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磁共振扩散加权成像动态监测中晚期宫颈癌放化疗疗效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究磁共振扩散加权成像(DWI)在中晚期宫颈癌放化疗疗效动态监测中的应用价值。方法前瞻性纳入42例病理证实为中晚期(Ⅱb 期以上)宫颈癌拟行放化疗的患者,于放化疗前、结束时及结束后1个月行盆腔 MR 扫描。3例患者于放化疗结束后立即行手术切除,其余39例患者放化疗结束后1个月复查,28例完全缓解(CR ),10例部分缓解(PR),1例病灶稳定(SD)。28例 CR 中,11例于放化疗结束时病灶即完全消失(即刻反应组),17例于放化疗结束后1个月病灶才完全消失(延迟反应组)。比较不同疗效组肿瘤最大径及表观扩散系数(ADC)的动态变化规律。结果CR 即刻反应组基线肿瘤最大径(3.6 cm±0.9 cm)显著小于 PR 组(5.3 cm±2.5 cm,P =0.046)和治疗结束时尚有病灶残留的患者(5.1 cm±1.9 cm,P =0.021)。治疗后1个月 CR 组病灶 ADC 值(1.43×10-3 mm2/ s±0.04)显著高于 PR 组(1.29×10-3 mm2/s±0.11,P <0.001)。不同疗效组患者肿瘤最大径及ADC 值有不同的变化规律,且放化疗结束时肿瘤 ADC 值与最大径二者变化率存在显著相关性(r=0.421,P =0.005)。结论肿瘤最大径对于中晚期宫颈癌放化疗疗效具有一定的预测价值,不同疗效组肿瘤最大径和 ADC 值具有不同的变化趋势,肿瘤 ADC 值可以作为疗效评估的辅助指标。  相似文献   

目的 回顾性分析扩散加权成像(DWI)技术及临床病理特性预测宫颈癌同步放化疗复发的价值.方法 选取于放化疗前及放化疗后4周行DWI扫描的宫颈癌患者72例,其中放化疗后复发患者14例.比较放化疗前后及复发组与未复发组肿瘤表观扩散系数(ADC)值、ADC改变量及肿瘤临床病理的差异,回归分析宫颈癌复发的危险因素.结果 同步放...  相似文献   

目的:探讨扩散加权成像(DWI)对宫颈癌放化疗疗效的评估价值。方法:46名接受全程放化疗治疗的宫颈癌患者分别在治疗前、治疗2周后、外照射25次后及治疗结束后进行盆腔常规MRI及DWI扫描,每次扫描均测量肿瘤的直径及ADC值。根据治疗结束6个月后的随访结果将患者划分为完全有效组(CR)、部分有效组(PR)及无效组(SD)。计算并两两比较各次 MRI扫描测得的肿瘤ADC值及直径的动态变化值。结果:CR 组在治疗2周及外照射25次的 ADC值提高均高于 RP 组及 SD 组(P<0.05),治疗结束后 CR 组的 ADC 值与 PR 组及 SD 组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗前、放化疗2周后及外照射25次后各肿瘤组(CR、PR、SD组)的ADC 值、肿瘤最大直径之间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:DWI可作为预测及监测宫颈癌放化疗疗效的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨MR体素内不相干运动(IVIM)成像评价宫颈癌组织学特征的可行性.方法 搜集24例宫颈癌患者(宫颈癌组)和24例因盆腔其他病变检查而宫颈正常者(宫颈正常组)的MRI资料.所有患者均行MR常规序列及IVIM序列扫描,测量宫颈癌组和宫颈正常组的标准表观扩散系数(ADC)、慢表观扩散系数(D)、快表观扩散系数(D*)和f值.比较宫颈癌与正常宫颈、宫颈癌不同病理类型以及不同病理分级上述各参数值的差异,采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积评价各参数值的诊断效能.结果 宫颈癌组的标准ADC值、D值、f值均低于宫颈正常组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000、0.000、0.001),ROC曲线下面积分别为0.872、0.848和0.762.宫颈鳞癌组的标准ADC值、D值、f值均低于官颈腺癌组,D*值高于宫颈腺癌组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000、0.037、0.004、0.000),ROC曲线下面积分别为0.938、0.975、0.900和0.938.宫颈鳞癌高分化、中分化和低分化三组间标准ADC值、D值、D*值及f值差异无统计学意义(P=0.500、0.753、0.341、0.266).结论 IVIM成像能定量反映宫颈癌的组织学特征,具有临床应用价值.  相似文献   

