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Significant levels of resistance against Schistosoma haematobium challenge were developed by mice exposed to highly irradiated (20 krad) cercariae of the homologous species (46-53%) or of the closely related species, S. bovis (34-56%) but not of S. mansoni (-6-28%). This ability to cross-protect reflects the phylogenetic relationships between these species; S. mansoni and S. bovis, as well as S. mansoni and S. haematobium, failed to cross-protect. The cross-protection demonstrated between S. bovis and S. haematobium in mice was non-reciprocal.  相似文献   

Eleven strains of inbred mice were examined for their ability to develop resistance to challenge Schistosoma mansoni infection as a result of previous exposure to homologous cercariae that had been attenuated by high-dose irradiation. Two strains, C57B1/6J and BALB/c, demonstrated consistently high levels of vaccine-induced immunity (means of 64% and 58% resistance, respectively, when compared to control groups of the same strain) and were designated as 'high responder' strains to vaccination. Six other strains fell into an intermediate category, demonstrating moderate, yet statistically significant, levels of immunity resulting from vaccination (means of 30-50% resistance). Only one of the strains examined consistently failed to respond to vaccination by the development of significant levels of immunity to challenge infection. Animals of the P/N strain demonstrated a mean of only 15% resistance to challenge in five experiments and have been classified as 'low responders' to vaccination. P/N mice have previously been characterized as deficient in their ability to mount delayed hypersensitivity reactions, produce lymphokine and display macrophage activation for cytolysis of extracellular and intracellular targets in other experimental systems, suggesting that these immune responses may be critical to the establishment of vaccine-induced resistance to S. mansoni infection. The availability of high and low responder mouse strains should facilitate a genetic approach to characterization of the immune effector mechanism(s) of vaccine-induced resistance to S. mansoni infection.  相似文献   

Mice vaccinated with irradiated cercariae of Schistosoma haematobium, S. bovis and S. margrebowiei showed good levels of resistance (38–62%) against an homologous challenge, and varying degrees of resistance (19–46%), against challenges with closely related species. No protection against S. mansoni was induced by vaccination with any of these species. This restricted cross-protection reflects the close phylogenetic relationship between species of the S. haematobium group and indicates that immunologically important epitopes are conserved within this species complex.  相似文献   

Summary Inbred mouse strains develop different levels of resistance to challenge infection with Schistosoma mansoni in response to vaccination with irradiated cercariae. The role of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in determining this genetic polymorphism in acquired resistance was investigated. Previous studies suggested that inbred mice bearing either the b or d MHC haplotypes develop a higher level of vaccine induced resistance than do mice with other MHC haplotypes. An analysis of an Fi cross between an H-2b strain (C57BL/6) and an H-2k strain (C3H/HeJ) indicated that the ability to develop high levels of immunity is inherited in a dominant fashion. In order to confirm that the development of high resistance is an MHC associated trait, B10, C3H, BALB and B6 congenic mice bearing different H-2 haplotypes were compared. On either the BIO, B6, or BALB background, substitution of b or d with k or a MHC alleles resulted in a decreased level of vaccine induced immunity. The observed decreases were more pronounced in BALB and B6 than in B10 congenics suggesting an influence of background (non-MHC linked) genes on protective immunity. Similarly, C3H. SW (H-2b) mice developed a significantly higher level of acquired resistance than C3H/HeSn (H-2k) mice. Cross and backcross experiments between H-2b and H-2k B6 congenic mice confirmed the dominant inheritance of high resistance as well as the MHC linkage of the trait. These data indicate that the MHC locus exerts a quantitative influence on vaccine induced resistance in certain inbred mouse strains and provide further support for the concept that the protection elicited by irradiated cercariae is the manifestation of a specific host immune response.  相似文献   

