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张秀琼(四川省自贡市第三人民医院 ,四川自贡 6 4 30 2 0 )1 诊 断持续性异位妊娠 ,原发性输卵管绒癌 ?2 诊断依据及分析患者 2 7岁 ,G2 P0 ,因停经 4 0天 ,下腹痛伴阴道流血 10天入院 ,院外自查尿HCG为阴性 ,腹痛加重 ,来院查血 β HCG1343U/L ,B超检查宫内未见孕囊 ,右附件区查见 3cm直径无回声暗区 ,月经规律 ,既往史无特殊。查体 :P 84次 /min .BP 10 0 /70mmHg ,腹平软 ,无压痛及反跳痛 ,移动性浊音阴性。盆腔检查 :外阴阴道少许血液 ,宫颈光滑 ,举痛、摇摆痛阴性 ,子宫前位、正常大小、活动 ,右附件区扪及直径 3cm包块 ,轻触…  相似文献   

患者 2 2岁 ,住院号 6 1313。末次月经 2 0 0 0年 11月 8日。因停经 42天 ,不规则阴道流血 12天 ,伴下腹隐痛 ,曾在院外查尿HCG ( ) ,于 2 0 0 0年 12月 1日入院。查体 :P80 /min ,BP14/ 10kPa。妇检 :阴道畅 ,少许血性分泌物 ,宫颈举痛 ( ) ,后穹窿稍饱满 ,前位子宫 ,稍大 ,质软 ,活动 ,无压痛 ,左侧附件片状增厚 ,压痛 ( ) ,右侧正常。后穹窿穿刺抽出不凝血 2mL。辅助检查 :血 β -HCG10 0 6 0IU/L ,RBC3 13× 10 12 /L ,Hb95 g/L。B超示 :子宫稍大 ,左侧附件包块 ,少量盆腔积液 (宫外孕 ?)。入院诊断 :异位…  相似文献   

患者29岁,孕2产0,因停经42天,阴道不规则流血10天,于2008年4月17日入院.患者平素月经规律,6天/30天,经量中,末次月经:2008年3月5日.停经32天时曾就诊外院,尿HCG检杳示弱阳性,出现阴道少许流血,无胚物排出,无腹痛,妇科超声提示子宫双附件未见明显异常,未治疗.B超检查提示宫内未见妊娠囊、左侧附件区包块直径3cm,高度怀疑异位妊娠.  相似文献   

输卵管妊娠性绒癌2例诊治教训分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绒癌为一种高度恶性肿瘤,以妊娠性绒癌多见,多继发于葡萄胎、流产及足月妊娠,极少数发生于异位妊娠后。现将我院收治的2例输卵管妊娠治疗(药物及手术)后发生的绒癌病例报告如下,并分析诊治教训。1病例报告例1,患者21岁,未婚有性生活史,G0P0,因不规则阴道流血20天入院,末次月经不详。查体:左下腹压痛。妇科检查:阴道少量暗红色血液;宫颈无举摆痛;子宫正常大小;子宫左后方扪及一约4·0 cm×5·0 cm×4·0 cm大小包块,活动、质中、压痛;右附件区增厚。B超示子宫左后方可见一约5·5 cm×4·5 cm大小杂乱回声团块,边界不清,形态不规则,子宫直肠…  相似文献   

一、病例摘要患者23岁,主因"停经39 d,B超提示宫外孕1 d"于2017年11月16日入院。平素月经3/28 d,末次月经2017年10月8日。11月15日hC G:1 347 ml U/ml,TVS(阴道超声):子宫内膜1.1 cm,其内未见妊娠囊,左附件区见0.9 cm×0.9 cm×0.7 cm混合回声包块,右侧未见异常,提示异位妊娠?。既往体健,孕1产0,2013年自然流产1次。入院查体:生命体征平稳,下腹压痛(-),妇科检查:外阴、阴道及宫颈举摆痛均(-);子宫:常大,压痛(-);双附件(-)。  相似文献   

超声测定子宫内膜厚度对疑似异位妊娠患者的预测价值   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 探讨子宫内膜厚度是否对诊断异位妊娠有预测价值。方法  2 0 0 0年 6月至 2 0 0 3年 8月上海市浦东新区妇幼保健院采用阴式B超对 16 4例异位妊娠疑似病例的子宫内膜进行测定 ,将随访结果与子宫内膜厚度、孕龄及血 β HCG水平进行比较。 结果  14 7例资料完整 ,其中 5 9例 (4 0 % )确诊为异位妊娠 ,4 6例 (31% )为自然流产 ,4 2例 (2 9% )为宫内孕。异位妊娠、自然流产及正常宫内孕内膜厚分别为 (8 2 4± 1 4 3)mm、(8 96±0 89)mm、(12 4 9± 1 6 5 )mm ,异位妊娠、自然流产分别与正常宫内孕比较差异有显著性 (P <0 0 1) ,三组患者间孕龄和血 β HCG水平比较差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 ) ,以子宫内膜厚度≤ 8mm为筛选异位妊娠界值时 ,预测异位妊娠发生的敏感性为 81% ,特异性为 73% ,假阳性率为 2 7% ,假阴性率为 19% ,阳性预测值为 6 7% ,阴性预测值为85 %。结论 当血 β HCG较低时超声测定子宫内膜厚度对预测异位妊娠患者具有重要参考价值  相似文献   

