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This study developed and evaluated a method for ascertaining a newly diagnosed breast cancer case using multiple sources of data from the Medicare claims system. Predictors of an incident case were operationally defined as codes for breast cancer-related diagnoses and procedures from hospital inpatient, hospital outpatient, and physician claims. The optimal combination of predictors was then determined from a logistic regression model using 1992 data from the linked SEER registries-Medicare claims data base and a sample of noncancer controls drawn from the SEER areas. While the ROC curve demonstrates that the model can produce levels of sensitivity and specificity above 90%, the positive predictive value is comparatively low (67-70%). This low predictive value is largely the result of the model's limitation in distinguishing recurrent and secondary malignancies from incident cases and possibly from the model identifying true incident cases not identified by SEER. Nevertheless, the logistic regression approach is a useful method for ascertaining incident cases because it allows for greater flexibility in changing the performance characteristics by selecting different cut-points depending on the application (e.g., high sensitivity for registry validation, high specificity for outcomes research). It also allows us to make specific adjustments to population based estimates of breast cancer incidence with claims.  相似文献   

This study explores the forces that drive the formation of physician patient sharing networks. In particular, I examine the degree to which hospital affiliation drives physicians' sharing of Medicare patients. Using a revealed preference framework where observed network links are taken to be pairwise stable, I estimate the physicians' pair‐specific values using a tetrad maximum score estimator that is robust to the presence of unobserved physician specific characteristics. I also control for a number of potentially confounding patient sharing channels, such as (a) common physician group or hospital system affiliation, (b) physician homophily, (c) knowledge complementarity, (d) patient side considerations related to both geographic proximity and insurance network participation, and (e) spillover from other collaborations. Focusing on the Chicago hospital referral region, I find that shared hospital affiliation accounts for 36.5% of the average pair‐specific utility from a link. Implications for reducing care fragmentation are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite its centrality for the provision of health care, physician compensation remains understudied, and existing studies either fail to control for time trends, cover small samples from highly particular settings, or examine empirically negligible changes in reward levels. Using a four‐year sample of 59 physicians and 1.1 million encounters, we study how physicians at a network of primary care clinics responded when their salaried compensation plan was replaced with a lower salary plus substantial piece rates for encounters and select procedures. Although patient characteristics remained unchanged, physicians increased encounters by 11 to 61%, both by increasing encounters per day and days worked at the network, and increased procedures to the maximum reimbursable level. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One session of the conference was devoted to the presentation of different types of decision aids. This paper reports the experience and lessons learned through the development and use of the Decision Board. This is a uniquely interactive decision aid administered by the clinician during the medical consultation. The instrument has been developed in a number of clinical contexts, primarily regarding treatment options for cancer patients. Studies have shown the instrument to improve patient understanding and facilitate the shared decision‐making process. Randomized trials are ongoing, evaluating the addition of the Decision Board to the traditional medical consultation. The instrument continues to evolve to meet patients’ need for information and flexibility in presentation. Computer‐based versions of the Decision Board are currently being developed.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the distribution of family physician use in Canada to explore whether the stated goal of reasonable access to care has been achieved. We test hypotheses to see whether (a) variations in incidence and quantity of use are independent of need for care as proxied by self-assessed health status and (b) any observed relationship between variations in use and need is independent of other population characteristics. Previous research has conceptual, statistical and data limitations which bring into question the validity of the findings. These limitations are addressed by using more appropriate data, a conditional model for service utilization and correction for self-selectivity of users in the statistical analysis. Variations in need are identified as important and significant in explaining variations in both incidence and quantity of use with the estimated relationship between use and need being positive. Other population characteristics were found to be important and significant in explaining variations in use although household income is not among them. The relationship between use and need is associated with other variables including education, social support and region of residence. These findings suggest that analyses of utilization based on simple multivariate techniques and aggregate data can produce a picture of utilization that conceals important, policy relevant relationships while revealing other relationships that are essentially artifacts of inappropriate aggregation in ways which provide a false sense of achievement.  相似文献   



To investigate the effect of physician gender on consultation length in UK hospital outpatient clinics and compare this, through meta-analysis, with previous studies outside the UK.


Observational data on clinic times were analysed and findings were combined in a meta-analysis with existing studies investigating the effect of physician gender on consultation length.


UK hospital practice.


A total of 174 observations of outpatient consultations with 10 hospital specialists (consultants) from different specialties in two UK hospital trusts.

Main outcome measures

Clinic times were recorded and analysis of consultation length was undertaken with physician gender as a covariate. Data were then synthesised through meta-analysis with 10 existing studies in this field.


No statistically significant difference was found in the length of consultations for male and female doctors in these UK hospital settings. When pooled with existing studies, consultations with women doctors were found to be approximately two minutes longer than with men (p = 0.01).


Findings from this analysis of clinic consultations in the UK National Health Service do not support previous studies, which were undertaken predominantly in North America and primary care settings. Overall, meta-analysis suggests doctors’ gender may influence consultation length. Gender differences in communication should be considered in training clinicians and in overall clinical practice.  相似文献   



The prime purpose of the study was to investigate whether focus groups were a practical way of seeking the views of dying people and whether the information collected added to that collected by more established methods.


A sample frame of Macmillan nurse patients was collated from which three cluster samples were randomly selected to participate in focus groups. The focus groups were structured with an experienced facilitator and recorder to answer three key questions.

Setting and participants

Patients of Macmillan nurses in three NHS Trusts in West Yorkshire who were living at home with incurable cancer. They were aware of their condition and were willing to participate.

Main variables studied

The three key questions were; what kind of help are you currently receiving? What sort of help do you want? Of the kind of help you are receiving what kind is most important to you?