Schistosoma bovis as an immunological analogue of S. haematobium   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The host-parasite relationships of Schistosoma bovis and S. haematobium have been compared in normal and T-cell-deprived mice, and have been found to contrast with that of S. mansoni. Deprived mice infected with either of the former two schistosome species survived as long as, or longer than, comparably infected immunologically intact controls, and hepatocytes of infected deprived mice were not damaged in the absence of granuloma formation. S. mansoni-infected deprived mice, however, die earlier than intact controls, and suffer extensive hepatocellular abnormalities. A high degree of cross-reactivity between S. bovis, S. haematobium and S. mansoni antibodies and antigens was noted in immunoprecipitation but a greater degree of homology between S. haematobium and S. bovis egg antigens was demonstrated by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). S. haematobium and S. bovis thus resemble each other more closely than either resembles S. mansoni, and in view of the apparent antigenic similarities between S. haematobium and S. bovis and the relatively greater ease with which the S. bovis life-cycle can be maintained in the laboratory, the animal parasite may be useful in providing material for further immunological studies of the human infection.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that many strains of mice develop partial resistance to Schistosoma mansoni as a result of intradermal vaccination with soluble schistosome antigens plus BCG. However, P and BALB/c mice are non-responsive to this intradermal vaccination protocol. In this study, humoral and cellular responses to schistosome antigens in vaccinated P and BALB/c mice were compared to those in protected C57BL/6 mice to identify an immune correlate to resistance in this model. Levels of circulating IgG and IgM antibodies to soluble adult worm antigens, as measured by ELISA, were comparable between strains. Moreover, Western blot analysis revealed no qualitative differences in antibody reactivity, with sera from vaccinated animals of all three strains recognizing the antigen previously identified as Sm-97 (paramyosin). However, vaccinated P and BALB/c mice showed specific defects in cell-mediated immunity to schistosome antigens, including decreased production of macrophage-activating lymphokines and an inability to produce activated macrophage effector cells in vivo at the site of antigen challenge. These observations strengthen our hypothesis that the intradermal vaccine acts through induction of T-cell-mediated immune resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

The sequence of events involved in effector focus formation around challenge schistosomula in the lungs of mice vaccinated with radiation-attenuated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni has been characterized following intravenous administration of lung stage larvae. Histopathological analysis of the lungs of vaccinated animals revealed that infiltrating cells were present around larvae within 24 h. The main increment in cell recruitment occurred between 2 and 4 days, with foci reaching maximal diameter on day 8. No additional infiltration of the airways was detected by bronchoalveolar sampling before day 4 when the maximum number of cells, predominantly lymphocytes, was recovered. In contrast, responses in challenge control animals were relatively slight prior to day 12. IFNγ was the major cytokine in airway cultures from vaccinated mice, the greatest increment in production coinciding with peak cell recruitment. A similar pattern of IFNγ mRNA expression was observed in whole lung extracts, highlighting the dominance of Th1 responses in the effector mechanism. The slow start to focus formation may be due to the need for antigen, released by the intravascular parasite, to be translocated across the endothelium, processed by accessory cells and presented to the helper T cells which orchestrate the effector mechanism. The delay is of the same order as the period of development which the parasite must undergo in the lung, to facilitate further migration. This similarity in the timing may explain why some larvae are able to avoid the consequences of the pulmonary effector response.  相似文献   

Serum or immunoglobulin fractions of serum from CBA/Ca mice vaccinated three or four times with radiation-attenuated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni have been investigated for their capacity to confer protection upon naive mice. The data confirm that around 35% protection can be transferred with polyvaccine mouse serum administered in 0.5-ml aliquots 1 h before challenge (intravenously) and 24 h post-challenge (intraperitoneally). We show in addition, however, that polyvaccine serum is also protective when injected into the skin site of challenge as a single 0.05-ml aliquot. In contrast, lymphocytes obtained from the donors of protective serum conferred only 13% protection upon recipient mice. The passive cutaneous anaphylaxis assay showed that IgG1 is incremented by polyvaccination, while passive transfer experiments revealed that of the different isotypes fractionated from whole protective serum, only IgG1 has the capacity to protect naive recipients against challenge. The resistance transferred by IgG1 represents more than 60% of that obtained with whole serum and can be achieved using either the intravenous/intraperitoneal or the subcutaneous administration regimen. Recipients of serum given via the subcutaneous route exhibit cutaneous inflammatory focal reactions which comprise 20% eosinophils and 80% mononuclear cells; these foci entrap challenge larvae. The importance of IgG1 subclass expression to the success of serum-transferred resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

