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This article focuses on parents' process of seeking help for their child when a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder is made or suspected. The study was conducted with 18 parents of children aged 4–10 years in Quebec (Canada). A trajectory‐network approach was applied in order to carry out an in‐depth analysis of family help‐seeking trajectories based on the relationships mobilised (or neglected) over time and on life course events that may have precipitated (or hindered) help‐seeking actions. Semi‐directed interviews based on a name generator were conducted. A qualitative analysis of the content of family narratives was done and followed by the production of a schematic representation of each families' help‐seeking trajectory. The results identified four constitutive phases during which relationships within the family, within associations, or with health and social services or education professionals helped or hindered the help‐seeking process. The results show the relevance of the proposed approach for analysing the help‐seeking process and better supporting families of children on the autism spectrum.  相似文献   

In the UK, nearly half of all cases of infertility involve a ‘male‐factor’. Yet, little empirical work has explored how men as men negotiate this terrain. Three interrelated concepts; ‘hegemonic masculinity’, ‘embodied masculinity’ and the linkages between ‘masculinities’ and male help‐seeking, provide the theoretical framework that guided a qualitative study conducted with 22 men experiencing infertility. The paper explores men's propensity to delay their help‐seeking in relation to infertility despite their desire for children. It also demonstrates how, in the context of infertility, the male body can be defined as both a failed entity in itself (unable to father a child) and a subordinated social entity (unable to measure up to hegemonic ideals) that characterises men's masculine identities. The paper also illustrates how men appear willing to accept responsibility for their infertility and adopt aspects of hitherto subordinate masculine practice. This does not, however, constitute the total unravelling of well understood and accepted expressions of masculinity. Finally, the paper demonstrates how infertility is perceived as having the potential to fracture current and even future relationships. Moreover, regardless of how well men measured up to other hegemonic ideals, ultimately they can do little to counteract the threat of other (fertile) men.  相似文献   

The prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) increases with age and can negatively affect quality of life. However, relatively few older people with UI seek treatment. The aim of this study was to explore the views of older people with UI on the process of seeking help. Older people with UI were recruited to the study from three continence services in the north of England: a geriatrician‐led hospital outpatient clinic (n = 18), a community‐based nurse‐led service (n = 22) and a consultant gynaecologist‐led service specialising in surgical treatment (n = 10). Participants took part in semi‐structured interviews, which were transcribed and underwent thematic content analysis. Three main themes emerged: Being brushed aside, in which participants expressed the feeling that general practitioners did not prioritise or recognise their concerns; Putting up with it, in which participants delayed seeking help for their UI due to various reasons including embarrassment, the development of coping mechanisms, perceiving UI as a normal part of the ageing process, or being unaware that help was available; and Something has to be done, in which help‐seeking was prompted by the recognition that their UI was a serious problem, whether as a result of experiencing UI in public, the remark of a relative, the belief that they had a serious illness or the detection of UI during comprehensive geriatric assessment. Greater awareness that UI is a treatable condition and not a normal part of ageing is needed in the population and among health professionals. Comprehensive geriatric assessment appeared an important trigger for referral and treatment in our participants. Screening questions by healthcare professionals could be a means to identify, assess and treat older people with UI.  相似文献   

Sexually transmitted infection testing rates among young men remain low, and their disengagement from sexual health services has been linked to enactments of masculinity that prohibit or truncate discussions of sexual health. Understanding how men align with multiple masculinities is therefore important for tailoring interventions that appropriately respond to their needs. We draw on 32 in‐depth interviews with 15–24‐year‐old men to explore the discourses that facilitate or shut down sexual health communication with peers and sex partners. We employ a critical discourse analysis to explore how men’s conversations about sexual health are constituted by masculine hierarchies (such as the ways in which masculinities influence men’s ability to construct or challenge and contest dominant discourses about sexual health). Men’s conversations about sexual health focused primarily around their sexual encounters – something frequently referred to as ‘guy talk’. Also described were situations whereby participants employed a discourse of ‘manning up’ to (i) exert power over others with disregard for potential repercussions and (ii) deploy power to affirm and reify their own hyper‐masculine identities, while using their personal (masculine) power to help others (who are subordinate in the social ordering of men). By better understanding how masculine discourses are employed by men, their sexual health needs can be advanced.  相似文献   

