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目的 考察强光照射试验、加速试验和长期试验条件下维生素B6氯化钠注射液在多层共挤膜输液袋中的稳定性,为维生素B6氯化钠注射液优选包装提供依据.方法 分别采用非PVC五层共挤输液用膜制备成多层共挤膜输液袋,多层共挤膜输液袋套外袋充氮和多层共挤膜输液袋套外袋充氮并加吸氧剂3种包装条件,置强光照射,加速试验和长期试验条件下,...  相似文献   

赵静  何芸 《西南军医》2011,13(5):937-937
多层共挤膜输液袋俗称软袋,是继玻璃瓶,塑料瓶后输液产品体系中更为理想的包装.密封性好,储运便捷,用后处理环保,易剪断.现在临床上使用的一次性输液液体多采用三层或多层共挤膜输液袋,用后即丢弃.针对这种输液袋密封好、数量多的特点,结合手术室护理工作需要,可将这些软袋回收利用,即经济方便,又节约资源.  相似文献   

石家庄四药有限公司始建于1948年,历经六十载的变迁,已发展成为集科、工、贸于一体的大型综合制药企业。目前,四药具备生产大输液、片剂、胶囊、口服液、冲洗剂等7个剂型百余个规格品种中西药品的生产能力,其主导产品大输液制剂年产逾4亿瓶(袋),其中PP塑料瓶输液1亿瓶,非PVC多层共挤膜输液1亿袋,生产规模、技术水平、品牌影响力位居国内同行业前列。  相似文献   

目的探讨寒区野战条件下战备药品的防冻方法。方法在寒区室外自然条件下(-19~-6℃)考察常用战备药品在战备箱、泡沫箱及组合箱中的防冻效果。结果组合箱防冻效果明显优于其他两组;电解质溶液防冻能力优于非电解质溶液;大规格的输液药品防冻效果优于小规格的输液药品;药品包装的防冻效果顺序为纸盒包装〉多层共挤输液袋〉塑料瓶〉玻璃瓶。结论组合箱是寒区野战条件下战备药品储存运输有效的防冻方法。  相似文献   

吴世来  鞠初远 《武警医学》1995,6(4):226-227
软包装输液生产工艺及质量控制武警吉林总队医院药局吴世来,鞠初远,汪杰(长春130052)软包装输液袋系采用无毒软体聚氯乙烯为原料,经吹塑压制而成,以此作包装材料生产的大输液,具有重量轻、运输方便、抗压抗摔力强、临床使用方便等特点[1]。它于50年代问...  相似文献   

PVC袋软包装大输液灭菌后表面留有乳白色的印迹 ,对澄明度检查有一定的影响 ,故许多生产单位在灭菌前灯检 ,灭菌后药检合格后直接包装入库。但我们发现 ,灭菌前后灯检的澄明度合格率不一致。PVC袋灌装液体灭菌前进行澄明度检查 ,其不合格的主要问题是 ,时有散在的亮点和色点 ,这些物质可能是管道脱落物 ,其不合格率为 0 .1%~ 0 .3% ,纤维异物几乎没有发现。而灭菌后进行检查其澄明度不合格的主要问题是细小的纤维异物 ,其不合格率为 1%~ 2 .5 %。经分析 ,这种细小的纤维异物 ,有可能是生产输液袋时带入 ;也可能是在生产时自身带入。…  相似文献   

目的:验证PVC袋及软包装氯化钠注射液质量。方法:参照企业标准和卫生部部颁标准,对PVC袋的pH,重金属,易氧化物,细菌内毒素,微粒等进行质量验证。参照《中国药典》对软包装氯化钠注射液进行质量全检。结果:除PVC袋的水蒸气透气性在被检测的5个样品中,3个超出标准外,其他各项检查均符合标准。但≥5μm的微粒经揉搓翻转20次后明显增多。7批PVC袋装氯化钠注射液质量均符合《中国药典》规定。结论:应采取相应措施,以确保PVC袋装输液的质量。  相似文献   

非PVC软袋液体是目前国际最新的输液制剂包装技术[1],具有析出物质少、药物吸附性小、稳定性好、透明度高、重量轻、使用后处理方便、符合环保要求等优点,尤其是输液时无需排气管回路,避免了药物的污染,保证了用药的安全,正逐步广泛应用于临床[2]。我院自2011-10始,使用非PVC单、双管  相似文献   

