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目的探讨无领导团队协作型面试法用于新护理人员招聘的效果。方法 77名应聘护理人员被分组5个大组,每个大组平均有14~16名应聘者。面试正式开始前每个大组被随机分为两个小组,各小组按需要完成设定的任务,主考人员通过观察测评其综合素质。结果 41名应聘者通过团队协作型面试,进入下一步面试;其中,曾在本院实习的应聘者无领导小组讨论法测评的成绩与实习综合表现存在中度相关。结论无领导团队协作型面试有助于在短时间内为应聘人员提供展示的舞台,充分了解应聘人员的各种能力,从而选择更合适的护理人员。  相似文献   

Objective. To synthesize information about nurse migration into and out of the United Kingdom in the period to 2005, and to assess policy implications.
Principal Findings. There has been rapid growth in inflow of nurses to the United Kingdom from other countries. In recent years, 40–50 percent of new nurse registrants in the United Kingdom have come from other countries, principally the Philippines, Australia, India, and South Africa. Outflow has been at a lower level, mainly to other English-speaking developed countries—Australia, the United States, New Zealand, Ireland, and Canada. The United Kingdom is a net importer of nurses. The principal policy instrument in the United Kingdom, the Code of Practice on International Recruitment, has not ended the inflow of nurses to the United Kingdom from sub-Saharan Africa.
Conclusions. Given the increasing globalization of labor markets, it is likely that the historically high levels of inflow of internationally recruited nurses to the United Kingdom will continue over the next few years; however the "peak" number reached in 2002/2003 may not be repeated, particularly as large-scale active international recruitment has now been ended, for the short term at least. New English language tests and other revised requirements for international applicants being introduced by the Nurses and Midwives Council from September 2005 may restrict successful applications from some countries and will also probably add to the "bottleneck" of international nurse applicants. Demographic-driven demand for health care, combined with a potential reduction in supply of U.K. nurses as many more reach potential retirement age means that international recruitment is likely to remain on the policy agenda in the longer term, even with further growth in the number of home-based nurses being trained.  相似文献   

目的 探讨精准招募方法在单采血小板献血者招募中的应用及效果.方法 本站自2019年起应用精准招募方法招募单采血小板献血者,将2019年数据与2017年、2018年比较分析.结果 2019年全年单采血小板献血者219人、643人次捐献1145 U血小板,均高于2017年(107人,332人次,560 U)、2018年(1...  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(4):395-403

In India, care seeking for reproductive health among women is inadequate. This poses a unique challenge to researchers recruiting cohorts for studies in clinic-based settings. The purpose of this paper is to describe the recruitment process used in a prospective cohort study investigating the relationship between bacterial vaginosis and acquisition of HSV-2 among sexually active women in Mysore, India. Participants were initially recruited from an obstetrics/gynaecology outpatient clinic. Results were compared with a ‘community supported’ enrolment process, which included community preparation and reproductive health education followed by screening of potential participants. During November 2005, 1,054 women were screened in the clinic. Of the total screened, 246 (23%) were eligible and only 78 (7%) enrolled. Between December 2005 and April 2006, investigators adopted a community supported enrolment process. During that period, 1,077 potential participants were screened, 947 were eligible, and 918 (85%) enrolled. Fifty-six (72%) participants recruited from the clinic returned for their first follow-up visit, compared with 795 (97%) participants recruited using the community supported enrolment process. Since obstetrics/gynaecology departments in India are poor places to recruit non-pregnant women of reproductive age, a community supported process yields more eligible potential participants to screen, and results in significantly better study retention.  相似文献   

增进护患关系的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
护患关系是医学模式在护理人际关系中的体现。随着社会的发展、医学模式的转变以及法制的不断健全与完善,护患关系发生了很大的变化,尤其是在医疗体制改革和卫生服务转型的形势下,护患矛盾日趋突出。如何吸收国内外心理学、社会学、行为学、伦理学的研究成果,结合护患关系的现状,多层次、多角度地研究增进护患关系的理论与对策,这是护理工作者应研究和探讨的问题。文章通过对引起护患关系冲突的原因分析,提出增进护患关系的对策和措施.旨在减少护患冲突,建立“人性化”的、新型的护患关系.提高病人及社会对护理工作的满意度。  相似文献   

