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目的:通过分析不良事件发生的原因,探讨如何避免护理不良事件的发生,为提高精神科护理安全质量奠定基础。方法:回顾某三级甲等精神病专科医院护理部2004~2009年强制上报的155起护理不良事件,对不良事件发生的频次与护士参加工作的年限,是否进行过精神科专门培训进行分析。结果:精神科护士及发生的护理不良事件的发生率具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:对精神科不同职称的护士应分层培训和教育,同时对封闭管理的精神科病区凡涉及患者安全的工作,应制定操作性强的管理措施,以规范护士行为,减少护理不良事件的发生。  相似文献   

目的:调查分析精神科护理不良事件发生的相关因素,便于提出有效地防范对策。方法:选取某三甲精神病专科医院2008年1月~2009年12月发生的62例护理不良事件进行分析。结果:每年都有不同的护理不良事件发生,且下半年较上半年高,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);因疾病所致护理不良事件(45例,占72.58%)较护理人员工作失误(17例,占27.42%)所致护理不良事件为高,差异也有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论:精神科护理不良事件多因疾病所致,下半年发生率高,因此要改善人员配置进行弹性排班,同时也要提高护理人员的安全防范意识和责任意识。  相似文献   

目的 调查分析手术室护士护理中断事件培训现状及培训需求,为开展相关培训提供参考.方法 采用自制护理中断事件培训现状及培训需求问卷,方便抽取2827名手术室护士进行调查.结果 28.16%手术室护士接受过护理中断事件培训,87.37%手术室护士认为有必要接受相关培训.不同性别、学历、年龄、职称、工作年限及岗位类别的护士护理中断事件培训率比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01).结论 手术室护士护理中断事件培训需求较高但培训不足,管理者应加强手术室护理中断事件的规范化培训.  相似文献   

目的调查急诊科护士不良事件上报态度现状及其影响因素,为护理管理者对不良事件进行管理提供参考。方法采用临床不良事件上报态度量表对沈阳市3所三级甲等医院165名急诊科护士进行问卷调查。结果急诊科护士不良事件上报总分为(65.69±11.89)分。4个维度得分由高到低依次为上报的标准、上报的影响、上报的目的、上报的环境。年龄、护龄、岗位、职称、学历是急诊科护士不良事件上报态度的影响因素(P0.05,P0.01)。结论急诊科护士不良事件上报态度处于中等水平,有待提高。护理管理者应完善不良事件上报标准,加强对低年资、低职称、低学历护士的相关培训,以提高护士对不良事件上报的认知,提高不良事件上报率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨护理干预对减少脑出血并发症和护理不良事件发生率的影响。方法:将136例脑出血住院患者随机分为对照组和护理干预组,对两种护理方式的效果进行比较。结果:与对照组比较,干预组脑出血并发便秘、坠积性肺炎和下肢静脉血栓形成及护理不良事件发生率均降低(P<0.05),差异有显著性意义。结论:护理干预对脑出血患者的康复具有重要意义。  相似文献   

阐述护士主动报告护理不良事件的现状,影响因素包括管理因素、文化因素、个人因素、工作环境因素,并提出构建以人为本的差错管理模式、营造开放的文化安全屏障,规范不良事件的管理文件,拓宽护理部管理职能、激励员工积极上报,倡导人文关怀、缓解护士压力等对策,为今后持续改进不良事件报告制度,构建高效、畅通、完善、人文化的报告系统提供参考。  相似文献   

目的探讨根本原因分析法在不良结局护理中断事件管理中的应用效果。方法应用根本原因分析法对13例不良结局护理中断事件进行分析,找出根本原因,制定改进措施,实施专项管理,1年后评价效果。结果改进措施实施后护理不良事件及不良结局护理中断事件发生率较改进措施实施前显著下降(均P0.01)。结论根本原因分析法用于护理安全管理可有效降低不良事件及不良结局护理中断事件发生率,保障患者安全。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析不良事件发生的原因及特点,探讨如何避免不良事件的发生,并制订相应的防范措施,降低产房护理缺陷,确保母婴安全.方法 对产房护理系统上报的10起不良事件进行分析研究,并制定相应的护理措施进行风险控制.通过加强产房护理安全管理,及时发现问题,对发现的护理不良事件及时进行整改,达到回避产房护理风险,提高护理质量的...  相似文献   

目的探讨护理不良事件讨论会在患者安全管理实践中的应用效果。方法成立护理质量安全管理委员会,每月定期对上报的护理不良事件集中讨论,运用4M1E原因分类模式系统分析事件发生的根本原因,提出改进措施并实施。结果实施后护理不良事件发生率显著降低(P0.05,P0.01)。结论护理不良事件讨论会的实施可从系统角度完善护理安全管理,降低护理不良事件发生率,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

综述护理不良事件原因分析模型,主要的模型有瑞士奶酪模型、Vincent患者安全因素模型、SHEL模型、HFACS模型等。建议从基于组件可靠性的原因分析方式转化为系统性思考模式,深入剖析不良事件发生的根本原因并制定科学的管理策略,减少护理不良事件的发生,保障患者安全,为规范护理临床不良事件管理系统、科学管理提供理论基础与研究借鉴。  相似文献   

