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Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has a risk of cerebral injury, with an important role of gaseous micro‐emboli (GME) coming from the CPB circuit. Pulsatile perfusion is supposed to perform specific conditions for supplementary GME activity. We aimed to determine whether pulsatile CPB augments production and delivery of GME and evaluate the role of different events in GME activity during either type of perfusion. Twenty‐four patients who underwent on‐pump coronary artery bypass grafting surgery at the University of Verona were divided equally into two groups—pulsatile perfusion (PP) group and nonpulsatile perfusion (NP) group. The circuit included a JostraHL‐20 roller pump set in pulsatile or nonpulsatile mode, an open Sorin Synthesis membrane oxygenator with integrated screen‐type arterial filter, and phosphorylcholine‐coated tubes. Hemodynamic flow evaluation was performed in terms of energy equivalent pressure and surplus hemodynamic energy (SHE). GME were counted by means of a GAMPT BCC200 bubble counter (GAMPT, Zappendorf, Germany) with two probes placed at postpump and postarterial filter positions. Results were evaluated in terms of GME number, GME volume, number of over‐ranged GME from both probes, and series of filtering indexes. In PP mode, the pump produced and delivered along the circuit significantly higher amounts of SHE than in NP mode. At the venous postpump site, GME number was significantly higher during PP but no difference was found in terms of GME volume or number of over‐ranged bubbles. No significant difference in GME number, GME volume, or number of over‐ranges was found at the postarterial filter site. Filtering indexes were similar between the two groups. Neither type of perfusion was shown to contribute to excessive GME production during the most important perfusionist manipulation. Pulsatility leads to GME increment by splitting and size diminishing of the existing bubbles but not by additional gas production. PP augmented GME number at the venous postpump site, while mean volume remained comparable with NP. Sorin Synthesis oxygenator showed high efficacy in GME removal during either type of perfusion. Supplementary GME production and delivery during typical perfusionist manipulations did not depend on perfusion type.  相似文献   

Qiu F  Peng S  Kunselman A  Ündar A 《Artificial organs》2010,34(11):1053-1057
Gaseous microemboli (GME) remain a challenge for cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) because there is a positive correlation between microemboli exposure during CPB and postoperative neurological injury. Thus, minimizing the number of GME delivered to pediatric patients undergoing CPB procedures would lead to better clinical outcomes. In this study, we used a simulated CPB model to evaluate the effectiveness of capturing GME and the degree of membrane pressure drop for a new membrane oxygenator, Capiox Baby FX05 (Terumo Corporation,Tokyo, Japan), which has an integrated arterial filter with open and closed purge line.We used identical components in this study as our clinical CPB circuit. Three emboli detection and classification quantifier transducers were placed at prepump, preoxygenator, and postoxygenator sites in the circuit.Two flow probes as well as three pressure transducers were placed upstream and downstream of the oxygenator. The system was primed with human blood titrated to 30% hematocrit with Lactated Ringer’s solution.A bolus of air (1 mL) was injected in the prepump site under nonpulsatile perfusion mode at three flow rates (500,750, and 1000 mL/min) and with the purge line either open or closed. Six trials were performed for each unique set-up for a total of 36 trials.All trials were conducted at 35°C. The circuit pressure was kept constant at 100 mm Hg. Both the size and quantity of microemboli detected at postoxygenator site were recorded for 5 min postair injection. It was found that total counts of GME were significantly reduced with the purge line open when compared to keeping the purge line closed (P < 0.0001 at 1000 mL/min). At all flow rates, most of the GME were under 20 microns in size. In terms of microemboli greater than 40 microns, the counts were significantly higher with the purge line closed compared to keeping the purge line open at flow rates of 750 mL/min and 1000 mL/min (P < 0.01). At all flow rates,there is a tiny difference of less than 1 mmHg in membrane pressure drop between keeping the purge line open and closed, which is due to the small arteriovenous (A-V) shunt(P < 0.001). These results suggest that the integrated arterial filter of the Capiox FX05 oxygenator significantly improves the capturing of GME but has little impact on membrane pressure drop.  相似文献   