The capacity of a recombinant glutathione S-transferase from Schistosoma mansoni (rSm28GST) to vaccinate primates fErythrocebus patas,) against a heterologous infection with Schistosoma haematobium has been tested. Two injections of the purified molecule with Muramyl-Di-Peptide (MDP) as adjuvant resulted in a high level antibody response in the five immunized animals and in a significant reduction in worm fecundity compared to the controls which received adjuvant alone. Mean levels of daily egg excretion in urine and faeces were reduced by respectively 55% and 74% although perfusion revealed that worm burdens were similar in both groups. The protective effect was long lasting since it was maintained up to the end of the experiment, 42 weeks after infection. Hatching rates and the numbers of intra-uterine eggs were also significantly affected by the vaccination. Tissue eggs were also drastically diminished in the urogenital system (–80%) but the reduction was not statistically significant. One animal was not protected by the immunization. There was a good correlation between parasitological data and the intensity of bladder lesions assessed by microscopic examination. Polypoid formations together with an intense exudation of the lamina propria were frequently seen in the controls but rarely in the vaccinated group where formation of scar tissue was predominant. These results underline the vaccine potential of the recombinant Sm28GST as a possible valuable prophylactic tool for the control of egg-induced pathology and transmission of African schistosomes.  相似文献   

Mice which had developed immunity to reinfection with Schistosoma mansoni following exposure to 20 cercariae and mice which had been immunized against S. mansoni by exposure to 400 highly irradiated (20 krad) cercariae, were tested for their ability to resist a percutaneous cercarial challenge and an intravenous challenge with 5-day-old lung-stage schistosomula derived from the same cercariae. Although both types of immune mice showed a marked resistance to a cercarial challenge, only the infected mice showed a comparable immunity to an intravenous challenge with lung schistosomula. These results confirm earlier studies which suggest that the major attrition of a cercarial challenge in infected mice occurs at the post-lung stage, whilst the attrition of a challenge infection in mice immunized with highly irradiated cercariae takes place in the skin. They provide further evidence for two separate mechanisms of immunity against S. mansoni in mice.  相似文献   

The potential sites of attrition of a challenge population of schistosomes have been investigated in mice, rats and guinea pigs vaccinated with irradiated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni, by the use of challenge regimens that permit sequential site elimination. Vaccinated mice showed significant immunity to a percutaneous cercarial challenge, but were only marginally resistant to an i.v. challenge with healthy lung stage worms. Vaccinated rats and guinea pigs differed from mice, in that they were able to mediate significant challenge attrition at post-skin sites. Healthy lung worms were subject to immune elimination by rats in the lungs, or perhaps en route to the liver, but not in the liver itself. In contrast, guinea pigs had the capacity to kill challenge lung worms injected into either the lungs or the liver. Interestingly, lung worms harvested by extended incubation were shown to be sub-optimal in terms of viability, since they were eliminated in significant numbers when injected i.v. into vaccinated mice. These data show that different hosts vaccinated in essentially the same manner differ in terms of their site potential for challenge attrition. It is emphasised however, that sites implicated by these experiments as having the capacity to mediate immune elimination are not necessarily the sites at which challenge attrition occurs under normal circumstances.  相似文献   

Levels of antibody a binding to the schistosomulum surface and b mediating in vitro eosinophil-dependent cytotoxicity of schistosomula were studied and compared to the in vivo levels of resistance to cercarial challenge in mice infected with irradiated cercariae, unirradiated cercariae of single or mixed sex, or injected with eggs. Antibody-binding was assessed by counting the number of IgG-Fc-receptor bearing cells (P388D1 cells) adhering to mechanically-transformed schistosomula. Significant levels of adherence occurred with sera taken from 1--2 weeks following exposure to irradiated cercariae, the level increasing gradually thereafter and being enhanced by repeated exposure. Sera from the bisexual infection showed a dramatic increase in binding activity between weeks 5--8, and with the single sex infections there was a steady rise up to week 10 followed by a sharp rise between weeks 10--12. Weekly injections of eggs produced a steady rise in serum binding activity. Sera taken just before challenge were also tested for their ability to mediate killing of schistosomula by eosinophil-enriched preparations of heterologous rat peritoneal exudate cells in vitro. Significant levels of killing occurred with all sera, but the greatest lethal activity was found in sera from the egg-injected, chronically-infected and 200 male cercariae-infected groups. This ranking did not correlate with in vivo resistance against challenge as assessed by worm recovery, the egg-injected and single sex-infected groups failing to manifest significant resistance.  相似文献   