1诊断①陈旧性异位妊娠;②输尿管阴道瘘。2诊断依据及分析患者既往月经规律,3个月前曾停经50天,阴道少量流血伴下腹部隐痛1周。入院查体:子宫饱满,质软;右附件区可触及实性包块,有压痛。血-βHCG 171U/L;B超检查子宫内膜线完整。根据停经、腹痛、阴道流血及盆腔包块、辅助检查结果,诊断应为异位妊娠。患者血-βHCG水平2个月后仍较正常高,说明仍有存活绒毛,且右附件区包块为实性、固定,应考虑为异位妊娠不全流产后形成陈旧性异位妊娠。异位妊娠不全流产后由于长期反复内出血而形成盆腔血肿,血肿逐渐机化变硬并与周围组织如子宫、卵巢、盆…  相似文献   

患者 2 3岁 ,孕 1产 0 ,住院号 0 3 0 455。该患于 2 0 0 2年3月 2 6日因左下腹痛 2 0d ,加重 6d ,阴道不规则流血 7d来门诊就诊 ,追问末次月经史不详。查体 :T 3 7 4℃ ,P86/min ,BP 13 9/ 10 1kPa。左下腹压痛 ,宫颈举痛 ,子宫体常大 ,有压痛 ,移动性浊音阳性。尿HCG阳性。B超提示 :左输卵管可见 2 3cm× 4 5cm包块 (高度怀疑异位妊娠 ) ,盆腔液性暗区 4 6cm× 3 4cm。入院后 2 0min该患突然左下腹撕裂样疼痛 ,行后穹窿穿刺抽出 10mL不凝血 ,疑宫外孕行剖腹探查术。术中见腹膜蓝染 ,腹腔积血约 150 0mL ,左侧输卵管峡部妊娠破裂 …  相似文献   

少见部位异位妊娠2例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
异位妊娠好发部位为输卵管,约占95%,其次为卵巢,其他部位少见。现报道我院2000年1月至2004年12月输卵管、卵巢以外的2例异位妊娠,为直肠前壁妊娠和大网膜妊娠,术前无法确诊,均于术中确诊。例1,患者,26岁,G1P1,因停经50天,下腹痛伴肛门坠胀6h入院。入院查体:Bp:80/50mmHg,贫血貌,下腹压痛、反跳痛,轻度肌紧张,移动性浊音( )。妇科检查,宫颈举痛阳性,阴道后穹窿饱满,有触痛,子宫前位,有漂浮感,压痛阳性,双附件区未触及包块,压痛阳性。尿妊娠试验阳性,阴道后穹窿穿刺抽出不凝血10m l。临床诊断为异位妊娠,失血性休克,失血性贫血。即行剖腹探…  相似文献   

双侧输卵管同时妊娠破裂1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者 29岁,住院号 10105。因停经 50d,剧烈腹痛 1d于 2004年 10月 30日入院。该患既往月经规律,婚后 4年未孕。末次月经 2004年 9月 10日。10月 29日上午下腹剧痛,逐渐延至全腹,门诊以“异位妊娠”诊断收入院。查体: 体温 36 4℃, 脉搏 80 /min, 呼吸 20 /min, 血压90 /50mmHg(1mmHg=0 133kPa);无贫血貌,心肺正常,腹肌紧张,下腹部有压痛及反跳痛,移动性浊音阳性。妇科检查:宫颈光滑,宫颈举痛明显,子宫前位,正常大小,左侧附件触不清,右附件区可触及不正常包块,压痛明显,后穹窿饱满,后穹窿穿刺抽出不凝血 4mL,尿HCG( )。彩超检查:子宫…  相似文献   

随着辅助生殖技术的广泛应用,宫内外复合妊娠发病率逐渐升高。超声检查是诊断宫内外复合妊娠的主要方式,但由于警惕性不足,临床表现缺乏特异性,容易漏诊。宫内外复合妊娠的治疗以保守治疗和手术治疗为主。由于多数患者要求保留宫内妊娠,治疗时需要综合考虑到对宫内妊娠的影响和患者的安全性,个体化选择治疗方案。  相似文献   

Problems in early pregnancy are common, and many women will encounter them at some time in their reproductive life. It is important that the clinician is able to assess the woman who presents in early pregnancy, know what investigations are required and offer an appropriate choice of treatment. Early pregnancy units are an ideal setting for this to take place. Although many women who attend these units will leave reassured that the pregnancy is viable, miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy will be diagnosed in others. The clinical situation at presentation, the results of investigation and the circumstances of the woman will determine the appropriate management in each case—expectant, medical or surgical.  相似文献   

A case of cervical pregnancy with implantation of the fertilized ovum on the exocervix is described. This pregnancy was mistaken for an endometriotic lesion and treated by simple surgical excision. Discussion is centered on etiology, predisposing factors and management. Received: 26 August 1996 / Accepted: 3 February 1997  相似文献   