Although the debate still continues over the effectiveness of pulsatile versus nonpulsatile perfusion, it has been clearly proven that there are several significant physiological benefits of pulsatile perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) compared to nonpulsatile perfusion. However, the components of the extracorporeal circuit have not been fully investigated regarding the quality of the pulsatility. In addition, most of these results have been gathered from adult patients, not from neonates and infants. We have designed and tested a neonate-infant pulsatile CPB system using 2 different types of 10 Fr aortic cannulas and membrane oxygenators in 3 kg piglets to evaluate the effects of these components on the pulsatile waveform produced by the system. In terms of the methods, Group 1 (Capiox 308 hollow-fiber membrane oxygenator and DLP aortic cannula with a very short 10 Fr tip [n =2]) was subjected to a 2 h period of normothermic pulsatile CPB with a pump flow rate of 150 ml/kg/min. Data were obtained at 5, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min of CPB. In Group 2 (Capiox 308 hollow-fiber membrane oxygenator and Elecath aortic cannula with a very long 10 Fr tip [n =7]) and Group 3 (Cobe VPCML Plus flat sheet membrane oxygenator and DLP aortic cannula with a very short 10 Fr tip [n =7]), the subjects' nasopharyngeal temperatures were reduced to 18°C followed by 1 h of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) and then 40 min rewarming. Data were obtained during normothermic CPB in the pre- and post-DHCA periods. The criteria of pulsatility evaluations were based upon pulse pressure (between 30 and 40 mm Hg), aortic dp/dt (greater than 1000 mm Hg/s), and ejection time (less than 250 ms). The results showed that Group 1 produced flow which was significantly more pulsatile than that of the other 2 groups. Although the same oxygenator was used for Group 2, the quality of the pulsatile flow decreased when using a different aortic cannula. Group 3 did not meet any of the criteria for physiologic pulsatility. In conclusion these data suggest that in addition to a pulsatile pump, the aortic cannula and the membrane oxygenator must be chosen carefully to achieve physiologic pulsatile flow during CPB.  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is used for a variety of procedures in pediatric patients. Flow settings of the CPB pump have dramatic effects on patient outcome, and gaseous microemboli delivery within the CPB circuit has been linked to neurological complications. To ensure the ongoing improvement of pediatric CPB, consistent evaluation and improvement of the equipment is necessary. In this study we analyze the Jostra HL‐20 roller pump (Jostra USA, Austin, TX, USA) and a Medos Deltastream DP3 diagonal pump (MEDOS Medizintechnik AG, Stolberg, Germany) which has not yet received Food and Drug Administration approval. An infant CPB model with heparinized human blood is used to quantify the gaseous microemboli delivery (via an Emboli Detection and Classification Quantifier), as well as the hemodynamic energy delivered under flow rates of 400, 800, and 1200 mL/min. Results show that at most flow settings the DP3 delivers fewer microemboli than the Jostra roller pump at the pre‐oxygenator site, with an exception at 1200 mL/min under pulsatile mode. The total volume and the number of gaseous microemboli greater than 40 μm in diameter were lower in the DP3 group. The HL‐20 exhibits less stolen blood flow (except at 1200 mL/min) and oxygenator pressure drops in both pulsatile and nonpulsatile mode. Additionally, under pulsatile flow the DP3 delivers greater surplus hemodynamic energy. Both pumps produce relatively few microemboli and deliver adequate hemodynamic energy to the pseudo‐patient, with the DP3 performing slightly better under most flow settings.  相似文献   

