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Ommaya囊植入治疗新型隐球菌性脑膜炎   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究经Ommaya囊植入侧脑室给药在新型隐球菌性脑膜炎的治疗效果。方法对我科收治的22例行Ommaya囊植入与否的新型隐球菌性脑膜炎患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 6例行Ommaya囊植入治疗的新型隐球菌性脑膜炎患者均治愈,治愈率6/6,平均住院天数(105.3±18.1)d,其两性霉素B平均应用天数(75.0±18.1)d。对照组16例,治愈6例,其治愈者平均住院天数(150.0±32.2)d、两性霉素B平均应用天数(139.6±29.5)d。两组临床疗效之间有显著性差异(P0.05)。结论 Ommaya囊植入治疗新型隐球菌性脑膜炎可提高治愈率,缩短疗程。  相似文献   

目的探讨Ommaya储液囊在脑肿瘤并发脑积水中的临床应用效果。方法回顾分析江苏大学附属武进医院神经外科2012年6月至2014年6月收治的4例颅内肿瘤并发脑积水患者,应用Ommaya储液囊治疗。结果 1例患者的症状完全缓解,2例好转,1例自动出院。结论 Ommaya储液囊在脑肿瘤并发脑积水中的临床应用效果良好,临床安全性可靠。  相似文献   

1病例 患者,女,41岁,家庭主妇,因“头痛、呕吐40d,加重伴行走不稳20d”入院。既往体健,无鸽子接触史。入院前40d出现前额部阵发性跳痛、胀痛,重时有恶心、  相似文献   

新型隐球菌性脑膜炎18例分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
新型隐球菌性脑膜炎(隐脑)临床表现不典型,病程长,对原治疗的反应差异颇大,病死率较高。现就我院近十几年间收治的经病原学证实的18例隐脑病例,报道分析如下。一般资料:本组18例,男11例,女7例。年龄在16~68岁,平均年龄26岁。其中学生6例,工人4...  相似文献   

新型隐球菌性脑膜炎10例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新型隐球菌性脑膜炎10例临床分析詹霞王远臣一般资料。男7例,女3例;年龄3~69岁,20~40岁7例,平均31岁;发病至确诊时间15~190天;长期应用肾上腺皮质激素、抗生素各1例;合并系统性红斑狼疮1例。临床表现:以头痛为首发症状9例,6例伴有呕吐...  相似文献   

1 临床资料1.1 一般资料  9例为我院 1973年 3月~ 2 0 0 0年 3月期间的住院患者。男 6例 ,女 3例 ,年龄 2 0~ 6 0岁 ,平均 32 .5岁。鸽粪接触史 3例。 1例曾使用多种抗生素。确诊前病程 2 0天~ 40月 ,平均 2 2 5天。确诊前误诊为结核性脑膜炎5例 ,误诊为颅内占位性病变 2例。1.2 症状和体征 急性起病 3例 ,亚急性起病 4例 ,慢性起病 2例。头痛 9例 ,呕吐 7例 ,发热 6例 ,颈项疼痛 3例 ,腰痛 1例 ,癫痫发作 1例 ,幻觉 1例 ,视物模糊 3例 ,复视 1例 ,耳鸣 1例 ,行走不稳 2例。意识障碍 6例 ,颈项强直 7例 ,kernig’s征阳性 2例…  相似文献   

本组隐球菌性脑膜炎的治疗,采用两性霉素B十5一氟胞嘧啶方案者优于氟康唑十5一氟胞嘧啶方案,主张氟康唑用于隐球菌性脑膜炎治愈后巩固治疗及年老体弱不能耐受两性霉素B者。两性霉素B+5一氟胞嘧啶治疗痊愈病例平均疗程6个月,两性霉素B静滴总量平均6.3g,最大可达8.5g,鞘内注射量平均26.4ms最大43.5mg。痊愈标准应以临床症状消失,连续三次(每次间隔7天)脑脊液涂片未找到隐球菌为准,而隐球菌培养阴性仅作参考指标。两性霉素B及氟康唑均可致药物性肝功能衰竭。  相似文献   

新型隐球菌性脑膜炎26例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 分析新型隐球菌性脑膜炎(CM)的临床和脑脊液特点、治疗方法及预后.方法 回顾分析26例病原学检查确诊的CM患者的临床资料,并对CM的治疗进行总结.结果 CM临床表现不典型,易误诊为结核性脑膜炎、病毒性脑炎、颅内占位等.治疗以抗真菌和降颅压为主.病死率30.8%.结论 CM的临床和脑脊液特点与结脑、病脑及颅内占位有一定的差别,提高对本病的认识,可以做到早期诊断、早期治疗,降低误诊率,提高治愈率.抗真菌和降颅压是安全、有效的治疗方法,多途径联合用药可以提高治愈率.  相似文献   

