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The rabbit corneal epithelium model (RCE model) was developed as a three-dimensional in vitro model to replace animal testing for the assessment of eye tolerance. In the model, a stratified culture of rabbit corneal epithelial cells is grown at the air–liquid interface on an amniotic membrane acting as a parabasal membrane. The alkaline exposure was restored each day in the presence of no irritants, although with the addition of SLS, which is a major irritant, the restoration of deficit was inhibited on the RCE model in a dose-dependent manner. The results of this test were comparable with those of the Draize test, and thus, this method using the RCE model may prove to be a useful and sensitive in vitro eye irritation test. The lauryl fatty chain derivatives, such as polyoxyethylene (9) lauryl ether (PLE), sodium polyoxyethylene (2) lauryl ether sulfate (SPLE), mono glyceryl laurate (MGL), and sodium N-lauroyl-l-glutaminate (SLG), which are widely used as surfactants for toiletry products and cosmetics, were evaluated for in vitro eye irritation potential using the RCE model. SLS, PLE, SPLE, MGL, and SLG inhibited 88.7%, 59.2%, 69.0%, 47.5%, and 15.7% of the restoration of deletion 24 h after treatment at a concentration of 0.05%. The IC50 (50% inhibitory concentration) values of SLS, PLE, SPLE, MGL, and SLG were 0.002%, 0.021%, 0.005%, 0.056%, and 0.448%, respectively. These results indicated that a functional group at the end of lauryl chain is an important factor for inhibiting the restoration of deletion using the RCE model.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the interest of a new three-dimensional epithelial model cultivated from human corneal cells to replace animal testing in the assessment of eye tolerance. To this end, 65 formulated cosmetic products and 36 chemicals were tested by means of this in vitro model using a simplified toxicokinetic approach. The chemicals were selected from the ECETOC data bank and the EC/HO International validation study list. Very satisfactory results were obtained in terms of concordance with the Draize test data for the formulated cosmetic products. Moreover, the response of the corneal model appeared predictive of human ocular response clinically observed by ophthalmologists. The in vitro scores for the chemicals tested strongly correlated with their respective scores in vivo. For all the compounds tested, the response of the corneal model to irritants was similar regardless of their chemical structure, suggesting a good robustness of the prediction model proposed. We concluded that this new three-dimensional epithelial model, developed from human corneal cells, could be promising for the prediction of eye irritation induced by chemicals and complex formulated products, and that these two types of materials should be tested using a similar protocol. A simple shortening of the exposure period was required for the chemicals assumed to be more aggressively irritant to the epithelial tissues than the cosmetic formulae.  相似文献   

The Draize ocular irritancy test was compared with cytotoxicity determined from colony forming ability in cells freshly isolated from rabbit cornea (RC). The primary RC cells grew well and cloning efficiency ranged between 80 and 100% during early passages. We used 52 chemicals used in consumer products as test agents. There was a close correlation between the cytotoxicity in RC cells in vitro and the Draize score in vivo in response to the 52 chemicals. With a few exceptions, the cationic detergents appeared to be more toxic than the anionic or nonionic compounds tested. These data suggest that the cytotoxicity test in vitro using primary RC cells may be useful as a substitute for the Draize eye irritancy test.  相似文献   

Many efforts are being made to develop new alternative in vitro test methods for the eye irritation test. Here we report a new reconstructed human corneal epithelial model (MCTT HCE model) prepared from primary-cultured human limbal epithelial cells as a new alternative in vitro eye irritation test method. In histological and immunohistochemical observation, MCTT HCE model displayed a morphology and biomarker expressions similar to intact human cornea. Moreover, the barrier function was well preserved as measured by high transepithelial electrical resistance, effective time-50 for Triton X-100, and corneal thickness. To employ the model as a new alternative method for eye irritation test, protocol refinement was performed and optimum assay condition was determined including treatment time, treatment volume, post-incubation time and rinsing method. Using the refined protocol, 25 reference chemicals with known eye irritation potentials were tested. With the viability cut-off value at 50%, chemicals were classified to irritant or non-irritant. When compared with GHS classification, the MCTT HCE model showed the accuracy of 88%, sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 77%. These results suggest that the MCTT HCE model might be useful as a new alternative eye irritation test method.  相似文献   



Quantification of eye irritancy has been a problem for both the consumer product industry and ophthalmic researchers because of the need to predict the toxic potential of preparations that may come into contact with the ocular surface.The Draize rabbit eye test has been used for 60 years in attempts to predict human ocular irritancy based on topical instillation of the potential irritant and subjective scoring of ocular inflammation by direct visualization of the rabbit eye. The inadequacies of the Draize test have led to efforts in several laboratories to develop alternatives.


