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蟑螂的防治首先要掌握蟑螂的生态习性与活动规律,采取综合防治措施。单靠一种方法或一种杀虫剂达不到杀灭效果,必须从蟑螂的生态和环境的整体出发,根据侵害程度和条件,合理地采用环境、物理、化学、生物等多种防治手段,因时因地制宜,全面规划,有主有辅协调配合,提高杀蟑效果,把蟑螂种群控制在不足以危害的水平。 10环境防治 蟑螂侵害在某一场所发生、发展是由于该场所的温度、湿度、栖息场所等环境条件和该种的生物学特点等因素决定的,这是蟑螂和环境达到自然平衡的结果。在这生态系统中蟑螂和环境是统一的,  相似文献   

目的掌握本溪城区蟑螂种群分布情况。方法采用粘捕法监测蟑螂在居民、餐饮、医院、农贸市场4类生境的密度与分布情况。结果 2001-2012年,本溪城区蟑螂密度呈年度增长趋势,每年的高密度期在7-10月,农贸大厅蟑螂平均密度最高(1.872只/张),分别是医院、餐饮、居民环境的48、42.5、20.1倍。蟑螂种群共计3种,即德国小蠊、美洲大蠊和日本大蠊,分别占捕蟑总数的96.58%、3.11%和0.31%。优势种群为德国小蠊。结论本溪市城区蟑螂防治工作,宜以德国小蠊为主要防治对象,农贸大厅为重点防治场所,每年7-10月应加强蟑螂综合防治工作,以减少蟑螂危害。  相似文献   

目的掌握马鞍山市蟑螂种群结构和季节消长规律,为防治工作提供依据。方法采用粘捕盒法,对捕获的蟑螂进行种类鉴定,计算蟑螂构成比和密度,分析蟑螂种群结构、重点场所密度和季节消长规律。结果2011年马鞍山城区共捕获蟑螂3 565只,室内蟑螂平均密度为1.65只/盒,德国小蠊、美洲大蠊、黑胸大蠊的构成比分别为94.51%、5.41%、0.08%。危害严重的场所捕获蟑螂比例分别为餐饮业(87.04%)、农贸市场(11.28%)和宾馆(1.09%),其中餐饮业和农贸市场以德国小蠊为主,分别占94.84%、91.79%。室内蟑螂密度受气温影响较大,与气温呈现极显著正相关关系(R=0.69,P<0.01)。结论马鞍山市全年平均气温较高,在灭蟑环境压力去除后蟑螂密度能够短期内快速恢复。因此,在餐饮、农贸市场等重点场所灭蟑工作需保持长期性、制度化和综合防治策略。  相似文献   

目的开展驻济南部队食堂和招待所蟑螂侵害调查,评价蟑螂防治效果。方法密度调查采用药激法和粘捕法同一位点进行,灭效考核采用粘捕法,蟑螂防治采取以复合化学防治为主的综合防治措施。结果共发现7个食堂和2个招待所被蟑螂侵害,监测时粘捕法较药激法准确性更高,鉴定蟑螂2种,德国小蠊(94.75%)为绝对优势种,美洲大蠊(5.25%)见于2个食堂。药激法和粘捕法监测蟑螂侵害率分别为56.29%和57.35%,蟑螂密度分别为6.6只/间和4.9只/张。采用药激法和粘捕法监测不同场所的蟑螂侵害程度存在差异性,其中,粘捕法蟑螂密度由重到轻依次为食堂操作间>食堂副食库>招待所餐厅>食堂熟食间>食堂餐厅>招待所员工宿舍>食堂主食库>招待所客房。灭蟑后1个月,使用粘捕法在3个食堂和1个招待所未捕获到蟑螂,其余食堂和招待所的蟑螂侵害率显著下降,捕获蟑螂多为若虫;3个月后6个食堂和1个招待所未捕获到蟑螂,达到国家病媒生物防治A级水平。结论驻济部队食堂和少数招待所蟑螂侵害相对较重,监测蟑螂侵害粘捕法较药激法更准确和实用,建议在部队推广使用,复合化学防治为主的综合防治措施能有效杀死食堂和招待所的蟑螂。  相似文献   