The Capiox RX25 and Quadrox‐i Adult oxygenators are commonly used in clinical adult cardiopulmonary bypass circuits. This study was designed to test the effectiveness of two adult oxygenators in order to evaluate gaseous microemboli (GME) trapping capability and hemodynamic performance. A simulated adult CPB circuit was used and primed with Ringer's lactate and packed red blood cells (hematocrit 25%). All trials were conducted at flow rates of 2–5 L/min (1 L/min increments) with a closed and open arterial filter purge line at 35°C. The postcannula pressure was maintained at 100 mm Hg. After a 5 cc of bolus air was introduced into the venous line, an Emboli Detection and Classification system was used to detect and classify GME at the preoxygenator, postoxygenator, and precannula sites. At the same time, real‐time pressure and flow data were recorded, and hemodynamic energy was calculated using a custom‐made data acquisition system and Labview software. Our results showed that the oxygenator pressure drops of Quadrox‐i Adult oxygenator were lower than Capiox RX25 at all flow rates. The Quadrox‐i Adult oxygenator retained more hemodynamic energy across the oxygenator. Both oxygenators could trap the majority of GME, but Capiox RX25 did better than the Quadrox‐i Adult oxygenator. No GME was delivered to the pseudo patient at all flow rates in the Capiox group. The Capiox RX25 venous reservoir could capture more GME at lower flow rates, while the Quadrox‐i Adult venous reservoir performed better at higher flow rates. An open arterial filter purge line reduced GME slightly in the Capiox group, but GME increased in the Quadrox group. The Quadrox‐i Adult oxygenator is a low‐resistance, high‐compliance oxygenator. The GME handling ability of Capiox RX25 performed well under our clinical setting. Further optimized design for the venous/cardiotomy reservoir is needed.  相似文献   

Abstract: It is acknowledged that pulsatile flow enhances the gas exchange performance of membrane oxygenators. However, the data for currently developed oxygenators are limited. In this study, the effect of pulsatile flow was assessed utilizing the MENOX EL-4000 oxygenator. The in vitro test was performed following the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) standards. Pulsatile flow was produced by the Gyro C1-E3 centrifugal pump with periodical changing of the impeller speed. In Study 1, the following 3 groups were created and examined: nonpulsatile flow, pulsatile flow of 40 bpm, and pulsatile flow of 60 bpm. The blood flow rate was maintained at 3 LImin, and the VIQ ratio was I. In Study 2, four groups were examined, nonpulsatile flow with V/Q = 1, nonpulsatile with V/Q = 2, pulsatile with VIQ = 1, and pulsatile with V/Q = 2. The blood flow rate was maintained at 4 LImin, and the pulse frequency was set at 40 bpm. In study 1, although 0, transfer was not enhanced. CO2, transfer was significantly improved (40–50%) by pulsatile flow, regardless of pulse frequency. Study 2 demonstrated that pulsatile flow resulted in improved CO2 transfer as did higher ventilation (VIQ = 2). Furthermore, even after applying higher ventilation, the pulsatile mode enhanced CO2 transfer more than the nonpulsatile mode. It was considered that the pulsatile mode induced an active secondary flow and enhanced mixing effects, and consequently CO2 transfer was improved. In conclusion, the pulsatile flow significantly enhanced the CO2 transfer of the MENOX oxygenator. It is indicated that applying the pulsatile mode is a unique and effective method to improve the gas exchange performance for a current membrane oxygenator.  相似文献   

Several clinical and animal studies have demonstrated that pulsatile perfusion is more beneficial than nonpulsatile perfusion during short or long durations of extracorporeal circulation. Other investigators, however, have been unable to document these benefits. The issue remains controversial. Central to the debate is the issue of a precise definition of pulsatile flow. To help resolve the conflict, pulsatile flow may be quantified in terms of energy equivalent pressure. This formula contains both the arterial pressure and pump flow rate, which are the 2 most critical parameters for open heart surgery. This definition establishes common criteria for assessment of the effectiveness of extracorporeal support.  相似文献   