We propose an alternative to the Draize eye irritation test, using human hemoglobin rather than bovine hemoglobin and studying the protein denaturation induced by potential irritants. Among the factors that affect eye irritation, protein denaturation has been reported as one of the most important factors that can result in corneal opacity. Human protein denaturation was measured as indicative of eye irritation.


We studied different known irritant and non-irritant compounds to establish the predictability of the method. The compounds considered as irritants in vivo had the greatest effect in terms of decreased human hemoglobin absorbance.


The proposed method is able to easily differentiate between irritant and non-irritants products in an easy manner. The method is easy, rapid, economical, and provides enough information about the potential eye irritant action of different surfactants.  相似文献   

Finding in vitro eye irritation testing alternatives to animal testing such as the Draize eye test, which uses rabbits, is essential from the standpoint of animal welfare. It has been developed a reconstructed human corneal epithelial model, the LabCyte CORNEA-MODEL, which has a representative corneal epithelium-like structure. Protocol optimization (pre-validation study) was examined in order to establish a new alternative method for eye irritancy evaluation with this model. From the results of the optimization experiments, the application periods for chemicals were set at 1 min for liquid chemicals or 24 h for solid chemicals, and the post-exposure incubation periods were set at 24 h for liquids or zero for solids. If the viability was less than 50%, the chemical was judged to be an eye irritant. Sixty-one chemicals were applied in the optimized protocol using the LabCyte CORNEA-MODEL and these results were evaluated in correlation with in vivo results. The predictions of the optimized LabCyte CORNEA-MODEL eye irritation test methods were highly correlated with in vivo eye irritation (sensitivity 100%, specificity 80.0%, and accuracy 91.8%). These results suggest that the LabCyte CORNEA-MODEL eye irritation test could be useful as an alternative method to the Draize eye test.  相似文献   

The damage provoked by some substances on the chicken egg's chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) is used as an alternative assay to determine ocular irritation. There is good prediction of the eye irritation when compared to the in vivo Draize method. Nevertheless, this assay has some limitations, such as subjectivity. Hagino et al. developed an objective evaluation technique using the amount of trypan blue absorbed at the site of treatment as an indicator of injury to the CAM. The present work was aimed at the determination of ocular irritation of 21 substances (chemicals and cosmetics). We used the spectrophotometric quantification by trypan blue staining of the damage produced on CAM, of fertile chicken eggs. Results were compared with the values obtained by the traditional Draize assay. We observed a good correlation (r=0.835; p<0.0001) between the amount of dye absorbed by the CAM and the Draize eye irritation test score. The r values were 0.688; p<0.05 for cosmetics and 0.925; p<0.0001 for chemicals. Three chemicals turned as false positive and one cosmetic substance as false negative. The CAM-TBS assay is inexpensive, simple and provides an in vitro alternative method to predict the damage that chemical substances or cosmetics can cause to the ocular structures.  相似文献   

Radiochemical and autoradiographic methods were used for 210Pb determination after Na2CaEDTA administration to rabbits. 210Pb was determined in soft tissues, compact and trabecular bones and growing microareas on the endosteum of the long bone. After Na2CaEDTA injection lead was depleted from 'new' deposits mainly on the growing surface of both trabecular and compact bones.  相似文献   

