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von Willebrand disease (VWD) and haemophilia represent common inherited or acquired bleeding disorders, but many laboratories and clinicians continue to struggle with their diagnosis or exclusion. Difficulties in achieving a correct diagnosis or exclusion of VWD or haemophilia might be due to analytical issues. Sometimes assays may generate a wrong result (ie an analytical error) or may have limitations in their dynamic range of measurement and/or their level of low analytical sensitivity. Less well recognized is the influence of preanalytical issues on the diagnosis of VWD or haemophilia. Therefore, this narrative review aims to provide an overview of some important preanalytical aspects that may affect the diagnosis of VWD or haemophilia, as well as a range of solutions that may help in mitigating or abrogating their influence. The review includes discussion of the more commonly noted preanalytical issues, such as haemolysis/icterus/lipaemia, and sample collection, processing and transport. However, we also extensively discuss other less well‐recognized preanalytical issues, including clinical requests, anticoagulants and anticoagulant therapy, and laboratory test choices to name a few.  相似文献   

In von Willebrand disease, the main goals of treatment are to correct the dual defect of haemostasis caused by a reduced or abnormal von Willebrand factor (vWF), i.e. the prolonged bleeding time (BT) and the deficiency of factor VIII coagulant activity (FVIII:C). The synthetic vasopressin analogue, desmopressin (DDAVP), has reduced the need for transfusions in most of the mild forms of von Willebrand disease but DDAVP is ineffective in type 3 and in other severe cases of types 1 and 2 von Willebrand disease. For many years cryoprecipitate has been the mainstay of replacement therapy but, after the introduction of virucidal methods, concentrates containing FVIII/vWF have been considered much safer than cryoprecipitate and proposed in von Willebrand disease management. FVIII/vWF concentrates have been produced and tested by many authors but there is only one report describing four virus-inactivated FVIII/vWF concentrates evaluated in a cross-over randomized trial. According to these in vitro and pharmacokinetic data, the following information can be derived: (a) no FVIII/vWF concentrate had an intact multimeric structure similar to that of normal plasma or of cryoprecipitate; (b) all FVIII/vWF concentrates were equally effective in attaining normal and sustained levels of FVIII:C postinfusion, although peak levels were more delayed in the concentrate devoid of FVIII:C; (c) no FVIII/vWF concentrate consistently normalized the BT in a sustained fashion. On the other hand, clinical haemostasis can be achieved in the management of bleeding episodes and of surgery for most of von Willebrand disease cases regardless of whether the BT is corrected; in the few rare cases with mucosal bleeding not controlled by FVIII/vWF concentrates, infusion of DDAVP or platelet concentrates can be administered in addition.  相似文献   

We investigated the neutralization activity of factor VIII (FVIII) antibodies of 12 haemophilia A patients, acquired during treatment with plasma-derived FVIII concentrates. All plasma samples, drawn in a clinically stable situation before any immunotolerance treatment, contained anti-A2 domain and anti-light-chain FVIII antibodies. In nine patients' plasmas, containing relatively high amounts of FVIII light-chain antibodies (53-96%), a higher neutralization activity was found against recombinant FVIII concentrate (Recombinate) than against plasma-derived von Willebrand factor (vWF)-containing concentrate (Haemoctin SDH). No difference in neutralization of the two concentrates was found in two patients' plasmas with almost equal content of FVIII light- and heavy-chain antibodies, or one plasma with predominantly heavy-chain antibodies. These results suggest that haemophilia A patients with relatively high amounts of FVIII light-chain antibodies in plasma might benefit by infusion of FVIII concentrates containing vWF because vWF appears to have some protective effect on FVIII. This hypothesis should be tested by a clinical study.  相似文献   

The development of inhibitory anti-factor VIII (FVIII) antibodies in patients with haemophilia A following replacement therapy is associated with several types of risk factors. Among these, the purity of FVIII concentrates, and in particular the presence of von Willebrand factor (VWF), was controversially proposed to influence the immunogenicity of exogenous FVIII. We re-assessed in vivo and in vitro the immuno-protective effect of VWF towards FVIII. The immuno-protective effect of VWF towards FVIII was investigated in vivo, in a model of haemophilia A. We studied the endocytosis of FVIII by murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells and evaluated the capacity of VWF to block the internalization of FVIII. We characterized the relevance of VWF for the accumulation of FVIII in the marginal zone of the spleen, a secondary lymphoid organ where the immune response to therapeutically administered FVIII initiates. Our results confirm that VWF reduces the immunogenicity of FVIII in FVIII-deficient mice. Paradoxically, VWF is important for the accumulation of FVIII in the marginal zone of the spleen. We propose that VWF exerts at least two non-mutually exclusive immunoprotective roles towards FVIII in haemophilic mice: VWF prevents the endocytosis of FVIII by professional antigen-presenting cells by blocking the interaction of FVIII with as yet unidentified endocytic receptor(s). Hypothetically, VWF, by virtue of increasing the half-life of FVIII in the circulation, may allow an increased contact time with tolerogenic marginal zone B cells in the spleen.  相似文献   

