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In Vibrio cholerae, the transmembrane DNA binding proteins, ToxR and TcpP, activate expression of the regulatory gene toxT in response to specific environmental signals. The resulting enhanced level of ToxT leads to a coordinated increase in the production of a subset of virulence factors, including cholera toxin (CT) and toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP). The effect of anaerobiosis on expression of the V. cholerae virulence regulatory cascade was examined. The expression of the major regulatory genes, tcpP, toxR, and toxT, in anaerobically grown V. cholerae was comparable to that in cells grown under aerobic conditions, and no significant difference in the ToxT-dependent expression of tcpA was detected when aerobic and anaerobic cultures were compared. However, in spite of the presence of functional ToxT, ctxAB expression was drastically reduced, and practically no CT was detected in cells grown under anaerobic conditions. In a V. cholerae hns mutant, however, high levels of ctxAB expression occurred even under anaerobic conditions. Also, deletion of the H-NS binding site from the ctxAB promoter eliminated anaerobic repression of ctxAB expression. These results suggest that H-NS directly represses ctxAB expression under anaerobic growth conditions. It has been reported that in the first stage of infection of infant mice by V. cholerae, tcpA is expressed but ctxAB expression is shut off (S. H. Lee, D. L. Hava, M. K. Waldor, and A. Camilli, Cell 99: 625-634, 1999). This pattern is similar to the pattern in anaerobic cultures of V. cholerae. Under all other in vitro conditions, ctxAB and tcpA are known to be coordinately expressed.  相似文献   

Plasmid-mediated changes in virulence of Vibrio cholerae.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
The effects of several plasmids, including cloning vectors and R factors, on the virulence of Vibrio cholerae CA401R were determined by measuring the dose-related diarrheal response in orally challenged infant mice. The plasmids were also examined for their effects on the colonization ability of strain CA401R by joint infection experiments with a spectinomycin-resistant CA401 strain as an internal standard. One V. cholerae R factor, pVH2, enhanced the diarrheal response, while R factors Rts1 and pVH1 reduced it; plasmids RP4, pRK290, Sa, pSJ8, pSJ5, and pBR328 had no effect. The ability of the plasmids to affect in vitro toxin production by CA401R was variable. Cells containing large plasmids all showed a modest decrease in colonization ability. These results showed that some plasmids affected V. cholerae virulence, but that the cloning vectors pBR328, RP4, and pRK290 did not.  相似文献   

Plasmid profiles and factors associated with toxigenicity in 51 strains of Vibrio cholerae non-O1 isolated from water samples collected in Bangladesh were analysed. Eleven (21.5%) strains were found to harbour at least one plasmid of 1.7-115 Mda; seven of these strains shared a 115-Mda plasmid. Six of 13 strains tested gave positive cytotoxic and enterotoxic responses. However, two non-cytotoxic strains were enterotoxigenic. Only three of the six cytotoxic and enterotoxic strains caused haemagglutination of human erythrocytes which indicated that toxin production and haemagglutinating activity were unrelated in these V. cholerae non-O1 strains. Conjugal transfer assays demonstrated that the 115-Mda plasmid harboured by some of the toxigenic V. cholerae non-O1 strains carried genes coding for antibiotic resistance and cytotoxin production but not for enterotoxin production. However, this plasmid was also carried by non-toxigenic strains. Some other strains carrying no plasmids or only small-mol.-wt plasmids, were found to be toxigenic. Therefore, toxin production is not plasmid-mediated in all V. cholerae non-O1 strains. Regardless of their pathogenic potential, V. cholerae non-O1 strains possessed the capacity to grow in conditions of iron limitation and, under these conditions, synthesis of at least two new outer-membrane proteins was induced.  相似文献   

The homolactic and catalase-deficient pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae is not only tolerant to oxygen but requires the activity of its NADH oxidase, Nox, to develop optimal virulence and competence for genetic transformation. In this work, we show that the global regulator RegR is also involved in these traits. Genetic dissection revealed that RegR regulates competence and the expression of virulence factors, including hyaluronidase. In bacteria grown in vitro, RegR represses hyaluronidase. At neutral pH, it increases adherence to A549 epithelial cells, and at alkaline pH, it acts upstream of the CiaRH two-component signaling system to activate competence. These phenotypes are not associated with changes in antibiotic resistance, central metabolism, and carbohydrate utilization. Although the RegR(0) (where 0 indicates the loss of the protein) mutation is sufficient to attenuate experimental virulence of strain 23477 in mice, the introduction of an additional hyl(0) (where 0 indicates the loss of function) mutation in the RegR(0) strain 23302 dramatically reduces its virulence. This indicates that residual virulence of the RegR(0) Hyl(+) derivative is due to hyaluronidase and supports the dual role of RegR in virulence. This LacI/GalR regulator, not essential for in vitro growth in rich media, is indeed involved in the adaptive response of the pneumococcus via its control of competence, adherence, and virulence.  相似文献   