We recently developed a novel Vitrigel‐eye irritancy test (EIT) method. The Vitrigel‐EIT method is composed of two parts, i.e., the construction of a human corneal epithelium (HCE) model in a collagen vitrigel membrane chamber and the prediction of eye irritancy by analyzing the time‐dependent profile of transepithelial electrical resistance values for 3 min after exposing a chemical to the HCE model. In this study, we estimated the predictive performance of Vitrigel‐EIT method by testing a total of 118 chemicals. The category determined by the Vitrigel‐EIT method in comparison to the globally harmonized system classification revealed that the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 90.1%, 65.9% and 80.5%, respectively. Here, five of seven false‐negative chemicals were acidic chemicals inducing the irregular rising of transepithelial electrical resistance values. In case of eliminating the test chemical solutions showing pH 5 or lower, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were improved to 96.8%, 67.4% and 84.4%, respectively. Meanwhile, nine of 16 false‐positive chemicals were classified irritant by the US Environmental Protection Agency. In addition, the disappearance of ZO‐1, a tight junction‐associated protein and MUC1, a cell membrane‐spanning mucin was immunohistologically confirmed in the HCE models after exposing not only eye irritant chemicals but also false‐positive chemicals, suggesting that such false‐positive chemicals have an eye irritant potential. These data demonstrated that the Vitrigel‐EIT method could provide excellent predictive performance to judge the widespread eye irritancy, including very mild irritant chemicals. We hope that the Vitrigel‐EIT method contributes to the development of safe commodity chemicals. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Applied Toxicology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Glutaric anhydride (GA), an industrial chemical, was found of moderate acute peroral lethal toxicity with LD50 values (95% confidence limits) in the rat of 1.41 (0.80-2.49) g/kg (males) and 0.54 (0.36-0.79) g/kg (females), with death being due in part to gastrointestinal irritancy. Dilution with water given by gavage after peroral dosing had no effect on lethal toxicity. Acute percutaneous LD50 values (rabbit) by 24-h occlusion were 6.25 (5.34-7.33) g/kg in males and 5.66 (3.21-9.95) g/kg in females; local skin effects included erythema, edema, necrosis and ulceration. A 6-h exposure to a statically generated saturated vapor atmosphere (rat) produced no signs of toxicity or irritancy. A 4-h, but not 1-h or 3-min occluded contact with 0.5 g of moistened GA (rabbit) produced erythema, edema and necrosis. Contamination of the eye (rabbit) with 10 mg GA produced conjunctivitis (hyperemia, chemosis and discharge) which persisted 7 to 14 d, mild iritis of 2 to 14 d duration, and mild to severe corneal injury which healed within 14 d. A maximization study in guinea pigs by the method of Magnusson and Kligman showed no potential for skin sensitization with GA. The major acute hazards of GA were by swallowing, eye contact and sustained skin contact.  相似文献   

Based on studies that have characterized the extent of injury occurring with irritants of differing type and severity, we have proposed that extent of initial injury is the principal mechanism underlying ocular irritation. We report here our efforts to apply this hypothesis, as a mechanistic basis, to the development of an alternative eye irritation assay using an ex vivo rabbit corneal model. Rabbit eyes were obtained immediately after sacrifice or from an abattoir and 8.5-mm diameter corneal buttons were removed and cultured overnight at an air-liquid interface under serum-free conditions. Buttons were exposed to materials of differing type (surfactant, acid, base, alcohol and aldehyde) and irritancy (slight to severe) that had been previously characterized microscopically in the rabbit low-volume eye test. Exposure was accomplished by applying 1.5 microl of an irritant to a sterile, 3 mm diameter, filter paper disk and then placing the disk on the center of the corneal button for 10 s. After removal of the disk, buttons were washed and cultured for 3, 24 or 48 h. Buttons were then evaluated for extent of injury using a Live/Dead staining kit and fluorescent microscopy to measure cell size of live surface epithelial cells, area of epithelial denudation and depth of stromal injury. Ex vivo exposure to slight irritants generally reduced surface epithelial cell size (i.e. erosion) while exposure to mild irritants produced epithelial denudation with variable injury to the corneal stroma. Severe irritants generally produced extensive epithelial denudation and damaged the corneal stroma and endothelium. Overall, ex vivo extent of injury significantly correlated with in vivo extent of injury as measured in previous animal tests (r=0.81, P<0.001). These findings indicate that extent of corneal injury, as shown to be associated with ocular irritation occurring in vivo, can be applied to the development of a mechanistically-based alternative eye irritation model. We believe that this approach may ultimately lead to an alternative assay to replace the use of animals in ocular irritation testing.  相似文献   

