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目的:调查库存血感染HCV、HIV的危险度,正确评估西宁地区目前酶免抗体筛检方法的血液安全性.方法:使用ProcleixTM TMAHIV-1/HCV检测方法对10 086份库存血进行检测.结果:发现3份NAT检测HCV RNA和EIISA检测抗-HCV均阳性的标本,未发现NAT检测阳性,但EIA检测抗-HCV、抗-HIV阴性的标本.未发现血清抗体转换窗口期标本.结论:西宁地区目前HCV、HIV的感染危险度小于1:10 000,说明本地区目前血液检测质量是可信的,临床使用血液是相对安全的.  相似文献   

目的:了解HIV感染者与非HIV感染者HBsAg和抗-HCV的检测结果.方法:收集127份HIV感染者与7048份非HIV感染者的血清,采用ELISA方法进行HBsAg和抗-HCV的检测,分析两组检测结果的差别.结果:HIV感染组与非HIV感染组HBsAg的阳性率分别为6.30%和6.46%,两者无显著性差异(P=0.94);抗-HCV的阳性率分别为34.65%和0.67%,两者有显著性差异(P<0.01);HBsAg和抗-HCV重叠阳性率分别为2.36%和0.03%,两者有显著性差异(P<0.01).结论:HBV感染与HIV感染可能无明显相关性,而HCV感染与HIV感染具有明显相关性,HIV感染组HBV和HCV的重叠感染率高.  相似文献   

王志明  李明山 《人民军医》1999,42(10):595-596
为进一步了解输血后丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染后的远期预后,我们对输血后感染HCV31例进行了1~4年的随访调查。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 31例中,男13例,女18例;年龄13~68岁。手术中均接受输血,输血量300~1800ml。1.2 诊断标准 输血前检测抗-HAV、抗-HCV、乙肝抗原、抗体及肝功能等均正常,其供血经HBsAg、抗-HCV及肝功能筛检,输血后1、3、6、9个月分别检测抗-HCV、肝功能及HCVRNA(PCR法),其结果有1次以上出现抗-HCV阳性或HCVRNA阳性和肝功异常者,诊断为输血后丙型肝炎(PTH-C);HCV标志阳性而无肝功能异常,则诊断为HCV隐…  相似文献   

周晓飞  赵香  胡强 《武警医学》2005,16(8):612-613
我国是肝炎高发区,相当一部分患者经血液途径感染[1]。输血后肝炎(PTH)是一种输血常见的并发症,其发生率为2.4%~27.3%,以乙型肝炎(HBV)和丙型肝炎(HCV)多见。为减少和避免医院感染和医疗纠纷,输血前对患者进行乙肝五项、抗HCV、抗HIV1/2、梅毒血浆反应素快速试验(RPR)测定是每位医务人员与患者共同关注的问题。我院自2001年1月~2004年1月共检测输血前患者血液标本15308份。1材料和方法1.1检测样品均为住院患者晨测空腹血样。1.2试剂乙肝五项,ELISA法,中山生物工程有限公司产品;抗-HCV、抗-HIV1/2检测,ELISA法,上海实业科华…  相似文献   

郝飞 《人民军医》1997,40(6):350-351
丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染与自身免疫关系密切,这是因为一方面感染者血中存在多种自身抗体,肝外器官或组织出现自身免疫性损伤;另一方面在自身免疫性肝炎患者中检出抗-HCV。正确认识两者的关系,对某些自身免疫性疾病的病因学研究和指导治疗有重要意义。IHCV感染时的自身免在现象HCV感染时,尤其是慢性感染进程中,可在患者血中检测到各种自身抗体,提示HCV感染可诱发机体产生自身免疫。各种自身抗体中,以抗核抗体(ANA)和平滑肌抗体(SMA)检出率最高,其次抗单链DNA抗体(抗SSDNA)和1型肝肾微粒体抗体(抗一LKMI),抗…  相似文献   

目的了解贵阳市感染了人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)人群中合并丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)、梅毒(TP)及单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型(HSV-2)感染现状及特点。方法对204例HIV抗体确证阳性者感染者进行流行病学调查,并采集血标本进行HCV、TP和HSV-2血清学检测。结果 204例HIV感染者中,感染HCV、TP和HSV-2阳性数分别为24例(11.8%)、35例(17.2%)和4例(2.0%);单独合并丙型肝炎感染者主要以30-40岁为主,单独合并梅毒感染者主要以20-40岁为主;HIV合并HCV感染性传播途主要以静脉吸毒者(IDU)为主,HIV合并TP感染性传播途主要以男男性行为者(MSM)为主,其次为IDU、异性性传播。结论贵阳地区HIV感染者及AIDS患者合并HCV、TP感染较为常见,应采取积极措施防止HIV、HCV、TP的合并感染及传播。  相似文献   

