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A total of 60 cases of rupture uterus managed in last five years in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology at the University College of Medical Sciences and Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Delhi were reviewed. Of these 77% cases reported to the hospital with rupture uterus while in 23% cases rupture occurred after admission. The factor responsible for rupture in admitted patients was either oxytocin induction/augmentation in scarred uterus or obstetrical manipulation in unscarred uterus; 80% cases were totally unsupervised during antenatal period. Previous uterine scar was responsible for rupture in as high as 63.3% cases. The commonest previous surgery was caesarean section mostly for non-recurrent causes. Obstructed labour was responsible for rupture in 26.6% cases while traumatic rupture was seen in 10% cases. Repair of uterine rent was performed in 54% cases while rest required hysterectomy. Bladder injury was associated in 9 cases and was repaired at the time of laparotomy. Maternal mortality was 3.33% and foetal mortality was 78.66%. The changing trends observed in the present study are those of low maternal mortality and decreasing incidence of obstructed labour in the aetiology of rupture uterus.  相似文献   

目的:探讨妊娠晚期子宫破裂手术方式。方法:回顾性分析2010年11月~2012年10月126例妊娠子宫破裂手术方式的术后并发症发生情况。结果:76例子宫修补术,22例次全子宫切除术,24例保留子宫动脉上行支次全子宫切除术,4例全子宫切除术。并发症19例,其中感染15例,尿漏4例。结论:子宫破裂修补术可作为治疗子宫破裂的主要手术方式。  相似文献   

目的:探讨子宫破裂患者护理体会。方法:针对2009年12月~2012年1月收治的子宫破裂32例患者进行护理分析。结果:子宫破裂患者自然破裂26例,6例为损伤性子宫破裂。其中28例患者施行子宫修补术,4例患者子宫全切除,术后32例患者均好转痊愈出院。结论:患者产前检查、加强产前保健,发生子宫破裂后采取及时有效的治疗护理。  相似文献   

目的探讨外伤性小肠破裂的早期诊断及治疗方法。方法回顾性分析本院2008-12~2011-07间,外伤性小肠破裂98例的临床资料。结果早期诊断率(受伤后12 h内)85.6%(77/90),行单纯肠修补68例,肠部分切除吻合30例,全组无死亡,均治愈出院。结论外伤性小肠破裂腹部症状有时不明显,早期确诊和早期手术治疗是提高外伤性小肠破裂治愈率的关键。  相似文献   

Objective: This paper is aimed to present "Rupture of the uterus (RU) in primigravida "- unscarred cases which are supposed to be extremely rare. Material and method: The charts of patients labelled as "Rupture Uterus" for the period 1985 - 2005 AD (2042 - 2061 BS), 20 years were taken out and analysed. Result: There were 251 cases of rupture uterus during the study period giving the incidence of 0.09% i.e. 1:1100 among live births in a very busy tertiary maternity hospital of capital, Kathmandu of Nepal. There were 60% spontaneous, 29% scar dehiscence and 11% Iatrogenic/traumatic rupture and death due to RU was 7.9%(n=20). Fifteen cases (6%) were primigravid patients--six were young primi (age 19 and below) and 9 primigravid patients. Five cases were referred from the district hospitals. Ten cases were brought from very far off i.e. more than 50 KM from the city. One case presented at 34, one at 41 and all the others presented between 38 to 40 weeks of gestational age. Only three cases had attended ante-natal clinics. All were having labour pain for more than 48 hours at home. Findings of laparotomy: The lesions found were: ruptured bladder and complete lower segment (CLS) up to the cervix - 1, CLS & cervix -2, complete lower segment (CLS) 1, Complete upper segment (CUS) - 2, Complete upper & lower segment (CULS) - 6, (one had tear at posterior wall of the uterus and the other had tear up to posterior vaginal wall) and Incomplete lower segment (LS) 2. Blood grouping & Rh: six cases had O+, four had A+, four had AB+ and one had B positive. The blood transfusion given was 1 - 4 units. The treatment given was laparotomy and repair in 10; one had LUSCS, repair of bladder and cervical injury. One had repair and bilateral tubal-ligation, one had subtotal hysterectomy and another had hysterectomy & repair of posterior wall of vagina. Four cases were admitted in the state of shock among which 1 had irreversible shock and died before surgical intervention. Another died on the 3rd post-operative day due to convulsions and shock. Maternal mortality (MM) was 13% (2/15) in primips. All cases presented with intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) and had still births (one baby was hydrocephalic). The hospital stay varied from 3 - 170 days. Four cases had vesico-vaginal fistula (VVF) Conclusion: Rupture of uterus in primigravida though rare, has been common in developing countries with low socio-economic status.  相似文献   