目的 分析广东省农村居民区蟑螂种群构成、侵害现状,为开展蟑螂的综合防治提供科学依据。方法 采用粘捕法进行蟑螂监测。结果 本次调查共捕获蟑螂5 048只。2019年广东省农村居民区蟑螂侵害率为17.70%;共捕获澳洲大蠊2 943只,占捕获总数的57.65%,为主要优势种群。所有房间类型中,厨房的侵害率最高,为26.14%。结论 农村居民区蟑螂侵害水平较高,厨房是防治工作的重点场所,应制定相应的科学防治策略。  相似文献   

目的对部队内某家属楼低密度蟑螂进行防治并评价灭效。方法采用粘捕法观察防治前后密度,并跟踪密度变化,根据密度变化来评价蟑螂防治效果。结果现场施药后第60天的蟑螂密度为0。结论通过喷洒剂和毒饵联合防治的方法对低密度蟑螂可取得较好的防治效果。  相似文献   

蟑螂是重要的病媒生物。蟑螂防治应坚持“以环境治理为主,物理防治为辅,强调化学防治”的综合防治原则。蟑螂的化学防治应关注科学使用各类化学防治药械、重视化学防治新技术的开发和推广、注重特殊场所的化学防治以及防治效果的科学评估等方面。  相似文献   

目的:为指导今后灭蟑工作,方法:采用蟑螂盒粘捕法对青岛市46艘国内船舶蟑螂侵害情况进行调查。结论:我市各类船舶蟑螂总侵害率为13.0%(6/46),其中渔船较高,侵害率为25.0%(3/12),其次分别货船,工作船,船舶蟑螂侵害场所主要在厨房,餐厅,船员房间等处。结论:我市船舶灭蟑工作要以这些场所为重点,采取化学药物为主,辅以环境治理的综合性防治措施。  相似文献   

在城镇居民住宅、商务楼、宾馆、医院、工厂、农贸市场、机关学校等,以及船舶、旅客列车、飞机等交通工具,都不同程度地遭受蟑螂的侵害。这些场所都要求消除蟑螂,达到相关考核验收标准。此外,一些特殊场所,如地下室、下水道、厕所和暖气沟等也是蟑螂经常栖生的地方,消灭这些场所的蟑螂是城镇灭蟑的重要一环。不同场所杀灭蟑螂的方法措施既有共性、也有特性,亦即防治的方针策略虽然相同,但具体采取的方法措施各有侧重。  相似文献   

目的观察部队食堂蟑螂危害程度,探索适合部队食堂蟑螂防治的有效方法。方法甲食堂使用滞留喷洒加烟雾熏杀处理,乙食堂使用滞留喷洒加杀蟑胶饵处理,按月进行灭蟑并连续3个月,在每次防治后7 d进行密度调查。结果甲单位第3次处理后7 d蟑螂密度下降率为98.6%,乙单位第2次防治后7 d蟑螂密度下降率为99.5%。结论滞留喷洒的同时加烟雾熏杀或杀蟑胶饵毒杀均能取得可靠的灭蟑效果,但滞留喷洒加杀蟑胶饵灭效更好,适于在基层部队推广应用。  相似文献   

目的摸清驻山东省部队营区革螨种群分布,评价防治效果。方法收集鼠体革螨,并进行分类鉴定,同时采取以环境治理为主,化学灭鼠为重点的综合防治措施灭革螨。结果驻山东省18个地(市)区的25个部队营区共捕获革螨1293只,隶属于6科13属28种,鼠体带螨率为35.12%,平均鼠体螨指数为1.47只/鼠。各调查点捕获革螨数量相差很大,不同驻地营区的优势革螨种群差异性明显。结论驻山东省部队营区及其周围革螨种群呈多样性分布,通过综合治理结合营区有效灭鼠达到较好的灭革螨效果。  相似文献   