Summary In Office du Niger, an area endemic for both Schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni in Mali, circulating anodic (CAA) and cathodic (CCA) antigen detection assays were performed on pre-treatment serum and urine samples from two villages, Rigandé and Siguivoucée, and compared with egg counting methods. The highest prevalence was obtained with the urine-CCA assay which also had the highest sensitivity to S. haematobium, S. mansoni or mixed infection. A single urine-CCA assay was as sensitive as repeated egg counts (one stool + two urine examinations per individual). When the different assays were tested in parallel, several combinations including assays on serum were found to be highly sensitive. As urine sampling is widely accepted, urine assays will be used for further monitoring these villages one and two years after chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Eosinophilia and resistance to Schistosoma haematobium in man   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
We have measured the levels of infection with Schistosoma haematobium in children resident in an endemic area of The Gambia before and 3 months after successful chemotherapy and following reinfection. An exposure index was calculated from data collected on water contact, cercarial densities and infected snail densities at water contact sites. Peripheral blood eosinophil levels were recorded and the ability of serum (heat inactivated) from the children to allow killing of schistosomula of S. haematobium was examined. Of 50 children with a post-treatment egg count of less than 1 ovum/10 ml urine, 26 were classified as reinfected, acquiring greater than 1 ovum/10 ml urine over the transmission season. Twenty-four were classified as not reinfected, acquiring less than 1 ovum/10 ml of urine over the same period. These two groups did not differ with respect to their estimated age, weight or pretreatment egg counts. Children who were reinfected had significantly higher levels of exposure and significantly lower peripheral blood eosinophil counts than children who were not reinfected. At all levels of exposure children with high eosinophil counts were less likely to be reinfected than those with lower counts. But antibody-dependent, complement-independent killing of schistosomula of S. haematobium by eosinophils was barely detectable and did not differ between reinfected and non reinfected groups. These observations suggest that subjects with elevated counts are less susceptible to reinfection but the mechanisms involved are not apparent.  相似文献   

A histopathological and ultrastructural study was made of schistosomula and associated inflammatory reactions in the lungs of normal mice, and mice previously vaccinated with irradiated cercariae. In normal mice at day 7 post-infection all schistosomula were located in blood vessels. From day 11 onwards an increasing proportion of schistosomula were intra-alveolar (80% from day 20). No cellular reactions were evident around intravascular parasites in normal mice but at later sampling times large compact foci were associated with alveolar parasites. Initial reactions, probably in response to non-specific tissue damage, were approximately 50% polymorphonuclear, and 50% mononuclear. Mononuclear cells predominated at later times. In spite of inflammation, no damage to the schistosomula was observed. There was no evidence for re-entry of schistosomula into blood vessels, and it was assumed entry into alveoli occurred accidentally as parasites attempted to traverse pulmonary blood vessels. The pattern of localization of schistosomula in vaccinated mice was similar to that in normal mice, the proportion in alveoli increasing with time (64% from day 20). The most significant difference was that intravascular schistosomula attracted foci of host leucocytes which were always 85% or more mononuclear, containing both lymphocytes and macrophages. The infiltrating cells enlarged the intersititium, separating the vascular endothelium from the alveolar epithelium. Fibrous protein was also deposited in the interstitial region. In some instances the complete blood-air barrier was destroyed by the infiltrates. Unusual paracrystalline inclusions were observed in alveolar macrophages and giant cells. The differences in cellular responses in vaccinated and normal mice suggest that challenge schistosomula stimulated an anamnestic immune response. The resulting inflammation, by impeding movement through the vasculature, terminated migration in the lungs, and accounted for the observed resistance to reinfection. The reactions in vaccinated mice have many of the features of a delayed hypersensitivity response implying that lung phase resistance in vaccinated mice may be T-cell rather than antibody-mediated.  相似文献   