《Trends in immunology》2023,44(8):565-567
Biofilms are communities of bacteria immersed in an extracellular matrix. Biofilms are considered a defensive strategy that protects bacteria from a hostile environment, including our immune system. Vidakovic et al. recently reported that Vibrio cholerae can build biofilms around immune cells and kill them, discovering an aggressive role for biofilms.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae has become a model organism for studies connecting virulence, pathogen evolution and infectious disease ecology. The coordinate expression of motility, virulence and biofilm enhances its pathogenicity, environmental fitness and fecal-oral transmission. The histone-like nucleoid structuring protein negatively regulates gene expression at multiple phases of the V. cholerae life cycle. Here we discuss: (i) the regulatory and structural implications of H-NS chromatin-binding in the two-chromosome cholera bacterium; (ii) the factors that counteract H-NS repression; and (iii) a model for the regulation of the V. cholerae life cycle that integrates H-NS repression, cyclic diguanylic acid signaling and the general stress response.  相似文献   

Fifteen years ago, AtxA was isolated as a toxin gene activator and five years later it was shown to be a Bacillus anthracis master regulator. AtxA controls the expression of more than a hundred genes belonging to all genetic elements, the chromosome and both virulence plasmids, including those encoding the major virulence factors. AtxA can activate or repress gene expression. The mechanism by which AtxA exerts its control is unknown; it is indirect on some genes but may be direct on others. The expression of many AtxA-controlled genes is induced by the presence of bicarbonate/CO2. AtxA links the metabolic state and virulence gene expression.  相似文献   

We recently described a Tn551 insertion in the chromosome of Staphylococcus aureus S6C that resulted in drastically reduced expression of extracellular lipase (M. S. Smeltzer, S. R. Gill, and J. J. Iandolo, J. Bacteriol. 174:4000-4006, 1992). The insertion was localized to a chromosomal site (designated omega 1058) distinct from the lipase structural gene (geh) and the accessory gene regulator (agr), both of which were structurally intact in the lipase-negative (Lip-) mutants. In this report, we describe a phenotypic comparison between strains S6C, a hyperproducer of enterotoxin B; KSI9051, a derivative of S6C carrying the Tn551 insertion at omega 1058; ISP546, an 8325-4 strain that carries a Tn551 insertion in the agr locus; and ISP479C, the parent strain of ISP546 cured of the Tn551 delivery plasmid pI258repA36. Compared with their respective parent strains, ISP546 and KSI9051 produced greatly reduced amounts of lipase, alpha-toxin, delta-toxin, protease, and nuclease. KSI9051 also produced reduced amounts of staphylococcal enterotoxin B. Coagulase production was increased in ISP546 but not in KSI9051. Using a mouse model, we also demonstrated that ISP546 and KSI9051 were far less virulent than ISP479C and S6C. We have designated the genetic element defined by the Tn551 insertion at omega 1058 xpr to denote its role as a regulator of extracellular protein synthesis. We conclude that xpr and agr are similar and possibly interactive regulatory genes that play an important role in pathogenesis of staphylococcal disease.  相似文献   

The possible requirement of a functional siderophore (vibriobactin)-mediated iron transport system in the pathogenicity of Vibrio cholerae was determined. Two mutants of V. cholerae defective in the iron-vibriobactin transport system were examined for their ability to multiply and elicit diarrhea in infant mice. One mutant, 40130, was unable to synthesize vibriobactin. The second mutant, 1510, was able to synthesize, but not transport, the siderophore. Both mutants retained the ability to multiply and produce disease in the infant mouse, and virulence was indistinguishable from the parent strains. This indicates that a functional iron-vibriobactin transport system is not essential for cholera pathogenesis. These mutants, like the wild-type strains, were found to have a ferric citrate iron uptake system and could utilize citrate or asparagine for growth in low-iron medium. Compounds of this type may increase the availability of iron to V. cholerae in the host.  相似文献   

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