The School of Occupational Therapy at the Cumberland College of Health Sciences has attempted to integrate the student recruitment and selection process with the curriculum objectives of a training programme for occupational therapists. This approach is based on the view that student selection is one component of a total interacting system of manpower development. The primary role of the occupational therapist and the skills required to fit that role were defined and used to rationalise a selection process aimed at producing an effective practitioner. There is a focus on increasing self selection by applicants. It is suggested that compulsory attendance at information sessions, personal/social factors assessed at interview and past academic record are effective measures for identifying students who would succeed in the occupational therapy curriculum. There is a need for further research in this area and the development of this selection process generates questions which may determine the direction of that research.  相似文献   

目的:了解护患关系现状及影响因素,为建立良好的护患关系提供依据。方法采用问卷调查法,对医疗风险高发科室骨科、神经外科100名住院患者进行整群抽样调查。结果护患关系紧张,在护理方面所担负的主要责任是患者对护士的服务态度不满意和护患沟通不到位,均占30.49%;护患关系紧张在患者方面所担负的主要责任是相关医学知识缺乏,检查治疗依从性差,占31.71%;30.49%的患者认为护患沟通的影响因素为护理人员工作繁忙、工作量大;60.98%的患者希望通过双方协商解决护理风险;76.83%的患者认为护患关系的类型是指导合作型。结论适当增加护理编制、减少工作负荷、加强沟通技巧培训、提高专业技术水平、加强职业道德教育及重视加强患者参与工作等是建立良好护患关系的有效途径。  相似文献   

The authors sought statistical correlates to long-term-care nurse turnover using surveys from 253 practicing nurses across 54 of 55 counties in West Virginia. A chi-square test for homogeneity showed significant relationships between select demographic variables and job-related dimensions categorized either as benefits (pay, schedule flexibility and growth opportunity, travel time to work, patient behavior, facility conditions, supervisor relations) or job-related dimensions categorized as costs (travel time to work, patient behavior, facility conditions, supervisor relations, and family needs). Five demographic characteristics: gender, education level, job title, county in West Virginia region, and facility size bore no relationship to any job-related dimension listed.  相似文献   



Obesity is a major global burden. Low levels of physical activity, TV watching, and dietary pattern are modifiable risk factors for overweight and obesity in adolescent.


The objective of this study was to determine risk factors for overweight and obesity among affluent adolescent, in Surat city in south Gujarat.


Cross sectional from July 2009 to April 2010.


Two private schools with tuition fees more than Rs. 2000 per month, were selected randomly using a random table.


The participants were adolescents, 12 to 15 years of age.

Data collection:

Pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire was used to elicit the information about dietary history and physical activity.


Height and weight was measured and BMI was calculated. Overweight and obesity were assessed by BMI for age. Student who had BMI for age <85th and <95th percentile of reference population were classified as overweight and BMI for age <95th percentile of reference population were classified as obese (IAP Growth Monitoring Guidelines for Children from Birth to 18 Year).


The overall prevalence of obesity and overweight was 6.55% and 13.9% (boys: 6.7% and 15.1%; girls 6.4% and 13.35%). Final model of multiple logistic regression analysis showed that important determinants of overweight and obesity were low levels of physical activity, watching television or playing computer games, and consuming junk foods, snacks and carbonated drinks.


The magnitude of obesity and overweight among affluent adolescent of Surat city was found to be 6.55% and 13.9%, respectively. Low level of physical activity, watching TV or playing computer games, and dietary pattern predisposed the adolescent to overweight/obesity.  相似文献   

Customer service is becoming the watchword if companies are to remain competitive. This direction toward customer service has promoted the development of patient-centered services in the healthcare industry. However, creating these services is not easy. This article discusses the application of ethical principles in designing a patient-centered approach from the experience of a university hospital. It addresses some of the issues that a hospital must consider while working to become more user friendly for its “customers”: its patients and their family members and visitors.  相似文献   

为提高毕业生招聘效果,积极探索提高招聘效果的具体措施,借鉴国内毕业生招聘案例并结合医院招聘过程中存在的问题进行分析并提出有效解决方案。近五年医院招聘的毕业生能够快速适应岗位要求,均顺利通过医院的试用期,部分人员已经成长为科室骨干。  相似文献   

尚前 《中国卫生产业》2020,(8):175-176,179
该文总结该市2017年1月-2018年12月之间,在无偿献血宣传招募方面工作内容。结果显示2018年较2017年献血总量有所提升,其中团体献血所占比例逐渐上升,街头献血所占比例逐渐下降。通过大力宣传无偿献血工作,扩大无偿献血团体招募工作,完善并深化无偿献血各项制度,使得普通群众的无偿献血认知度不断提高。  相似文献   

通过成立护士管理中心,建立护士全程管理机制,对护士招聘、护士培训、护士岗位、护士其他方面等进行全程管理,并辅以护士物质、政治上的激励;保障护士各项待遇与权益,提升护士队伍整体素质。  相似文献   