MR扩散加权成像对前列腺癌的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨磁共振扩散加权成像(DWI)在前列腺癌的诊断及鉴别诊断中的应用价值.资料与方法 40例前列腺疾病中17例前列腺癌及23例前列腺增生.所有病例行MR DWI扫描,b值为800 s/mm2.分析各病例的DWI和表观扩散系数(ADC)图表现,并分别测量癌区、前列腺增生组织以及膀胱内尿液的ADC值,统计分析组间是否存在差异.结果 17例前列腺癌中15例在DWI上呈明显高信号,ADC图呈低信号,能直观显示肿瘤的范围.前列腺癌组织的平均ADC值为(1.03±0.32)×10-3 mm2/s,前列腺增生组织的平均ADC值为(1.62±0.16)×10-3 mm2/s,两者之间有统计学意义(P=0.002);前列腺癌与前列腺增生的膀胱内尿液的平均ADC值分别为(3.24±0.30)×10-3 mm2/s、(3.25±0.29)×10-3 mm2/s,两者之间无统计学意义(P=0.834).结论 DWI可显示前列腺癌的位置和侵犯范围;根据DWI信号特点以及ADC值可以提高前列腺癌的诊断准确率,对前列腺癌与前列腺增生具有较高的鉴别诊断价值.  相似文献   

目的 探讨磁共振扩散加权成像(DWI)在预测与评价宫颈癌放化疗疗效中的应用价值.方法 收集282例经病理检查证实为宫颈癌的患者,分别在治疗前、治疗结束后行DWI检查,测量肿瘤最大径和表现扩散系数(ADC)值.治疗结束后,依据实体肿瘤疗效评价标准(RECIST)将患者分为缓解组、无效组.根据治疗结束后2年的随访复查情况将患者分为复发组、无复发组.比较两组间的治疗前和治疗结束后ADC值,并分析疗效及复发情况与治疗前ADC值、治疗结束后的ADC升高值之间的相关性. 结果 缓解组223例,无效组59例.复发组70例,无复发组212例.缓解组治疗前ADC值明显低于无效组(t=3.274,P<0.05),无复发组治疗前ADC值明显低于复发组(t=1.031,P<0.05).治疗前ADC值低的患者复发率明显低于治疗前ADC值高的患者(χ2=5.175,P<0.05).治疗结束后的疗效及治疗结束后2年的复发情况与治疗前ADC值均呈负相关(r=-0.571、-0.675,P<0.05),与治疗结束后的ADC升高值均呈正相关(r=0.641、0.547,P<0.05).缓解组、无复发组治疗结束后ADC值升高明显(t=2.031、4.011,P<0.05),无效组、复发组ADC值升高不明显.结论 治疗前的ADC值有助于预测宫颈癌放化疗疗效,治疗结束后的ADC变化值有助于评价宫颈癌放化疗疗效.  相似文献   

目的 探讨多期动态增强MRI(MDCE-MRI)在宫颈癌放化疗短期疗效评价方面的应用价值.方法 收集经病理证实且准备行放化疗的宫颈癌患者21例,分别在治疗前、治疗第15天、1个月、2个月对其进行MR常规扫描和MDCE-MRI扫描.根据治疗结束后肿块体积变化,将病例主要分成完全缓解组(CR组)和部分缓解组(PR组).分析时间-信号强度曲线(TIC)、平均强化时间(MTE)、达峰时间(TTP)、最大上升斜率(MSI)、最大下降斜率(MSD)、负性积分(NEI)与肿块最终体积变化的关系.结果 本组病例在经过系统放化疗2个月后,CR组有4例,PR组有17例.治疗前MSI与肿瘤缩小率呈显著负相关,NEI与肿瘤缩小率呈显著正相关,相关系数r分别为-0.877、0.819;治疗后15 d TTP及NEI变化率与肿瘤最终缩小率呈显著正相关,r分别为0.765、0.775.说明治疗前MSI、NEI与治疗后15 d TTP变化率、NEI变化率可有预测放化疗后肿瘤体积缩小率的作用.系统放化疗1个月后,各参数的曲线下面积(AUC)值以NEI变化率最大,当其≥96.46%这一临界值时,敏感性为82.4%,特异性为75%.各参数的TIC分析结果为Ⅰ型逐渐增多,Ⅲ型逐渐减少至消失.结论 MDCE-MRI中各参数对宫颈癌放化疗短期疗效的评价有一定价值,其中以MSI、TTP及NEI更为敏感.  相似文献   

