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目的为探讨癫癎性类分裂样精神病的临床特征.方法本文对36例癫癎性类分裂样精神病患者与36例精神分裂症患者进行了临床对照分析.结果癫癎性类分裂样精神病患者发病年龄大,思维粘滞、病理性赘述、情绪不稳、易激惹显著高于精神分裂症患者;而在思维贫乏、情感淡漠、意志活动减退显著低于精神分裂症患者,且病前内、外向性格有显著差异.结论癫癎性类分裂样精神病是多因素综合作用的结果.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨癫疒间 性分裂样精神病的临床特征。以提高对疾病的认识和诊断水平。 方法 :对近 6年间住我院的 36例癫疒间 性分裂样精神病患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。 结果 :临床症状以思维障碍、幻听为主 ,有 2 7.8%的患者误诊为精神分裂症。 结论 :癫疒间 性分裂样精神病临床上易发生误诊 ,应注意鉴别  相似文献   

目的 为探讨癫癎性类分裂样精神病的临床特征.方法 本文对36例癫癎性类分裂样精神病患者与36例精神分裂症患者进行了临床对照分析.结果 癫癎性类分裂样精神病患者发病年龄大,思维粘滞、病理性赘述、情绪不稳、易激惹显著高于精神分裂症患者;而在思维贫乏、情感淡漠、意志活动减退显著低于精神分裂症患者,且病前内、外向性格有显著差异.结论 癫癎性类分裂样精神病是多因素综合作用的结果.  相似文献   

目的为探讨癫性类分裂样精神病的临床特征。方法本文对36例癫性类分裂样精神病患者与36例精神分裂症患者进行了临床对照分析。结果癫性类分裂样精神病患者发病年龄大、思维粘滞、病理性赘述、情绪不稳、易激惹显著高于精神分裂症患者;而在思维贫乏、情感淡漠、意志活动减退则显著低于精神分裂症患者,且病前内、外向性格有显著差异。结论癫性类分裂样精神病是多因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨癫疒间性分裂样精神病的临床特征.以提高对疾病的认识和诊断水平. 方法:对近6年间住我院的36例癫疒间性分裂样精神病患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析. 结果:临床症状以思维障碍、幻听为主,有27.8%的患者误诊为精神分裂症. 结论:癫疒间性分裂样精神病临床上易发生误诊,应注意鉴别.  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用抗精神病药物氯丙嗪、氯氮平、三环类抗抑郁剂所引起的癫癎抽搐发作。方法 选择住院精神科病例2144例,单用或合用抗精神病药进行治疗。结果 氯氮平和氯丙嗪所致的癫癎发作多发生在小剂量及用药早期,而三环抗抑郁剂(TCA)则在较长较大量用药后发生。结论 单用抗精神病药较联合用药癫癎的发生率高。  相似文献   

对我院住院患者中抗精神病药致癫疒间者进行分析。1一般资料为1991年至2005年在我院住院精神疾病患者1 523例,其中抗精神病药致癫疒间37例;男26例,女11例;年龄15~46岁,平均(25·0±7·4)岁;既住有癫疒间发作史2例,脑炎病史4例,颅脑外伤6例。服用氯氮平22例,平均剂量425 mg/d,平  相似文献   

癫癎性精神障碍的护理体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨改变癫癎合并精神症状病人的生活质量因素,提高护理效果.方法通过对我院1995-01~2002-11入院的共26例癫癎合并精神症状病人采取综合的临床护理万法,改变生活质重.结呆经过精心护理取得满意效果.结论必须术取综合的护理方法,改变病人生活质量,方能取得良好的护理效果.  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿童非癫(癎)样的癫(癎)样发作的临床特点及诊断.方法 对我院34例临床拟诊癫(癎)的发作性疾病做视频脑电图检查并进行分析.结果 34例临床拟诊癫(癎)病患儿视频脑电图检查结果 示患儿临床发作时同步脑电图无癫(癎)波发放.结论 诊断儿童癫(癎)病应慎重,视频脑电图是确诊癫(癎)与非癫(癎)可靠有效的方法.  相似文献   

目的:了解癫性精神障碍患者临床药物使用情况。方法:对89例癫性精神障碍患者使用抗癫药和抗精神病药情况进行分析。结果:在癫性精神障碍治疗中,抗癫药以卡马西平使用频度最高达65.2%,抗癫药不良反应发生率为15.7%,抗精神病药不良反应以锥体外系反应居首位。结论:在癫性精神障碍治疗中,应合理使用抗癫药与抗精神病药。  相似文献   

