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媒传病中有许多是人类致命性疾病,蚤传疾病鼠疫,曾夺去欧洲1/3人的生命,而今在世界上许多地方仍以动物病的方式存在,包括美国的部分地区。虱传斑疹伤寒也同样“Brill-Zinsser”病的方式存在于巴尔干群岛,当大量难民涌于街头或卫生设施不完善时,  相似文献   

六种鳞翅目昆虫的食用营养成分分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
叶兴乾  胡萃 《营养学报》1998,20(2):224-228
目的:分析6种鳞翅目昆虫的蛋白质含量和蛋白氨基酸的组成。结果:6种昆虫均含有较丰富的蛋白质,除亚洲玉米螟、棉红铃虫和米蛾的幼虫以外,其余的蛋白质含量均在41%以上,最高的达75.2%。脂肪的含量变化较大,菜粉蝶、桑蚕的含量在8.52%~15.67%之间,其余的在19.35%~49.48%之间。氨基酸含量为25%~71%;必需氨基酸占总氨基酸含量的32.50%~49.76%,除5龄桑蚕外,其余的种类均在40%以上。6种昆虫的第一限制性氨基酸为含硫氨基酸,即蛋氨酸和胱氨酸,其氨基酸分(AAS)在31~66之间。桑蚕、菜粉蝶、亚洲玉米螟、米蛾等幼虫的第二限制性氨基酸为亮氨酸。棉红铃虫则无第二限制性氨基酸。6种昆虫均含有一定的微量元素和矿物质,其中桑蚕含有较高的钙  相似文献   

江苏省对当地主要媒介昆虫(蚊、蝇、蟑螂、臭虫、蝉等)曾开展过多次调查,基本摸清了种群、分布和季节消长等情况,为科学、有效地进行媒介昆虫防制打下了基础。本文重点介绍江苏省主要媒介昆虫防制用药、防制方法以及在媒介昆虫防制方面所做的主要工作。1 媒介昆虫防制用药1.1 有机氯类 这是最早用于媒介昆虫防制的一类农药。六六六、滴滴涕等曾在除害灭病中起到重要作用,因毒性大,易蓄积,难分解,现大多停止使用。目前我省使用的只有三氯杀虫酯(7504),它具高效低毒、容易生物降解的优点,主要用作烟熏剂。1.2 有机磷类…  相似文献   

医学昆虫、病媒昆虫、医学媒介生物这三个概念有不同的涵盖范围,本文阐述了医学昆虫、病媒昆虫、医学媒介生物三者之间的关系以及医学昆虫的分类、危害、传播疾病方式。  相似文献   

四种直翅目昆虫矿物质营养成分分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在人和动物体内已查明的矿物质元素达 50多种 ,但在某一动物体内多数矿物质成分含量少 ,其总量一般不超过 4%~ 5% [1] 。在以往的研究报道中 ,矿物元素的测定值通常由畜、禽、乳、蛋和水产品中测出[2 ] 。近年昆虫作为一类新的动物营养源日益受到重视 ,学者们对蝠蛾、蚁类和稻蝗矿质营养成分 [3~ 5] ,及某些昆虫部分常量或微量元素进行了分析、评价与测定[6~ 8] 。然而直翅目昆虫种类多、数量大、分布广 ,迄今对矿物质营养成分的分析研究甚少 ,除上述稻蝗 (Oxya,蝗总科 Acridoidea)报道[4 ,5]外 ,很多蝗虫种尚待研究。研究选择四种具代…  相似文献   

有关媒介昆虫几个问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
世界上昆虫种类繁多,但能成为疾病传播媒介者仅其中少数.例如,我国已记载的蚊类有360余种,其中传播疟疾的重要蚊种仅4种,传播登革热的媒介蚊种仅2种[1];我国已记载的恙螨有430余种,其中传播恙虫病的重要媒介恙螨仅2种[2].  相似文献   

驱避剂是一类能使昆虫无法识别和发现其叮咬目标,从而远离潜在目标的物质。驱避剂可用于皮肤和衣服等,保护使用者免遭蚊、蠓、虱、螨、蜱和蚤类等害虫的叮咬,另一方面,丰富“驱-诱”策略,更好地发挥策略在控制害虫种群和生物防治中的作用。  相似文献   

近年来由于杀虫剂的广泛使用,造成了普遍的昆虫抗药性问题,对昆虫抗药性的检测可适时掌握其抗药性发生发展水平。本文概述了昆虫抗药性检测的生物测定法、生化测定法的原理、方法,讨论其利弊及最新发展动态,以寻求快速、有效、合理的昆虫抗药性综合检测手段。  相似文献   