J. GOUDEMAND 《Haemophilia》2007,13(S5):47-51
Summary.  The presence of inhibitors that neutralize the function of factor VIII (FVIII) decreases the haemostatic efficacy of replacement clotting factor concentrate and increases morbidity among patients with haemophilia A. Certain genetic and environmental variables have been linked to a higher incidence of inhibitors. Conversely, the presence of von Willebrand factor (VWF) in some plasma-derived FVIII products may provide some measure of protection against inhibitor development, although the evidence is not conclusive. Clinical trials are needed to resolve this issue and determine the appropriate role of VWF-containing FVIII concentrates in the treatment of haemophilia A patients.  相似文献   

The Factor VIII antigen molecules in the plasma of patients with classical type 1 and variant type 2A von Willebrand disease were compared to the Factor VIII antigen molecules in normal plasma. Factor VIII antigen was isolated from plasma by solid-phase immunoprecipitation and analyzed by NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; the stained Factor VIII antigen bands were removed, radioiodinated, and subjected to tryptic digestion. Computerized analysis of autoradiographs revealed that the two-dimensional peptide maps of the different Factor VIII antigens were remarkably similar. The results suggest that the Factor VIII antigen molecules in these two forms of von Willebrand disease are probably identical to the Factor VIII antigen molecules present in normal plasma. It is thus likely that the differences observed in plasma Factor VIII antigen in classical and variant von Willebrand disease are not due to qualitatively abnormal molecules but rather represent quantitative shifts in the metabolism of normal Factor VIII antigen molecules.  相似文献   

A new family with a bleeding diathesis and FVIII deficiency secondary to abnormal binding of von Willebrand factor (vWF) to factor VIII (FVIII) is described. Two propositi of this family, an 18-year-old male and a 33-year-old female, both with a history of epistaxis, bruising, bleeding from the gums, epistaxis, hemarthrosis, and hematoma, were analyzed. Also additional members of the same family with no bleeding history were also studied. The propositi showed normal vWF activities, low FVIII activity; one of them had been diagnosed as having hemophilia A and the other was a hemophilia A carrier. Both showed a very poor response to treatment with FVIII concentrates and desmopressin (DDAVP) but a good clinical response to cryoprecipitate. APTT was prolonged and no inhibitory activity was noticeable in their plasmas. Thirty-five units per kilogram body weight of Hemofil M was infused to both propositi and FVIII reached basal level within 60 minutes of the infusion. No FVIII response at all was observed in the female after intravenous DDAVP administration. However, the male who received the infusion of 35 U/kg body weight of Humate-P achieved a normal FVIII level that was maintained for 12 hours. Multimeric analysis of vWF was normal in all the members studied. Von Willebrand factor domain for FVIII binding was assayed in the two propositi and in six other members of the same family by using a non-isotopic and sensitive method, a modification of the one previously described, using the Hemofil M concentrate as exogenous FVIII. The data obtained showed that both propositi had similar binding to that observed by using plasma of a patient with severe von Willebrand disease. Furthermore, five siblings had a decreased binding of vWF to FVIII, when compared with plasma from normal individuals or patients with hemophilia A. We also observed that, for screening purpose, the ratio of bound FVIII/immobilized vWF (at saturation of the anti-vWF and offering of 1 U/ml of exogenous FVIII) distinguished two levels of abnormality (normal range 0.70-1.15, propositi 0.004-0.007, and remaining members affected 0.25-0.42). The most probable explanation is that the propositi are homozygous or double heterozygous, the other five siblings affected being heterozygous for a recessive vWF defect. This more accessible assay presented here may be of help in routine analysis for diagnosing this type of von Willebrand disease, which has important implications for therapy and genetic counseling.  相似文献   

Factor VIII/von Willebrand factor antigen and von Willebrand factor activity (ristocetin assay) were studied in 12 patients in renal failure. A dramatic increase in both activities was observed (antigen 315 +/- 30 per cent in patients verus 104 +/- 9 per cent in control subjects; activity 402 +/- 48 per cent in patients versus 111 +/- 5 per cent in control subjects; p less than 0.001 for both). Since von Willebrand factor is thought to play at least a facilitative role in the development of arteriosclerosis, these increased activities may contribute to the premature arteriosclerosis reported in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing dialysis.  相似文献   