A village with mixed Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium infections (probably in a early endemic phase) was identified around the Lac de Guiers in the Senegal River Basin. In documenting the epidemiology of both schistosomes, we focused on prevalence and intensity of infection, transmission patterns and the impact of treatment. S. mansoni prevalences (near 100%) and egg counts (overall geometric mean eggs per gram of faeces (epg) of 589 were high in all age groups, with 35% of individuals excreting > 1000 epg, and showing a slow decline in egg output only after the age of 30 years. The overall prevalence (28%) and egg counts (2% > 50 eggs/10 ml) of S. haematobium were low, with mean counts of 6.3 eggs/10 ml. Maximal mean S. mansoni egg counts were found in 5-9 year-old boys and in 15-19 year-old girls; S. haematobium maximal counts in 1-4 year-old boys and in girls aged 5-9. Extremely high Biomphalaria pfeifferi infection ratios were recorded over the whole year. Following a single treatment, re-infection was rapid with prevalences and mean egg counts of both Schistosoma species reaching pretreatment levels within 7 months.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of a circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) urine dipstick test for detecting Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium alongside an integrated rapid mapping survey in Southern Sudan. Methods and Results A total of 373 children aged 5–16 years were included in the study. Of these 26.0% were infected with S. haematobium and 24.5% were infected with S. mansoni, as identified by urine filtration or single Kato–Katz thick smear, respectively. The CCA performed moderately in detecting S. mansoni, with sensitivity of 89.1% and specificity of 74.2%, and poorly in detecting S. haematobium infections, with a sensitivity of 36.8% and specificity of 78.9%. This may be a slight underestimate of true CCA accuracy, since only single stool and urine samples were examined by microscopy. The true ‘gold standard’ for comparison would have been the collection of multiple stool samples over consecutive days. Conclusion The poor CCA accuracy for diagnosis of urinary schistosomiasis means that this test is currently not suitable for rapid mapping of schistosomiasis in areas where both S. mansoni and S. haematobium may be endemic.  相似文献   

In Mongolian gerbils, Meriones unguiculatus, the attenuated Schistosoma mansoni vaccine, is known to induce marginal or no resistance to a homologous infection. To clarify the base of defective acquisition of the resistance, we have focused on the induction phase of protective immunity to S. mansoni, i.e. cellular responses in the skin and skin-draining lymph nodes (SLN). Percutaneous exposure to normal or ultraviolet (18mJ/cm2)-attenuated cercariae induced comparable increases in SLN leucocyte counts, in contrast to other attenuated schistosome vaccine models in rodents where attenuated parasites induce more notable increases in SLN leucocyte counts than normal ones. Using serial sections, it was demonstrated that greater numbers of attenuated larvae remained for a longer period in the exposed skin than normal ones. Correlated with cellular responses in the SLN, attenuated and normal schistosomes elicited a comparable degree of response of epidermal Langerhans' cells/putative dermal dendritic cells that were visualized by immunohistochemistry using a monoclonal antibody to a gerbil major histocompatibility complex class II molecule (HUSM-M.g.30). It is speculated that in Mongolian gerbils limited recruitment of dendritic cells around attenuated S. mansoni larvae, at least partially, contribute to defective induction of protective immunity by the attenuated vaccine.  相似文献   

Schistosomula of S. haematobium have been shown to be susceptible to in vitro killing by eosinophils in the presence of serum from an infected individual. The highest level of killing was found after 48 h in culture. Killing was related to the eosinophil to schistosomula ratio, being highest at 5000: 1. Killing was also related to serum concentration, being highest at a 1/10 final dilution, falling to background levels at a 1/120 final dilution. At a cell: target ratio of 2000: 1 and at a serum dilution of 1/10 eosinophils from subjects with high peripheral blood eosinophil counts were, cell for cell, more active in killing S. haematobium schistosomula than were eosinophils from subjects with lower counts. Sera taken from adults resident in an endemic area gave higher levels of killing in the presence of eosinophils than did sera taken from adults with no history of exposure.  相似文献   

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