The detection and prevention of gaseous microemboli (GMEs) during cardiopulmonary bypass has generated considerable interest within the cardiac surgical community. There have been several landmark papers that have used transcranial Doppler devices during cardiopulmonary bypass to detect gaseous microemboli activity in the patients' middle cerebral artery during perfusionist interventions. To determine if this source of emboli could be prevented, a shunt was developed between the oxygenator's sampling manifold and the oxygenator's venous line. This shunt bypassed the venous line and emptied into the oxygenator's integral cardiotomy. An in vitro experiment was performed using three open system oxygenators (Sorin Synthesis, Sorin PrimeOx2, and Terumo Capiox SX25) to compare post-arterial filter emboli detection using the Hatteland CMD20 Microbubble Detector under tightly controlled conditions. After injection of air through the sampling manifold, the PrimeOx2 and the Synthesis oxygenators had statistically significant fewer GMEs with the shunt used than when the shunt was not used. Using a shunt in the sampling manifold during perfusionist interventions will dramatically reduce or eliminate gaseous microemboli transmission to the patient during bypass with both the PrimeOx2 and Synthesis oxygenators. However, results indicate that further study of GME handling with all oxygenator's integral cardiotomies is warranted.  相似文献   

This study compared the quality of perfusion delivered by two oxygenators--the hollow-fiber membrane Capiox Baby RX05 and silicone membrane Medtronic 0800--using hemodynamic energy indicators. The oxygenators were tested across varying flow rates and perfusion modes in a neonatal extracorporeal life support (ECLS) model. The experimental ECLS circuit included a Jostra HL-20 heart/lung machine with Jostra Roller pump, oxygenators with associated tubing and components, and a neonatal pseudo-patient. We used a 40/60 glycerin/water solution in the circuit as a blood analog. Testing occurred at flow rates of 250, 500, and 750 mL/min at 37°C under both pulsatile and nonpulsatile flow conditions. Hemodynamic data points consisted of recording 20-s intervals of data, and a total of 96 experimental repetitions were conducted. The pressure drop across the Capiox Baby RX05 oxygenator was significantly lower than the pressure drop across the Medtronic 0800 at all flow rates and perfusion modes. Furthermore, the Medtronic 0800 oxygenator showed significantly lower post-oxygenator energy equivalent pressures, total hemodynamic energy values, and surplus hemodynamic energy retention values compared to those of the Capiox Baby RX05. These results indicate the Medtronic 0800 oxygenator significantly dampens the hemodynamic energy compared to the Capiox Baby RX05. Consequently, clinical use of the Medtronic 0800 in a pulsatile ECLS setting is likely to mitigate the benefits provided by pulsatile flow. In contrast, the Capiox Baby RX05 better transmits hemodynamic energy to the patient with much lower pressure drop.  相似文献   

This study investigated the total hemodynamic energy (THE) and surplus hemodynamic energy transmission (SHE) of a novel adult extracorporeal life support (ECLS) system with nonpulsatile and pulsatile settings and varying pulsatility to define the most effective setting for this circuit. The circuit consisted of an i‐cor diagonal pump (Xenios AG, Heilbronn, Germany), an XLung membrane oxygenator (Xenios AG), an 18 Fr Medos femoral arterial cannula (Xenios AG), a 23/25 Fr Estech RAP femoral venous cannula (San Ramon, CA, USA), 3/8 in ID × 140 cm arterial tubing, and 3/8 in ID × 160 cm venous tubing. Priming was done with lactated Ringer's solution and packed red blood cells (HCT 36%). The trials were conducted at flow rates 1–4 L/min (1 L/min increments) under nonpulsatile and pulsatile mode, with differential speed values 1000–4000 rpm (1000 rpm increments) at 36°. The pseudo patient's mean arterial pressure was kept at 100 mm Hg using a Hoffman clamp during all trials. Real‐time flow and pressure data were collected using a custom‐based data acquisition system. Mean pressures across the circuit increased with increasing flow rates, but increased insignificantly with increasing differential speed values. Mean pressure did not change significantly between pulsatile and nonpulsatile modes. Pulsatile flow created more THE than nonpulsatile flow at the preoxygenator site (P < 0.01). Of the different components of the circuit, the arterial cannula created the greatest THE loss. THE loss across the circuit ranged from 24.8 to 71.3%. Still, under pulsatile mode, more THE was delivered to the pseudo patient at low flow rates. No SHE was created with nonpulsatile flow, but SHE was created with pulsatile flow, and increased with increasing differential speed values. At lower flow rates (1–2 L/min), the arterial cannula contributed the most to SHE loss, but at higher flow rates the arterial tubing created the most SHE loss. The circuit pressure drop values across all flow rates were 33.1–246.5 mm Hg, and were slightly higher under pulsatile mode than nonpulsatile mode. The i‐cor diagonal pump creates satisfactory pulsatile and nonpulsatile flows, and can easily change the pulsatile amplitude and energy transmission. The attributes of the XLung membrane oxygenator include low resistance, low energy loss, and low pressure drops at all flow rates and differential speed values. The arterial cannula created the highest pressure drop of all components of the circuit. Pulsatile flow improved the transmission of hemodynamic energy to the pseudo patient without significantly affecting the pressure drops across the circuit.  相似文献   