Cryoprecipitate has proved to correct the hemostatic defects in von Willebrand's disease (vWD) and platelet-type vWD. However, recent studies have revealed that transmission of the AIDS retrovirus (HIV) occurs through exposure to blood products including cryoprecipitate. Treatment with heat-treated factor VIII/von Willebrand factor (vWf) concentrates may have certain advantages over treatment with nonheated products, if these preparations are efficacious in these disorders. We found that a commercially available factor VIII/vWf concentrate, Haemate P, contained the high-molecular-weight multimers of vWf and had a ratio of ristocetin cofactor (RCof) to vWf antigen (vWf:Ag) close to unity. In addition, its capacity to directly induce aggregation of platelet-type vWD platelets in vitro was similar to that for cryoprecipitate. When infused into a patient with platelet-type vWD, Haemate P shortened the prolonged bleeding time and caused spontaneous platelet aggregation in vitro with a mild diminution of platelet count. These results indicate that some of the heat-treated factor VIII/vWf concentrates may provide a safer, yet still effective, treatment for platelet-type vWD.  相似文献   

We have studied the roles of von Willebrand factor (vWF) and factor VIII in arterial thrombosis in four canine phenotypes: normal (n = 6), hemophilia A (n = 11), von Willebrand disease (vWD) (n = 9), and hemophilia A/vWD (n = 1). vWF activity was determined by botrocetin- induced agglutination of fixed human platelets and vWF antigen (vWF:Ag) by Laurell electroimmunoassay and crossed immunoelectrophoresis. Plasma from normal dogs and those with hemophilia A had vWF activity, vWF:Ag, and a full range of vWF:Ag multimers on gel electrophoresis equivalent to normal canine plasma pool. Platelet cytosol contents were isolated by freezing and thawing, triton X-100 solubilization, or sonication of washed platelets with and without protease inhibitors and inhibitors of platelet activation. Washed platelets were also stimulated with calcium ionophore and MgCl2. There was no measurable vWF activity or vWF:Ag in platelet lysates or releasates in any dog regardless of phenotype. All dogs were studied using a standard arterial stenosis and injury procedure to induce arterial thrombosis. Thromboses were detected by cyclic reductions in Doppler blood flow velocity. Vessels were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Thrombosis developed in the arteries of normal (9 of 10) and hemophilia A dogs (16 of 16) but in none of the vWD dogs (0 of 10). Infusion of canine vWF cryoprecipitate into vWD dogs markedly shortened bleeding time but did not support thrombosis as seen in dogs with vWF in the plasma and subendothelium. Thrombosis, then, fails to occur when vWF is absent from the plasma and subendothelial compartments or present only in the plasma compartment. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that vWF in the plasma and subendothelium supports thrombosis. Neither plasma FVIII nor platelet vWF is essential for thrombosis in this model.  相似文献   

Among patients with von Willebrand disease (VWD) who are unresponsive to desmopressin therapy, replacement with plasma-derived concentrates is the treatment of choice. Because prospective studies are lacking, such treatment has been largely empirical. A multicenter, prospective study has been conducted in 81 patients with VWD (15 patients with type 1, 34 with type 2, and 32 with type 3 disease) to investigate the efficacy of a high-purity factor VIII/von Willebrand factor (FVIII/VWF) concentrate for treatment of bleeding and surgical prophylaxis. Two preparations of the concentrate-one virally inactivated with solvent detergent, the other with an additional heat-treatment step--were evaluated. Pharmacokinetic parameters were similar for both preparations. Using pre-established dosages based on the results of pharmacokinetic studies, 53 patients were administered either preparation for the treatment of 87 bleeding episodes, and 39 patients were treated prophylactically for 71 surgical or invasive procedures. Sixty-five (74.7%) and 10 (11.5%) of the bleeding episodes were controlled with 1 or 2 infusions, respectively. Patients with severe type 3 VWD typically required more infusions and higher doses, at shorter time intervals, than did patients with generally milder types 1 and 2. Among patients undergoing surgical procedures, blood loss was lower than that predicted prospectively, and losses exceeding the predicted value did not correlate with the postinfusion skin bleeding time. In conclusion, the concentrate effectively stopped active bleeding and provided adequate hemostasis for surgical or invasive procedures, even in the absence of bleeding time correction.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharides make up approximately 20% of the mass of VWF and although their structures are well established, their functional role remains unclear. Modification of the VWF oligosaccharide structures has been shown to result in increased plasma clearance of the protein. A mutation which alters cell type-specific expression of the Galgt2 glycosyltransferase gene in the RIIIS/J mouse results in an autosomal dominant partial quantitative deficiency of VWF. Increased plasma clearance of VWF has been demonstrated in some individuals with a partial quantitative deficiency of the protein and it is possible that variation in VWF glycosylation may contribute towards this. ABH antigens occur within the oligosaccharide component of VWF and may account for the variation in plasma VWF:Ag levels observed between individuals of different ABO blood groups. The structures and functional roles of the oligosaccharide side chains of VWF and possible pathogenetic mechanisms by which they may contribute towards VWD are reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

