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The present study evaluates the rationales underlying several hearing aid selection procedures. The first portion of the evaluation confirms that the gain-selection rationales result in the selection of different hearing aids for a given patient. Nine different audiometric configurations representing varying degrees of flat, sloping, and rising sensorineural hearing loss were considered. The second phase of the evaluation considered how well each procedure achieved the goal of maximizing speech recognition. This analysis made use of the Articulation Index and was applied to each of the nine audiometric configurations. The results of this analysis suggested that, given the ability to adjust the overall gain over a typical range available through most volume controls, any of the procedures could produce optimal aided speech recognition performance. The final portion of the evaluation examined the ability of each procedure to prescribe absolute gain and relative gain (frequency response) that corresponded to that preferred by hearing aid wearers. The data for preferred insertion gain came from a recent investigation by Leijon, Eriksson-Mangold, and Beck-Karlsen (1984). The results of this evaluation suggested that some procedures prescribe gain values closer to those preferred by listeners than others. More data are needed on preferred gain values for a variety of configurations, however, before any one procedure can be recommended over another.  相似文献   

Seventeen hearing-impaired adults were fit with omnidirectional/directional hearing aids, which they wore during a four-week trial. For each listening situation encountered in daily living during a total of seven days, participants selected the preferred microphone mode and described the listening situation in terms of five environmental variables, using a paper and pencil form. Results indicated that hearing-impaired adults typically spend the majority of their active listening time in situations with background noise present and surrounding the listener, and the signal source located in front and relatively near. Microphone preferences were fairly evenly distributed across listening situations but differed depending on the characteristics of the listening environment. The omnidirectional mode tended to be preferred in relatively quiet listening situations or, in the presence of background noise, when the signal source was relatively far away. The directional mode tended to be preferred when background noise was present and the signal source was located in front of and relatively near the listener. Results suggest that knowing only signal location and distance and whether background noise is present or absent, omnidirectional/directional hearing aids can be set in the preferred mode in most everyday listening situations. These findings have relevance for counseling patients when to set manually switchable omnidirectional/directional hearing aids in each microphone mode, as well as for the development of automatic algorithms for selecting omnidirectional versus directional microphone processing.  相似文献   

Automatic directionality algorithms currently implemented in hearing aids assume that hearing-impaired persons with similar hearing losses will prefer the same microphone processing mode in a specific everyday listening environment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the robustness of microphone preferences in everyday listening. Two hearing-impaired persons made microphone preference judgments (omnidirectional preferred, directional preferred, no preference) in a variety of everyday listening situations. Simultaneously, these acoustic environments were recorded through the omnidirectional and directional microphone processing modes. The acoustic recordings were later presented in a laboratory setting for microphone preferences to the original two listeners and other listeners who differed in hearing ability and experience with directional microphone processing. The original two listeners were able to replicate their live microphone preferences in the laboratory with a high degree of accuracy. This suggests that the basis of the original live microphone preferences were largely represented in the acoustic recordings. Other hearing-impaired and normal-hearing participants who listened to the environmental recordings also accurately replicated the original live omnidirectional preferences; however, directional preferences were not as robust across the listeners. When the laboratory rating did not replicate the live directional microphone preference, listeners almost always expressed no preference for either microphone mode. Hence, a preference for omnidirectional processing was rarely expressed by any of the participants to recorded sites where directional processing had been preferred as a live judgment and vice versa. These results are interpreted to provide little basis for customizing automatic directionality algorithms for individual patients. The implications of these findings for hearing aid design are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this experiment was to systematically examine hearing aid benefit as measured by speech recognition and self-assessment methods across omnidirectional and directional hearing aid modes. These data were used to compare directional benefit as measured by speech recognition in the laboratory to hearing aid wearer's perceptions of benefit in everyday environments across full-time directional, full-time omnidirectional, and user selectable directional fittings. Identification of possible listening situations that resulted in different self reported hearing aid benefit as a function of microphone type was a secondary objective of this experiment. DESIGN: Fifteen adults with symmetrical, sloping sensorineural hearing loss were fitted bilaterally with in-the-ear (ITE) directional hearing aids. Measures of hearing aid benefit included the Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (PHAB), the Connected Sentence Test (CST), the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT), and a daily use log. Additionally, two new subscales were developed for administration with the PHAB. These subscales were developed to specifically address situations in which directional hearing aids may provide different degrees of benefit than omnidirectional hearing aids. Participants completed these measures in three conditions: omnidirectional only (O), directional only with low-frequency gain compensation (D), and user-selectable directional/omnidirectional (DO). RESULTS: Results from the speech intelligibility in noise testing indicated significantly more hearing aid benefit in directional modes than omnidirectional. PHAB results indicated more benefit on the background noise subscale (BN) in the DO condition than in the O condition; however, this directional advantage was not present for the D condition. Although the reliability of the newly proposed subscales is as yet unknown, the data were interpreted as revealing a directional advantage in situations where the signal of interest was in front of the participant and a directional disadvantage in situations where the signal of interest was behind the listener or localization was required. CONCLUSIONS: Laboratory directional benefit is reflected in self-assessment measures that focus on listening in noise when the sound source of interest is in front of the listener. The use of a directional hearing aid mode; however, may have either a positive, a neutral, or a negative impact on hearing aid benefit measured in noisy situations, depending on the specific listening situation.  相似文献   