目的 摸清驻山东省部队营区及其周围恙螨宿主及其体表恙螨的种类、优势种群,为预防恙虫病提供科学依据.方法 选取驻山东省部队营区及周围作为调查点,收集啮齿动物耳壳和耳窝全部恙螨,用Hoyer&#39;s液封片后在显微镜下观察并进行分类鉴定.结果 于1990-2010年在驻山东省17个地(市)区的部队营区共捕获啮齿动物937只,经鉴定分为2目,其中啮齿目有3科5属9种,食虫目仅1种;褐家鼠(55.60%)为优势种,黑线姬鼠的带恙螨指数(15.90)最高,带螨虫种类(9种)最多.收集并检出恙螨8917只,经鉴定隶属7属16种,脆弱瓦甲恙螨分布于所调查各营区且为优势螨种(37.24%),纤恙螨属共检测出7种恙螨,占全部恙螨种类的43.75%.结论 驻山东省部队营区及其周围恙螨宿主种类较多,做好灭鼠工作是预防恙虫病的重要措施.  相似文献   

Eight defenses against disease in Army camps are outlined by Major Soper. The information is valuable for civil administration as well as military. The lines include draft examination, detention, instruction, camp construction, literature, coöperation between military and civil authorities, daily inspection, quarantine and the hospital.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the social management of fatness via an analysis of 4 years of participant‐observation in military‐style fitness boot camps and interviews with camp participants, trainers and organisers/owners. We begin by focusing on popular imagery of the ‘boot camp’. The boot camp model takes various forms; yet, whether it involves civilian participants, as on reality television shows, or the imagined military ones of films, the boot camp model emphasises the re‐fashioning of the individual via the disciplining of bodies and selves. Such constructions of boot camps were employed by our respondents to lay claim to identities which highlight their hard work, strength of character, fundamental ‘goodness’ and self‐discipline, as those qualities are demonstrated through the body – even though participants’ actual bodies change little at camp. Such meanings stand in direct contradiction to broader social constructions of fatness and participants’ own negative perceptions of fat people. Moreover, even within the camps themselves, such identity claims are contested, both by camp trainers and by slimmer and ‘fitter’ attendees. These counterclaims are grounded in ideas about the characterological implications of the fat body, beliefs about the purpose of boot camp and notions of the body's capacity for change.  相似文献   

2311名部队外伤住院病人的致伤外因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对某区陆军部队2311名外伤住院病人的致伤外因进行了分析。结果表明,意外跌落、军事体育训练和交通意外是导致部队外伤住院的三大主要因素。病人的年龄、职务不同,其致伤外因构成也不同(P<0.001)。年龄越大,交通意外所占比例越高;年龄越小,则主要集中在意外跌落和军事体育训练。干部的主要致伤外因依次为意外跌落、交通意外、军事体育训练,共占79.3%;战士和学员的主要致伤外因是意外跌落和军事体育训练,共占战士的63.0%和学员的60.7%。提示在部队的外伤防治上,应针对不同人群特点,重点采取不同措施  相似文献   

A WHO methodology is used for the first time to estimate the burden of disease directly associated with incomplete water and sanitation provision in refugee camps in sub-Saharan African countries. In refugee camps of seven countries, containing just fewer than 1 million people in 2005, there were 132,000 cases of diarrhoea and over 280,000 reported cases of malaria attributable to incomplete water and sanitation provision. In the period from 2005 to 2007 1,400 deaths were estimated to be directly attributable to incomplete water and sanitation alone in refugee camps in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. A comparison with national morbidity estimates from WHO shows that although diarrhoea estimates in the camps are often higher, mortality estimates are generally much lower, which may reflect on more ready access to medical aid within refugee camps. Despite the many limitations, these estimates highlight the burden of disease connected to incomplete water and sanitation provision in refugee settings and can assist resource managers to identify camps requiring specific interventions. Additionally the results reinforce the importance of increasing dialogue between the water, sanitation and health sectors and underline the fact that efforts to reduce refugee morbidity would be greatly enhanced by strengthening water and sanitation provision.  相似文献   



In December 2010, there was an outbreak of acute febrile respiratory disease in many Korean military camps that were not geographically related. A laboratory analysis confirmed a number of these cases to be infected by the pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 (H1N1pdm09) virus. Because mass vaccination against H1N1pdm09 was implemented at the infected military camps eleven months ago, the outbreak areas in which both vaccinated and nonvaccinated individuals were well mixed, gave us an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of H1N1pdm09 vaccine through a retrospective cohort study design.


