and latency were more notably correlated with response time for the more difficult task.  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that event-related potentials (ERP) obtained during active and passive auditory paradigms, which have demonstrated abnormal neurocognitive function in schizophrenia, may provide helpful tools in predicting transition to psychosis. In addition to ERP measures, reduced modulations of EEG alpha, reflecting top-down control required to inhibit irrelevant information, have revealed attentional deficits in schizophrenia and its prodromal stage. Employing a three-stimulus novelty oddball task, nose-referenced 48-channel ERPs were recorded from 22 clinical high-risk (CHR) patients and 20 healthy controls detecting target tones (12% probability, 500 Hz; button press) among nontargets (76%, 350 Hz) and novel sounds (12%). After current source density (CSD) transformation of EEG epochs (− 200 to 1000 ms), event-related spectral perturbations were obtained for each site up to 30 Hz and 800 ms after stimulus onset, and simplified by unrestricted time–frequency (TF) principal components analysis (PCA). Alpha event-related desynchronization (ERD) as measured by TF factor 610–9 (spectral peak latency at 610 ms and 9 Hz; 31.9% variance) was prominent over right posterior regions for targets, and markedly reduced in CHR patients compared to controls, particularly in three patients who later developed psychosis. In contrast, low-frequency event-related synchronization (ERS) distinctly linked to novels (260–1; 16.0%; mid-frontal) and N1 sink across conditions (130–1; 3.4%; centro-temporoparietal) did not differ between groups. Analogous time-domain CSD-ERP measures (temporal PCA), consisting of N1 sink, novelty mismatch negativity (MMN), novelty vertex source, novelty P3, P3b, and frontal response negativity, were robust and closely comparable between groups. Novelty MMN at FCz was, however, absent in the three converters. In agreement with prior findings, alpha ERD and MMN may hold particular promise for predicting transition to psychosis among CHR patients.  相似文献   

Video games are enjoyed most when the level and speed of the game match the players' skills. An optimal balance between challenges and skills triggers the subjective experience of “flow,” a focused motivation leading to a feeling of spontaneous joy. The present research investigates the behavioral and neural correlates of a paradigm aimed to assess the players' subjective experience during gameplay. Attentional engagement changes were assessed first at the behavioral level and in a second stage by means of EEG recordings. An auditory novelty oddball paradigm was implemented as a secondary task while subjects played in three conditions: boredom, frustration, and flow. We found higher reaction times and error rates in the flow condition. In a second stage, EEG time domain analysis revealed a significantly delayed response‐locked frontocentral negative deflection during flow, likely signaling the reallocation of attentional resources. Source reconstruction analyses showed that the brain regions responsible for the genesis of this negativity were located within the medial frontal cortex. Frequency domain analyses showed a significant power increase only in the alpha band for the flow condition. Our results showed that this alpha power enhancement was correlated with faster reaction times. This suggests that frontal alpha changes recorded as maximal at the midfrontal lines during flow might be related to inhibitory top‐down cognitive control processes.  相似文献   

It has been reported that in event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by non-target tones in oddball paradigms, the superimposition of a negative component on the descending slope of N100 depends on subjects' attention to the task. We tested the possibility that this attention-related change is abnormal for patients with schizophrenia. ERPs induced by non-target, frequent tones were measured for 52 patients and 31 healthy controls under two oddball conditions: a passive condition where the subjects were told to disregard the tones, and an active condition where they were instructed to respond to infrequent tones. For both groups, a negative component was superimposed from the descending slope of N100 to the end of P150 (latency, 120-200 ms) for the active condition. The peak latency of this attention-related negative component was longer for the patients than for the controls, while the amplitude showed no group difference. In addition, the active P150 for the patients was more enlarged than that for the controls. Furthermore, the active P150 amplitude for the patients correlated positively with the score for the negative symptom factor of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. These findings suggest that the enlargement of non-target P150 observed in conjunction with the latency prolongation of the attention-related negative component may be a biological marker for the severity of the negative symptoms in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Recent findings substantiate the view that electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha rhythm (7-13 Hz) is functionally involved in cognitive stimulus processing. Our previous results have shown that enhanced alpha responses to auditory task stimuli can be well synchronized with stimulus until 800-1000 ms. The present study analyzed the effect of perceptual uncertainty and difficulty in decision making on event-related alpha oscillations in single auditory event-related brain potentials (ERPs). EEG was recorded from Fz, Cz and Pz electrodes in 10 subjects participating in two experimental sessions, in which auditory stimuli with equal physical parameters were presented under passive and task instructions. Separate measurements of single alpha response amplitude and phase-locking were performed and statistically analyzed for consecutive time windows in the post-stimulus epoch. Major results show that, during the cognitive task, the phase-locking of alpha oscillations at the frontal site is significantly increased in the time window of 500-1000 ms after stimulation. Thus, the involvement of enhanced and synchronized frontal alpha activity in higher brain processes is strongly emphasized.  相似文献   