目的通过分析前列腺癌的ADC值与病理Gleason评分的相关性,探讨MR扩散加权成像(DWI)对前列腺癌生物学特性的评估价值。资料与方法 40例前列腺癌行MR DWI扫描,b值为800 s/mm2。测量各病例的表观扩散系数(ADC)值,并与病理Gleason评分进行对照,统计分析是否存在差异性以及相关性分析。结果 40例前列腺癌Gleason评分5~6分,7分,8~10分分别为11例,14例,15例,平均ADC值分别为(1.11±0.24)×10-3mm2/s、(0.96±0.27)×10-3mm2/s及(0.83±0.13)×10-3mm2/s,经方差分析有统计学意义(F=3.69,P<0.05);前列腺癌的ADC值与Gleason评分呈负相关(r=-0.43,P<0.05)。结论前列腺癌的ADC值与Gleason评分呈负相关,ADC值有可能作为非侵袭性手段来判断前列腺癌的生物学特性及其预后。  相似文献   

目的 探讨多期动态增强MRI(DCE-MRI)用于同步放化疗宫颈癌疗效评估中的作用。方法 选取本院经过病理学确诊拟行同步放化疗的73例宫颈癌患者,均在治疗前后通过DCE-MRI进行检查,结合放化疗效果分成完全缓解(CR组)、部分缓解(PR组)两组,比较两组DCE-MRI检查期间的强化时间均值(MTE)、达峰时间(TTP)、下降斜率最大值(MSD)、上升斜率最大值(MSI)和负性积分(NEI)等指标变化率以及时间信号强度曲线(TIC)分型,并分析各项指标和放化疗后肿瘤缩小率之间的关系。结果 放化疗后,CR组的MTE变化率低于PR组(P <0.05),TTP、MSD、MSI、NEI变化率及肿瘤缩小率均高出PR组(P <0.05)。相关性分析发现,TTP、NEI变化率与肿瘤缩小率之间存在显著相关性(P<0.05)。放化疗后,CR组的TIC分型中Ⅰ型比例高于PR组,Ⅲ型比例低于PR组(P <0.05)。结论 DCE-MRI在同步放化疗宫颈癌疗效评估中具备一定价值,其中TTP和NEI的价值最高,两项指标变化率越大,放化疗效果越为理想。  相似文献   



To investigate the value of diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) in detection of cervical cancer, and to determine the diagnostic accuracy of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values for evaluating cervical cancer before and after chemoradiotherapy.

Materials and methods

Thirty-three patients with cervical squamous carcinoma and 20 patients with other pelvic abnormalities underwent diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in addition to routine MR imaging. The ADC values of normal cervical tissue, cervical area before and after chemoradiotherapy were measured and compared. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was employed to investigate whether ADC values could help in discrimination among normal cervical tissue, cervical cancer before and after therapy, and to obtain the optimal ADC threshold value.


Cervical cancer lesion demonstrated obviously hyperintensity on DWI images. The mean ADC value of cervical carcinoma (1.110 ± 0.175 × 10−3 mm2/s) was significantly lower than that of normal cervical tissue (1.593 ± 0.151 × 10−3 mm2/s) (P < 0.001). The mean ADC value of the cervical area in 22 patients treated by chemoradiotherapy (1.436 ± 0.129 × 10−3 mm2/s) was significantly higher than that before therapy (1.013 ± 0.094 × 10−3 mm2/s) (P < 0.001). The difference of ADC values between normal cervical tissue and cervical area after therapy was statistically significant (P < 0.01). The optimal ADC threshold values for distinguishing between normal cervical tissue and cervical carcinoma was 1.359 × 10−3 mm2/s, between cervical area before and after therapy was 1.255 × 10−3 mm2/s, between normal cervical tissue and cervical area after therapy was 1.525 × 10−3 mm2/s. The sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 84.8%, 95.5% and 100%, 70% and 81.8%, respectively.


