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A new, clear-plastic nonvented aerobic FA bottle, designed to prevent breakage, has been developed for the BacT/ALERT blood culture system. We assessed the new plastic FA bottle by comparing its performance with that of the current glass FA bottle for recovery of microorganisms and time to detection of growth in blood samples obtained for culture from adult patients with suspected bloodstream infections. We conclude that the BacT/ALERT plastic and glass FA bottles are comparable for recovery of microorganisms and that the safety advantage of plastic bottles can be achieved without compromising performance.  相似文献   

To validate performance, we compared the new plastic BacT/ALERT (bioMérieux, Durham, NC) SN bottle to the current glass SN bottle with samples of blood obtained for culture from adults and found them comparable for both recovery and speed of detection of microorganisms. We conclude that the safety advantage of plastic bottles can be achieved without compromising performance.  相似文献   

Standard aerobic media are widely used for culturing blood with the BacT/ALERT (BioMérieux, Inc., Durham, N.C.) (BM) and BACTEC 9240 (BD Diagnostic Systems, Sparks, Md.) (BD) automated continuously monitoring instrument systems. Although similarly composed of soybean-casein digest broths, the formulations of the standard aerobic media available for these instruments differ from each other in supplements and in sodium polyanetholesulfonate concentration. Therefore, we compared the standard aerobic media available for these systems at two university hospitals. Blood samples from adult patients with suspected bloodstream infection were inoculated at the bedside into nonvented BM and BD standard aerobic blood culture bottles and incubated in their respective instruments. The laboratories received 6,743 pairs of bottles that were each filled with 8 to 12 ml of blood. A total of 523 isolates representing true infections were recovered from 257 patients; of these isolates, 348 were recovered from both the BD and the BM bottles, 108 were recovered from the BM bottles only, and 67 were recovered from the BD bottles only (P < 0.005). More staphylococci (P < 0.05), especially coagulase-negative staphylococci (P < 0.05), and yeasts (P < 0.01) were recovered from BM bottles than from BD bottles. Of 291 unimicrobial episodes of bloodstream infection, 220 were detected with both bottles, 41 were detected with the BM bottles only, and 30 were detected with the BD bottles only (difference not significant). Among 335 cultures that were positive in both bottles within the first 72 h of incubation, the median times to detection were 14 h for BM bottles and 13 h for BD bottles. Rates for false-positive results were 0.5% for BM bottles and 0.1% for BD bottles. One BM bottle and seven BD bottles yielded false-negative results. We conclude that the BM medium provides improved recovery of microorganisms, especially staphylococci and yeasts, compared with that provided by the BD medium.  相似文献   

To evaluate the performance of BacT/ALERT FA (FA) medium, a new aerobic BacT/ALERT FAN (FAN) medium (Organon Teknika Corporation, Durham, N.C.) that does not require the added cost and inconvenience of a venting unit, we inoculated blood specimens from adult patients with suspected sepsis into an original FAN aerobic culture bottle and an FA bottle. Of 7,745 blood culture sets containing both bottles, 5,256 (68%) met the criteria for adequacy of filling. A total of 466 isolates judged to represent the causes of true infections were recovered from 276 patients; 271 isolates were recovered from both bottles, 82 were recovered from the FAN bottle only, and 113 were recovered from the FA bottle only (P < 0.05). More Burkholderia cepacia isolates (P < 0.01), Candida albicans isolates (P < 0.001), Cryptococcus neoformans isolates (P < 0.01), yeasts overall (P < 0.001), and total microorganisms (P < 0.05) were recovered from FA bottles. Of cultures found to be positive within the first 72 h of incubation, the mean times to detection were almost identical for FAN (20.4 h) and FA (20.7 h) bottles. Of 263 isolates that caused monomicrobic episodes of bloodstream infections, 180 were detected in both bottles, 32 were detected in FAN bottles only, and 51 were detected in FA bottles only (P < 0.05). Of 186 isolates considered to be contaminants, 63 were detected in both media, 64 were detected in FAN bottles only, and 59 were detected in FA bottles only (P was not significant). The number of false-positive results were comparable: 69 (1.3%) in FAN bottles and 56 (1.1%) in FA bottles. However, there were 14 isolates with false-negative results (6 yeasts, 6 nonfermenters, and 1 isolate each of Propionibacterium acnes and coagulase-negative staphylococci) in FAN bottles, whereas there were none in FA bottles. On the basis of these results, we conclude that the new nonvented FA bottle is superior to the original vented FAN medium for the recovery of B. cepacia and yeasts, especially C. albicans and C. neoformans, and is comparable to FAN medium for other microorganisms.  相似文献   

