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目的 探讨30岁以下青少年原发性肺癌的特殊临床和病理特点.方法 外科治疗年龄8~29岁,平均23岁的原发肺癌病人59例.术前有症状者49例,其中18例术前被误诊.根治性手术46例,姑息性手术3例,剖胸探查术7例,胸腔镜下活检术3例.术后病理腺癌18例,类癌13例,黏液表皮样癌9例,鳞癌5例,小细胞癌4例,腺鳞癌3例,其他4例.TNM分期:Ⅰ a期8例,Ⅰ b期3例,Ⅱ a期9例,Ⅱ b期12例,Ⅲa期15例,Ⅲ b期8例,Ⅳ期4例.结果 术后并发肺不张3例,发生率5.08%,剖胸探查组术后并发呼吸衰竭死亡1例.全组5年生存率为27.0%,其中根治组为35.0%.单因素分析显示不同p-TNM分期和手术方式与其生存率高度相关(P<0.05),性别、病理类型和术后化疗均不是预后的影响因素(P>0.05),Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期、Ⅲa期、Ⅲb期+Ⅳ期5年生存率分别为75.0%、33.3%、14.3%和0.0%.叶切、全切和探查术5年生存率分别为43.0%、18.2%和0.0%.多因素分析显示仅TNM(P=0.000)是影响青少年原发性肺癌术后的独立影响因素.结论 青少年肺癌应引起重视,提高确诊率,避免当作肺部良性疾病而耽误手术时机.青少年肺癌根治性手术治疗5年生存率为35%,与普通肺癌人群相当,应积极采取以手术为主的综合治疗.
Objective To investigate and analyze the clinical and pathological features of surgical treatment for primary bronchogenic carcinoma in adolescent patients.Methods A retrospective review is presented of patients less than 30 years with surgical treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma between 1969 and 2008.There were59 patients (36 male and 23 female).Mean age was 23 years ( range 8-29 ) .The ratio of men to women patients was 1.7∶1.Forty-nine cases ( 83.0% ) were symptomatic at presentation and 18 cases(30.5% )were misdiagnosed as other diseases.Surgical procedures included radical resection in 46 cases,palliative resection in 3 cases,thoracotomy only for unresectable disease in 7 cases and VATS biopsy in 3 cases.The histological types were 18 adenocarcinomas,13 carcinoids,9 mucoepidermoid carcinoma,5 squamous cell carcimomas,4 small cell lung cancer,3 adenosquamous carcinoma and 4 others.On TNM staging,8 cases in stage Ⅰa,3 cases in stage Ⅰb,9 cases in stage Ⅱ a,12 cases in stage Ⅱb,15 cases in stage Ⅲa,8 cases in stage Ⅲb,4 cases in stageⅣ.Results There were no operative death in radical group.Post-operative atelectasis in 3 cases.One case died from postoperative respiratory failure in explosive group,the postoperative five year survival rate was 27.0%.radical resection group 5-year survival was 35%.Univariate analysis identified TNM stage and surgical procedures as predictors of survival( P <0.05).factors that had no significant effect on overall survival included gender,histologic sbutype and postoperative chemotherapy (P > 0.05).The 5 year survival in stage Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲa,Ⅲb + Ⅳ were 75.0%,33.3%,14.3% and 0,respectively.The 5 year survival in lobectomy,pneumonectomy and exporsive were 43.0%,18.2% and O,respectively.On multivariate analysis,TNM stage of disease was the only independent predictor of survival ( P =0.000) .Conclusion We should pay attention to adolescent lung cancer and improve the diagnosis rate avoiding of delaying surgical treatment.The five year survival rate of radical resection for adolescent lung cancer was good.They should be treated with aggressive multimodality therapy and surgical resection is the first-line treatment for them.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate and analyze the clinical and pathological features of surgical treatment for primary bronchogenic carcinoma in adolescent patients.Methods A retrospective review is presented of patients less than 30 years with surgical treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma between 1969 and 2008.There were59 patients (36 male and 23 female).Mean age was 23 years ( range 8-29 ) .The ratio of men to women patients was 1.7∶1.Forty-nine cases ( 83.0% ) were symptomatic at presentation and 18 cases(30.5% )were misdiagnosed as other diseases.Surgical procedures included radical resection in 46 cases,palliative resection in 3 cases,thoracotomy only for unresectable disease in 7 cases and VATS biopsy in 3 cases.The histological types were 18 adenocarcinomas,13 carcinoids,9 mucoepidermoid carcinoma,5 squamous cell carcimomas,4 small cell lung cancer,3 adenosquamous carcinoma and 4 others.On TNM staging,8 cases in stage Ⅰa,3 cases in stage Ⅰb,9 cases in stage Ⅱ a,12 cases in stage Ⅱb,15 cases in stage Ⅲa,8 cases in stage Ⅲb,4 cases in stageⅣ.Results There were no operative death in radical group.Post-operative atelectasis in 3 cases.One case died from postoperative respiratory failure in explosive group,the postoperative five year survival rate was 27.0%.radical resection group 5-year survival was 35%.Univariate analysis identified TNM stage and surgical procedures as predictors of survival( P <0.05).factors that had no significant effect on overall survival included gender,histologic sbutype and postoperative chemotherapy (P > 0.05).The 5 year survival in stage Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲa,Ⅲb + Ⅳ were 75.0%,33.3%,14.3% and 0,respectively.The 5 year survival in lobectomy,pneumonectomy and exporsive were 43.0%,18.2% and O,respectively.On multivariate analysis,TNM stage of disease was the only independent predictor of survival ( P =0.000) .Conclusion We should pay attention to adolescent lung cancer and improve the diagnosis rate avoiding of delaying surgical treatment.The five year survival rate of radical resection for adolescent lung cancer was good.They should be treated with aggressive multimodality therapy and surgical resection is the first-line treatment for them.  相似文献   