提高葡萄糖注射液pH值的临床意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前 ,葡萄糖注射液 (GS)的pH值确定为 3 2~5 5 ,其范围较宽 ,下限值对常用抗菌素等药物的稳定性和人体酸碱平衡的影响较大。本文对葡萄糖注射液pH值在临床药物治疗中的影响进行了剖析 ,并建议从提高生产工艺出发 ,将其pH值定为 4 0~ 5 5 ,以确保临床药物配伍质量。1 GS的pH值对配伍药物稳定性的影响  葡萄糖注射液 (GS)作为血容量扩充剂、药物的载体 ,广泛用于临床。从生产和贮存的稳定性考虑 ,我国各版药典及相关医院制剂标准规定GS的pH值均为 3 2~ 5 5。此pH值范围较宽 ,临床应用受到很多限制。大输液的p…  相似文献   

注射用氯化钠原料都不同程度的含有热原,过去几年我们在配制氯化钠输液中,都有不同程度的出现过热原现象,特别是各厂方质量有所差异,出现热原的情况也各异,1996年我院进湖北云虹制药有限公司生产的注射用氯化钠,每袋包装为1000克,在配制过程中各个环节我们都按常规进行处理,但每生产一批都出现热原反应。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether an accessory to the Bair Hugger warming unit (BHWU), a piece of equipment intrinsic to the forward surgical team, could be designed and used to warm and to maintain large volumes of intravenous fluids at an optimal infusion temperature in an austere environment. METHODS: The X-1 is a simple, collapsible, 5-gallon nylon cooler with handles, modified with a port for the BHWU hose and a one-way flutter valve vent. RESULTS: The warming of intravenous fluids to the optimal infusion temperature was accomplished with the BHWU and X-1. The warming time was influenced by the ambient temperature, the starting temperature of the fluids, and the number of bags being warmed. The warmed fluid could be stored and maintained in the X-1. The heat retention of the fluids was influenced by the ambient temperature, the number of bags warmed, and the insulating properties of the X-1. CONCLUSIONS: The BHWU can be used with the compact X-1 to warm and to store large volumes of intravenous fluids at the optimal infusion temperature in the field environment and was successfully used by a forward surgical team in Afghanistan, during Operation Enduring Freedom, for the treatment of combat-wounded soldiers.  相似文献   

Four different electrolyte solutions were used in the electrodeposition of americium and their influences on the quality of the thin layer of deposited americium isotopes in combination with three different cathode disc materials were investigated. The relations between alpha spectral resolution and disc surface properties were established.  相似文献   

Candidate methods for improving the electrochemical oxygen production by a solid-oxide electrolyte with the fluorite-type structure and oxide electrodes with the perofskite structure were analyzed. After consideration of mechanisms of oxygen-producing electrode reactions, physical-chemical properties of oxide materials and diagrams of states of substances used as an electrolyte and electrodes in solid-electrolyte systems, a qualitatively new approach to arraying an electrochemical cell with a solid oxide electrolyte and oxide electrodes was proposed.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用深静脉导管与输液袋结合进行胸腔积液引流的优点。方法对38例胸腔积液患者,应用胸腔内留置深静脉导管接一次性输液袋进行引流,并评价引流效果。结果 33例胸腔积液引流彻底,肺组织复张,未出现与操作相关的并发症,3例因感染出现脓胸,导管堵塞,改为传统的胸腔闭式引流,2例出现血气胸、血凝块,请胸外科行手术治疗。结论掌握好适应证后,深静脉导管连接输液袋引流胸腔积液是安全有效切实可行的。  相似文献   