癫痫性精神障碍147例临床用药分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的了解癫痫性精神障碍患者临床药物使用情况.方法对我院147例癫痫性精神障碍患者临床使用抗癫痫药和精神药物的分布、频度及副反应进行分析.结果在癫痫性精神障碍治疗中,抗癫痫药以卡马西平使用频率最高占64.1%.本组资料中,药物副作用发生率48.3%,以锥体外系副反应居首位.结论卡马西平是治病癫痫性精神障碍最常用的药物,在癫痫性精神障碍治疗中,须注意药物副作用的发生.  相似文献   

A normally developed and healthy 6-year-old girl suffered the onset of epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures and atypical absences. Initially the EEG showed epileptiform activity over the temporal and parietal regions, later there were episodes of bilateral synchronous spike-wave activity with a frequency of 1.5–2.5 Hz. After a few months, deterioration of cognitive and behavioural functions appeared and gradually increased with the development of a fullblown disintegrative psychosis that went on for several months. Sleep EEG recordings showed the characteristic abnormality described as continuous spikes and waves during slow sleep. Later there was a remarkable improvement of neuropsy chiatric functions but a second outbreak of psychosis seems to have left the girl, who is now 9 years of age, with severe mental impairment.  相似文献   

分裂样精神病前驱症状的调查分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究探讨前驱症状对分裂样精神病和精神分裂症的诊断价值。对30例首次诊断分裂样精神病,复发后改诊为精神分裂症的病人(改诊组)与50例维持诊断分裂样精神病的病人(维持组)的前驱症状进行比较分析。结果显示,前驱症状的发生率,尤其是不恰当行为,工作学习能力下降。孤僻退缩、讲话离题模糊,不寻常感觉,及怪异想法等的发生率在改诊组显著高于维持组,预示真正的分裂样精神病与精神分裂症的前驱症状有所差别。  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to study the clinical profile of the patients with Parkinson''s disease (PD) and psychosis.

Settings and Design:

This was a prospective, cross sectional, hospital-based study done at the Department of Neurology, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India from September 2009 to January 2011. All patients with PD, diagnosed by United Kingdom PD Society Brain Bank criteria, having with features of psychosis as diagnosed by the neuropsychiatric inventory (NPI) were included. Patients without a caregiver who could validate the patient''s symptoms were excluded.


A total of 40 patients (5 women, 35 men) with PD with psychosis (mean age: 54.2 ± 11.5 years, mean duration of illness: 6.5 ± 4.5 years, and mean duration of psychosis: 4.3 ± 4.3 years) were included in the study. The Global NPI score was 19.1 ± 11.5. Majority of the patients had pure hallucinations (85%), while the rest had either pure delusions (7.5%) or a combination of delusions and hallucinations (7.5%). In those with hallucinations, visual hallucinations were the commonest (60%) (pure only in 22.5%), followed by auditory (45%), minor hallucinations (45%), and tactile (20%). Only one person reported having olfactory hallucinations (2.5%). Loss of insight was most often observed during the visual hallucinations (52%), followed by tactile (44.4%), auditory (38.9 %), and minor hallucinations (33.3%).


In patients with PD and psychosis, pure hallucinations are common and visual hallucinations are the commonest among the hallucinations. A large proportion of patients have minor hallucinations, which need to be recognized early for effective and early management. The limitations of the study were small sample size, use of a single scale to assess psychosis and subjective assessment of insight.  相似文献   

目的 探讨神经外科患者出现癫痫反复发作的临床特点、处理原则与方法.方法 回顾性分析沈阳军区总医院神经外科自2011年1月至6月收治的9例癫痫反复发作患者的临床资料,分析其加重的原因、发作特点及治疗方法和结果.结果 9例患者中3例合并胶质瘤、1例蛛网膜囊肿、1例海绵状血管瘤、1例脑软化灶;7例有癫痫病史,2例既往无癫痫病史;7例为额叶癫痫,2例颞叶癫痫.癫痫发作加重的原因:减药3例,新诊断的脑肿瘤2例,手术(颅内电极置入术)1例,原因不明3例.癫痫发作类型包括部分性发作与全面性发作,发作频率从间隔3min至间隔数小时发作一次.患者经给予多种抗癫痫药物联合用药治疗,包括口服与注射给药,癫痫得到控制,其中添加左乙拉西坦口服有较好的疗效.结论 神经外科患者出现癫痫反复发作多呈药物难治性,发作不易控制,其处理应使用对部分性癫痫发作有较好疗效的多种抗癫痫药物联合用药,剂量应高于常规初始剂量,包括静脉注射及肌注给药,以尽快控制癫痫发作.左乙拉西坦因口服吸收快、起效迅速及有较好的抗癫痫作用,对癫痫反复发作有较好的疗效.  相似文献   