40岁以下肺癌32例临床特点分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

目的:探讨原发性支气管肺癌的综合治疗方法,并对误诊原因加以分析。方法:1986年~1998年共手术治疗原发性支气管肺癌1235例,手术切除1107例,探查128例(取有活检),其中全肺切除术372例,肺叶切除术642例,袖式肺叶切除术62例,楔形或肺段切除术31例。结果:术后随访率为85.6%,失访病例按1年内死亡计算,5年生存率为23.6%,按病理类型术后5年生存率为鳞癌为32.3%,腺癌21%,小细胞癌11.1%,腺鳞癌17%,大细胞癌26.2%,其他类型癌28%。结论:肺叶切除术是肺癌外科治疗的首选方式,全肺切除术要掌握好适应症,而支气管袖状肺叶切除术得以迅速发展。肺癌病人手术前后辅助治疗(化疗放疗)也非常重要  相似文献   

目的:探讨青少年膀胱移行细胞癌临床特点及诊疗方法。方法:对22例30岁以下青少年膀胱移行细胞癌患者的临床资料进行回顾分析。结果:间断全程无痛肉眼血尿17例(77.3%),术前均经B超、膀胱镜活检及尿细胞学检查确诊。22例均行手术治疗,行经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术18例,膀胱部分切除术4例。17例术后随访6-107个月,5例复发。结论:30岁以下青少年膀胱移行细胞行细胞癌具有分化好、分期早、复发率低及预后好等特点,经尿道电切术及术后定期复查可获得良好的治疗效果及预后。  相似文献   

我科自2008年1月至2013年11月,共收治21例肿瘤直径大于10 cm的肺癌患者,排除手术禁忌后行手术治疗16例,其手术难度较大,有着不同的手术技巧,报告如下。 临床资料 1.一般资料:16例巨大肺癌患者,男11例,女5例,年龄38~72岁,平均46.5岁;患者有不同程度的胸闷、气短,合并咳嗽、咳痰7例,痰中带血2例,发热3例,胸背部疼痛3例。术前CT显示肿瘤直径10~13 cm,平均11.2 cm;肿瘤位于左胸10例,右胸6例。术前肺功能均有不同程度的限制性与混合性通气功能障碍,FEV11.3~2.8 L。常规行胸部增强CT,共有特征为:巨大实质性肿块,边缘不光整,无明显分叶,内部密度不均,无明显强化,肺门大多伴有肿大淋巴结,但无明显肺门受侵;其中2例有癌性空洞形成。术后病理示:鳞状细胞癌13例(含肉瘤样成分2例),肺肉瘤1例,腺鳞癌2例。  相似文献   

20岁以下青少年大肠癌32例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20岁以下青少年中大肠癌少见,预后极差。收集我市1975~1996年间3个医院(中心、人民、永康医院)完整病历32例。现分析如下。一、临床资料及方法全组共32例,男20例,女12例。年龄11~20岁,中位年龄18岁,平均176岁。症状及体征:腹痛2...  相似文献   

目的分析原发性肺癌并发肾损害的发生率、临床特点、诊断、治疗。方法对我院有随诊资料的169例肺癌患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果不同性别、年龄、组织病理学类型的肺癌并发肾损害的发生率无显著差别(P〉0.05),但不同分期的肺癌患者肾损害的发生率不同,与早期患者比较,晚期患者肾损害的发生率较高,二者之间的差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。原发病治疗后24h尿蛋白定量显著减少,与治疗前比较,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论单纯性蛋白尿或血尿是原发性肺癌并发肾损害的主要临床表现。晚期肺癌患者容易发生肾损害。对原发性肺癌的有效治疗可缓解肾损害的程度。  相似文献   