Blood cardioplegia delivery systems are employed in most pediatric open heart cases to arrest the heart and keep it preserved during aortic cross-clamping. They are also used as part of a modified ultrafiltration system at the end of cardiopulmonary bypass. We evaluated and compared the air-handling capabilities of different types of blood cardioplegia delivery devices. A simple circuit incorporating a cardiotomy reservoir, a roller pump, a cardioplegia test system, and two emboli detection and classification sensors were used to investigate the air-handling capabilities of the following cardioplegia delivery systems: GISH Vision, Maquet Plegiox, Medtronic Trillium MYOtherm XP, Sorin Group BCD Vanguard, Sorin Group CSC14, and Terumo Sarns Conducer and Bubble Trap. The 0.25-in. circuit was primed with 400mL of Lactated Ringer's. Outdated packed red blood cells were added to obtain a hematocrit of 24-28%. System pressure was maintained at 50mmHg. Air (0.1, 0.3, 0.5mL) was injected at a speed of 0.1mL/s into the circuit just after the pump head. Gaseous microemboli (GME) were measured prior to the cardioplegia system and after the device to evaluate the air-handling characteristics. The tests were run at 100, 200, and 400mL/min blood flow for both 4 and 37°C. There were no significant differences among the groups when comparing precardioplegia delivery system GME, thus demonstrating that all devices received the same amount of injected air. When comparing the groups for postcardioplegia delivery system GME, significant differences were noted especially at the 400mL/min blood flow rate. These results suggest that for the devices compared in this study, the Maquet Plegiox and the Medtronic Trillium MYOtherm XP eliminated GME the best.  相似文献   

Abstract: A hemoconcentrator is an instrument essential for open heart surgery without blood transfusion. In order to simplify the extracorporeal blood circuit and to facilitate handling of cardiopulmonary bypass, we have combined a hollow fiber unit for gas exchange and that for hemofiltration into one component and developed a new membrane oxygenator with the function of a hemoconcentrator. The cylindrical device consists of a hollow fiber for hemofiltration with another fiber for gas exchange provided outside. Both of them adopt the blood outside perfusion system. Blood enters and flows through the central hole for hemofiltration and then flows into the oxygenator. By applying the flow mode to the device, blood is allowed to flow from the center of the core toward the hollow fiber around it. Therefore, even distribution of blood flow to the entire fiber is realized, and the performance of the device is improved. The oxygen transfer rate was 317 ml/min at a flow rate of 6 L/min, and the ultrafiltration rate was 7 L/h at a flow rate of 4 L/tnin with a hematocrit of 25%. The combined structure of the two units has not caused any adverse effects. In conclusion, by combining an oxygenator and a hemoconcentrator, excellent and simplified hemoconcentration is made available as the blood outside flow mode is adopted, which is one of the unique aspects of this device.  相似文献   