In Australia, the PANDA—Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia National Helpline (the Helpline) offers support to callers impacted by emotional health challenges in the perinatal period. Callers receive counselling from professional staff and peer support from volunteers. An understanding of factors that contribute to callers’ experiences of emotional distress, as well as potential barriers and facilitators to help‐seeking, can be used to inform future service design and delivery. A caller intake form is completed by Helpline staff when an individual contacts the service for the first time, or re‐engages after a period of non‐contact. We analysed all intake forms of individuals calling about their own emotional wellbeing from the middle month of each season in 2014: January, April, July, and October. Content analysis was undertaken, focusing on caller profile, patterns of help‐seeking, and reasons for caller engagement. Of the 365 calls, the majority were from women (n = 358, 98%) who were pregnant (n = 59, 16%) or had a child ≤12 months of age (n = 241, 75%). Many were seeking support regarding depression (n = 186, 51%) or anxiety (n = 162, 44%), with a number seeking help for both (n = 71, 20%). Almost a third were identified as being ‘at risk’, including a number who were experiencing thoughts of suicide or self‐harm. Complex interrelating factors contributed to callers’ emotional distress, including: stressful life events; pregnancy, birthing and parenting experiences; social isolation; and histories of mental health difficulties. Significant numbers of parents experience emotional health challenges in the perinatal period, but many do not receive adequate treatment. Complex factors contribute to callers’ distress, highlighting the need for health professionals to undertake thorough psychosocial assessments during the perinatal period so those that need additional support are identified, and appropriate care provided. Telephone Helplines like PANDAs assist overcoming barriers to care and provide specialised perinatal mental health support to families.  相似文献   

Spillover effects in health service use may represent an important externality of individual treatment decisions and are important for understanding the consequences of interventions to improve access to health care. This study is the first to our knowledge to examine causal spillover effects for mental health service use. We exploit the natural experiment of first‐year student housing assignments at two universities using survey data that we collected. When the peer group is defined at the roommate level, we do not find any spillover effects on service use. When the peer group is defined at the hall level, we find positive spillover effects—peers' service use increases one's own service use—and this effect is driven by individuals with prior experience with mental health services. We also find some evidence that the mechanism behind this effect is improved beliefs about treatment effectiveness. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   



Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening programmes using a guaiac faecal occult blood test (gFOBt) reduce CRC mortality. Interval cancers are diagnosed between screening rounds: reassurance from a negative gFOBt has the potential to influence the pathway to diagnosis of an interval colorectal cancer.


Twenty‐six semi‐structured face‐to‐face interviews were carried out in Scotland and England, with individuals diagnosed with an interval colorectal cancer following a negative gFOBt result.


Participants reported they were reassured by a negative gFOBt, interpreting their result as an “all clear”. Therefore, most did not suspect cancer as a possible cause of symptoms and many did not recall their screening result during symptom appraisal. Among those who did consider cancer, and did think about their screening test result, reassurance from a negative gFOBt led some to “downplay” the seriousness of their symptoms with some interviewees explicitly stating that their negative test result contributed to a delayed decision to seek help.


Screening participants need to be informed of the limitations of screening and the ongoing risk of developing colorectal cancer even when in receipt of a negative result: the importance of minimizing delay in seeking medical advice for colorectal symptoms should be emphasized.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the health seeking behaviour of childless rural poor and urban middle class women in Bangladesh. Data for this study were collected from a northern district of Bangladesh named Mymensing, using various qualitative methods including life histories, in-depth interviews, and key-informant interviews The study shows that social class and the geographical location of the childless women determine their health seeking behaviour. Local healers in the informal sector were found to be the most popular health service option among the rural childless women. The factors for utilising them included low costs, the gender of the provider (with same-sex providers being preferred), having a shared explanatory model with the healers, and easy availability. Unlike their rural counterparts, urban childless women predominantly seek expensive Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) treatment which is available only in the formal sector, in private services. However, despite their affiliation with modern treatment, urban childless women still believe, like their rural counterparts, that the remedy for childlessness ultimately depends on God. As a result, in addition to biomedical treatment, many return to or simultaneously pursue various traditional, spiritual or folk treatments. It was found in this study that in Bangladesh, where fertility control is the main focus of health policy, childless women are excluded from mainstream discussions on women’s health. Consequently the childless women have to suffer in various ways as a result of their health seeking behaviour.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the relevance of animals to medical sociology by arguing that pet owners’ accounts of veterinary decision‐making can highlight key sociological themes which are important to both human and animal health. Based on semi‐structured interviews, the article argues that interspecies ‘kinship’ allows for the extension of sociological claims regarding altruism, self‐interest and mutuality from human blood donation to companion animal blood ‘donation’. Furthermore, this study extends sociological understanding of the human‐animal bond by showing how the dog's status as kin meant they were expected to donate blood, and that the act of donation itself represents an important opportunity for family ‘display’. However, owners who do not or cannot donate blood themselves describe pet blood donation as an opportunity to lessen associated feelings of guilt or obligation through ‘doing good by proxy’. These findings raise critical sociological and ethical questions concerning the risks and benefits of donation, and for how we understand third‐party decision making. Finally, the article argues for the close entanglement of human and animal health, and concludes that sociologists of health and medicine should explore the radical possibility that decision‐making in healthcare more generally might be influenced by experiences at the veterinary clinic, and vice versa. (A Virtual Abstract of this paper can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_979cmCmR9rLrKuD7z0ycA )  相似文献   

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