<正> 临床资料 一、一般资料:男7例,女3例;年龄3~69岁,20~50岁7例,平均31岁:入院时病程6~180天,平均15天;发病至确诊时间15~190天;长期应用肾上腺皮质激素、抗生素各1例;合并系统性红斑狼疮1例。 二、临床表现:以头痛为首发症状9例,6例伴有呕吐,首发颈腰背痛、发热1例;全部病人均有头痛,呕吐9例,精神异常5例,视力障碍2例,颈腰背痛3例,意识障碍4例,抽搐发作1例,明显消瘦,全身乏力1例。  相似文献   

目的探讨隐球菌性脑膜炎的临床特征。方法回顾性分析19例临床确诊隐球菌性脑膜炎患者的一般情况、临床表现、合并疾患、脑脊液及影像学改变、治疗及转归等的特征,探寻其中的规律。结果该组患者皆不伴有明确的免疫缺陷性疾病,多以头痛、呕吐等颅高压症状为主要表现,通过脑脊液检查能够较快确定诊断,脑实质的影像学改变很常见,两性霉素B治疗安全有效,鞘内注射及脑室穿刺等治疗方法也是可行的,早期治疗可以改善预后。结论隐球菌性脑膜炎的易感病因仍有不明之处,隐球菌性脑膜炎的临床表现多样,治疗方法仍有待规范,预后不满意。  相似文献   

Cryptococcal meningitis is the most common life-threatening fungal infection and is associated with high mortality in children. Amphotericin B plus flucytosine and fluconazole is the optimal current therapy. Implantation of an Ommaya reservoir for intraventricular infusion of medication and aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for the treatment of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) has been reported. Intraventricular injection of amphotericin B through an Ommaya reservoir in children with cryptococcal meningitis has not been reported previously. We report two children who had cryptococcal meningitis and associated increased intracranial pressure, and were treated with an Ommaya reservoir. Both patients experienced rapid reversal of symptoms. At the time of discharge both patients had recovered and have remained asymptomatic.  相似文献   

目的探讨Ommaya囊穿刺引流结合侧脑室外引流在重度脑室出血中的应用及意义。方法将我科2007年2月至2012年2月收治的46例重度脑室出血患者随机分为:Ommaya囊结合侧脑室外引流治疗组和单纯侧脑室外引流组,将两组患者疗效进行对比分析。结果 Ommaya囊治疗组的交通性脑积水及颅内感染发生率明显低于单纯脑室外引流组(P0.05),术后3个月GOS评分:Ommaya囊治疗组良好8例,中残10例,重残3例,死亡3例;单纯外引流组良好5例,中残4例,重残8例,死亡5例。Ommaya囊治疗组治疗有效率高于单纯外引流组(P0.05)。结论 Ommaya囊穿刺引流结合侧脑室外引流治疗重度脑室出血,可以降低颅内感染及脑积水发生率,改善患者预后,提高生存质量,是脑室出血安全、有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

隐球菌性脑膜炎的临床、脑脊液与影像学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 研究隐球菌性脑膜炎的临床特点。方法 收集我院1991-2000年间确诊隐球菌性脑膜炎的9例患者,并分析其相关资料。结果 9例患者中男性6例,女性3例。其起始症状均有头痛、发热,6例出现呕吐,意识障碍与发作性抽搐各1例。入院初诊1例误诊为伤寒,其余误诊为结核性脑膜炎、病毒性脑膜炎。多次腰穿行脑脊液检查隐球菌墨汁染色阳性。1例因同时并发急性心肌前间壁供血不足而死亡,余8例经抗真菌治疗后痊愈。结论 隐球菌性脑膜炎临床表现缺乏特异性,CT检查缺额特异性,MRI对病灶显示较清楚,脑脊液检查是确诊的最好的指标,早期诊断及早期治疗对疾病的转归及预后密切相关。  相似文献   

目的 探讨Ommaya囊置入术治疗脑积水合并颅内感染的疗效。方法 回顾性分析2019年4月至2020年6月收治的10例脑积水合并颅内感染的临床资料。入院后,均行脑室镜探查+Ommaya囊置入术,术后经Ommaya囊抽取脑脊液,并视病情注射抗生素治疗,动态评估脑积水改善情况及颅内感染控制情况,待脑脊液恢复正常后再次行脑室镜探查,拔除Ommaya囊并行分流手术。结果 10例术后脑脊液恢复正常的时间21~36 d,平均(28.4±4.57)d。5例行脑室-腹腔分流术,1例因脑室内粘连严重未行分流术,4例转变为静止性脑积水继续随访。10例出院时GOS评分4分。结论 对于脑积水合并颅内感染,Ommaya囊置入术可作为外引流术的替代方案,具备留置时间长、感染风险低等优势,可为后期分流手术争取足够时间窗、降低分流术后并发症发生率;还可经Ommaya囊注射抗生素治疗颅内感染,从而提高治疗成功率。  相似文献   