Some initial experiences are described in which ear canal probe tube microphone measurements are used to determine hearing aid settings for children. Decisions are based upon ideas developed by Seewald and Ross (in Amplification for the Hearing Impaired, New York: Grune & Stratton, 1988: 213-267) and Seewald, Ross, and Stelmachowicz (J Acad Rehab Aud 1987;20:25-37) in which the long term spectrum of speech is amplified to desired sensation levels. Case results from four children are used to demonstrate the application and usefulness of the procedure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Children with moderate to severe hearing loss routinely use personal frequency modulated (FM) systems in the classroom to improve the signal to noise ratio of teacher-directed speech with notable success. Attention is now being given to the ability of these children to hear other students via the hearing aid (HA) microphone while using an FM system. As a result, a variety of FM system and HA microphone combinations have been recommended for classroom use. To date, there are no studies regarding the efficacy of these FM/HA combinations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate recognition performance using four FM/HA combinations and to characterize that performance for stimuli received primarily through FM system and HA microphone transmission. DESIGN: Recognition performance for FM system and HA microphone signals was evaluated for two symmetrical and two asymmetrical FM/HA combinations using two commercially available FM systems (one conventional and one FM-precedence circuit). Eleven children (ages 9 to 12) with moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss and eight children (ages 10 to 11) with normal hearing served as subjects. The two symmetrical FM/HA combinations included: 1) binaural FM system and HA microphone input using the conventional FM system, and 2) binaural FM and HA input using the FM-precedence circuit. The conventional FM system was used for the two asymmetrical combinations and included: 1) binaural FM input and monaural HA input, and 2) FM input to one ear and HA input to the other. Stimuli were 33 consonants presented in the form of nonsense syllables. The stimuli were presented through three loudspeakers representing a teacher and two fellow students in a classroom environment. Speech shaped noise was presented through two additional loudspeakers. RESULTS: In general, no statistically significant differences in recognition performance were found between any of the FM/HA combinations. Mean recognition scores for HA microphone transmission (55%) were significantly poorer than those for FM system transmission (75%). As expected, initial consonants were more easily recognized than final consonants via FM system and HA microphone transmission. However, voiceless consonants were more easily recognized than voiced consonants via HA microphone transmission, which was not predicted on the basis of previous research. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that a certain amount of flexibility is present when choosing an FM/HA combination. However, recognition performance via the HA microphones was consistently poorer than performance via FM transmission. Because relevant material also originates from fellow students (e.g., answering teacher-directed questions), input via the HAs is often as important as information originating from the teacher. The results suggest that attempts to improve performance for signals transmitted through the HA microphones in a classroom setting would benefit children with hearing loss.  相似文献   

This study compared preferred volume setting for linear peak clipping, compression limiting, and wide dynamic range compression (WDRC) amplification and quantified speech audibility at the preferred volume setting for each amplification type. Ten listeners with mild-to-moderate hearing loss were fitted monaurally with a behind-the-ear hearing aid programmed sequentially with WDRC, compression limiting, and linear peak clipping amplification. Speech was presented in quiet and in noise at a range of input levels. In each condition, the listener adjusted the volume for maximum clarity. Signal levels were measured using a probe microphone system. There was no significant difference in speech audibility between amplification strategies for any speech level regardless of the presence or absence of background noise. These results imply that the improved audibility advantage of WDRC over linear amplification demonstrated in controlled environments may not be maintained in situations where the hearing aid wearer controls the volume.  相似文献   