A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the three military camps in which the outbreak occurred for case detection, determination of vaccination status, and characterization of other risk factors. The overall response rate was 86.8% (395/455). Case was defined as fever (≥38 °C) with cough or sore throat, influenza-like illness (ILI), and vaccination status verified by vaccination registry. Crude vaccine effectiveness (VE) was calculated as “1 − attack rate in vaccinated individuals/attack rate in nonvaccinated individuals”, and adjusted VE was calculated as “1 – odds ratio” using logistic regression adjusted for potential confounding factor. A number of ILI definitions were used to test the robustness of the result.


The attack rate of ILI was 12.8% in register-verified vaccinated individuals and 24.0% in nonvaccinated individuals. The crude VE was thus calculated to be 46.8% [95% confidence interval (CI): 14.5–66.9]. The adjusted VE rate was 46.8% (95% CI: –9.4 to 74.1). Various combinations of ILI symptoms also showed similar VE rates.


We evaluated the effectiveness of H1N1pdm09 vaccine in the 2010–2011 season in an outbreak setting. Although the result was not sensitive to any analytical method used and ILI case definition, the magnitude of effectiveness was lower than estimated in the 2009–2010 season.  相似文献   

采集450例战士血清标本,分别用国家代表株甲3/济防/15/90(H3N2)和甲3/北京/32/92(H3N2)作血清血凝抑制抗体测定,青年对甲3型抗体阳性率为60%~67%,其GMT为34~45。1994~1995年两年中在军营人群中分离到3株H3N2毒株流行株,分别应用国际、国家和地方代表株作抗原性分析,证明流行株与它们之间抗原性有明显差异。本文分离到的3株流行株均上送国家流感中心鉴定,证实为H3N2亚型毒株。  相似文献   

Epidemiological patterns of scurvy among Ethiopian refugees   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the Horn of Africa, scurvy is a serious public health problem for refugees who are dependent on standard relief food (cereals, legumes, and oil). To assess the risk factors and to quantify the potential magnitude of scurvy among these displaced communities, we reviewed data collected from 1985 to 1987 by relief programmes in five refugee camps in Somalia and one in the Sudan. Outbreaks of clinical scurvy occurred among refugees in all the camps from 3 to 4 months after their arrival. The incidence of scurvy in two camps was, respectively, 14% over a period of 4 months and 19.8% over a period of 18 months. Prevalences of scurvy estimated from random population samples in the six study camps ranged from 13.6% to 44%. The risk of developing scurvy increased significantly with the length of time that refugees had been in the camps and was also significantly higher among those who were older and among females, particularly those of childbearing age. The prevalence of scurvy among refugees was similar, irrespective of whether or not they had attended supplementary feeding programmes. The control measures that were implemented had a moderate and slow impact on the disease. In both Somalia and the Sudan the relief food distributed to the refugees was almost completely deficient in vitamin C, while the environment where the camps were located precluded an adequate supply of fresh food. To avoid scurvy among refugee communities in this area of Africa it is therefore recommended that vitamin C supplements be added to the relief food at an early stage of a crisis.  相似文献   

Relative risk of gastrointestinal diseases, tonsillitis, and injuries is notably increased at summer camps for children; epidemic hazards are high there too. Central outpatient clinic for these camps, functioning on the base of processual and structural standards and the final result standard, plays an important role in improving the quality of medical care rendered at summer camps.  相似文献   

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