为了促进河北省癫痫的诊疗管理水平,提高癫痫病患者生活质量.河北省抗癫痫协会通过手机APP,就疾病诊断、药物添加治疗及其疗效进行了多中心的临床数据分析研究.通过"核桃仁"健康管理平台对收集的临床数据进行总结分析,河北省的癫痫综合征的诊断率在半年内已从21%提升至39%,服药1个月内无发作率达80.4%,可看出医师对于癫痫...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the PROD-screen, an instrument for screening prodromal symptoms indicating risk for psychotic conversion in the near future. PROD-screen consists of 29 questions assessing performance and symptoms. Clinical construct validity was tested by comparing scores from the unselected general population (GP, n = 64) with those of general psychiatric patients from a community mental health centre (CMHC, n = 107). The concordant validity of PROD-screen for prodromal symptoms of psychosis was assessed in a large epidemiologically mixed sample of research subjects (n = 132) by comparing PROD-screen scores with the prodromal diagnosis made by Structured Interview for Prodromal Symptoms as a gold standard. Using the cut-off point of 2/12 specific symptoms, PROD-screen gave correct classification of prodromal status in 77% of cases, distinguishing prodromal from non-prodromal subjects with reasonable sensitivity (80%) and specificity (75%) in the epidemiologically mixed sample. According to subsample analysis PROD-screen functions well with first-degree relatives of schizophrenic patients and probably also with general population samples, but not with psychiatric outpatients. In conclusion, PROD-screen is a useful tool for screening prodromal symptoms of psychosis and selecting subjects for more extensive research interviews.  相似文献   

Kanemoto K  Tsuji T  Kawasaki J 《Epilepsia》2001,42(1):98-103
We sought to examine interictal psychoses based on the international epilepsy classification and DSM IV criteria, with special attention paid to epilepsy types as well as to subcategories of psychoses. One hundred thirty-two outpatients were studied, each with definite evidence of both epilepsy and interictal psychosis clearly demarcated from postictal psychosis. We compared them with 2,773 other epilepsy outpatients as a control. Risk factors for psychosis were examined within the temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) group and the more extended group of symptomatic localization-related epilepsy. Further, nuclear schizophrenia and other nonschizophrenic psychotic disorders were compared. We confirmed a close correlation between TLE and interictal psychoses. Within the TLE group, only early epilepsy onset and a history of prolonged febrile convulsions were revealed to be significantly associated with interictal psychosis. Within the symptomatic localization-related epilepsy group, such parameters as complex partial seizures, autonomic aura, and temporal EEG foci were closely associated with psychoses. There was also a significant difference between groups as to ictal fear and secondary generalization. Whereas patients with early psychosis onset and a low intelligence quotient were overrepresented in the nuclear schizophrenia group, drug-induced psychosis and alternative psychosis were underrepresented. TLE proved to be preferentially associated with interictal psychoses. Within the TLE group, medial TLE in particular was found to be more closely associated with psychosis. Our data support the original postulation of Landolt, stating that alternative or drug-induced psychoses constitute a definite subgroup of interictal psychoses, which are different from chronic epileptic psychoses that simulate schizophrenia.  相似文献   

目的研究卒中后继发癫痫患者常规脑电图(electroencephalography,EEG)与动态脑电图(ambulatory electroencephalography,AEEG)的特点。方法观察40例急性卒中后继发癫痫患者的病灶分布、范围、癫痫发作形式及频数,所有病例作EEG及AEEG检查,将检查结果分为正常、轻度异常、中度异常及重度异常进行统计分析。结果40例研究对象的病灶分布主要在颞叶、额叶及丘脑,癫痫发作类型主要为全面性强直阵挛发作。EEG检查异常的比率为47.5%,其中轻度异常占异常总数的52.6%,中度和重度异常占47.4%;AEEG检查异常的比率为80%,其中轻度异常占异常总数的12.5%,中度和重度异常占87.5%,AEEG较EEG检查的异常比率明显增高,具有统计学差异。结论AEEG可显著提高卒中后癫痫发作患者的脑电异常检出率,其检查结果对指导临床治疗具有一定的价值。  相似文献   

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