bioMerieux, Inc., has recently introduced plastic bottles to replace glass bottles for use in the BacT/ALERT blood culture system. We compared the performance of the plastic to the glass bottles in a large clinical evaluation. Two blood cultures were collected from each patient, one using glass FA (aerobic) and FN (anaerobic) bottles and one using plastic FA and FN bottles. Of the 4,040 sets of four bottles collected, 3,110 contained the recommended 8 to 12 ml of blood, yielding 524 microorganisms with 359 judged to be clinically significant. Of the 359 significant organisms, 255 were recovered in either one or two bottles from both pairs of bottles in a set while 56 organisms were recovered only from the glass bottles and 48 were recovered only from the plastic bottles (P, not significant [NS]). Of the 286 significant organisms recovered only in the FA bottles (glass and plastic), 180 were recovered in both bottles, 57 in the plastic bottles only, and 49 in the glass bottles only (P, NS). Of the 303 significant organisms recovered in the FN bottles only (glass and plastic), 212 were recovered in both bottles, 46 in the plastic bottles only, and 45 in the glass bottles only (P, NS). For individual organisms, the only significant difference in recovery was obtained for Escherichia coli, with more isolates recovered in the FN plastic than in the FN glass bottles (P = 0.02). These data suggest that recovery of microorganisms with plastic FA/FN bottles is at least equal to that with glass FA/FN bottles while offering greater safety for users.  相似文献   

To assess the relative yields in automated microbial detection systems of bacteria and yeasts isolated from the blood of adult patients with suspected sepsis, we compared the new VersaTREK system (VTI) (TREK Diagnostic Systems, Cleveland, OH) to the BacT/ALERT 3D system (3D) (bioMérieux, Inc., Durham, NC). Identical protocols were followed for the two systems. Paired aerobic (REDOX 1) and anaerobic (REDOX 2) VTI media were compared with standard aerobic (SA) and anaerobic (SN) 3D media; each of the four culture bottles was filled with 6 to 9 ml of blood. All bottles flagged positive by the instruments were subcultured to determine both true-positive (growth) and false-positive (no growth) cultures. Additionally, to assess false-negative bottles, terminal subcultures were done on all negative companion bottles to true-positive bottles. All isolates were identified by standard methods. All 4 bottles were adequately filled and yielded 413 clinically significant isolates in 5,389 (79%) of the 6,786 4-bottle sets obtained. Although no overall difference in yield or in time to detection was detected between the two systems, significantly more streptococci and enterococci as a group were detected by VTI. Moreover, significantly more microorganisms were detected by VTI for patients receiving antimicrobial therapy. The two systems were comparable (P, not significant) at detecting the 179 unimicrobial episodes of bacteremia seen. False-positive rates for aerobic and anaerobic bottles, respectively, were 1.6% and 0.9% for VTI and 0.7% and 0.8% for 3D. We conclude that the VTI and 3D systems are comparable for detection of bloodstream infections with bacteria or yeasts.  相似文献   

