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目的:通过对某综合医院护理人员开展现状调查,总结出发生锐器伤的原因并探讨其有效的防护对策。方法:本研究采用问卷调查法对某综合医院全体护士发生锐器伤的情况进行全面调查。结果:调查对象锐器伤发生率为85.3%。发生过锐器伤的护士中75.8%没有戴手套,在锐器伤发生后13.9%的人未采取任何措施,主动核对患者检验结果的仅为26.8%,做过乙肝病毒检测的仅为21.9%,21.9%的人曾经汇报给有关部门。结论:应加强护理人员锐器伤的安全教育,提高自我防护意识,同时改善工作环境,并建立完善的监督管理机制。  相似文献   

目的 提高感染科护士锐器伤报告率,提高护士的职业防护意识.方法 成立QCC小组,选定主题,对感染科护士锐器伤报告率低的原因进行分析、制定改进方案、实施改进措施及效果评价.结果 品管圈活动前后锐器伤未报告率从60.00%下降至零.结论 开展品管圈活动可有效提高感染科护士锐器伤报告率,提高护士的职业防护意识.  相似文献   

<正>锐器损伤是导致医护人员发生血源性传播疾病最危险的传播途径之一。受到工作环境的局限性及自身职业防护意识淡薄等因素影响,目前基层医院医务人员出现锐器伤的概率较高。现回顾性分析我院2011-02-2013-02间发生的34例医务人  相似文献   

目的了解急诊护士锐器伤的发生情况,并探讨相应的防护对策。方法对我市二级医院的部分急诊护士发放自行设计的锐器伤问卷调查表,进行回顾性调查后行统计分析。结果185名护士都发生过不同程度的医疗锐器伤,发生率为100%,其中1年内发生针刺伤444次,安瓿损伤222次;其他锐器伤56次。结论急诊护士的自身防护问题应引起重视,要加强对护士的安全教育,规范其操作行为,减少锐器伤,避免职业感染等危害。  相似文献   

手术室护士发生锐器伤的危险因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩翠珍 《护理学杂志》2008,23(22):70-71
目的 探讨手术室护士发生锐器伤的危险因素,为有效预防锐器伤提供科学依据.方法 选取菏泽市10所医院260名在岗的手术室护士进行问卷调查,对相关危险因素进行单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析.结果 57名(21.92%)被调查的手术室护士在最近1年内发生过锐器伤,对锐器伤的认知平均得分6.83±1.12,对锐器伤的防护知识平均得分5.31±1.25,手术操作规范平均得分7.69±2.54.护士对锐器伤认识、防护知识、手术操作规范是锐器伤的保护因素(P<0.05,P<0.01).结论 手术室护士发生锐器伤的概率较高,应建立健全锐器伤的各项防护制度,加强护士,特别是低年资护士职业安全教育和防护知识技能的培训,规范手术操作,做好个人防护和暴露后的预防处理是有效的预防措施.  相似文献   

【摘要】〓目的〓分析和总结手术室见习期护士锐器伤的原因及制定相应措施。方法〓对2011年8月至2013年8月的20名见习期护士进行锐器伤的登记。结果〓20名见习期护士发生锐器伤共10例,其中针刺伤7例,占70%,双手回套针帽2例,占20%,锐器箱处理1例,占10%。结论〓建立健全的规章制度,遵守标准的操作规范,采取切实有效的防护措施可减少锐器伤对护士的伤害。  相似文献   

目的了解实习护生实习期间发生锐器伤的危险因素,为制订锐器伤防范措施提供依据。方法自行设计调查表,对10个月内实习期间的100名护生进行调查。结果92%的护生发生了锐器伤,锐器伤后有56.53%护生未经消毒处理,40.21%护生虽经消毒处理(其中行规范消毒处理者占9.78%),但后续处理者仅占43.47%。结论护生自我防护意识淡薄,锐器伤后伤口处理不规范。须加强职业防护教育及管理,以减少锐器伤的发生率。  相似文献   

目的:应用Donabedian质量理论构建手术室工作人员锐器伤结构—过程—结果指标,探讨在该质量理论指导下的三维指标在手术室锐器伤持续改进中的作用。方法:选取杭州市妇产科医院手术室医务人员47名作为调查对象,2020年1至12月采用常规预防锐器伤管理措施为干预前数据,2021年1至12月在Donabedian质量理论指...  相似文献   

和平建设时期 ,由意外事件导致下胸部锐器损伤并不少见 ,特别是胸部穿透伤 ,直接伤及心、肺、肝、脾等重要生命脏器 ,影响伤员生命安全。及时地组织有效的救治和护理将大大提高此类伤员的治愈率。现就我院 1980~ 2 0 0 2年收治的 5 18例下胸部锐器穿透伤的救治护理中的经验进行总结分析。临床资料全组 5 18例 ,男 44 7例 ( 86.3 % ) ,女 71例 ( 13 .7% )。年龄2~ 80岁 ,平均年龄 2 3 .5岁。其中 16~ 2 8岁为 3 96例 ,占 76.4%。文化素质不高或无固定职业者 418例 ( 80 .7% )。致伤器具 :枪弹火器伤 12 3例 ,锐器伤 3 95例。本组不包含锐…  相似文献   