There is growing evidence of a strong association between the compromised autonomic nervous system and sudden cardiac death. Heart rate variability (HRV) measures are widely used to measure alterations in the autonomic nervous system. Several studies with cardiac patients show that decreased HRV as well as baroreceptor dysfunction are more powerful predictors for sudden cardiac death than established clinical predictors such as left ventricular ejection fraction. One-third of all postoperative complications and more than half of the deaths are due to cardiac complications. Several risk indices are useful for immediate perioperative short-term, but not for long-term outcome risk stratification of an individual patient. Currently, there are no clinically assimilated methods for long-term postoperative risk assessment. Recently, few studies have shown that preoperatively decreased HRV can independently predict postoperative long-term mortality. Further studies with surgical patients are needed to establish a possible predictive value of preoperative baroreceptor dysfunction, alone and combined with HRV, for short- and long-term postoperative outcome.  相似文献   

Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie -  相似文献   

Vascular imaging, usually employing nephrotoxic contrast agents is relied upon for all aspects of endovascular AAA repair causing some to consider renal insufficiency a relative contraindication. We sought to determine if endovascular AAA evaluation and repair could be successfully accomplished by minimally or non-nephrotoxic modalities.Records and results for 98 consecutive patients undergoing endovascular AAA repair were reviewed. Patients requiring dialysis preoperatively were excluded (N=3).The average volume of iodinated contrast agent employed for intraoperative imaging was 152 cc (35-420 cc). Twenty patients (20%) had baseline renal insufficiency (serum creatinine > or =1.3 mg/dl). A rise in serum creatinine above baseline was observed in 23 (24%) patients following repair; for 15 (16%) this was permanent. Creatinine rise occurred in patients with both normal (15) and abnormal (8) baseline values (P=0.09). Rise in creatinine was independent of contrast volume employed and of the use of infrarenal vs suprarenal device fixation (P>0.05). Two (2%) patients required permanent dialysis, one of which had a normal baseline creatinine and unclear etiology for renal failure, the other had a baseline creatinine of 2 and required device placement over an accessory renal artery. Strategies to minimize the use of nephrotoxic contrast for patients with renal insufficiency included the use of MRA, rather than contrast-CT for pre and postoperative imaging (7, 35%) and use of Gadolinium rather than iodinated contrast for performance of intraoperative arteriography (5, 25%). Endovascular grafts were successfully designed and implanted based upon MRA as the sole preoperative imaging modality in every case in which it was attempted (7). Mortality was not significantly different between those with and without abnormal baseline renal function (P>0.05). Adverse events (access failures, arterial injuries, blood loss, endoleaks) were not significantly correlated with baseline renal insufficiency, rise in creatinine from baseline, use of MRA or intraoperative Gadolinium angiography (P>0.05).Pre- and postoperative evaluation and performance of endovascular AAA repair can be accomplished in patients with renal insufficiency without increasing the rate of mortality or adverse events employing a strategy which minimizes the use of nephrotoxic contrast agents, relying upon Gadolinium arteriography and MRA. Endovascular grafts can be successfully planned and followed employing MRA as the sole imaging modality.  相似文献   

The improvement of the quality and quantity of primary health care is a major issue in southern Africa. The role of the nurse in the delivery of this care was examined at a workshop conference on 'The extended role of the nurse'. In this article in the conclusions of the conference are reported, and the problems identified in extending the role of the nurse in this field are discussed.  相似文献   

目的探讨临床护士不良事件风险感知、不良事件报告习惯的状况及两者关系。方法采用护理不良事件风险感知结构维度量表和临床护士不良事件报告习惯问卷,对泰安市10所综合医院917名临床护士进行问卷调查。结果临床护士不良事件风险感知得分为16.48±3.79;临床护士不良事件报告习惯得分为36.80±19.71;患者照护风险感知对护士不良事件报告习惯具有预测性(P0.05)。结论临床护士不良事件风险感知与报告习惯有待提高,不良事件风险感知对其报告习惯有影响。可通过增强临床护士不良事件风险感知意识和能力来提高护士不良事件报告行为,以更好地提高患者安全管理水平,降低不良事件的发生。  相似文献   

Background:  Significant intraprocedural adverse events (AE) are reported in children who receive anesthesia for procedures outside the Operating Rooms (NORA). No study, so far, has characterized AE in children who receive anesthesia in the operating rooms (ORA) and NORA when anesthesia care is provided by the same team in a consistent manner.
Objective/Aim:  We used the same patient-specific Quality Assurance questionnaires (QAs), to elucidate incidences of intraoperative reported AE for children receiving anesthesia in NORA and ORA locations. Through multivariate logistic regression analysis, we assessed the association between patient's AE risk and procedure's location while adjusting for American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status, age, and unscheduled nature of the procedure.
Methods/Materials:  After Institutional Review Board approval, we used returned QAs of patients under 21 years, who received anesthesia from our pediatric anesthesia faculty from May 1 2006 through September 30, 2007. We analyzed QA data on: service location, unscheduled/scheduled procedure, age, ASA status, presence, and type of AE. We excluded QAs with incomplete information on date, location, age, and ASA status.
Results:  We included 8707 cases, with 3.5% incidence of reported AE. We had 1898 NORA and 6808 ORA cases with AE incidence of 2.5% and 3.7%, respectively. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that patients with higher ASA status or younger age had higher incidence of reported AE, irrespective of location or unscheduled nature of the procedure. The most common AE type, for both sites, was respiratory related (1.9%).
Conclusions:  Pediatric reported AE incidence was comparable for NORA and ORA locations. Younger age or higher ASA status are associated with increased risk of AE.  相似文献   

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