目的:探讨宫颈妊娠的病因、诊断及保守性治疗方法。方法:回顾分析我院1996年1月1日至2010年12月31日收治的宫颈妊娠及体外授精胚胎移植术后宫内孕合并宫颈妊娠患者36例,探讨宫颈妊娠保守治疗方式的选择,并随访患者术后情况。结果:29例单纯宫颈妊娠:6例外院误诊为"难免流产",误诊率20.69%;10例经阴道B超引导下宫颈妊娠囊局部穿刺+MTX注射治疗,6例行子宫动脉栓塞术,6例MTX肌内注射治疗,7例腰麻下宫腔镜检查宫颈妊娠清除手术。7例宫内孕合并宫颈妊娠:1例阴道B超引导下局部妊娠囊穿刺注入KCl 1ml,3例期待疗法后清除宫颈妊娠物,3例腹部B超引导下宫颈妊娠物清除术。结论:阴道彩超用于宫颈妊娠的早期诊断有较大的价值,术前应充分评估,制定个体化的治疗方案。宫内孕合并宫颈妊娠的患者在腹部B超监测下清除宫颈妊娠物是有效的治疗方式之一,但要及时手术并且加强抗感染治疗。  相似文献   

Objective: To compare pregnancy outcomes of two consecutive pregnancies in a cohort of women with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), in order to determine the long-term prognosis of women with RPL managed in a dedicated RPL clinic.

Methods: A retrospective cohort study including 262 patients with two or more consecutive pregnancy losses followed by two subsequent pregnancies – index pregnancy (IP) and post-index pregnancy (PIP). All patients were evaluated and treated in the RPL clinic in the Soroka University Medical Center.

Results: Comparing IP with PIP, no significant difference in perinatal outcome was observed. The perinatal outcome remained encouraging with approximately 73% birth rate (73.7% versus 72.5%; p?=?0.83). Only 11% of the women with RPL continued to experience pregnancy losses for two subsequent pregnancies. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, number of miscarriages pre-Index was the only factor independently associated with birth in the PIP.

Conclusion: There is no significant difference between IP and PIP regarding perinatal outcome. Appropriate management in the RPL clinic conferred a significant beneficial effect on long-term pregnancy outcome of a cohort of women with RPL.  相似文献   

Extrauterine pregnancies contribute substantially to maternal mortality in all parts of the world. The most common cause of these deaths is massive bleeding after rupture of the ectopic pregnancy. The advent of transvaginal ultrasonography in early pregnancy and the use of quantitative measurement of the β-unit of human chorionic gonadotropin have revolutionized the management of this condition. These diagnostic modalities allow its early detection and, in many cases, treatment before rupture occurs. There is an ever increasing body of evidence supporting expectant, medical, and surgical management of ectopic pregnancy according to certain criteria. The indications and criteria for the different management options are described in the literature and in clear guidelines from institutions such as the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Methotrexate, in a single dose protocol, is widely used in the medical management of ectopic pregnancy. Surgical therapy can be either laparoscopic or via laparotomy. Be that as it may, ruptured ectopic pregnancy will continue to present as a gynecologic emergency requiring prompt and appropriate care. Resuscitation of these patients should be an organized, systematic, and rapid process with the ultimate goal of getting them to the operating theatre in the best possible hemodynamic status. The aim of surgery should be to stop active bleeding by the most expedient method. The use of autotransfusion is well established in cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, orthopedic surgery, and trauma. Using autologous blood should be considered also in the treatment of ruptured extrauterine pregnancy when faced with massive bleeding and a need for transfusion. Advanced abdominal pregnancy is a rare condition with high perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality. Placental management at delivery remains a dilemma. The risk of massive bleeding upon removal must be balanced against the risk of infection and other complications during the long time needed for resorption of the placenta if left in situ. Despite a reduction in maternal mortality due to ectopic pregnancy in the developed world during the preceding period, it would appear that no further inroads have been made in the last two decades. In developing countries, the problem is far greater, and problems with resources and infrastructure persist. It remains a challenge to all practitioners caring for women to apply available resources and use the published evidence-based guidelines to manage these women effectively and safely.  相似文献   

单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)能引起生殖器官感染,妊娠合并HSV感染可造成胎儿宫内感染,引发流产、死胎、畸形、胎儿生长受限和新生儿感染等不良妊娠结局。此外,HSV感染还与输卵管妊娠及不孕等密切相关。文章阐述了妊娠合并HSV感染的流行病学、发病机制、临床特征、不良妊娠结局、诊断、预防和治疗的研究概况。  相似文献   

The incidence of ectopic pregnancy in the United States has been reported to be as high as 20 per 1000 pregnancies, a more than 4-fold increase over the last 20 years. Clinical presentation can range from subtle, nonspecific abdominal complaints to acute onset pain or hemorrhagic bleeding. This article reviews the associated risk factors, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of ectopic pregnancy. Clinicians must maintain a high index of suspicion whenever women who might be pregnant have abdominal complaints.  相似文献   

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