黄菲  甘新宇 《西南军医》2006,8(6):54-55
目的探讨HCV核心抗原检测与HCV抗体检测在测定献血号HCV感染上的差异。方法将3600名部队献血员的血清标本分别用两种ELISA试剂盒进行HCV核心抗原及HCV抗体检测,任一方法结果阳性者用荧光定量PCR进行确诊。结果用HCV核心抗原检测方法检出的阳性标本数与用HCV RNA检测方法确诊阳性标本数相符。结论以HCV核心抗原检测代替HCV抗体检测是提高献血员HCV检出率的较为理想的方法。  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)呈世界性分布,我国主要以输血及输注血液制品为主要传播途径。估计抗-HCV阳性人群约有3000万。为了解输血前患者HCV的感染情况,笔者对23106例输血前患者进行抗-HCV检测,并对检测结果。  相似文献   

目的了解患者输血前传染性指标的情况,探讨其检测的必要性及临床意义。方法采用ELISA法对1401例输血患者在输血前进行HBsAg、抗HCV、抗HIV、梅毒抗体检测。结果1401例患者HBsAg阳性率为12.49%,抗HCV阳性率为0.71%,梅毒抗体阳性率为0.86%,抗HIV阳性率为0.14%。结论对受血者进行输血前传染病指标检测,可以了解受血者输血前状况,对减少经血液传播疾病而引起的医患纠纷,降低院内感染,保护医患双方利益都有重要意义。  相似文献   

在HCVRNA高度保守的5’末端非编码区域内选择合成内、外引物,建立了HCV的逆转录-套式PCR检测方法,并对血清标本中HCVRNA的提取方法进行比较。对23例肝病患者的检测结果显示,HCVRNA的阳性率为56.5%。与抗HCV抗体检测结果比较,抗HCV阳性患者中有81.5%HCVRNA阳性,而抗HCV阴性患者中仍有33.3%的HCVRNA阳性,表明PCR在HCV感染的早期诊断、传染性的确立及药物疗效考核等方面有重要作用。  相似文献   

目的 :为进一步证实庚型肝炎病毒的感染途径 ,并探讨检测该病毒在献血员筛选工作中的意义。方法 :采用ELISA和PCR法 ,检测 76名血液病患者、82名非血液病患者和 90名健康体检者血清中乙、丙、庚型肝炎病毒感染标志物。结果 :这 3型病毒感染标志物的阳性率 (ELISA法 )在上述 3组人中分别为 2 6 .3%、12 .2 %和 10 .0 % ,11.8%、3.7%和 2 .2 % ,以及9.2 %、1.2 %和 1.1% ,血液病组显著高于另 2组 (χ2 =32 .36 ,P <0 .0 0 5 ) ;PCR法检查结果类似 ;有受血史者高于无受血史者 ,且与受血量呈正相关。结论 :庚型与乙、丙型肝炎病毒类似 ,可通过血液途径传播 ,因此对献血员采用高敏感性的筛选手段及严格控制输血指征 ,对控制庚型等可经血液传播的肝炎病毒的院内感染 ,具有重要意义  相似文献   

目的:通过分析三种方法(TRUST法、ELISA法、TPHA法)检测受血者输血前梅毒抗体的结果,了解各法在临床应用中的特点,以提高输血安全系数和减少因输血引起的医疗纠纷和提供可靠的诊疗依据.方法:7733份标本中,3104份行TRUST法检测,4629份行ELISA法检测; 4629份标本中98份OD值(光密度值)在CO(cut off)值附近的标本再行ELISA法双孔复试和TPHA法确证试验.结果:TRUST法与ELISA法检测阳性率差异显著(u=11.41,P<0.01);ELISA法与TPHA法两阳性率之间存在显著性差异(χ2=5.8181, P<0.05).结论:有必要采用与献血员体检试剂敏感性和特异性相同的试剂,以掌握患者输血前梅毒感染情况;受血者梅毒抗体的检验方法应采用特异性高、结果判定客观的酶联免疫法;实验室应备两种以上能相互弥补优缺点的特异性抗体检测方法试剂盒,加强临界值标本复检,力求结果准确.  相似文献   