心脏介入术患者实施家属参与式健康教育效果探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨家属参与式健康在心脏介入手术患者中的应用效果。方法将194例行心脏介入手术的患者随机分为实验组(98例)和对照组(96例)。对照组实施常规护理;实验组在常规护理的基础上实施以家属参与式的健康教育,即确定患者及家属的需求,共同制定目标,采取个体教育、集体教育及情景模拟等方法对患者及家属进行疾病相关知识教育。观察两组入院时,术前焦虑、心率、血压的变化,术后24h内并发症发生率。结果实验组术前焦虑评分、心率和血压显著低于对照组(P0.05,P0.01),术后24h并发症发生率显著低于对照组(均P0.05)。结论家属参与式健康教育应用于心脏介入患者可提高健康教育效果。  相似文献   

The planning of health education in the prevention of burn injuries is typically incomplete and not stated explicitly, while the evaluation is executed only partially or is altogether non-existent. This article presents a theoretical framework for planning and evaluating health education for those at risk for burns. Systematic planning consists of an assessment of the magnitude and severity of the problem, an analysis of the behavioural risk factors, a study of the determinants of the most risky modes of behaviour, the design of an optimal intervention, and the implementation of this intervention. The evaluation phase deals with the effects on these five levels (implementation, intervention, determinants, behaviour and injury risk). Some common pitfalls are mentioned and special attention is given to the study of determinants of behaviour and to the design of the intervention. Furthermore, the importance of pretesting health education material is underlined. There appears to be a strong need for further research on the aetiology of burn injury and the relevant determinants of behaviour, before effective prevention can be realized.  相似文献   

D J Wood 《Spine》1987,12(2):77-82
Two phases of a back injury prevention program were studied using 2035 accident reports filed between 1979 and 1984. Phase 1, Personnel Program, was designed to decrease the duration of wage-loss claims by increasing the effectiveness of the existing procedures used to process these claims. This program significantly lowered the proportion of high-hour claims (P less than .05) and significantly reversed a trend of increasing accident rates (P less than .05). Phase 2, Back Program, was designed to lower the incidence of back injuries through a feedback-oriented educational program. The Back Program itself could not demonstrate a significant reduction in back injuries primarily due to the powerful and confounding effect of the Personnel Program. The combination of the Personnel Program and the Back Program significantly lowered back injuries for nurses when compared with a similar group of injuries that occurred at geriatric hospitals (P less than .001). The large effect of the Personnel Program and the small effect of the Back Program have design implications for any injury prevention program.  相似文献   

目的探讨健康教育干预对社区健康素养、高血压和糖尿病的影响。方法采用随机抽样法从石碣镇和南城区辖区抽取2038人,高血压645人,糖尿病317人,实施健康教育。结果干预后的健康素养、基本知识和理念、健康生活方式及基本技能比例均高于干预前(P〈0.05)。干预前高血压发病率为31.65%,糖尿病发病率为15.55%,干预后分别为25.02%、10.25%,干预前后差异有统计学意义(P〈O.05)。干预后高血压及糖尿病知晓率、治疗率、控制率均提高,致残率及致死率均降低(P〈0.05)。结论健康教育干预能提高社区居民的健康素养,有利于高血压及糖尿病治疗效果的提高。  相似文献   

In January 1989, the Johannesburg City Health Department developed an AIDS education poster. The poster was adapted from a cartoon in the Sowetan newspaper and was formally evaluated before its final production. As a result of this evaluation further editing and restructuring of the poster proved necessary. The methodology used in the evaluation is outlined, and some of the findings that emerged during the evaluation are discussed, since few formal evaluations of health education material seem to have been documented in South Africa. This study highlights the importance of formative evaluation of printed health educational media by a sample of the target audience before production and distribution.  相似文献   

Pressure injuries (PIs) are a common quality indicator for hospital care, and preventing PIs often requires patient engagement; as such, Australian consensus research has recommended that high‐quality education materials be made to patients for PIs via hospital networks. The purpose of the present study was to assess the availability and accuracy of patient education materials on PIs in publicly available hospital websites in Victoria, Australia. Two independent coders assessed 212 websites for content on PI prevention and management, analysing availability and accuracy of PI definitions, risk factors, preventive strategies, referral, visual tools, consumer endorsement, information for family/carers, and translation on community languages. A greater proportion of hospitals did not have any patient education materials on PI prevention publicly available, with private hospitals (compared with public) and metropolitan hospitals (compared to rural) more likely to have materials available on their sites. The available materials contained accurate messages on PI defining characteristics and risk factors for PIs, although there was considerable variability on the availability of other information. Our findings suggest a significant deficit in the availability of educational materials for acute care patients and their families. There is a need for evidence‐based, consumer‐endorsed, uniform materials on all hospital websites to prevent PIs in acute care.  相似文献   

目的探讨自制患者入院及出院流程音视频对提高患者健康教育满意度的作用。方法随机抽取300例患者,开展关于患者入院出院流程健康教育需求的调查,针对调查结果,编撰包括入院、出院各个环节健康教育内容的剧本,由课题组成员编导,小组成员表演并自行拍摄。拍摄成的初片给医生、护士、患者、家属观看后,针对反馈意见修改剪辑形成一套完整的入院出院流程健康教育音视频,每日在医院门诊、病房播放。干预前后配对选取100例患者评价健康教育效果。结果干预后患者对入院、出院健康教育知识清楚程度、对办理入院和出院流程满意率和出院及时结算率与干预前比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。结论入院、出院流程健康教育音视频有助于患者了解办理入院、出院程序,提高办事效率和对护理服务的满意度。  相似文献   

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