17 patients participated in three focus groups. Participants were generally fairly able and living with spouses or relatives. They were of varying age with different types and duration of cancer. They were receiving a range of health and social services of varying importance to them. More help was particularly wanted with support for daily living, support from specialist cancer nurses, help getting out and with housework. Macmillan nurses and general practice services were highly rated in some but not all three trust areas.


We propose that focus groups are a practical way of collecting information about dying patients that can complement other sources of information in planning and auditing the provision of care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine how access to outpatient medical care varies with local primary care physician densities across primary care service areas (PCSAs) in the rural Southeast, for adults as a whole and separately for the elderly and poor. DATA SOURCES: Access data from a 2002 to 2003 telephone survey of 4,311 adults living in 298 PCSAs within 150 rural counties in eight Southeastern states were linked geographically with physician practice location data from the American Medical and American Osteopathic Associations and population data from the U.S. Census. STUDY DESIGN: In a cross-sectional study design, we used a series of logistic regression models to assess how 26 measures of various aspects of access to outpatient physician services varied for subjects arranged into five groups based on the population-per-physician ratios of the PCSAs where they lived. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Among adults as a whole, more individuals reported traveling over 30 minutes for outpatient care in PCSAs with more than 3,500 people per physician than in PCSAs with fewer than 1,500 people per physician (39.1 versus 18.5 percent, p<.001) and more reported travel difficulties. Otherwise, PCSA density of primary care physicians was unrelated to reported barriers to care, unrelated to people's satisfaction with care, and unrelated to indicators of people's use of services. Use rates of six recommended preventive health services varied in no consistent direction with physician densities. Among the elderly, only the proportion traveling over 30 minutes for care was greater in areas with lowest physician densities. Among subjects covered under Medicaid or uninsured, lower local physician densities were associated with longer travel time, difficulties with travel and reaching one's physician by phone, and two areas of dissatisfaction with care. CONCLUSIONS: For adults as a whole in the rural South and for the elderly there, low local primary care physician densities are associated with travel inconvenience but not convincingly with other aspects of access to outpatient care. Access for those insured under Medicaid and the uninsured, however, is in more ways sensitive to local physician densities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the validity of three published algorithms designed to identify incident breast cancer cases using recent inpatient, outpatient, and physician insurance claims data. DATA: The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) registry data linked with Medicare physician, hospital, and outpatient claims data for breast cancer cases diagnosed from 1995 to 1998 and a 5 percent control sample of Medicare beneficiaries in SEER areas. STUDY DESIGN: We evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of three algorithms applied to new data compared with original reported results. Algorithms use health insurance diagnosis and procedure claims codes to classify breast cancer cases, with SEER as the reference standard. We compare algorithms by age, stage, race, and SEER region, and explore via logistic regression whether adding demographic variables improves algorithm performance. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The sensitivity of two of three algorithms is significantly lower when applied to newer data, compared with sensitivity calculated during algorithm development (59 and 77.4 percent versus 90 and 80.2 percent, p<.00001). Sensitivity decreases as age increases, and false negative rates are higher for cases with in situ, metastatic, and unknown stage disease compared with localized or regional breast cancer. Substantial variation also exists by SEER registry. There was potential for improvement in algorithm performance when adding age, region, and race to an indicator variable for whether the algorithm determined a subject to be a breast cancer case (p<.00001). CONCLUSIONS: Differential sensitivity of the algorithms by SEER region and age likely reflects variation in practice patterns, because the algorithms rely on administrative procedure codes. Depending on the algorithm, 3-5 percent of subjects overall are misclassified in 1998. Misclassification disproportionately affects older women and those diagnosed with in situ, metastatic, or unknown-stage disease. Algorithms should be applied cautiously to insurance claims databases to assess health care utilization outside SEER-Medicare populations because of uneven misclassification of subgroups that may be understudied already.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence from US studies suggests that female physicians earn less than their male counterparts, on average. The earnings gap does not disappear when individual and market characteristics are controlled for. This paper investigates whether a gender earnings difference can also be observed in a health‐care system predominantly financed by public insurance companies. Using a unique data set of physicians' earnings recorded by a public social security agency in an Austrian province between 2000 and 2004, we find a gender gap in average earnings of about 32%. A substantial share of this gap (20–47%) cannot be explained by individual and market characteristics, leaving labor market discrimination as one possible explanation for the observed gender earnings difference of physicians. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study is based on a formative evaluation of a case management service for high-intensity service users in Northern England. The evaluation had three main purposes: (i) to assess the quality of the organisational infrastructure; (ii) to obtain a better understanding of the key influences that played a role in shaping the development of the service; and (iii) to identify potential changes in practice that may help to improve the quality of service provision. The evaluation was informed by Gittell's relational co-ordination theory, which focuses upon cross-boundary working practices that facilitate task integration. The Assessment of Chronic Illness Care Survey was used to assess the organisational infrastructure and qualitative interviews with front line staff were conducted to explore the key influences that shaped the development of the service. A high level of strategic commitment and political support for integrated working was identified. However, the quality of care co-ordination was variable. The most prominent operational factor that appeared to influence the scope and quality of care co-ordination was the pattern of interaction between the case managers and their co-workers. The co-ordination of patient care was much more effective in integrated co-ordination networks. Key features included clearly defined, task focussed, relational workspaces with interactive forums where case managers could engage with co-workers in discussions about the management of interdependent care activities. In dispersed co-ordination networks with fewer relational workspaces, the case managers struggled to work as effectively. The evaluation concluded that the creation of flexible and efficient task focused relational workspaces that are systemically managed and adequately resourced could help to improve the quality of care co-ordination, particularly in dispersed networks.  相似文献   

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