DWI can be applied for the detection of cervical cancer because of its superior disease contrast with normal tissue. The measurement of the ADC values can be a useful tool to monitor the response to therapy for cervical carcinoma.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between cancer cellularity and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in breast cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The subjects were 27 women who had undergone operation for breast cancer. There were 27 breast cancer lesions, 24 of which were invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) and 3 of which were noninvasive ductal carcinoma (NIDC). RESULTS: The mean ADC values of IDC, NIDC, and normal breasts were 1.07 +/- 0.19 .10(-3), 1.42 +/- 0.17 .10(-3), and 1.96 +/- 0.21 .10(-3) mm(2)/s, respectively. The mean ADC values of IDC and NIDC were significantly different from that of normal breasts (P < 0.001 each). The mean ADC values were also significantly different between IDC and NIDC (P < 0.001). There was no correlation between the ADC value and cancer cellularity. CONCLUSION: The mean ADC values for breast cancer were significantly different from that of normal breasts. The mean ADC value for breast cancer did not significantly correlate with cancer cellularity but did correlate with histological types.  相似文献   



To evaluate the role of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) with calculation of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value in characterizing benign and malignant breast lesions.

Patients and methods

The imaging data of thirty-nine female patients (mean age 48 years) who underwent breast MRI using conventional pulse sequences. DW-MRI and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) study were all analyzed and correlated with the results of histopathological evaluation.


Forty-six breast lesions were detected in the thirty-nine patients of the study. According to the histopathological analysis, there were 27 malignant lesions (58.69%) and 19 benign lesions (41.31%). The malignant lesions showed a mean ADC value of 0.93?±?0.42?×?10?3?mm2/s. and the benign lesions showed a mean ADC value of 1.54?±?0.43?×?10?3?mm2/s. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve could identify an ADC 1.26?×?10?3?mm2/s as a cut-off value to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions with sensitivity and specificity of 89% and 94.7% respectively.


DW-MRI is useful for differentiating malignant and benign breast lesions, increasing the specificity of breast MRI. DW-MRI doesn't cause significant increase in the total examination time and is recommended to be incorporated in the standard breast MRI protocol.  相似文献   



To assess the appearance of Borrmann type 4 (BT-4) gastric cancer on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) and to investigate the potential of qualitative and quantitative DW images analysis to differentiate BT-4 gastric cancer from poorly distended normal stomach wall.

Materials and methods

DWI was performed on 23 patients with BT-4 gastric cancer and 23 healthy volunteers. The signal characteristics and correlated histopathological basis of the cancers on DWI were investigated. The contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) of cancer were compared between DWI and T1WI/T2WI. The thickness and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of cancer and normal stomach wall were compared.


All of the gastric cancers displayed hyperintensity compared to the nearby normal gastric wall on DWI. A three-layer sandwich sign that demonstrated high signal intensity in the inner and outer layer, and low signal intensity in the intermediate layer was observed in 69.6% of cancers on DWI. The low signal intensity represents the muscularis propria through the comparison with pathology, and it is postulated that scattering distribution of the cancer cells in this layer causes less damage and subsequently less restriction of water movement, which causes the low signal intensity on DWI. The CNR obtained with DWI was higher than that with T1WI and T2WI (P < 0.001). The mean ADC value of BT-4 gastric cancer was significantly lower than the poorly distended normal stomach wall (1.12 ± 0.23 × 10−3 mm2/s vs. 1.93 ± 0.22 × 10−3 mm2/s, P < 0.01).