Introduction: Although Ommaya reservoir implantation is effective in reducing the target volume of cystic brain metastases preceding stereotactic radiosurgery, adequate volume reduction cannot be achieved in some cases, and the factors leading to failure in volume reduction have not been clearly identified. In this study, we investigated the factors leading to failure in volume reduction after use of the Ommaya reservoir. Materials and methods: Between December 2007 and February 2015, 38 consecutive patients with 40 cystic metastases underwent Ommaya reservoir implantation at our institution. The patient characteristics, treatment parameters, and all available clinical and neuroimaging follow-ups were analyzed retrospectively. Results: The rate of volume reduction was significantly related to the location of the tube tip inside the cyst. By placing the tip at or near the center, 58.7% reduction was achieved, whereas reduction of 42.6% and 7.7% occurred with deep and shallow tip placement, respectively (p = 0.011). Although there was no additional surgery in the center placement group, additional surgeries were performed in 5 out of the 23 deep and shallow cases due to inadequate volume reduction. No other factors were correlated with successful volume reduction. Conclusion: For adequate volume reduction using the Ommaya reservoir in the treatment of cystic brain metastases prior to stereotactic radiosurgery, the tip of the reservoir tube should be placed at the center of the cyst.  相似文献   

Objective The aim of this study is to retrospectively evaluate a series of consecutive patients affected by post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus in prematurity, treated with an implant of an Ommaya reservoir followed by ventriculo-peritoneal (VP) shunt and/or endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) to evaluate the safety and efficacy of these treatment options in the management of the condition. Methods Between 2002 and 2005, 18 consecutive premature patients affected by intra-ventricular haemorrhage (IVH) grades II to IV, presenting with progressive ventricular dilatation, were operated for implant of an intra-ventricular catheter connected to a sub-cutaneous Ommaya reservoir. Cerebrospinal fluid was intermittently aspirated percutaneously by the reservoir according with the clinical requirements and the echographic follow-up. The patients who presented a progression of the ventricular dilatation were finally operated for VP shunt implant or ETV according with the MRI findings. Results One patient had grade II, 5 had grade III, and 12 had grade IV IVH. The mean age at IVH diagnosis was 5.2 days; the mean age at reservoir implant was 17.3 days. The Ommaya reservoir was punctured on an average basis of 11.4 times per patient (range 2–25), and the mean interval between aspirations was 2.7 days. The mean CSF volume per tap was 20 ml. One patient died for pulmonary complications during the study period. Out of the 17 survivors, 3 did not develop progressive ventricular dilatation, and their reservoir was removed; 14 developed progressive hydrocephalus, 5 of whom were implanted with a VP shunt and 9 received an ETV. Amongst the five shunted patients, two were re-admitted for shunt malfunction and had their shunt removed after ETV after 6.1 and 20.5 months, respectively. Amongst the nine patients who received an ETV, five had to be re-operated for VP shunt implant at an average interval of 2.17 months (range 9–172 days) because of increasing ventricular dilatation. Two of them had a redo third ventriculostomy with shunt removal at 11 and 25.1 months, respectively, after insertion. The first was reimplanted with a VP shunt 4 days later; the second remains shunt free. Therefore, at the end of the follow-up period, 10 out of 17 children affected by post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus in prematurity were shunt free (59%). Conclusions The combination of Ommaya reservoir, VP shunt, and the aggressive use of ETV as a primary treatment or as an alternative to shunt revision allowed for a significant reduction of shunt dependency in a traditionally shunt-dependent population. Further studies are warranted to optimise the algorithm of treatment in these patients.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the endoscopic transcortical transventricular approach (ETTA) for craniopharyngioma in the third ventricle with hydrocephalus has been reported focusing on its reduced invasiveness. On the other hand, suprasellar craniopharyngioma without ventriculomegaly is generally surgically managed by craniotomy or the endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA). Here, we report an elderly patient who received cyst fenestration and Ommaya reservoir placement in ETTA for recurrent suprasellar cystic craniopharyngioma without ventriculomegaly. The ETTA as a less invasive procedure is feasible in patients not only with intraventricular craniopharyngioma but also with suprasellar craniopharyngioma without hydrocephalus provided a navigational system is applied and the surgeon has ample experience with transcranial endoscopic procedures.  相似文献   

血栓通注射液治疗结核性脑膜炎临床观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的观察血栓通注射液治疗结核性脑膜炎的疗效和安全性。方法将43例结核性脑膜炎病例随机分为对照组(n=20)和治疗组(n=23),对照组予常规治疗,治疗组在常规治疗基础上加用血栓通注射液,500mg/d,疗程4周。结果治疗组显效率、总有效率均高于对照组(P<0.05),临床症状、体征、脑脊液常规、生化明显改善,且无明显不良反应。结论血栓通注射液治疗结核性脑膜炎可有效减轻临床症状,缩短疗程。  相似文献   

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