The isolated rabbit eye (IRE) test and bovine corneal opacity and permeability (BCOP) assay were evaluated for their ability to predict the eye irritation potential of a range of hair shampoo formulations, some containing a novel non-surfactant ingredient known to be an ocular irritant. The additional endpoints of corneal swelling and histological examination were incorporated into the standard BCOP protocol. Historic Draize data were available for several of the formulations and served as a reference. The standard BCOP assay (without histology) failed to distinguish between shampoos of low and high irritant potential, when exposure times of 10 and 60 min were employed (for undiluted and 10% dilution of the shampoos, respectively) and the in vitro score classified the majority of formulations as mild. The incorporation of the histological endpoint to the BCOP protocol allowed discrimination between formulations of differing irritancy, and should be included to augment the standard BCOP protocol. Corneal swelling values did not, however, correlate with the irritant potential of the shampoos tested. The IRE which includes the endpoints of corneal swelling and histopathological scoring produced classifications of irritancy that were fairly consistent with in vivo data and distinguished between the high and low irritant potential shampoos.  相似文献   

The comparative study of the ability of three compounds (indomethacin, agent BW 755 C and arachidonate hydroxamic acid) to inhibit the activity of preparations of soya bean lipoxygenase and to block leukotriene C4 biosynthesis in human leukocytes recorded by reversed phase liquid chromatography was performed. It was shown that irrespectively of purification degree soya bean lipoxygenase is a sufficiently adequate object for primary testing of inhibitors of biosynthesis of leukotrienes with the given type of action. Compounds with IC50 less than or equal to 1.10(-6) mol/l might be considered promising for the further investigation.  相似文献   

Until alternatives to the Draize test have been developed and shown to be adequate for assessing the safety of cosmetic products, modification of the existing method to reduce the numbers of animals required and the severity of the effects induced is of great importance. In the testing of cosmetic products, comparison with already known products plays an important role. Tests to demonstrate whether a new product is better or less well tolerated than a known one can be carried out with concentrations that are only slightly irritating. A decrease or increase in effect is clearly identifiable with these relatively low concentrations, and allows the product to be appropriately assessed.  相似文献   

Eye irritation is an important endpoint in the safety evaluation of consumer products and their ingredients. Several in vitro methods have been developed and are used by different industry sectors to assess eye irritation. One such in vitro method in use for some time already is the isolated chicken eye test (ICE). This investigation focuses on assessing the ICE as a method to determine the eye irritation potential of household cleaning products, both for product safety assurance prior to marketing and for classification and labeling decisions. The ICE involves a single application of test substances onto the cornea of isolated chicken eyes. Endpoints are corneal swelling, corneal opacity and fluorescein retention. The ICE results were compared to historic LVET data in this study due to availability of such in vivo data and the ability to correlate LVET to human experience data on the outcome of accidental exposures to household cleaning products in general. The results of this study indicate that the ICE test is a useful in vitro method for evaluating the eye irritation/corrosion potential and establishing classification and labeling for household cleaning products. For new product formulations, it is best used as part of a weight-of-evidence approach and benchmarked against data from comparable formulations with known eye irritation/corrosion profiles and market experience.  相似文献   

We have characterized 22 ocular irritants differing in type (surfactants, acid, alkali, bleaches, alcohol, aldehyde, acetone) and severity (slight to severe) by using the low-volume rabbit eye test. Ocular irritation was evaluated by 1) light microscopy to assess pathological changes, 2) in vivo confocal microscopy (CM) to quantify 4-dimensionally (x, y, z, and t) initial corneal injury and later responses in the same eye, and 3) laser scanning CM to quantify initial cell death. These studies revealed that regardless of the processes leading to injury, slight irritants injure the corneal epithelium, mild irritants injure the corneal epithelium and the superficial stroma, and moderate/severe irritants injure the epithelium, deep stroma, and at times the corneal endothelium. Furthermore, extent of initial corneal injury was shown to predict subsequent responses and final outcomes. These findings suggest that extent of corneal injury may be used as a basis for the development of alternative ocular irritation tests. To test the validity of this approach, we have used an ex vivo, rabbit cornea culture model to measure extent of corneal injury following exposure to ocular irritants. Data indicate that the extent of ex vivo corneal injury significantly correlate with the extent of initial injury measured previously in live animals. Overall, these findings indicate that extent of initial corneal injury can be used as a new "gold standard" for the continued refinement and ultimate replacement of the Draize rabbit eye Ocular Irritation Test.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to limit the test procedure time of the Slug Mucosal Irritation test to one day and to determine whether it is a relevant and reliable method to predict the eye irritation potential of chemicals. The irritation potential of several eye reference chemicals can be estimated by the amount of mucus produced when tested at a 1% concentration (60 min). Since some in vivo irritating chemicals did not influence this endpoint the effect of increasing concentrations on membrane damage was investigated. This study revealed that when tested at a 3.5% concentration (60 min) the underestimated chemicals induced an increased protein and/or enzyme release. A two-step classification prediction model was developed that classified the chemicals first by the amount of mucus produced (1%, 60 min). Chemicals that did not affect this endpoint were classified based on the membrane damage induced by a second treatment (3.5%, 60 min). The results were compared with the corresponding EU classification (NI, R36 and R41) and 71% of the chemicals were correctly classified with a specificity and sensitivity of 75% and 94%, respectively. Repeated testing of the chemicals revealed a good intra-laboratory reproducibility. The test seems to be a promising method for screening the eye irritating potential of chemicals.  相似文献   