DWI can highlight the signals of BT-4 gastric cancer which may present a characteristic three-layer sandwich sign, and ADC values are helpful in the discrimination of gastric cancer from poorly distended stomach wall.  相似文献   

目的 探讨磁共振弥散加权成像(DWI)在预测食管癌放疗反应的应用价值。方法 将人食管癌Eca-109裸鼠皮下移植瘤模型按随机数表法分为实验组(14只,接受单次剂量15 Gy 6 MV X射线照射)和对照组(10只,无治疗),均在实验组照射前及之后的1、6、13 d行DWI检测。比较不同时间点两组表观弥散系数(ADC)值及体积差异。结果 两组ADC值在第1天均下降,在第6、13天时实验组逐渐升高,并高于照射前,而对照组持续下降,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(F=6.178、16.181、58.733,P<0.05),且ADC值的变化率差异有统计学意义(F=9.038、12.360、35.140,P<0.05);而照射前两组ADC值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。与对照组比较,移植瘤体积在照射前及照射后的前4 d差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),从第5天开始增长明显慢于对照组(F=28.587,P<0.05)。对照组移植瘤实验前的ADC、实验后第1天的ADC与其体积的后期变化存在线性相关关系,放疗后0~24 d,r值从-0.118逐渐升高至0.896。结论 磁共振ADC值可在食管癌移植瘤受照射后早期先于形态学发生变化,并且与肿瘤后期的体积变化存在相关关系。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Breast cancer-detecting ability of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) was investigated by comparing the breast cancer detection rates of DW-MRI and mammography (MMG). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The subjects were 48 women who had breast cancer (53 cancer lesions) who underwent DW-MRI before surgery. Altogether, 41 lesions were invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), 7 were noninvasive ductal carcinoma (NIDC) and 5 were "others." RESULTS: The breast cancer detection rates by MMG and DW-MRI were 84.9% and 94.3% (P < 0.001), respectively. In each classification of histology and size, the detection rate by DW-MRI was higher than that by MMG. In relation to the mammary gland density, the detection rates of fatty, scattered, heterogeneously dense, and extremely dense mammary glands were 100%, 100%, 92.0%, and 83.3%, respectively. The mean apparent diffusion coefficient values of the histologic types were 1.07 +/- 0.17 x 10(-3), 1.50 +/- 0.24 x 10(-3), 1.12 +/- 0.25 x 10(-3), and 2.01 +/- 0.29 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s for IDC, NIDC, others, and normal breast, respectively, showing that the values of IDC and NIDC were significantly different from that of the normal breast (P < 0.001 each). A significant difference was also noted between IDC and NIDC (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: DW-MRI may be useful for detecting breast cancer in a wide age group of women, including young women with dense mammary glands.  相似文献   