To determine the optimal anaerobic companion bottle to pair with the BacT/ALERT (bioMerieux, Durham, N.C.) nonvented aerobic FA (FA) medium for recovery of pathogenic microorganisms from adult patients with bacteremia and fungemia, we compared the BacT/ALERT FN (FN) anaerobic bottle with the standard BacT/ALERT SN (SN) anaerobic bottle. Each bottle, FA, FN, and SN, was filled with 8 to 12 ml of blood. Of 11,498 blood culture sets received in the clinical microbiology laboratories at two university medical centers, 7,945 sets had all three bottles filled adequately and 8,569 had both anaerobic bottles filled adequately. Of 686 clinically important (based on previously published criteria) isolates detected in one or both adequately filled anaerobic bottles, more staphylococci (P < 0.001), including Staphylococcus aureus (P < 0.001); members of the family Enterobacteriaceae (P < 0.001); and all microorganisms combined (P < 0.001) were detected in FN bottles. In contrast, more Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates (P < 0.01) and yeasts (P < 0.001) were detected in SN bottles. More Bacteroides fragilis group bacteremias were detected only in the FN (six) than in the SN (one) anaerobic bottle (P = not significant). Overall, the mean time to detection was shorter with FN (16.8 h) than with SN (18.2 h). This difference in time to detection was greatest for the B. fragilis group: FN, 28 h, versus SN, 60.0 h. Many of the facultative microorganisms recovered in either FN or SN were also found in the companion FA. When microorganisms found in the companion FA bottle were omitted from the analysis, significantly more staphylococci (P < 0.001), including S. aureus (P < 0.001), and Enterobacteriaceae (P < 0.005) still were detected in FN bottles, whereas there were no significant differences for P. aeruginosa and yeasts, which were found as expected in FA bottles. We conclude that the companion anaerobic FN bottle detects more microorganisms than does the anaerobic SN bottle when used in conjunction with the nonvented aerobic FA bottle in the BacT/ALERT blood culture system.  相似文献   

Yeasts are an increasingly common cause of nosocomial bloodstream infections. Methods for their detection are many; controlled comparisons are few. The vented FAN aerobic blood culture medium has been shown to be superior to the standard BacT/ALERT aerobic medium for the detection of fungemia as well as bacteremia. The BACTEC selective fungal medium (FM) (BD Biosciences, Sparks, Md.) allowed detection of more episodes of fungemia than did a resin-containing medium with equal volumes of blood cultured. Therefore, we compared vented FAN to FM for the ability to recover fungi from the blood of patients who were at increased risk of having fungemia. From 5,109 cultures processed for which both FAN and FM bottles were adequately filled, fungi were recovered from 87 cultures. Of these, 47 were detected with both bottles, 12 were detected with FAN only, and 28 were detected with FM only (P < 0.05). FAN was the first bottle positive for 36 of the 47 cultures for which both bottles yielded the same fungus, whereas the FM bottle was the first bottle positive for 11 cultures (P < 0.001). A total of 54 episodes of fungemia were identified, with 40 detected by both media, 4 detected only by FAN, and 10 detected only by FM (P value, not significant). We conclude that the vented FAN aerobic bottle is comparable to the FM bottle for detection of episodes of yeast infection but has the added benefit of detecting bacteria.  相似文献   

To assess relative performances in the BacT/ALERT blood culture system, we compared results from the direct inoculation of standard media and inoculation after the transport of blood samples in Vacutainer tubes with sodium polyanethol sulfonate. No significant differences in yields or times to detection were found for 387 clinically important isolates from 4,306 blood culture sets.  相似文献   

The rapid identification of Staphylococcus aureus from positive blood cultures provides important clinical and therapeutic information. Using criteria based on direct Gram stain characteristics, an experienced microscopist was able to distinguish S aureus from other staphylococci isolated from BacT/ALERT blood culture bottles with an overall sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 98%. Furthermore, this method was readily taught to a clinical microbiologist who had not previously used the method first hand. Laboratories using the BacT/ALERT blood culture system should become familiar with these criteria so that S aureus bacteraemia can be identified rapidly.  相似文献   