目的 探讨扫描平面内铋屏蔽在头颈部多层螺旋CT(MSCT)扫描中对影像质量的影响和眼晶状体辐射剂量的降低作用.方法 分别使用颅脑、颞骨和鼻窦临床扫描条件,在无屏蔽、1层、2层和3层铋屏蔽覆盖眼部区域时,对标准水模和离体头颅标本进行扫描,用热释光剂量片测量头颅标本每次扫描时的眼晶状体器官剂量.在屏蔽材料和被扫描体间放置5、10、15和20 mm厚的海绵时,使用鼻窦扫描条件采集影像,并测量眼晶状体的剂量.测量水模影像中与屏蔽物为2、4、6和8 cm距离处的CT值,主观评价头颅标本影像中伪影对解剖结构的影响.结果 颅脑、颞骨和鼻窦CT临床扫描中眼晶状体的器官剂量分别为24.31、27.60和20.01 mGy.使用铋屏蔽时,均使得眼晶状体剂量有显著下降,但下降幅度随着铋屏蔽物的增加而降低.在各种厚度的屏蔽物时,屏蔽物间隙越大,眼晶状体剂量的降低程度越小,测量兴趣区CT值的增加程度也显著降低.颅脑和颞骨CT扫描分别使用2层和3层铋屏蔽,在不影响诊断的前提下,可有效降低眼晶状体剂量分别为47.1%和59.1%;鼻窦CT扫描时,1层屏蔽无间隙、2层屏蔽1.5 cm间隙不影响诊断,可降低眼晶状体剂量分别为31.5%和34.5%.结论 扫描平面内铋屏蔽材料的合理应用,可有效降低头颈部CT扫描中眼晶状体的辐射剂量.  相似文献   

目的改进穿琥宁注射液处方并优化生产工艺。方法分析穿琥宁注射液的质量影响因素,改变处方中抗氧剂的组成,进行稳定性试验考察。结果优选穿琥宁注射液的处方与生产工艺,制得合格药品。结论优化后的穿琥宁注射液处方合理,生产工艺可行,质量可控,适用于工业化大生产。  相似文献   

Summary The circumstances of suffocation by plastic bags are reviewed and illustrated, in the main, by cases which were investigated by the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Leeds. There is a continuing need to draw attention to the hazards created by the wide-spread use of plastic bags for packaging.We are indebted to the Chief Constable of the West Yorkshire Police for the photographs and to Mr. W. B. Little, O. B. E., H. M. Coroner for Halifax, Yorkshire, for permission to report the case.  相似文献   

With regard to the quality control of quantification in positron emission tomography some characteristics were examined, to develop a simple method for frequent monitoring. The stability and uniformity of the detector count rate was checked by plotting the RMS deviation of the non normalized count rate and the standard deviation of the normalized count rate, each normalized to its value after the calibration or normalization respectively. Switching off a single detector did not impair the image quality, but the normalized image pixel counts were reduced by 2%-3% when a detector block was switched off. Thus in case of need, a weak detector can still be used to perform a scan. A reduced count rate capability at specific activities above 5 x 10(4) Bq/ml (approximately 1.5 x 10(5) corrected true system counts/s or approximately 1.5 x 10(4)/s for a plane) was found compared to the maximum usable activity of 8 x 10(4) Bq/ml obtained 1 year earlier, indicating a drift in the count loss corrections. A variation of the room temperature changes the temperature distribution inside the gantry by 5% per degree C and the drift of the sensitivity (normalized image pixel counts) is 2% per degree C.  相似文献   

Current forensic DNA profiling kits and techniques enable the detection of trace amounts of DNA. With advancements in kit sensitivity, there is an increased probability of detecting DNA from contamination. Research into DNA transfer within operational forensic laboratories provides insight into the possible mechanisms that may lead to exhibit contamination. To gain a greater understanding of the potential for evidence bags to act as DNA transfer vectors, the level of DNA accumulating on the exterior of evidence bags during the exhibit examination process was investigated. The exterior of 60 evidence bags were tapelifted before and after the examination of the exhibit inside of the bag resulting in 120 DNA profiles. These DNA profiles were compared to DNA profiles of staff working within the building and samples taken from the exhibit inside the bag. Common DNA profile contributors from each sample were also identified through STRmix™ mixture to mixture analysis. The average DNA quantity and number of profile contributors was higher in samples taken from the bag before exhibit examination than after examination. Fifty six percent of all samples taken identified a match between DNA recovered from the evidence bag and at least one staff member. On 11 bags, a common contributor was identified between the exhibit in the bag and the exhibit package post-examination. In one instance a DNA profile, matching that of a donor, on the exhibit bag before examination was also detected on a sample taken from the exhibit, raising the possibility of outer bag-to-exhibit DNA contamination. This study demonstrates that operational forensic laboratories must consider exhibit packages as a potential source of DNA contamination and evaluate their exhibit handling and storage procedures accordingly.  相似文献   

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