目的 探讨磁共振弥散成像(DWI)及表观弥散系数(ADC)在鼻咽癌颈部淋巴结转移调强放射治疗(intensity modulated radiation therapy,IMRT)前的诊断及其对放化疗反应的监测能力.方法 对18例病理确诊的鼻咽癌患者在治疗前、治疗中每周及治疗后1个月行DWI检查.所有患者均接受头颈部IMRT及铂类同步化疗.在DWI上共分析了52枚颈部异常淋巴结,将其分为最短径≥10 mm(32枚)及<10 mm(20枚)两组,测量比较治疗前两组的ADC值是否存在差异,观察所有淋巴结治疗过程中ADC值的动态变化,同时观察比较治疗后残存的颈部淋巴结与正常舌肌的ADC值.结果 最短径≥10 mm淋巴结的平均ADC值为(0.71±0.12)×10-3mm/s,与最短径<10 mm者的平均ADC值[(0.73±0.16)×10-3mm/s]差异无统计学意义(t=1.11,P=0.27).治疗前52枚淋巴结的平均ADC值明显低于正常舌肌(t=19.35,P<0.01).治疗过程中ADC值逐渐上升,以第1、2周改变最明显,以后趋于平稳.治疗后残留淋巴结的ADC值明显增大,与治疗前比较差异有统计学意义(t=12.72,P<0.01),与正常舌肌比较差异无统计学意义(t=0.34,P=0.73).结论 在鼻咽癌IMRT中,DWI对诊断颈部转移性淋巴结以及监测后者对放化疗的反应具有重要参考价值,从而帮助临床医生合理制定并及时更改放疗计划.
Objective To investigate the value of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) and apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) in detecting metastatic lymph nodes from nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC),and predicting the response of these nodes to concurrent chemoradiation (CRT).Methods Eighteen patients with pathologically proven NPC received conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and DWI before treatment,weekly during treatment,and one month after treatment.DWI was performed using a single-shot echo-planar (SSEPI) MR imaging sequence with b values of 0 and 1500 s/mm2.ADC maps were reconstructed for all patients and ADC values were calculated for each lymph node and tongue muscle.Totally fifty-two morphologically abnormal lymph nodes were analyzed.The ADC values of the metastatic lymph nodes before treatment were compared between those with the short axis≥10 mm (n=32) and those with the short axis<10 mm (n=20),and the dynamic changes in ADC values of the lymph nodes before,during,and after therapy were observed and recorded.Results The average ADC of the 32 lymph nodes with the short axis ≥ 10 mm was (0.71±0.12) x 10-3mm/s,not significantly different from that of the 20 lymph nodes with the short axis < 10 mm [(0.73±0.16) x 10-3mm/s,t = 1.11 ,P =0.27].The average ADC values of these lymph nodes before treatment was significantly lower than that of the tongue muscle (t = 19.35,P < 0.0001).During CRT,the ADC values of the lymph nodes increased gradually,with the most evident change in the first two weeks before reaching a relatively flat plateau thereafter.The ADC value of the residual lymph nodes after CRT was significantly higher than that before treatment (t = 12.72,P < 0.0001),however,not statistically significant different from that of the normal tongue muscle (t = 0.34,P = 0.73).Conclusions DWI plays an important role in diagnosing the metastatic lymph nodes from NPC and is feasible for observation of the early response of the lymph nodes to IMRT,thus helping the clinicians make appropriate treatment planning and replanning in the course of radiotherapy.  相似文献   

目的:探讨磁共振弥散加权成像(DWI)及表观弥散系数测量值(ADC值)在腰椎间盘退变中的临床应用价值并对可能影响ADC值的相关因素进行分析。方法:对24例健康志愿者和16例腰腿痛患者进行常规T2WI及DWI扫描检查,进行相关研究。结果:正常腰椎间盘ADC值与年龄、性别、体重指数均无相关性。正常与退变椎间盘平均ADC值分别为(1.82±0.70)×10^-3mm^2/s和(1.22±0.27)×10^-3mm^2/s,正常与退变之间差异具有统计学意义。结论:弥散加权成像ADC测量值对退变椎间盘的诊断有一定的临床价值,利用磁共振弥散加权成像ADC值诊断退变椎间盘时可不考虑年龄、性别和体重指数的影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨3.0 T MR扩散加权成像(DWI)在评估鼻咽癌(NPC)放化疗(CRT)疗效中的价值,预测NPC对CRT的敏感性。方法收集32例经病理证实的NPC病人,行常规MRI及DWI检查,测量CRT前与CRT5周时NPC及转移性淋巴结最大者的体积和ADC值。以CRT后1个月病理活检和MRI检查作为疗效评价标准将NPC分为低敏感与高敏感组,比较CRT 5周时NPC低敏感组与高敏感组ADC值、治疗前后ADC值变化率(ΔADC)及体积消退率(ΔV)的差异;分析影响NPC CRT敏感性的相关因素。结果CRT 5周时NPC ADC值、ΔADC及ΔV在高、低敏感组之间差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),ΔADC为鉴别低敏感与高敏感组最佳指标,其截断值为98.125%,敏感度为95.5%,特异度为90%。非线性Logistic回归分析影响NPC CRT敏感性的相关因素(性别、年龄、治疗方式、T分期及ΔADC),结果显示ΔADC是影响NPC CRT敏感程度的独立预后因素,其相对风险度为1.155。结论 DWI对于评价NPC CRT疗效有重要作用。CRT 5周时NPC ADC值、ΔADC及ΔV都能有效预测NPC CRT敏感性,ΔADC是预测NPC CRT敏感性的最佳指标及独立预后因素。  相似文献   

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