Summary.  Factor VIII (FVIII) inhibitors remain a serious complication of treatment for patients with haemophilia A. Immune tolerance induction (ITI) can eliminate inhibitors in the majority of patients, but there are major concerns related with this therapy. Investigators have raised the possibility that the use of FVIII/von Willebrand factor (FVIII/VWF) concentrates may improve the success rate of ITI and may shorten the duration of therapy necessary to attain tolerance. This retrospective study describes 25 patients at five institutions in the USA, who were treated with FVIII/VWF concentrate as part of their ITI. These were all patients who were considered poor prognosis because of clinical and laboratory characteristics, which made ITI less likely to be successful or because of a poor response to initial ITI with a monoclonal/recombinant FVIII concentrate. Overall success (complete tolerization) was 32% with another 40% attaining partial tolerization, but not complete tolerization. Of those patients attaining only partial tolerization, two patients ultimately discontinued ITI and had return of their high titre inhibitors. Eight percent of patients failed to attain either partial or complete tolerization and discontinued ITI. Another 24% are continuing with ITI but have titres of >10 BU. This study adds further retrospective data to the information regarding the use of FVIII/VWF concentrate in ITI.  相似文献   

Menache 《Haemophilia》1998,4(S3):44-47
Nine patients with von Willebrand disease type 3, six with type 2B, one with type 2A, and one patient with type 1/2N were infused with one dose of ≈50 or 100 IU ristocetin cofactor activity (RCoF) per kg body weight of von Willebrand factor (vWF) (Human), a product with a very low content of factor VIII (FVIII). Blood samples were collected over 96 h. The data for RCoF and vWF antigen (vWF:Ag) were fitted to a 1-compartment model decay. The data for FVIII:C were fitted to a model with a linear time 'synthesis' term and a 1-compartment decay. Results in von Willebrand disease type 3 patients (nine patients; 10 infusions) indicated a volume of distribution of 39.9 and 39.8 mL kg−1 for RCoF and vWF:Ag, respectively. The FVIII:C rate of synthesis was 6.4 U dL−1 h−1 (range: 4.4–8.8). The decay rates for FVIII:C, RCoF, and vWF:Ag were 0.041 (h−1) [ t 1/2: 16.9 h]; 0.061 (h−1) [ t 1/2: 11.3 h] and 0.006 (h−1) [ t 1/2: 12.4 h], respectively. In patients with von Willebrand disease type 2 ( n  = 8) the RCoF mean volume of distribution was 46 mL kg−1. The factor VIIIC mean rate of synthesis was 5.5 U dL−1h−1 and the decay rate 0.043 (h−1) [ t 1/2: 16.1 h]. The rate of decay for RCoF and vWF:Ag were 0.050 (h−1) [ t 1/2: 13.9 h] and 0.044 (h−1) [ t 1/2: 15.7 h], respectively.  相似文献   

Commercial concentrates of factor VIII (FVIII) were analyzed in order to 1) determine the effects of viral inactivation on von Willebrand factor (vWF); 2) evaluate the vWF content of the new, immunopurified concentrates; and 3) assess their potential for correcting the long bleeding time of von Willebrand disease (vWD). Included in our study were products that had been treated to inactivate viruses; older, untreated products; and the new, immunopurified concentrates. We measured von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF:Ag), ristocetin cofactor activity (RCoF), and vWF multimeric and subunit composition. A newly developed radioimmunoassay (RIA) was used to quantitate vWF:Ag. The vWF:Ag content varied from 0.083 micrograms/IU FVIII:C for Hemofil M to 32.2 micrograms/IU FVIII:C for Humate-P, whereas pooled normal human plasma (NHP) contained 6.3 micrograms/IU FVIII:C. The RCoF varied from 0.0007 to 2.09 U/IU FVIII:C, with the immunopurified concentrates having the lowest values and Humate-P the highest. The ratio of RCoF to vWF:Ag ranged from 11 to 96 U/mg, as compared to a ratio of 160 for NHP. All of the concentrates lacked the largest vWF multimers, and all had abnormal triplet patterns. Modest differences between some untreated concentrates and their treated counterparts were noted. As expected, the immunopurified concentrates had much lower levels of all vWF activities than the conventionally prepared products. Our data suggest that none of the concentrates have as great a capacity as NHP to correct the prolonged bleeding time of von Willebrand disease.  相似文献   

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