目的探讨30岁以下胃癌病人的外科治疗方法和治疗效果。方法回顾性分析我院1992年1月~2004年1月收治的30岁以下胃癌病人45例的临床资料。本组均行手术治疗,其中,行根治性切除28例、姑息性切除13例、剖腹探查4例。结果本组无手术死亡病例。术后发生急性肾功能不全1例、切口感染2例、术后出血1例、不全性肠梗阻1例。有38例获随访1年~13年,在31个月内因肝脏、肺、骨等远处转移或肿瘤复发死亡13例。3年、5年生存率分别为44.7%和21.1%。结论根治性手术是治疗青年人胃癌的主要措施。综合治疗能改善病人的生活质量。  相似文献   

18岁以下青少年甲状腺机能亢进的外科治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨青少年甲状腺机能亢进(甲亢)的治疗方法。方法 回顾性分析91例18岁以下甲亢实施手术治疗的临床资料。结果 本组无1例死亡,3例术后出现一过性低钙血症,1例术中并发喉痉挛、窒息,经相应处理后,均痊愈出院。78例(85.7%)经0.5~0年随访,2例复发,余均情况良好。结论 手术治疗青少年甲亢是一种安全、迅速、有效的方法,但需严格掌握手术指征。  相似文献   

The results of cemented Charnley low-friction arthroplasty in patients aged less than 30 years are presented. Eighty-three arthroplasties were performed on 55 patients with an average age of 24.9 years (range, 17–29 years) and an average follow-up period of 240 months (20 years; range, 62–360 months). There were 2 nonfatal pulmonary emboli, 2 cases of deep sepsis, and 3 fractured femoral implants. Twenty-eight acetabular components migrated (34%), 25 have been revised (30%), and the average annual acetabular wear rate was 0.12 mm. Sixteen femoral implants subsided (19%), and fracture of the tip of the cement mantle occurred in 8 hips (10%). Nineteen femoral components (23%) were revised; femoral osteolysis was seen in 15 hips (18%) and changes in the calcar in 33 (38%). Acetabular component survivorship was 92% (95% confidence interval, 85–98%) at 10 years, 70% (60–81%) at 20 years, and 68% (57–79%) at 25 years, with the figures for the femoral implant being 93% (87–98%), 76% (66–86%), and 73% (62–85%), respectively.  相似文献   

A review of our records between 1970 and 1986 identified 22 patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder who were less than 31 years old. Of these patients 7 were less than 20 years old (group 1) and 15 were 20 to 30 years old (group 2). The tumors usually were of low grade and low stage. Patients in group 1 had no recurrences, whereas 6 patients (40 per cent) in group 2 had recurrences. Upstaging occurred in 2 patients with tumor recurrence. It would appear that while transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder in patients less than 20 years old has a more favorable prognosis, in patients 20 to 30 years old the prognosis is poorer and similar to that observed in older patients.  相似文献   

Twenty-six cementless ceramic hip arthroplasties were performed in 22 patients with an average age of 24 years (range, 17–30 years) at the time of operation. One patient was lost to follow-up evaluation. Twenty-one patients (25 hips) were reviewed with an average follow-up period of 6.5 years (range, 4–13 years). Two hips had to undergo revision of the ceramic acetabular components because of fractures in the upper part of the cup in both. One further hip was explored because of persistent wound discharge, but a mass of indurated tissue was removed and there was no evidence of deep infection. No organisms were grown from the samples taken during operation. Harris hip scores were good to excellent in 64%, fair in 16%, and poor in 20% of cases. There was no or slight pain in 14 (56%), mild pain in 7 (28%), and moderate pain in 4 (16%) hips. Apart from the two sockets revised, progressive radiolucent lines were seen in five cups (20%) and significant vertical migration was present in nine cups (36%) with an average migration of 1.3 mm/y. In total, acetabular changes were observed in 11 cases (44%). Femoral stem subsidence of between 3 and 6 mm was seen in five cases (20%). The total number of hips showing loosening of one or both components was five (20%). Overall radiographic changes (migration and loosening) in one or both components were present in 13 hips (54%).  相似文献   