Freed DJ  Soli SD 《Ear and hearing》2006,27(4):382-398
OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the performance of nine adaptive antifeedback algorithms. There were two goals: first, to identify objective procedures that are useful for evaluating these algorithms, and second, to identify strengths and weaknesses of existing algorithms. DESIGN: The algorithms were evaluated in behind-the-ear implementations on the Knowles Electronics Manikin for Acoustic Research (KEMAR). Different acoustic conditions were created by placing a telephone handset or a hat on KEMAR. Electroacoustic techniques were devised to measure the following performance aspects of each algorithm: (1) additional gain made available before oscillation, (2) gain lost in specific frequency regions, (3) reduction of suboscillatory peaks in the frequency response, (4) speed of adaptation to changing acoustic conditions, and (5) robustness in the presence of tonal input signals. RESULTS: For each measurement, performance varied widely across algorithms. No single algorithm was clearly superior or inferior to the others. Generally, the feedback cancellation algorithms were less likely to sacrifice gain in specific frequency regions and better at reducing suboscillatory peaks, whereas the algorithms that used noncancellation techniques were more tolerant of tonal input signals. For those algorithms equipped with special operational modes intended for music listening, the music mode improved the response to tonal inputs but sometimes sacrificed other performance aspects. Algorithms that required an acoustic measurement for initialization purposes tended to perform poorly in acoustic conditions dissimilar to the condition in which initialization was performed. CONCLUSIONS: The objective methods devised for this study appear useful for evaluating the performance of adaptive antifeedback algorithms. Currently available algorithms demonstrate a wide range of performance, and further research is required to develop new algorithms that combine the best features of existing algorithms.  相似文献   

Hearing impairment in older adults is associated with psychological and social difficulties. The goal of hearing aid fitting is to reduce the perceived handicap resulting from the hearing loss. Measures of self-perceived handicap are being increasingly incorporated into the clinicians armamentarium as an objective measure of the outcome of intervention. Eighteen elderly hearing-impaired males and their spouses responded to the Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (HHIE) prior to and following 1 year of hearing aid provision. Our findings revealed a significant reduction in the perceived emotional and social effects of hearing impairment following 1 year of hearing aid use. The reduction in perceived handicap, as measured using the HHIE, was greater for the hearing aid users than for their spouses. The findings attest to the construct validity of the HHIE as a measure of hearing aid benefit.  相似文献   

This investigation was aimed towards an evaluation of the quality of hearing aids, dispensed from a National Hearing Health Service. During a twelve month period all subjects attending the hearing aid servicing section were recorded, and the reason for the visit noted. A total of 4450 people attended (45% males, 55% females) with a median age of 71 years, range 8-99 years. Among these 60.4% of attendances could be ascribed to defective hearing aids. Among the defective hearing aids 20.6% had been used less than one year and 91.4% of the defective aids had been used less than four years, that is within the guarantee period. The recording demonstrated that specific series of aids have a defect rate of 6.6-70.9% within the first year of use. A comparison between the frequency of defects in different types of hearing aids (BTE, ITE, ITC and other hearing aids) was performed indicating that there is a risk of 8.6% that BTE will be defective within one year of provision. As 20.6% of the applicants' defective hearing aids had been used less than one year, it is concluded that the quality of hearing aids should be improved; the hearing aid manufacturers' main categories for fault finding can be used in the audiological departments within the National Hearing Health Service; the recording offers valuable data on the quality of hearing aids, and specifically poor series can be revealed within a limited period.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To present an alternative surgical dressing for bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA) abutment sites, comparing it with the manufacturer's recommended "healing cap" in terms of split thickness skin graft (STSG) survival. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: A retrospective review of 30 patients who underwent unilateral BAHA implantation at a tertiary referral center. Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of the surgical dressing for the BAHA abutment site. Group 1 had a "healing cap" dressing, and group 2 had a bolster dressing. STSG survival was evaluated. RESULTS: Between May 2002 and July 2006, 30 patients underwent BAHA implantation. Seven patients received the "healing cap" dressing, and 23 patients received the bolster dressing. There was 100% STSG survival in the bolster dressing group and 71% skin graft survival in the healing cap group (P = .048). CONCLUSION: A traditional bolster dressing had improved STSG survival as compared with the manufacturer's recommended "healing cap." Additional benefits of a bolster are that it is maintenance free, well suited for noncompliant patients, and inexpensive.  相似文献   