158例流行前无偿献血者血清SARS相关冠状病毒抗体检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨输入不稳定的血液及其制品而传播严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)相关冠状病毒的可能性。方法采用ELISA法对158例医务工作者流行前无偿献血的血清进行SARS相关冠状病毒抗体检测,对结果阳性者及其长期接触者进行随访。结果在所有血清样本中,SARS抗体阳性2例(1.27%);阳性者本人、长期接触者以及受血者均无感染SARS的病史。结论SARS病毒既往并未在医院内流行,其感染途径不明。输入不稳定的血液制品有感染SARS的危险只是理论上的推断,随着对SARS研究的深入,其传播途径将更加明确。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine whether autopsies of bodies believed to be from low risk groups, are safe or not. A research study was undertaken to identify the seroprevalence of HIV, HBV and HCV in a presumed low risk forensic autopsy population in Tehran, the capital of Iran. One hundred and seventy three blood samples were collected from cases autopsied at the Tehran Legal Medicine Organization between September 2000 and October 2001. Eight serum samples were positive for HbsAg; 7 were positive for anti-HCV; None was positive for anti-HIV-1, 2. The authors advise that all forensic specimens-even those from bodies presumed to be of low risk, should be treated as potentially infectious and appropriate precautions should be taken when performing autopsies.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo statistically clarify the prevalence and risk factors of infections in forensic autopsy cases in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. The aim was to improve preventive measures against infection in forensic autopsies.MethodsWe retrospectively investigated the positive detection rates of five infections (hepatitis B, HBV; hepatitis C, HCV; human immunodeficiency virus, HIV; human T-lymphotropic virus, HTLV; Treponema pallidum, TP) using 1491 samples obtained in forensic autopsy at our facility from 2014 to 2018. In addition, risk factors related to infection such as methamphetamine and tattoos were analyzed. Pearson's chi-square test was used for statistical analysis, and the difference was judged to be significant at p < 0.05.ResultsAmong our samples, 9.0% of cadavers tested positive for infection, and the prevalence rates for HBV, HCV, HIV, HTLV, and TP were 1.0%, 6.7%, 0.3%, 0.7%, and 1.1% respectively. Statistically, cadavers linked to information about methamphetamine use had a 7.2 times higher rate of infection, and those with tattoos had a 5.6 times higher rate of infection, with HCV being the predominant cause.ConclusionsTo limit the risk of infection among autopsy workers, cadavers and samples should be handled on the presupposition that the bodies are at risk of infections. It is also important to obtain as much information as possible about the medical history and potential illegal drug use to help assess the risk of infection in a patient during forensic autopsy. We propose that all autopsy cases should be screened for infections whenever possible.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is highly prevalent among chronic dialysis patients and is the most common cause of chronic liver disease. Ninety six patients on chronic hemodialysis in our institute of transfusiology at the Military Medical Academy were evaluated for the presence of HCV infection. There was a significant relationship between presence of anti-HCV antibodies and number of blood transfusion received by examined patients. We concluded that hepatitis C is a common problem among patients on chronic hemodialysis in our institution: HCV infection is proved in about 48.95% of all patients on hemodialysis.  相似文献   

To examine the prevalence of hepatitis G virus (HGV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections in deceased injection drug users and for comparison of the detection rates of HGV and HCV RNA in liver tissue with detection rates in postmortem serum samples, RT-PCR was performed in 50 drug abuse-related fatalities. HGV RNA was detectable in liver tissue samples from 17/50 suddenly deceased drug abusers (34%). In 16 of these 17 positive cases, serum samples were also available but HGV RNA was detected in only 10. From 29/50 anti-HCV positive individuals, HCV RNA was detected in 23/50 liver tissue samples (46%), but HCV RNA was detectable in only 6/22 of the corresponding serum samples. In 12 anti-HCV positive cases (10 being also positive for HCV RNA in the liver), the examinations revealed a coinfection with HGV by detection of HGV RNA in the liver tissue samples. A significant association between the detection of HCV RNA in the liver and the occurrence of antibodies against the HCV NS4 protein, but not against HCV core antigen or NS3 protein was observed. The probability of anti-HCV and HCV RNA positivity increased with the age of the individuals. No HGV or HCV infection was detected in a control group of 50 persons who died suddenly by violent impact. The prevalence of active HCV and HGV infections in injection drug users detected by RT-PCR in liver tissue is in good accordance with data obtained from sera from living injection drug users. In contrast, the detection rate in postmortem serum samples was clearly lower. Possible reasons for this observation are discussed and the use of liver tissue for postmortem detection of hepatitis virus RNA is recommended. Received: 4 February 1998 / Received in revised form: 22 April 1998  相似文献   

Blood borne infections such as hepatitis B, C (HBV, HBC) and human immunodeficiency disease (HIV) are major health problems globally. As the number of blood borne infections is postulated to increase among athletes, the question to the UIAA Medical Commission arises as to whether there is a risk of transmission in climbing. Using a nominal group consensus model approach a working group was formed during the UIAA Medical Commission's meeting in Adr?pach-Zdoóov, in the Czech Republic, 2008. A working document was prepared and circulated via email. After several revisions the following final form was approved by written consent in lieu of a live meeting of the UIAA MedCom on 31st May, 2010: The main pathways of transmission of blood borne infections in athletes are similar to those experienced in the general population. The greatest risk to the athlete for contracting any blood borne pathogen infection is through sexual activity and parenteral drug use, and not in the sporting arena. The transmission risk in climbing is even smaller compared to contact sports. Mandatory HIV, HBV or HCV testing or widespread screening is not recommended, voluntary testing is recommended for all high risk athletes in the same way as for non-athletes. HIV and HBV positive climbers should not be banned from climbing or climbing competitions. The risk of transmission from infected athletes to other athletes is very low, the focus should be on preventive activities and education.  相似文献   

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