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Zhu MY  Zhu YQ 《上海口腔医学》2011,20(4):433-437
目的:了解患者对口腔专业实习医师的满意度和信任度,探讨提高患者对实习医师满意度和信任度的对策。方法:对118例口腔科就诊患者进行问卷调查,主要涉及患者对实习医师的满意度和信任度,对结果进行分析。结果:95.24%的患者对实习医师评价良好,84.13%的患者认为实习医师比自己预想的好,51.09%的患者愿意接受实习医师诊疗,47.83%的患者在被实习医师诊治时存在各种担心,而28.26%的患者则不存在顾虑。结论:出于各种原因,患者对实习医师有不同程度的抵触情绪,不愿配合临床教学,医院、学校、教师、学生应共同努力,提高患者对实习医师的满意度和信任度,提升临床实习的质量和效率。  相似文献   

口腔内科临床带教的体会和思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
口腔内科生产实习是五年制口腔医学生生产实习的三门主干课程之一,同时口腔内科又是其他临床课的基础。学生进入临床实习,是从理论到实践、从一名学生逐渐转变成一名医生的过程,是一个非常关键的时期。做为一名教师,如何使学生们在短短几个月的时间,从行为、心理上发生转变,尽快适应医生这个角色,将所学知识顺利运用于临床,并与患者建立良好的医患关系,是我们带教老师经常思考和讨论的问题。下面是我们在带教中的一些体会,认为口腔内科生产实习应从以下几个方面入手。  相似文献   

临床前期实习是从理论学习到临床实践的结合点,起到承上启下的桥梁作用,是培养口腔科医生的重要阶段。该文从临床前期实习的作用以及不足两个方面简要介绍了本次教学的体会和经验,建议尝试PBL教学,使学生树立自主学习、主动学习的习惯,培养出更加适应社会竞争的优秀学生。  相似文献   

口腔临床教学是口腔医学教育的重要环节。由于实习时间及实习大纲要求的限制,带教医师的教学重点是专业理论及临床操作,对于人文关怀、四手操作、交叉感染的预防、器械的正确养护、医德教育及医患关系的处理等临床中必须面对的问题较少进行系统教育。带教护士有责任在上述方面配合带教医师对实习生进行辅导,使他们在实习中学习临床操作技能的同时,又学到相关的知识和技能,为日后更好地从事口腔临床医疗工作打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

新形势下口腔临床实习遇到的问题和对策   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
目前,随着医疗模式的转变、医疗改革的进一步深入以及新的医疗事故处理条例的实施,患者对诊疗的要求逐渐提高,医生也感到责任和压力更大.这给实践性很强的口腔临床生产实习带来了前所未有的挑战.我们结合近几年在带教过程中获得的经验和遇到的阻碍,对这个问题进行深入探讨,以期对改革中的口腔临床教学有所启发.  相似文献   

五年制口腔临床实习阶阶段面临的新问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第四届全国口腔医学教育研讨会提出,五年制口腔医学教育仍是我国较长时间内培养口腔医师的主体。由于各院校口腔医学教育实力分布不均,侧重点不一,以及高校的扩招,带来的竞争压力,给临床口腔教育带来新的机遇和挑战,尤其在实习阶段,给五年制教育带来新的问题和思考。通过近三年来对我院五年制学生(120人)临床实习教学的研究,  相似文献   

以问题为基础的教学法在口腔专业临床实习中的应用   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
以问题为基础的教学法(Problem-BasedLearning以下简称PBL)是由美国的神经病学教授Barrow于1969年在加拿大的麦克马斯特大学首创,意译为"解难为本教学法"[1].  相似文献   

口腔颌面外科病房实习医师临床能力培养的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
口腔医学生的毕业前临床实习是口腔医学教育的重要组成部分,是完成教学计划所规定培养目标的最后阶段,是口腔医学生实现课堂知识转化为实践知识、理论与实践相结合的一个关键时期,是实现教育目标的关键性环节^[1]。近年来口腔医学生由于受市场经济、价值趋向、价值观、就业政策和就业观念等多种因素的影响,  相似文献   

职业暴露是指医务人员从事诊疗、护理等工作过程中意外被乙肝、丙肝、艾滋病病毒等感染者或者病人的血液、体液污染皮肤或者黏膜,或者被含有病毒的血液、体液污染的针头及其他锐器刺破皮肤,有可能被病毒感染的情况。近年来,医院感染的发生率逐年增加,已成为我国乃至全球的公共卫生问题。特别是口腔医护人员,他们需要频繁使用锐器[1],各种医疗器械均会与患者的血液、唾液直接接触。在医务人员职业暴露后,沾有患者血液、唾液的医疗器械便会传播[2],口腔医护人员感染的机会大大增加。口腔医务人员的乙肝感染率是一般人群的3~6 倍,在医疗行业中口腔医务人员乙肝感染率也是最高的[3]。  相似文献   