Holmstrom M 《Rhinology》2010,48(4):387-393
To improve results in septal surgery patient selection is the mainstay of a successful outcome. Patient history is the basis as well as clinical examination but both are subjective and must be considered towards a background with a high frequency of septal deviation in the population and a lack of good correlation between function and status. Rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry as well as nasal peak inspiratory flow are tests of different nasal parameters as resistance to breathing, nasal dimensions and flow. This article illuminates the use of these more objective tests in selection of patients for septo plasty. Objective tests have in several studies shown to predict postoperative satisfaction while normal values can be a marker for a poor surgical outcome. Pros and cons with objective tests are discussed and the conclusion is: operate when there is a good correlation between the patientA`s status, history and the results of rhinometry!  相似文献   

D Byrne  H Dillon 《Ear and hearing》1986,7(4):257-265
A new procedure is presented for selecting the gain and frequency response of a hearing aid from pure-tone thresholds. This was developed from research which showed that a previous procedure did not meet its aim of amplifying all frequency bands of speech to equal loudness but that frequency responses which did so were considerably more effective. Measurements of 30 sensorineurally hearing-impaired ears (27 subjects), together with data from other studies, were analyzed to determine the best formula for predicting the optimal frequency response, for each individual, from the audiogram. The analysis indicated that a flat audiogram would require a rising frequency response characteristic of about 8 dB/octave up to 1.25 kHz and thereafter a falling characteristic of about 2 dB/octave. Variations in audiogram slope required about one-third as much variation in response slope. Three frequency average (3FA) gain was calculated to equal the 3FA gain of the previous procedure. Forty-four subjects (67 aided ears) fitted by the new procedure were evaluated by paired comparison judgments of the intelligibility and pleasantness of speech. The prescribed frequency response was seldom inferior to, and usually better than, any of several variations having more, or less, low and/or high-frequency amplification. On the average, used gain was approximately equal to prescribed gain. It is concluded that the new formula should prescribe a near optimal frequency response with few exceptions.  相似文献   


Objective: The directivity index (DI) and polar pattern of directional hearing aids are typically measured in an anechoic chamber, which is expensive and not commonly found. This article proposes a quasi-anechoic technique to measure hearing aid directivity in small and reverberant enclosures using the root-mean-square amplitude of the first 3 ms of the hearing aid's response to the input signal. Design: The hearing aid's planar DI and polar pattern were measured using the proposed method in an audiologic booth with low reverberation, a room with moderate reverberation, and an anechoic chamber. The measurement was repeated four times for each aid in each environment. The results were compared to the directivity obtained in the anechoic chamber using two benchmark measurements. Study Sample: Eight hearing aids with a fixed directional mode were tested. Results and Conclusions: The results revealed that the error of the proposed method in DI was smaller than 0.3 dB in 94% of the measurement conditions. The standard deviation of the DI was smaller than 0.1 dB in 94% of the conditions. These results suggest that the proposed quasi-anechoic method provides an accurate and repeatable way to assess non-adaptive directional microphone hearing aids in small non-anechoic enclosures.


Objetivo: Típicamente el índice de direccionalidad (DI) y el patrón polar de los auxiliares auditivos direccionales son medidos en una cámara anecoica, que generalmente es costosa y difícil de encontrar. Este artículo propone una técnica quasi anecoica para medir la direccionalidad en un recinto pequeño y reverberante, utilizando el promedio de la raíz cuadrada de la amplitud de los tres primeros mili-segundos de la respuesta de los auxiliares auditivos ante la señal de entrada. Diseño: El patrón plano DI y el polar de los auxiliares auditivos fueron medidos utilizando el método propuesto en una cabina audiológica con baja reverberación, en un cuarto con moderada reverberación y en una cámara anecoica. Se repitieron las mediciones cuatro veces para cada auxiliar en cada condición ambiental. Se compararon los resultados con la direccionalidad obtenida en la cámara anecoica utilizando dos mediciones de referencia. Muestra: Se evaluaron ocho auxiliares auditivos en el modo de direccionalidad fija. Resultados Y Conclusiones: Los resultados revelaron que el error del método propuesto en DI fue menor a 0.3 dB en el 94% de las condiciones medidas. La desviación estándar del DI fue menor a 0.3dB en 94% de las condiciones de medición. Estos resultados sugieren que el método quasi anecoico propuesto proporciona una forma certera y repetible para evaluar auxiliares auditivos con micrófonos no adaptativos en un recinto no anecoico  相似文献   

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