目的:探讨重症监护病房(ICU)构建和谐护患关系的影响因素及护理对策,以适应新形势下的和谐医院,和谐科室。方法:通过自制问卷对入住ICU的患者及家属进行问卷调查。了解影响ICU护患关系的因素及患者的需求。结果:调查显示影响护患关系的主要因素是:(1)病人和家属对ICU期望值过高。(2)病人和家属对ICU工作性质和环境的知识缺乏。(3)护患之间缺乏沟通。(4)ICU的收费相对病房较高。(5)社会支持系统的缺乏。结论:提高医疗护理质量,确保医疗安全;定期召开工休座谈会,与患者和家属进行有效的沟通;加强ICU的宣教工作让患者和家属对ICU的工作性质有所了解;实行收费透明化;寻求社会支持系统。  相似文献   

目的为了解军队医院护理组长的身心健康状况,为探讨砺练其综合素质、提高其主观工作能动性的方法提供依据。方法采用康耐尔身心健康问卷(Cornell Medical Index,CMI),对41名军人护理组长及42名非现役文职护理组长进行调查,并进行组间比较。结果军人护理组长及非现役文职护理组长CMI全项目和心理项目,均分在筛查界值标准参考分以下;军人护理组长躯体症状项目,均分高于非现役文职护理组长且比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);非现役文职护理组长心理项目,均分高于军人护理组长且比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);军人护理组长的A、C、D、E、I、L 6项,均分高于非现役文职护理组长,且比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001或P<0.05);非现役文职护理组长的M、P、Q、R 4项,均分高于军人护理组长,且比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001或P<0.05)。结论军队医院各级管理部门要关注护理组长身心健康,采取相应的对策,塑造护理管理队伍良好的工作状态,有效地提高临床护理管理质量。  相似文献   

A sample of 505 medical students from five medical colleges with urban and regional environmental settings was selected. The subjects belonged to three groups:
  • (1)

    students having covered only 3-4 months in college;

  • (2)

    students exceeding 18 months in college; and

  • (3)

    internes (students having graduated)

A comparison was made between male and female students belonging to high and low socio-economic status groups from both urban as well as regional colleges separately.
Findings suggest that in urban colleges males report significantly more problems than females in areas like: courtship, sex and marriage; morals and religion; adjustment to college work; and curriculum and teaching procedure. In regional colleges, males as compared with females reveal significantly more problems in areas like: finance, living conditions and employment; courtship, sex and marriage; home and family; the future: vocational and educational matters; and curriculum and teaching procedure.  相似文献   

军队文职人员是履行现役军官(文职干部)同类岗位相应职责的非现役人员,实行聘用制度,目的是吸纳社会优秀人才为军队建设服务。本文探讨军队院校从地方招聘人员应把握的关键环节,有助于选拔到更适应军队建设需要的人员,增加招聘工作效益。  相似文献   

目的探索适合于军队血站特点的无偿献血招募策略,满足临床安全用血需求,保证突发事件中的血液应急储备。方法按照国家对无偿献血工作提出的"两化三转变"新要求,从组织领导、宣传教育、机构管理、服务理念等方面入手,规划建立标准化、规范化、专业化和人性化的献血服务模式。结果拓宽无偿献血渠道,固定自愿无偿献血队伍不断壮大,无偿献血工作成效显著。结论为推动军队无偿献血工作的健康、可持续发展打下基础。  相似文献   

目的提高手术室巡回护士和麻醉医师洗手依从性,控制医院手术室感染的发生率。方法对62名巡回护士和麻醉医师的洗手行为进行随机调查分析,找出影响其洗手依从性的因素,提出管理对策。结果通过对手术室巡回护士和麻醉医师洗手依从性影响因素的整改,操作前洗手依从率由13.53%提高到75.20%;操作后洗手依从率由33.83%提高到84.80%。结论应加强对手术室护士和麻醉医师的洗手教育、改善手术室洗手条件,提高巡回护士和麻醉医师洗手依从性。  相似文献   

目的分析医护人员对专科护士的认知差异。方法采用自设问卷调查临床医护人员,内容包括专科护士的一般情况、临床、管理、科研及教学等各方面的能力。结果护士对专科护士的学历、职称、计算机、英语、专科工作年限、人员分配方面能力等方面的要求高于医生,而在协调医护患关系、护理质量管理、研究本专科课题方面的要求低于医生(P〈0.05)。结论医护人员对专科护士的认知存在差异,应有的放矢地培养专科护士,加强医护合作,更好地为病人服务。  相似文献   

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