Nepal is a land-locked developing country located in between China and India with a population of 2.34 millions. The male: female ratio being 49:51 and very high maternal mortality. (539/100,000 live birth-1996) The geography of the country makes the situation very much divergent and difficult to cater the health services, especially operative procedures in remote places. THE AIMS OF THE STUDY ARE:- 1. To find out the incidence of R.U, distance from where the patients came, age, parity antenatal attendance, type of rupture, type of intervention and foetal outcome. 2. To suggest the concerned authorities to focus their attention to strengthen and expand comprehensive emergency obstetric care service (CEOCS) in remote areas of the country. Material and method: This is a retrospective study of rupture of pregnant uterus (RU) after 28 weeks of pregnancy for the period of 20 years from 1985 to 2005 A.D. (2042-2061 BS) admitted in the very busy tertiary centre for women (Maternity Hospital, Thapathali, Kathmandu.) with approximately 16000 deliveries and 11% Caesarean section rate per year. Available charts from hospital records of cases of R.U. admitted for the period of 20 years were analysed. During the period, 251 cases of R.U. were admitted. RESULT: There were 272245 live births, 25819 Caesarean section, 270 maternal deaths and 11197 perinatal foetal deaths, during the study period. Incidence of rupture of pregnant uterus was (0.09%) 1:1100 live-birth. There were 60% spontaneous, 29% scar rupture and 11% traumatic rupture. Maximum cases were brought from distance of more than 70 kilometres away, between 25-29 years of age, (mean age 28.7), of third and fourth gravida at 36-40 weeks of gestational period with 68% without antenatal attendance. Seventy percent (70%) had complete rupture. Sixty percent (60%) were managed with suture repair with bilateral tubal ligation, 24% had only repair and 15% had hysterectomy. The case mortality of R.U. (n=20) was 7.9%. Two percent (n=5) cases died before intervention due to arrival in moribund condition. Seventy five percent (75%) cases had stillborn babies. Conclusion More cases of RU are coming to the hospital due to better communication and awareness of the people outside the capital, and case- mortality is reduced compared to previous years.  相似文献   

GYNECOLOGICAL surgery is themajorcauseiatrogenic ureteral injury.More ureteral injurhave been reported these years as the frequenof gynecological laparoscopic surgeries is increasing.1Inmeta-analysis study,70cases in30published articles fro1966to2003were …  相似文献   

目的 总结产科急症子宫切除的原因和经验培训,分析相关危险因素。方法 对我院近4年间产科急症行子宫切除术的病例作回顾性分析。结果 我院共施行产科急症子宫切除22例,在本院分娩的15例,占同期同娩人数的0.41%;乡镇卫生院产后转诊7例,占产科子宫切除的31.81%;胎盘因素13例,占59.09%;初产妇4例,经产妇17例,疤痕子宫6例。结论 产科子宫切除是抢救产妇生命的一项重要措施,胎盘因素是产科急症子宫切除的主要原因,其次是宫缩乏力和子宫破裂。多次孕产、刮宫及剖宫产是产科急症子宫切除的高危因素。  相似文献   

彭玲 《当代医学》2016,(5):80-81
目的:对急症子宫切除术的治疗方法及手术指征进行分析。方法选取56例因产科因素行子宫切除术的患者,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果所有患者中,阴道分娩10例,行剖宫产46例5手术指征分别为:胎盘因素35例,占62.5%,子宫破裂5例,占8.9%,宫缩乏力10例,占17.8%,凝血功能障碍6例,占10.7%,手术方式:行子宫次全切除术41例,占73.2%,行子宫全切除术15例,占26.8%。所有患者经子宫切除术治疗后均抢救成功,新生儿存活52例,占92.8%,死亡4例,占7.1%。结论导致子宫切除的主要因素为胎盘因素,在产妇分娩的过程中,应该积极进行胎盘异常的干预及治疗,将发病率及死亡率有效降低。  相似文献   

1984年1月至1994年12月经手术及病理检查确诊卵巢黄体破裂102例,均为育龄妇女,发病年龄以21~30岁最为多见,共74例,占72.5%。其中发生于左侧卵巢36例,右侧66例。合并官内妊娠2例、异位妊娠6例及卵巢囊肿18例。本组术前误诊68例,占66.7%,黄体破裂出血量的多少与破口大小无明显关系。处理原则应根据临床表现的轻重程度决定手术与否。单纯黄体破裂的手术应以修补为主,对年青妇女尤为重要。  相似文献   

15例胎盘植入的手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王琳  常青  江露 《重庆医学》2004,33(5):684-685
目的探讨胎盘植入的病因及处理方法.方法对5年来共收治15例胎盘植入患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果1例穿透性胎盘植入致子宫破裂患者行子宫切除,约占6.7%;13例植入病灶切除后缝合止血,保守治疗成功.结论大多数胎盘植入患者均可行植入病灶切除术,保留子宫.  相似文献   

Ruptured uterus, the largest contributor to maternal deaths in our center was reviewed to find ways of reducing it and improve the outcome. Sixty cases treated at Ogun State University Teaching Hospital, Sagamu between January 1988 and December 1997 were scrutinised. During the 10 year period, total deliveries were 5,214 giving an incidence of 11.5 per 1,000. 76.7% of cases occurred in patients aged 30 years and more; and 58.6% in para 4 and more. 88.3% were unbooked. The ruptures were spontaneous in 76.7% and lower uterine segment was the most common (80%). Uterine repair with sterilisation was carried out in 46.7%, sub total hysterectomy in 26.7% and repair only in 11.7%. Most of the aetiological factors were preventable by good antenatal care and the outcome improved by early referral and efficient blood transfusion system.  相似文献   