Most experiments using EEG recordings take place in highly isolated and restricted environments, limiting their applicability to real‐life scenarios. New technologies for mobile EEG are changing this by allowing EEG recording to take place outside of the laboratory. However, before results from experiments performed outside the laboratory can be fully understood, the effects of ecological stimuli on brain activity during cognitive tasks must be examined. In this experiment, participants performed an auditory oddball task while also listening to concurrent background noises of silence, white noise, and outdoor ecological sounds, as well as a condition in which the tones themselves were at a low volume. We found a significantly increased N1 and decreased P2 when participants performed the task with outdoor sounds and white noise in the background, with the largest differences in the outdoor sound condition. This modulation in the N1 and P2 replicates what we have previously found outside while people rode bicycles. No behavioral differences were found in response to the target tones. We interpret these modulations in early ERPs as indicative of sensory filtering of background sounds and that ecologically valid sounds require more filtering than simple synthetic sounds. Our results reveal that much of what we understand about the brain will need to be updated as cognitive neuroscience research begins to step outside of the lab.  相似文献   

Peak-to-peak amplitudes of the N1P2 and N2P3 components in the target ERPs from a fixed interstimulus interval auditory oddball paradigm were investigated as a function of within-subject pre-stimulus levels of alpha activity. Fourteen subjects were each presented with 600 auditory stimuli in a two-tone auditory oddball paradigm which required a button-press to targets, presented with 50% probability. Pre-stimulus alpha activity at Pz was assessed for each trial by digital filtering from 8 to 13 Hz, and alpha RMS amplitude was used to sort the ERPs at Pz and Cz. A direct relationship was obtained between component amplitudes at both Pz and Cz and pre-stimulus alpha level at Pz. Component latencies were strongly related to post-stimulus alpha peaks and troughs. These data confirm the intimate relationship between central nervous system activation, as evidenced by spontaneous EEG in the pre-stimulus period, and the ERP resulting from stimulus presentation.  相似文献   

This study determined whether auditory cortical responses associated with mechanisms of attention vary with individual differences in working memory capacity (WMC) and perceptual load. The operation span test defined subjects with low versus high WMC, who then discriminated target/nontarget tones while EEG was recorded. Infrequent white noise distracters were presented at midline or ±90° locations, and perceptual load was manipulated by varying nontarget frequency. Amplitude of the N100 to distracters was negatively correlated with WMC. Relative to targets, only high WMC subjects showed attenuated N100 amplitudes to nontargets. In the higher WMC group, increased perceptual load was associated with decreased P3a amplitudes to distracters and longer‐lasting negative slow wave to nontargets. Results show that auditory cortical processing is associated with multiple facets of attention related to WMC and possibly higher‐level cognition.  相似文献   

Previous research examining auditory target ERPs in an inter-modal oddball task has shown that early components are affected by intra-modal processes, whilst components in the later part of the ERP, around 200-400 ms, are affected by both inter-modal and intra-modal processes. These findings led to the conclusion that there are separate stages of auditory target processing--an early modality-specific stage and a later context-dependent stage. The present study investigated this further by simultaneously presenting a visual standard stimulus with an auditory standard stimulus in an oddball task. The aim was to determine whether the inclusion of the visual standard stimulus in this task affected the ERP to targets. The auditory-visual oddball task consisted of a regularly presented combined auditory and visual standard stimulus (80%) and an infrequent auditory target (20%). The ERPs to targets in the auditory-visual oddball task were compared to those in an auditory oddball task, which had identical auditory stimuli and no visual standards. The results showed that the early components N100, P200 and N200 did not differ between tasks. This was in line with earlier results, and confirmed that activity up to 200 ms is unaffected by visual standard stimuli. The later components P250, P300 and P350 were larger and showed topographic differences in the auditory-visual oddball task. This was interpreted as reflecting separate inter-modal and intra-modal processes at later stages. In particular, the P300 and P350 components were argued to represent separate inter-modal and intra-modal components. Overall, this study provides further evidence of auditory processing occurring in two stages, an early modality-dependent stage and a later context-dependent stage.  相似文献   