Bottles developed for use in the BacT/Alert automated blood culture system (Organon Teknika Corp., Durham, N.C.) can accept up to 10 ml of blood without falling below a 1:5 ratio of blood to broth. We compared the yield and speed of detection of microorganisms in 13,128 adequately filled, paired, aerobic bottles inoculated with 5 versus 10 ml of blood at three university hospitals. A total of 798 microorganisms causing sepsis grew in one or both bottles. The overall recovery of microorganisms from 10-ml samples exceeded that from 5-ml samples (P < 0.001); the increased yield attributed to the additional 5 ml in the samples was 7.2%. The increased yield from 10-ml inocula was most marked for Escherichia coli (P < 0.01) and other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae (P < 0.001). Ten-milliliter samples did not yield more gram-positive bacteria, nonfermentative gram-negative rods, or yeasts. When both bottles were positive, the bottles inoculated with 10 ml of blood showed growth sooner (P < 0.001). Earlier detection with 10-ml inocula was especially notable for coagulase-negative staphylococci (P < 0.001), streptococci (P < 0.001), E. coli (P < 0.025), and other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae (P < 0.025). We conclude that an increase in the volume of blood inoculated into BacT/Alert aerobic blood culture bottles from 5 to 10 ml will increase the overall yield and the speed of detection of clinically important blood pathogens.  相似文献   

The conventional BacT/ALERT FA blood cultures supported the ample growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in seeding experiments and appeared to perform as reliably as the BACTEC Myco/F-Lytic vials in the recovery of M. tuberculosis from blood in HIV-infected patients. Overall, blood cultures were positive in 39% of patients with tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Manufacturers generally recommend that blood culture bottles be loaded into instruments within a short time of collection. However, in our experience, delays often occur prior to loading the bottles. We examined the effect of holding bottles under various temperatures (T)-room temperature (RT), 4 degrees C, 37 degrees C, and RT for 2 h following incubation at 37 degrees C (to simulate transit [TR])-and for various holding times of 4, 12, and 24 h. We utilized the BacT/ALERT system with FA and FN bottles and the BACTEC system with Plus (PL) and Lytic 10 (LY) bottles. Standardized inocula and 5 ml of blood were added to each bottle. Fifteen organisms were evaluated based upon expected performance: aerobic (FA and PL), anaerobic (FN and LY 10), and facultative (all bottles). Based upon expected performance, the FA and FN bottles recovered 458 of 468 organisms and 282 of 288 organisms, respectively, whereas the PL and LY bottles recovered 453 of 468 organisms and 257 of 288 organisms, respectively (P = <0.001, FN versus LY). There were 3, 11, 21, and 27 false-negative results for bottles held at 4 degrees C, RT, 37 degrees C, and TR, respectively. There were 4, 8, and 50 false-negative results for bottles held for 4, 12, and 24 h, respectively. Our results support holding these four bottle types at 4 degrees C or at RT for up to 24 h and at 37 degrees C for up to 12 h. We propose that manufacturers only need to make claims for "delayed entry" when these bottles are held for more than 24 h at 4 degrees C or at RT or for more than 12 h at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

One hundred BacT/ALERT blood culture bottles growing gram-positive cocci in clusters were cultured and studied by LightCycler PCR for the sa442 and mecA genes. PCR was 100% sensitive and specific for detecting Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin resistance in S. aureus but was less accurate for methicillin resistance in coagulase-negative staphylococci.  相似文献   

We reviewed time to detection for 35,500 blood cultures collected in BacT/ALERT FA and FN bottles. In the first 3 days of incubation, 97.5% of the 2,609 clinically significant isolates were detected, suggesting that routine incubation for more than 3 days may not be necessary for FA and FN bottles.  相似文献   