Between March 1983 and March 1988 we registered and treated 49 patients with bladder cancer less than 40 years of age (7 patients less than 30 years of age). Hematuria was present in 40 cases (81.6%). 33 of the patients had a pTA tumor (67.3%). 47 patients had transitional carcinoma of the bladder, of which 21 (44.7%) showed hallmarks of aggressive behavior (muscle invasion, recurrences, associated severe epithelial atypia); all of these patients were between 31 and 39 years of age. 15 patients had a recurrence (30.6%), of which 3 showed progression (all between 31 and 39 years of age). This report supports the view that transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder is less aggressive in patients less than 30 years of age. We still advise however to do a full diagnostic workup in case of symptoms of bladder tumor, and to treat the patient according to the pathological classification, regardless of the age.  相似文献   

In Egypt, there is an increasing incidence of colorectal cancer, especially among patients < or = 40 years of age. The aim of this work was to study the characteristics of rectal cancer in a group of young Egyptian patients treated at Alexandria Main University hospital, Alexandria, Egypt, from June 1998 to June 2001. This study included 50 rectal cancer patients. They were divided into two groups. Group I was patients < 40 years of age (26 patients), and group II was patients > 40 years of age (24 patients). Both groups were evaluated regarding history taking and physical examination, the gross tumor characteristics, the presence or absence of metastases, the histopathological characteristics of the tumor, and the treatment failure within the 3-year period of this study. Group I patients had a significantly longer duration of complaint. A total of 15.4% of patients in this group presented with intestinal obstruction compared with 8.3% in group II. A total of 30.8% of patients in group I presented with metastatic disease compared with 20.8% in group II. More patients in group I had fixed and/or circumferential lesions than did those of group II (38.5% and 53.8% versus 20.8% and 8.3%, respectively). More patients in group I had nonresectable tumors. A total of 62.5% of group II patients underwent curative resection compared with 53.8% of the patients in group I. A total of 38.5% of patients in group I had mucoid carcinoma compared with 8.3% in group II. At the end of the 3-year period of this study, only 38.5% of group I patients were alive and free of disease compared with 45.8% in group II. In Egypt, rectal cancer patients <40 years of age have more advanced disease at presentation and a higher incidence of treatment failure caused by both a delay in the diagnosis and a more aggressive pattern of the disease.  相似文献   

年龄小于45岁原发性慢性闭角型青光眼的显微手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨原发性慢性闭角型青光眼年轻患者临床治疗的经验和体会。方法对临床收治的41例52眼、年龄〈45岁、临床确诊为进展期或晚期原发性慢性闭角型青光眼的病例进行抗青光眼显微手术处理的病例进行回顾性分析。结果随访时间平均(32.50±5.08)个月;男16例,女25例;进展期28眼,晚期24眼;52眼均行抗青光眼手术-复合式小梁切除手术治疗;眼轴长平均(22.40±1.63)mm,其中〈21mm占17.31%,小眼球占13.46%;前房深度平均(1.90±0.39)mm,其中〈1.9mm占61.46%;超声生物显微镜检查高褶虹膜构型占59.62%,其中睫状突位置靠前者10眼;术前平均眼压(41.73±12.26)mmHg,末次术后平均眼压(12.03±4.57)mmHg,术前后眼压差异有统计学意义(t=3.520,P〈0.001)。术后并发症主要有浅前房,恶性青光眼。恶性青光眼手术处理方式包括玻璃体抽液、前段玻璃体切割以及超声乳化白内障吸除加人工晶状体植入术治疗。4眼因眼压控制不理想,行二次抗青光眼手术治疗。结论年轻原发性慢性闭角型青光眼患者,女性多见,多伴有眼轴短、前房浅等特点,抗青光眼复合式小梁手术治疗要注意防治术后浅前房、恶性青光眼的发生。术前详细检查、手术操作精细以及有效处理术后并发症将有助于提高手术成功率和减少并发症。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report risk factors, early operative results and survival after repair of asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in patients aged less than 66 years. DESIGN: a retrospective study based on a prospectively updated database in a University hospital. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1985 and 1999, 118 patients of less than 66 years were operated for AAA. Pre-operative risk factors, early complications, operative mortality (<30 days), and survival are compared with that of 333 older patients operated during the same period. RESULTS: Risk factors were similar to older patients. Serious early (<30 days) complications were recorded in 20% of both groups. The operative mortality was 1.7% for the younger patients and 6% for the older (n.s.). The eight-year survival of the younger patients was 69%, which was significantly below that of a demographically matched population. The older patients had a significantly poorer eight-year survival of 47% (p<0.01), but their relative survival was significantly better (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Younger patients with an AAA were not healthier than older patients. Complications were equally common among both groups. Although the operative mortality was lower, the long-term relative survival was poorer than that of the older patient. Present data do not support a more aggressive surgical attitude towards the younger patients with an asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm, as compared to the older.  相似文献   

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