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Ohne Zusammenfassung a. E. Mit 12 Textabbildungen Direktor der Medizinischen Universit?tsklinik (Nierenklinik).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die photoakustische Infrarotspektrometrie gilt als Goldstandard zur zeitgenauen Messung von Spurenkonzentrationen von Narkosegasen in der Raumluft. Zur Sicherstellung der Messpräzision empfiehlt der Hersteller des Gasmonitors die vierteljährliche bis jährliche Kalibrierung. Wir untersuchten, ob zertifizierte Prüfgase als Alternative zur kommerziell angebotenen Kalibrierung geeignet sind. Hierzu wurde ein Multigas-Monitor Typ 1302 (Bruel & Kjaer, Naerum, Dänemark) an Druckflaschen angeschlossen, die Prüfgase mit Analysenzertifikat enthielten. Über ein T-Stück mit Durchflussmessgerät war gewährleistet, dass während der Kalibrierungsphase keine Raumluft eindrang. Zur Nullpunktkalibrierung diente hochreiner Stickstoff, der kein Infrarotlicht absorbiert. Für Des-, En-, Iso-, Sevofluran und Halothan betrugen die Referenzwerte 41,6–51,1 ml/m3 (ppm) in synthetischer Luft. Wegen Überschneidung der Infrarotabsorptionsspektren halogenierter Kohlenwasserstoffe mit im Operationssaal gebräuchlichen Alkoholen wurde eine Querempfindlichkeitskompensation mit Isopropanol (107,0 ppm) vorgenommen. Für N2O wurde eine 2-Punkt-Kalibrierung mit 96,2 und 979,0 ppm sowie Querempfindlichkeitskompensation mit CO2 mit Nafionschläuchen durchgeführt, die Fehlbestimmungen durch molekulare Relaxationsphänomene verhindern. Die Abweichung vom Sollwert betrug initial für volatile Anästhetika 0–2,0% und stieg nach 18 Monaten auf bis zu 4,9% an. Für N2O ergaben sich 4,2% bzw. 2,7% Abweichung. Somit erreichten wir durch unser Kalibrierungsverfahren präzise Messwerte mit geringer Änderung über 18 Monate. Die Vorteile liegen u. a. in der Möglichkeit, die Genauigkeit des Gerätes selbstständig überprüfen zu können, so dass individuell über die Notwendigkeit der erneuten Kalibrierung entschieden werden kann. Die Kosten (Prüfgase, Flaschenmiete, Arbeitszeit) und logistischen Aspekte (Lagerung und Gültigkeitsdauer der Prüfgase) müssen im Einzelfall gegen die Kosten der kommerziellen Kalibrierung aufgewogen werden.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung a. E. Mit 6 Textabbildungen Sorbonne, Laboratoire de Biologie cellulaire (Prof.J. André Thomas) et Clinique chirurgicale de l'H?pital Broussais (Prof. deGaudart D'Allaines).  相似文献   



The safe use of cuffed tracheal tubes for children necessitates a cuff pressure limitation at 20–25 cmH2O. The aim of the study was to evaluate the reliability and benefit of a new cuff pressure release valve (opening pressure 20 cmH2O) for children intubated with a cuffed tracheal tube.


In a prospective, observational trial cuff pressure was recorded in paediatric and adolescent patients intubated with a cuffed tracheal tube during sevoflurane/nitrous oxide anaesthesia. The cuff pressure release valve was interposed between the cuff manometer and the pilot balloon. In 25 patients measurements were started at the initial opening pressure (group A) and in a further 25 patients measurements were started at the minimal sealing cuff pressure (group B).


A total of 50 patients, aged from 0.4 to 17.8 years (median 7.4 years) were enrolled in the study. The opening pressure measured (group A) was 19.7±0.8 cmH2O and the cuff sealing pressure (group B) was 11.7±2.9 cmH2O (range 6–16 cmH2O). Mean cuff pressure values in group A were 20.4±1.6 cmH2O and 16.5±3.3 cmH2O in group B. In one patient (group A) the cuff pressure exceeded 25 cmH2O and was manually decreased to 20 cmH2O. In total, 24 filling procedures (group A 14; group B 10) were required during 103.1 h of investigation because of cuff pressure drop and audible air leakage, mainly caused by cuff pressure increases and consequent releases during patient positioning.


Our data demonstrate that the tested cuff pressure release valve was useful and reliable to limit cuff pressure in tracheal intubated children and adolescents within an acceptable pressure range.  相似文献   

Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery - Fall von traumatischer Verlagerung eines im Scrotum befindlichen Hodens in die Bauchhöhle. (Eine solche Luxatio testis in abdomen ist in der...  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung

Erster Band. 1877. Verlag von A. Hirschwald. Berlin.