We describe the occurrence and distribution of gaseous microemboli with real‐time monitoring in a pediatric cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) circuit and in the cerebral circulation of patients using the Emboli Detection and Classification (EDAC) system and transcranial Doppler (TCD). Four patients (weights 3.2–13.8 kg) were studied. EDAC monitors were located on the venous line and on the postfilter arterial line to measure gaseous microemboli in the CPB circuit. TCD was used to measure high‐intensity transient signals (HITS) in the middle cerebral artery. Before the initiation of CPB, EDAC detected gaseous microemboli in two cases when giving volume through the arterial line. At the initiation of CPB, gross air appeared in the venous line and gaseous microemboli were detected in the arterial line in all patients. EDAC detected a total of 3192–14 699 gaseous microemboli in the arterial line during the whole CPB period, more than 99% of which were smaller than 40 microns. After cessation of CPB, EDAC detected gaseous microemboli in the arterial line in all cases. The TCD detected HITS in two cases (25 and 315), and detected no HITS in two cases. We observed that the venous line acted as a principal source of gaseous microemboli, particularly when using vacuum‐assisted venous drainage, and that a significant number of these gaseous microemboli smaller than 40 microns were subsequently transferred to the patient. Using EDAC and TCD together could strengthen the monitoring of gaseous microemboli in the extracorporeal circuit and cerebral circulation.  相似文献   