儿童牙科患者对实习医师综合水平评价浅析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
口腔医学专业学生毕业前生产实习的一项重要内容是进行儿童牙科的临床实习.我科一直承担着首都医科大学口腔医学院本科生的临床实习教学任务.近年来,随着社会进步和经济的发展,医学模式由生物医学逐渐向生物-社会医学转变,人们的自我保护意识不断加强,对医疗服务的要求也是多方面的.特别是现在,14岁以下的儿童多为独生子女,家长对孩子的健康非常重视,来院就诊时通常愿意选择资深、经验丰富的专家而不愿让实习医生治疗.主要担心的是实习医生医疗技术差,增加孩子的痛苦.因此,医学生在选择病例和病种时带来了许多困难.为了更好地完成实习任务,提高教学和医疗质量,我们对105位患儿家长进行问卷调查,并对他们对实习医师的了解,信任和满意度进行了分析.  相似文献   

To assess recent dental graduates' perceptions about the adequacy of their education, a random sample of individuals who graduated between 1980 and 1982 was surveyed. The 362 respondents (56 percent response rate) indicated their perceived level of preparedness and the importance to practice of 75 topics in the dental school curriculum. The means for level of preparedness and importance to practice were plotted for each of the 75 topics. Those topics that new dentists believed to be underemphasized or overemphasized in the curriculum were identified. These findings have implications for planning curricular changes for dental education.  相似文献   

The relationship of a dental hygiene program's admissions criteria to its graduates' subsequent job satisfaction was examined. One hundred thirteen subjects who had graduated from an associate degree-granting dental hygiene program between the years 1977 and 1986 responded to a mailed questionnaire that obtained demographic information and job satisfaction measures. The admissions criteria were collected from records on file at the dental hygiene program. Responses to the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) were tabulated to obtain a general job satisfaction score and to obtain selected job satisfaction subscale scores on variety, compensation, advancement, and achievement. It was hypothesized that there would be no relationship between the admissions criteria and the selected job satisfaction scale scores. A total of five stepwise multiple regression analyses was performed, with each of the five satisfaction scale scores as the dependent variable and the admissions criteria entered as independent variables. No variables were entered into a regression equation, as no correlations were significant at p less than .05. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the general job satisfaction percentile score as the dependent variable and year of graduation as the independent variable was conducted. When combined as groups, those who graduated in the first five years (1977-81) expressed statistically significant lower general job satisfaction (p = .0072) than the graduates from 1982-1986. The analysis of the admissions criteria and job satisfaction scores must be looked at cautiously, as the sample was limited to graduates from a particular dental hygiene program.  相似文献   