七种昆虫的营养成分分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
<正>食用昆虫是资源昆虫的研究热点,全世界已知的食用昆虫约有3 650余种[1]。前人曾对其中一些食用昆虫种类的营养成分进行过分析[2-5],但有关粗鞘双条杉天牛、星天牛、大螟、鞭角华扁叶蜂和丽蝇的营养成分未见报道,有关玉米螟和黄粉甲营养成分的报道也不甚全面。本研究对上述7种常见昆虫主要营养成分进行了分析,为更好地开发利用昆虫资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   

昆虫抗菌肽的研究和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫抗菌肽是昆虫血淋巴中产生的一类小分子肽 ,它具有相对分子质量小、热稳定、水溶性好、强碱性、抗菌谱广的特点 ,被认为是从细菌到高等哺乳动物普遍存在的一类防御性多肽 ,称之为“第二防御体系”。抗菌肽不仅抗菌谱广 ,而且可以抑杀某些真菌、病毒及原虫 ,并对多种癌细胞及动物实体瘤有明显的杀伤作用 ,而不破坏正常细胞。近年来 ,对昆虫抗菌肽的研究已成为一个迅速发展的新领域 ,越来越引起人们的关注和重视。本研究结合近年来新发现的昆虫抗菌肽 ,就其结构、类型、抗菌机制及应用前景等方面作一综述。1 昆虫抗菌肽的类型  迄今为…  相似文献   

目的制作捕捉白蛉的多用途电动昆虫捕捉器。方法用市场销售的小型毛球修剪器和饮料瓶制做小型电动昆虫捕捉器。结果制作的电动昆虫捕捉器操作简便,捕捉效率高,可捕捉蚊虫和白蛉等小型昆虫,并可用于多种用途。结论电动昆虫捕捉器的制作材料来源方便,制作方法简单,可满足现场调查工作的需要。  相似文献   

目的系统评价妊娠期糖尿病胎盘差异表达蛋白对胎儿的影响。方法于2019年6月计算机检索PubMed、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、EMBase、Medline (Ovid)、Scopus、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普中与妊娠期糖尿病胎盘蛋白表达有关的文献,检索时限为2010年1月-2019年6月。采用主题词与自由词结合的方式进行检索,同时手工检索相关文献的参考文献。运用纽卡斯尔渥太华量表评价纳入研究的方法学质量,进行描述性分析。结果最终纳入15篇文献,均为病例对照研究,共包含844名研究对象。系统评价结果显示:胎盘差异表达蛋白通过干扰葡萄糖、脂质代谢与转运,影响氨基酸转运和蛋白质合成,调整胎盘屏障,增加水、甘油和铁转运4个途径影响胎儿生长发育和妊娠结局。结论胎盘蛋白表达失调可能介导胎盘营养转运能力的改变和影响胎盘屏障,参与胎儿宫内生长发育和增加不良胎儿结局的风险。但其因果关系及调控机制尚不明确,有待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

目的调查黑龙江省乌苏里江流域吸血双翅目昆虫蚊、蠓、虻、蚋的种类分布。方法采用人帐诱、动物诱、诱虫灯诱和挥网法采集双翅目昆虫。结果在乌苏里江流域2市县采获吸血双翅目昆虫155 468只,计4科13属102种,其中蚊科4属23种,蠓科2属36种,虻科5属35种,蚋科2属8种。虎林市分布91种,饶河县分布86种。结论此次调查为黑龙江省乌苏里江流域吸血双翅目昆虫的区系分布和防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

目的观察内燃式电热驱虫片在室内对淡色库蚊的药效和挥发性、稳定性等特性。方法室内药效试验和模拟现场药效试验分别按照GB13917.5-1992和GB13917.8-1992标准中规定的相关测试步骤进行;通过不同时间段的热处理,求出累计挥发率;采用热藏加速试验处理,给出有效含量损失率。结果累计挥发率内燃式电热驱虫片为88.15%,对照组为76.40%;损失率内燃式电热驱虫片为8.50%,对照组为6.40%。经统计学处理,驱虫片对靶生物的效果优于对照组。结论内燃式电热驱虫片具有药效持久、见效快、生物药效高、选用杀虫剂广等特点,有开发应用前景。  相似文献   

分析木制产品生物防治的性能与特点,提高消费者以及生产同行对该类产品的认识。查阅标准,检验产品性能,跟踪市场反馈。防腐木依据国家标准GB/T22102-2008生产和各项性能的检测,适用于标准内C1到C5的各环境等级。防虫产品使用世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐的卫生防虫剂,各项性能指标符合日本胶合板JAS标准要求。抗菌产品降低室内空间菌浓度,提高人们生活环境质量。从防虫抗菌木制产品的属性、使用环境、标准依据等方面分析了产品的性能与特点,消费者可根据各自特点合理选择、使用。  相似文献   



We performed a Phase 1 randomized, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) fusion (F) protein nanoparticle vaccine.