Impairments of recognition memory for words and attenuation of the ERP 'old-new' effect have been found in patients with left medial temporal lobe damage. If left temporal lobe dysfunction in schizophrenia involves medial structures (e.g. hippocampus), then schizophrenic patients might show similar abnormalities of verbal recognition memory. This study recorded ERPs from 30 electrode sites while subjects were engaged in a continuous word recognition memory task. Results are reported for 24 patients having a diagnosis of schizophrenia (n = 16) or schizoaffective disorder (n = 8) and 19 age-matched healthy controls. Both patients and controls showed the expected 'old-new' effect, with greater late positivity to correctly recognized old words at posterior sites, and there was also no significant difference between groups in P3 amplitude. However, accuracy of word recognition memory was poorer in patients than controls, and patients showed markedly smaller N2 amplitude. Reduced amplitudes of N2 and N2-P3 were associated with poorer performance, with highest correlations over the left inferior parietal (N2) and left medial parietal (N2-P3) region. Moreover, patients failed to show significantly greater left than right hemisphere amplitude of N2-P3 at posterior sites, which was seen for healthy controls. These findings suggest that impaired word recognition in schizophrenia may arise from a left lateralized deficit at an early stage of processing, beginning at 200-300 ms after word onset.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the event-related potential correlates of response inhibition in the N2 time window, specifically in the auditory modality. A paired tone Go/Nogo paradigm elicited an enhanced fronto-central negativity in the Nogo condition, which was accompanied by a concurring inferior fronto-temporal positivity. In contrast to most previous studies our data provide evidence for a fronto-central Nogo-N2 component in the auditory modality.  相似文献   

We examined relationships between the phase of narrow-band electroencephalographic (EEG) activity at stimulus onset and the resultant event-related potentials (ERPs) in an auditory oddball task, varying both stimulus intensity and active vs. passive task requirements between groups. We used a novel conceptualisation of orthogonal phase effects (cortical negativity vs. positivity, negative driving vs. positive driving, waxing vs. waning). This study focused on the operation of three previously-reported phase-influenced mechanisms, involving prestimulus amplitudes, poststimulus amplitude changes, and the prestimulus contingent negative variation (CNV), in various EEG frequency bands. ERP responses to the standard stimuli were analysed. Prestimulus narrow-band EEG activity (in 1 Hz bands from 1 to 13 Hz) at Cz was assessed for each trial using digital filtering. For each frequency, the cycle at stimulus onset was used to sort trials into four phases, for which ERPs were derived from both the filtered and unfiltered EEG activity at Fz, Cz, and Pz. The occurrence of preferred phase-defined brain states was confirmed at a number of frequencies, crossing the traditional frequency bands. These preferred states were associated with more efficient processing of the stimulus, as reflected in differences in latency and/or amplitude of all ERP components, and provided evidence of the operation of the three separate phase-influenced mechanisms. The preferred brain states occurred similarly across groups, suggesting that they reflect reflexive aspects of brain function associated with the timing of the stimuli, rather than voluntary attention. The impact on markers of cognitive function, such as the P3, suggests their important contributions to the efficiency of brain dynamics involved in perceptual and cognitive processing.  相似文献   

Single unit activity was recorded from rat auditory cortex (AC), medial geniculate body (MGB), and inferior colliculus (IC) during performance of a continuous nonmatching-to-sample task. The rats made go and no-go responses to indicate whether the current tone was the same as (match) or different from (nonmatch) the preceding tone. Between 31% and 55% of the units from AC, MGB, and IC showed sensory correlates (differences in activity to the two types of tones), indicating an involvement in sensory discrimination. Twenty percent of the units from AC and MGB had delay correlates (sustained differential activity during the delay immediately after the tones), indicating an involvement in retention. Most of the units with delay correlates also had sensory correlates. These results suggest that the auditory system, especially AC and MGB, discriminates and retains auditory stimuli in an auditory working memory.  相似文献   

Age-related change of event-related potentials to novel visual stimuli was investigated while participants attended to both auditory and visual stimulation. Meaningful but irrelevant pictures (novel stimuli) were presented to younger (mean=21.8, range=18-26 years) and older (mean=70.0, range=60-78) participants (10 in each group). The participants were performing an auditory oddball task and counting silently the changes of a visually presented letter. In the younger group novel stimuli elicited a posterior positivity in the 220-255 ms range. This component habituated to the repetition of the same picture. In the older group this component had longer latency, and did not habituate. A later positivity had shorter latency and larger amplitude in the younger group, but this positivity was preceded by a negative component (N2b) only in the elderly. Results show decreased sensitivity to the content of the visual stimuli in an earlier stage of novelty processing in the elderly, and the age-related slowing of both orientation-related and task-related processes.  相似文献   

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