TAHT (1,3,5-triacryloylhexahydro-s-triazine), a reactive chemical coupling agent, was highly toxic following a single peroral dose of an aqueous suspension (10% w/v) to Wistar rats, or following application of TAHT in dichloromethane (DCM) solution (10% w/v) to covered skin of New Zealand rabbits. It was moderately toxic when applied dermally as an aqueous paste. Ocular contact with 25 mg of TAHT in a 5% aqueous suspension, or of 0.5 mg of TAHT in a 10% (w/v) solution in DCM, produced severe corneal damage, iritis and blepharo-conjunctivitis. A 30-min exposure of uncovered rabbit skin to 1 mg of TAHT in a 10% (w/v) aqueous suspension produced only slight skin irritation. However, 24-h exposures to TAHT on covered skin produced erythema, edema, ecchymoses, scabs, and death depending upon dosage and vehicle. In vitro genotoxicity studies revealed no positive effects upon gene mutations (HGPRT locus) or on sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) of CHO cells exposed to TAHT with and without a rat-liver S9 metabolic activation system. TAHT did not increase the levels of [3H]thymidine incorporation in a test for unscheduled DNA synthesis with primary rat hepatocytes. In contrast, substantial increases in the number of chromosome breaks and rearrangements were observed in chromosome preparations used for the SCE analyses. The clastogenic activity of TAHT was confirmed in an in vitro chromosome aberration test with CHO cells. Treatment-related increases in chromosome breakage were observed at two independent sampling times and positive effects did not depend upon the presence or absence of a metabolic activation system. Clastogenic activity of TAHT was also demonstrated in vivo in a micronucleus test using mouse peripheral polychromatic erythrocytes. Significant, treatment-related increases in micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes were obtained at two of three sampling times. The high degree of mammalian toxicity, severe eye irritancy and the in vitro and in vivo clastogenicity indicate that TAHT should be handled as a hazardous material using suitable caution and protective equipment.  相似文献   

The chorioallantoic membrane–trypan blue staining assay (CAM–TBS) is used to evaluate the potential ocular irritation caused by liquid scintillation cocktails constituted by complex mixtures, including surfactants and other potential irritants. The harmful effect of these substances is determined by the amount of trypan blue adsorbed by the CAM. In the membrane previously treated with the scintillation liquids this amount was concentration dependent only in certain cases, irrespective of the water solubility of the mixtures. In general, it showed a high correlation (r=0.986) with the scores obtained in the Draize eye irritation test. In the present study, only two cocktails presented values of trypan blue adsorption higher than those recorded for their eye irritation in vivo, irrespective of the solvent nature. Unlike the classical HET–CAM procedure, this assay is objective and allows the evaluation of opaque and coloured substances without interfering in the determination of irritancy. Despite these advantages, the method is not suitable for complex mixtures of products that induce ocular irritation in small quantities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential eye irritation of a range of solvents, extensively used in industry and laboratory and the capacity of the chorioallantoic membrane test to predict this eye irritation. The irritation has been evaluated by an in vitro method using the chorioallantoic membrane as an alternative to in vivo Draize rabbit test. All the solvents studied are potentially strongly irritants, even though diluted, except dimethyl sulfoxide which was moderately irritant at a concentration of 10% v/v. In some cases there is a correlation between the concentration of the solvent and the potential eye irritation induced. The method allows prediction of the potential eye irritation of the solvents studied.  相似文献   

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