Six formulations with (5, 15, 30 and 60 μg) and without (30 and 60 μg) aluminum phosphate (AdjuPhos) were administered intramuscularly on day 0 and 30 in a dose escalating fashion to healthy adults 18–49 years of age. Solicited and unsolicited events were collected through day 210. Immunogenicity measures taken at day 0, 30 and 60 included RSV A and B microneutralization, anti-F IgG, antigenic site II peptide and palivizumab competitive antibodies.


The vaccine was well-tolerated, with no evident dose-related toxicity or attributable SAEs. At day 60 both RSV A and B microneutralization was significantly increased in vaccinees versus placebo. Across all vaccinees there was a 7- to 19-fold increase in the anti-F IgG and a 7- to 24-fold increase in the antigenic site II binding and palivizumab competitive antibodies.


The RSV F nanoparticle vaccine candidate was well tolerated without dose-related increases in adverse events. Measures of immunity indicate that neutralization, anti-RSV F IgG titers and palivizumab competing antibodies were induced at levels that have been associated with decreased risk of hospitalization.NCT01290419.  相似文献   

昆虫病毒是其宿主昆虫种群的重要调节因子。本文综述了浓核病毒、杆状病毒等昆虫病毒作为生物防治因子控制蚊类、蟑螂等媒介生物的研究进展,展望了昆虫病毒在虫媒病控制领域的研究趋势和应用前景。  相似文献   

Twelve different plant and animal proteins were fed to rats for 4 weeks. Trypsin inhibitor (TI) content of the diet was significantly correlated with (although not directly related in all cases to) pancreas weights and with the pancreatic biochemical parameters that indicate hypertrophy. In vitro, but not in vivo, digestibility was correlated with the TI content of the diet. Quantity of DNA per gram pancreas was not found to be related to TI content. A second experiment compared graded levels of TI from raw or heated soy flour and soy protein isolate (SPI). The SPI diet produced higher relative pancreas weights per TIU than did the flour diets. Two commercial SPI's were fed as is or autoclaved in a third experiment. Autoclaving to very low TI values made no improvement in weight gain or pancreatic parameters measured, indicating that there may be a threshold level of TI below which rat pancreata do not respond, and that other factors in SPI are responsible for the slight pancreatic enlargement seen with SPI compared to casein.  相似文献   

Social insects present highly interesting and experimentally amenable systems for the study of disease transmission because they naturally live in dense groups of frequently interacting individuals. Using experimental inoculations of five trypanosomatid strains into groups of its natural host, the bumblebee Bombus terrestris, we investigate the effects of the initial parasite strain distribution across group members on the establishment and transmission success of the different strains to new hosts. For a given number of parasite strains circulating within a host group, transmission to new hosts was increased when the strains were initially inoculated as mixed infections (as opposed to separate single infections), presumably because mixed infections generally favored fast replicating strains. In contrast, separate single infections reduced transmission at least in part through a precedence effect, whereby weak strains appeared to persist by making their host unavailable to superinfection. These results suggest that host groups could benefit from ‘compartmentalizing’ infections by different parasite strains across different group members, which might be achieved in social insects, for example, by division of labor.  相似文献   

Five electrocuting insect traps were evaluated for their efficiency in eliminating house flies and moths from small premises, and for their production of insect fragments and airborne particles. An electronic trap which kills attracted insects by trapping them on a sticky surface was also included in the study. Airborne particles from the vicinity of traps in operation were collected on microporous filters. All traps performed equally in killing flies and moths. Although numerous moth scales were collected in the air filtrates when the moths were released in the rooms while all traps were off, their numbers increased when traps were turned on. The number of scale fragments significantly increased when electrocuting traps were used, but not with the electronic trap. Numerous spherical particles (diam. < 10 μm) were also collected in air filtrates near electrocuting traps killing moths. In addition to elements found in moths (P, K, Cl, S, Si), particles contained one or more of the metals Zn, Fe, and Cu. The metals in these particles and observed changes of the surface of used grid wires indicated that these spherical particles probably are solidified haemolymph and other body fluids, expelled from the moths as they are heated during electrocution. The generation of airborne particles is important because, in addition to the concerns for food contamination, most insect particles are potential allergens.  相似文献   

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