The current BacT/ALERT SA (BTA SA) aerobic blood culture bottle is made from glass, does not require venting, and contains a liquid emulsion sensor (LES). Its performance has been shown to be equivalent to that of the vented standard aerobic culture bottle. A further-improved version of the BTA SA bottle, designated the BacT/ALERT plastic SA (BTA PSA) culture bottle, is made from clear plastic to prevent breakage, does not require venting, and contains a modified LES (LES 2) to reduce the possibility of false positives. The BTA PSA provides a practical alternative to the current glass version of this bottle. The plastic bottle is also comparable to the current glass bottle in transparency and growth performance and additionally minimizes the exposure to infectious agents due to glass bottle breakage.  相似文献   

Traditionally, a routine blood culture for adult patients consisted of paired aerobic and anaerobic bottles, but the routine use of an anaerobic blood culture bottle has been challenged in recent years. In this study, we compared the recovery of two FAN aerobic bottles with one FAN aerobic and one FAN anaerobic bottle. Each pair of bottles was collected by a separate collection procedure, and each bottle held a recommended 8- to 12-ml draw. A total of 704 clinically significant isolates were recovered from 8,620 sets (17,240 pairs), with 487 (69.2%) isolates recovered from one or both bottles in each pair of bottles, 86 isolates (12.2%) recovered only from the FAN aerobic-FAN aerobic pair, and 131 isolates (18.6%) recovered only from the FAN aerobic-FAN anaerobic pair. Significantly more total organisms (P = 0.002), gram-positive cocci (P = 0.03), Staphylococcus aureus (P = 0.05), Enterobacteriaceae other than Escherichia coli (P = 0.02), and anaerobes (P = 0.01) were recovered from the FAN aerobic-FAN anaerobic pair than from the FAN aerobic-FAN aerobic pair. A separate analysis was performed on the 618 isolates that were recovered from the FAN aerobic-FAN anaerobic pair to compare recovery by bottle type. Significantly more S. aureus (P = 0.005) and anaerobes (P < 0.001) were recovered from the FAN anaerobic bottle, while significantly more coagulase-negative staphylococci (P = 0.01), Streptococcus pneumoniae (P = 0.03), and other gram-negative bacilli (P = 0.004) were recovered from the FAN aerobic bottle. These results support the routine use of a FAN anaerobic bottle for use in the culture of blood with the BacT/ALERT system in our institution. These results also suggest that the decision of whether to routinely utilize an anaerobic blood culture bottle should be influenced by the overall recovery of bacteria and yeast, the recovery of specific types of bacteria or yeast, the medium type, and the blood culture system utilized by the laboratory.  相似文献   

We describe the reliability of the VITEK-2 Compact and overnight MicroScan panels for direct identification and susceptibility testing from the BacT/ALERT blood culture system when using FAN (FA and FN) bottles. A simple procedure, in two centrifugation steps, was designed to remove the charcoal particles present in FA and FN bottles. A total of 113 positive blood cultures showing Gram-negative rods were investigated. Enterobacteriaceae were isolated in 104 cases, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in nine. The MicroScan system correctly identified 106 (93.8%) of the 113 isolates. The seven identification errors included P. aeruginosa (three), Enterobacter cloacae (one), Escherichia coli (one), Klebsiella oxytoca (one), and Klebsiella pneumoniae (one). The VITEK-2 system correctly identified 109 (96.5%) of the 113 samples obtained directly from the blood culture bottles. The four unidentified isolates were Enterobacter cloacae (two), Escherichia coli (one), and P. aeruginosa (one). MicroScan yielded 4/779 (0.5%) very major errors and 28/2825 (0.9%) minor errors. VITEK-2 yielded 2/550 (0.36%) very major errors, 1/1718 (0.05%) major error, and 32/2373 (1.3%) minor errors. Both systems provided excellent identification (correlation of >90%) and susceptibility (correlation of >98%) results. The average times required to obtain identification and susceptibility results using the direct test applied to the VITEK-2 Compact system were 4.57 ± 1.37 h and 6.52 ± 1.64 h, respectively. The VITEK-2 compact system provided results on the same day that the blood culture was found to be positive.  相似文献   

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