The experimental circuit consisted of an i‐cor diagonal pump, a Medos Hilite 800 LT oxygenator, an 8Fr Biomedicus arterial cannula, a 10Fr Biomedicus venous cannula, and six feet of 1/4 in ID tubing for arterial and venous lines. The circuit was primed with lactated Ringer's solution and packed red blood cells (hematocrit 40%). Trials were conducted at various heart rates (90, 120, and 150 bpm) and flow rates (200, 400, and 600mL/min) under nonpulsatile and pulsatile mode with pulsatile amplitudes of 1000–4000rpm (1000 rpm increments). Real‐time pressure and flow data were recorded for analysis. The i‐cor pump was capable of creating nonpulsatile and electrocardiography (ECG)‐synchronized pulsatile flow, and automatically reducing pulsatile frequency by increasing the assist ratio at higher heart rates. Reduced pulsatile frequency led to lower hemodynamic energy generation but did not affect circuit pressure drop. Pulsatile flow delivered more hemodynamic energy to the pseudopatient when compared with nonpulsatile flow. The pump generated more hemodynamic energy with higher pulsatile amplitudes. The i‐cor pump can automatically adjust the pulsatile assist ratio to create pulsatile flow at higher heart rates, although this caused some hemodynamic energy loss. Compared with nonpulsatile flow, pulsatile flow generated and transferred more hemodynamic energy to the neonate during ECLS (200–600mL/min), especially at high pulsatile amplitudes and low flow rates.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate differences in hemodynamic conditions in the thoracic aorta for pulsatile and continuous‐flow left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Patient‐specific models were reconstructed from three patients with continuous‐flow LVAD (HeartMate II, Thoratec Corporation) and three patients with biventricular assist devices (Excor, Berlin Heart) where only the aortic part was included in the simulations. CFD simulations were performed with constant inflow for the continuous‐flow LVADs and time‐varying inflow for the pulsatile devices. Differences in flow patterns, wall shear stress (WSS), and dynamic pressure in the ascending aorta were compared for both cases. Retrograde flow patterns were observed in all cases proximal to the location of the outflow cannula anastomosis site. On average, dynamic pressures derived from the retrograde flow velocities were higher in the continuous‐flow group with large variations dependent on the angle of the cannula anastomosis relative to the ascending aorta (continuous group: 0.14 ± 0.2 mm Hg, pulsatile group: 0.013 ± 0.008 mm Hg). Elevated WSS contralaterally to the anastomosis site was observed in three of the six models with higher values for the continuous cases. Lower WSS and reduced pressure in the ascending aorta, both favorable hemodynamic conditions, were found in pulsatile versus continuous‐flow LVADs by means of CFD. These findings indicate, along with clinical observations reported by others, the superior performance of pulsatile LVADs.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have developed a newly designed blood pump, named the vibrating flow pump (VFP), which can generate high frequency oscillated flow. The driving frequency is 10–50 Hz, and flow volume is linearly controlled electric power (current and voltage). The VFP was applied as the pump for extracorporeal circulation (ECC) in acute animal experiments. The gas exchange efficiency of the membrane oxygenator with the VFP and a roller pump (RP) was evaluated. Under general anesthesia with halothane, 7 adult goats underwent ECC; an inflow can-nula was inserted into the right atrium, an outflow cannula was sutured to the descending thoratic aorta, and total ECC was performed with a flow of about 80 ml/min/ kg. The ECC system with the VFP showed excellent gas exchange efficiency compared with that of the RP. The hemodynamics of ECC using the VFP were easily maintained within normal limits. These results suggest that the VFP is very useful as a pump for ECC; thus, a compact-sized ECC system may be achieved.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to compare hemodynamic performances under different pulsatile control algorithms between Medos DeltaStream DP3 and i‐cor diagonal pumps in simulated pediatric and adult ECLS systems. An additional pilot study was designed to test hemolysis using two pumps during 12h‐ECLS. The experimental circuit consisted of parallel combined pediatric and adult ECLS circuits using an i‐cor pump head and either an i‐cor console or Medos DeltaStream MDC console, a Medos Hilite 2400 LT oxygenator for the pediatric ECLS circuit, and a Medos Hilite 7000 LT oxygenator for the adult ECLS circuit. The circuit was primed with lactated Ringer's solution and human packed red blood cells (hematocrit 40%). Trials were conducted at various flow rates (pediatric circuit: 0.5 and 1L/min; adult circuit: 2 and 4L/min) under nonpulsatile and pulsatile modes (pulsatile amplitude: 1000–5000rpm [1000 rpm increments] for i‐cor pump, 500–2500rpm [500 rpm increments] for Medos pump) at 36°C. In an additional protocol, fresh whole blood was used to test hemolysis under nonpulsatile and pulsatile modes using the two pump systems in adult ECLS circuits. Under pulsatile mode, energy equivalent pressures (EEP) were always greater than mean pressures for the two systems. Total hemodynamic energy (THE) and surplus hemodynamic energy (SHE) levels delivered to the patient increased with increasing pulsatile amplitude and decreased with increasing flow rate. The i‐cor pump outperformed at low flow rates, but the Medos pump performed superiorly at high flow rates. There was no significant difference between two pumps in percentage of THE loss. The plasma free hemoglobin level was always higher in the Medos DP3 pulsatile group at 4 L/min compared to others. Pulsatile control algorithms of Medos and i‐cor consoles had great effects on pulsatility. Although high pulsatile amplitudes delivered higher levels of hemodynamic energy to the patient, the high rotational speeds increased the risk of hemolysis. Use of proper pulsatile amplitude settings and intermittent pulsatile mode are suggested to achieve better pulsatility and decrease the risk of hemolysis. Further optimized pulsatile control algorithms are needed.  相似文献   

Abstract: We made miniature modules filled with artificial oxygenator hollow fibers and conducted a simple experiment to study the effect of different membrane structures on the blood. Three types of modules were made: one filled with polyolefin, one filled with polypropylene, and a blank module. The 3 modules were connected through 3 fine tubings to one needle so that the same blood that passed through the 3 modules could be analyzed simultaneously. Nonheparinized blood was continuously withdrawn from 6 healthy volunteers using a small pump and passed through the circuit by a single pass (10 ml/min, for 10 min). Platelet count, thrombin-anti-thrombin complex, and complement-3 were measured in the blood collected at 10 min from the outlet of each module. The results showed significantly better biocompatibility of polyolefin than polypropylene, which is attributable to the dense layer of the blood contact surface of polyolefin fibers. This method is useful in assessing biocompatibility of various hollow fibers in a simple and safe manner.  相似文献   

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