Psychological factors have an important influence on pain perception. Both in the clinic and in experimental settings, distraction has been shown to reduce pain. Further, negative emotions increase pain, whereas positive emotions have the opposite effect. Other more complex psychological states alter the way we feel pain. For instance, empathy for another person who is suffering increases our own pain experience, and expectation of pain relief underlies much of the placebo effect. Neuroimaging studies show a physiological basis for psychological pain modulation, with activity in pain pathways altered by attentional state, positive and negative emotions, empathy and the administration of a placebo. The same psychological factors activate intrinsic modulatory systems in the brain, including those stimulated when opiates are given for pain relief. It is important for the dentist and patients to understand the influence of psychological state on pain transmission. Such an understanding will not only help patients learn how to participate in their own pain control, but will also help the clinician create a fostering environment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recruitment and retention of dentists in the public sector and rural areas in Victoria has become increasingly difficult in recent years. There are little available data on the factors that influence the sector and location of practice of new dental graduates. The objective of this study was to investigate the factors considered by new graduates in determining the location and sector of employment after graduation, and influencing any early changes in career path. METHODS: Questionnaires were sent to dentists who Mgraduated from The Univrersity of Melbourne from graduated from The University of Melbourne from 2000-2003 who were currently practising in Victoria. There were 154 subjects to whom questionnaires were sent and 109 useable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 74 per cent. RESULTS: Upon graduation, 53 per cent of the new graduates chose to work in the private sector only, compared to 15 per cent in public sector only and 33 per cent in both. At present, 71 per cent work in the private sector only, 17 per cent in the public sector only and 12 per cent in both. The most important factors for choosing to work in the private sector were receiving broad range of clinical experience, opportunities to familiarize with practice management and providing a continuity of care. The principal factors for practising in the public sector were clinical mentoring and advice, consolidating clinical skills and work environment. Initially, 48 per cent of the sample chose to work in metropolitan areas only, 39 per cent in rural areas only and 13 per cent in both. Factors that influenced the decision to work in rural areas were the broad range of clinical experience and remuneration, while the main factors for choosing to work in metropolitan areas were lifestyle and proximity to family and friends. CONCLUSIONS: This study found that a large proportion of new dental graduates initially chose to work in the public sector and rural areas on graduation primarily as a means of consolidating their clinical skills. However, retention of dentists in both these areas appears to be a problem, with less than 10 per cent of 2000-2001 graduates still than 10 per cent of 2000-2001 graduates still working in the public sector and only 20 per cent of 2000-2001 graduates still working in rural areas.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to assess competencies of dental graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, as perceived by the graduates and their employers, based on the five-year undergraduate curriculum introduced in 1995. All senior dental officers in the Ministry of Health (MOH), representing employers, and all 164 dental graduates of the years 2000, 2001, and 2002 were sent a self-administered questionnaire covering eight areas of competency. The respondents had to rate these areas on a scale of 1 (very poor) to 4 (very good). The responses for each area were then dichotomized into poor (1 and 2) and good (3 and 4). If less than 60 percent of the respondents rated an area as good, then it was categorized as needing attention; 60-69 percent as satisfactory; and 70 percent and above as excellent. One hundred and six graduates (64.6 percent) and twenty-nine employers (96.7 percent) responded; of the graduates, 73.6 percent were working in the MOH and 22.6 percent in private practice. About 57.1 percent of employers reported that at least five graduates have worked under them. Graduates (85.7 percent) and employers (83.3 percent) agreed that graduates have excellent skills in communication. Although all graduates perceived their competency to be excellent in the four areas (treatment planning; community-based skills; management, administrative skills, and personal management; and professional development skills), employers felt that these are the areas that are of concern and needed attention. In conclusion, whilst generally the graduates' level of competency in almost all areas is acceptable or good, there are areas of concern that need to be addressed to further improve the five-year curriculum at the University of Malaya.  相似文献   

Recent dental workforce reports have highlighted a poorer-than-expected cohort remainder rate for recent New Zealand dental graduates, and it is not currently clear whether this trend reflects the permanent loss of some of New Zealand's new dental workforce, or is the continuation of what may be considered to have been a "rite of passage" for new dental graduates. OBJECTIVES: To examine the working and travelling patterns (if any) of New Zealand dental graduates, specifically to ascertain the most common countries in which New Zealand graduates have practised, the number of years of experience acquired before leaving, and the length of time spent overseas before returning. METHODS: A nationwide survey was posted to a random sample of 600 general dental practitioners (GDPs) requesting sociodemographic details and information on whether or not they had practised dentistry overseas. RESULTS: The response rate was 81.2 percent, and 368 of the 449 respondents were NZ graduates. Overall, 215 (58.4 percent) had practised overseas. The United Kingdom (47.6 percent) and Australia (9.8 percent) were the two most common countries for those who had done so. A larger proportion of male practitioners had practised outside New Zealand, and those who graduated earlier were also more likely to have practised overseas, and in the United Kingdom. After controlling for gender, those with 15-30 years in practice were 2.4 times more likely to have practised overseas (95 percent CI 1.5, 4.0), while those with 31+ years of experience were 4.4 times more likely to have done so (95 percent CI 2.4, 8.2). CONCLUSION: Despite some recent changes, gaining experience overseas continues to be a feature of practice for New Zealand dental graduates.  相似文献   

The School of Dentistry in Western Australia developed a pregraduation intern year in which final-year students, having completed their didactic education, undertook a focused clinical experiential program (CEP) over an extended year. This program was implemented for the first time in 2002. The aim of this study was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum as perceived by graduates and to compare the perceptions of those graduates who did the CEP to those who did not. A survey with questions based on the graduate outcomes of the dental school was mailed to all graduates from 2000, 2001 (did not complete CEP), and 2004 (completed CEP). The response rate was 66 percent (n=57) and included twenty-nine respondents who graduated before implementation of the CEP and twenty-eight who completed the CEP. Most respondents (80 percent) were in the twenty to twenty-nine age group, and there were slightly more males (53 percent). Learning outcome items with the highest mean scores were practicing universal precautions (4.2), behaving ethically (4.2), and demonstrating a satisfactory level of core dental knowledge (4.2). Practical skills outcomes with the highest scores were amalgam restorations (4.3), anterior endodontics (4.3), and single crowns (3.9). When comparing the respondents who did CEP (51 percent) with those who did not (49 percent), there were few significant differences. The general findings from this survey were that most graduates, whether completing the CEP or not, perceived themselves to be prepared, competent, and confident to practice as dentists and were most confident in managing problems that they most frequently encountered during training.  相似文献   

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