Ein Erratum zu diesem Beitrag ist unter zu finden.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungAnmerkungen zu: LG Essen, Urteil v. 19.11.2003 — 11 O 173/02, OLG Hamm, Beschluss v. 19.05.2004 — U 26/04  相似文献   



Bystander first aid is important for survival in cases of cardiac arrest. Acoustic first aid instructions could increase the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), however, insufficient studies have been performed.

Material and methods

In this study 110 participants were confronted with a manikin-based situation of sudden cardiac arrest. The participants were randomly assigned to a test group and a control group. The participants of the test group received an audioplayer with first aid instructions for performing CPR.


The audioplayer had no effect on the primary endpoint and the hands-off time was 59% in both groups. The participants of the test group controlled consciousness and tilt of the head to check for a free airway significantly more often (93% versus 33% and 44% versus 15%, respectively). No significantly different results were found in the number of performed calls for help (53% versus 55%), compressions (100% versus 100%) and ventilation (98% versus 96%). The control group started chest compression significantly earlier (38?s versus 67?s; p?<?0.001). Furthermore the control group performed significantly deeper chest compressions (39?mm versus 34?mm; p?=?0.008).


The use of an audioplayer did not improve the effectiveness of bystander first aid in simulated cases of cardiac arrest.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird eine chronische bzw. subchronische kindliche Gonitis beschrieben, begleitet von r?ntgenologischen Abweichungen in einer oder beiden paraartikul?ren Epiphysen. Diese Gonitis soll nicht tuberkul?ser Natur sein, sondern von andern Mikroben verursacht werden. Die R?ntgenbilder sind nicht typisch für Tuberkulose; der klinischc Verlauf ist insbesondere durch Fehlen subjektiver Beschwerden gutartig.   相似文献   



Patient data management systems (PDMS) enable digital documentation on intensive care units (ICU) and have positive effects on completness, quality and quantity of documented information. A commercial PDMS was implemented in a 25-bed ICU replacing paper-based patient charting. The ICU electronic patient record is completely managed inside the PDMS. IT compiles data from vital signs monitors, ventilators and further medical devices and facilitates some drug dose and fluid balance calculations as well as data reuse for administrative purposes. Ventilation time and patient severity scoring as well as coding of diagnoses and procedures is supported. Billing data transferred via interface to the central billing system of the hospital. Such benefits should show in measurable parameters, such as documented ventilator time, number of coded diagnoses and procedures and others. These parameters influence reimbursement in the German DRG system. Therefore, measurable changes in cost and reimbursement data of the ICU were expected.

Material and methods

A retrospective analysis of documentation quality parameters, cost data and mortality rate of a 25-bed surgical ICU within a German university hospital 3 years before (2004–2006) and 5 years after (2007–2011) PDMS implementation. Selected parameters were documented electronically, consistently and reproducibly for the complete time span of 8 years including those years where no electronic patient recording was available. The following parameters were included: number of cleared DRG, cleared ventilator time, case mix (CM), case mix index (CMI), length of stay, number of coded diagnoses and procedures, detailed overview of a specific procedure code based on daily Apache II and TISS Core 10 scores, mortality, total ICU costs and revenues and partial profits for specific ICU procedures, such as renal replacement therapy and blood products.


Systematic shifts were detected over the study period, such as increasing case numbers and decreasing length of stay as well as annual fluctuations in severity of disease seen in the CM and CMI. After PDMS introduction, the total number of coded diagnoses increased but the proportion of DRG relevant diagnoses dropped significantly. The number of procedures increased (not significantly) and the number of procedures per case did not rise significantly. The procedure 8-980 showed a significant increase after PDMS introduction whereas the DRG-relevant proportion of those procedures dropped insignificantly. The number of ventilator-associated DRG cases as well as the total ventilator time increased but not significantly. Costs and revenues increased slightly but profit varied considerably from year to year in the 5 years after system implementation. A small increase was observed per case, per nursing day and per case mix point. Additional revenues for specific ICU procedures increased in the years before and dropped after PDMS implementation. There was an insignificant increase in ICU mortality rate from 7.4?% in the year 2006 (before) to 8.5?% in 2007 (after PDMS implementation). In the following years mortality dropped below the base level.


The implementation of the PDMS showed only small effects on documentation of reimbursement-relevant parameters which were too small to set off against the total investment. The method itself, a long-term follow-up of different parameters proved successful and can be adapted by other organizations. The quality of results depends on the availability of long-term parameters in good quality. No significant influence of PDMS on mortality was found.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Bei einem 78 j?hrigen Patienten bestand nach Laparotomie ein schweres Durchgangssyndrom. Bei anhaltender Somnolenz stellten sich cardiopulmonale Dekompensationszeichen und eine Darmatonie ein. Eine fortbestehende Hypercalci?mie führte zur Diagnose eines prim?ren Hyperparathyreoidismus. Nach Resektion eines gro?en Nebenschilddrüsencarcinoms kam es zu einer kontinuierlichen Besserung der gesamten Symptomatik.   相似文献   

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