28例胸颈大血管损伤,急诊病例血管破口修复,或加涤伦片修复缺损区,或以大隐静脉移植替代;假性动脉瘤病例行动脉瘤破口修复,切除动脉瘤行血管端端吻合,或以GoreTex人造血管代重建血管,颈动脉或无名以脉起始损伤以胸骨正中径路显露佳,治愈20例(71.4%)好转1例,死亡7例(25.0%)。  相似文献   

目的:探讨十二指肠外伤破裂的手术方法,减少术后并发症。方法:回顾性分析26例十二指肠外伤破裂患者的临床资料,分别采用十二指肠破裂单纯修补和肠壁缺损与空肠吻合术及补片修补术治疗十二指肠外伤破裂。结果:本组26例,治愈24例(92.3%),死亡2例(7.7%)。十二指肠瘘2例(7.7%)。结论:早期诊断、早期手术及合理选择手术方式是治疗十二指肠外伤破裂的重要措施。  相似文献   

产科急症子宫切除术61例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析产科急症子宫切除术在抢救产科大出血中的应用价值.方法回顾分析15年间61例行产科急症子宫切除术中的病例.结果 61例患者因产科大出血行产科急症子宫切除术.胎盘因素是产科急症子宫切除术的主要指征,其它因素依次为宫缩乏力、DIC、子宫破裂、晚期产后出血、子宫肌瘤、宫腔感染.61例中无一例产妇死亡.结论产科急症子宫切除术是治疗急性产科大出血的有效措施之一.  相似文献   

分娩期子宫破裂20例临床诊治体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
席和红 《海南医学》2010,21(7):26-28
目的 探讨子宫破裂的病因、诊断治疗及预防措施,减少孕产妇及围产儿死亡。方法回顾性分析2002年至2008年蓬安县人民医院收治的20例分娩期子宫破裂患者的临床资料。结果不全性子宫破裂8例,完全性子宫破裂12例;导致子宫破裂的病因中,瘢痕性子宫11例,梗阻性难产3例,产前不当使用宫缩剂1例,多次生产5例;死胎8例,死产6例,围产儿死亡率为70%(14/20);9例行子宫破裂修补术,9例行子宫次全切除术,2例行子宫全切术。结论加强产前检查,密切观察产程,避免忽略性难产的发生。瘢痕子宫及多次生产者,应提前住院待产,若无梗阻性难产存在,可在严密观察下经阴道试产。对缩宫素、前列腺素等子宫收缩剂的使用指征、方法应严格掌握,避免滥用。严格掌握剖宫产及各种阴道手术指征。  相似文献   

外伤性急腹症应用腹腔镜治疗21例体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗华  杨培  匡铭  胡朝辉  邓澜  黎前德 《四川医学》2008,29(2):170-171
目的 探讨腹腔镜在外伤性急腹症中的应用价值.方法 对21例外伤性急腹症的患者进行腹腔镜探查和治疗.其中肝破裂修补4例,脾破裂修补2例,脾切除3例,胃穿孔修补2例,肠穿孔修补2例,小肠部分切除1例,横结肠系膜血管结扎止血1例,横结肠修补1例,单纯探查引流2例,中转开腹手术3例.结果 21例全部治愈,并发症5例(穿刺孔感染2例,腹腔积液3例).手术时间为30~250mln,住院时间7~28d.结论 外伤性急腹症应用腹腔镜探查及手术具有明显优越性,但应严格掌握适应证,并根据病情及操作者的能力及时决定是否中转开腹.  相似文献   

产科子宫切除的临床特点和预防分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄绮涛 《海南医学》2006,17(12):52-53
目的 分析和探讨产科子宫切除的相关病因因素及降低产科子宫切除的可能性.方法 回顾性分析1998年1月~2005年12月间所做的产科子宫切除20例的临床资料.结果 产科子宫切除的发生率为0.075%,产科子宫切除的原因依次为:胎盘因素,宫缩乏力,子宫破裂、宫内感染、阔韧带血肿.结论 做好围产期保健工作、及早发现及治疗产科的合并症和并发症、降低剖宫产率可减少产科子宫切除的发生.  相似文献   

目的:总结自发性食管破裂诊断和外科治疗的经验,方法:对我国1966-1998年治疗的22例自发性禽管破裂病例的诊断,治疗,结果进行回顾性分析。结果:本组病例10例在48h内确诊并手术,死亡率为20%(2/10),超过48h的12例,死亡率为41.7%(5/12),行一期修补术的9例中有5例距发病超过24h, 成功3例,结论:早期诊断和选择合理术式进行治疗是提高本病疗效,降低死亡率的关键,24h不是能否行一期修补术的时间界限。  相似文献   

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