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The peripheral and central oculomotor organization of the adult flatfish presents no morphological substrates that suffice to explain adaptive changes in its vestibuloocular reflex system. The necessity for an adaptation occurs because of a 90 degrees displacement of the vestibular with respect to the extraocular coordinate axes during metamorphosis. Since a reorganization of vestibuloocular pathways must be hypothesized (12), the location and termination of electrophysiologically identified secondary vestibular neurons with focus on the horizontal canal system was studied with the intracellular horseradish peroxidase method in adult winter flounders. Pseudopleuronectes americanus. The oculomotor target sites of vertical canal related neurons were similar to those described in mammals. Presumed excitatory anterior canal neurons bifurcated after the main axon had crossed the midline. The descending branch headed toward the spinal cord. The ascending branch reached the oculomotor nucleus via the contralateral medial longitudinal fasciculus and terminated in the superior rectus and inferior oblique subdivisions. Presumed inhibitory posterior canal neurons ascended ipsilaterally in the medial longitudinal fasciculus and terminated mainly in the superior rectus and inferior oblique subdivisions. Horizontal canal neurons exhibited characteristics distinctly different from mammalian ones. Two types of second-order neurons were observed. In the first case, cell bodies were located in the anterior portion of the vestibular nuclear complex. After crossing the midline, the axon ascended in the contralateral medial longitudinal fasciculus. Major termination sites were found in the inferior oblique and superior rectus subdivisions of the oculomotor nucleus. Axonal branches then recrossed the midline and terminated in identical locations on the ipsilateral side. In the second case, cell bodies were located in the descending vestibular nucleus. Their axons crossed the midline and also ascended in the contralateral medial longitudinal fasciculus. Major termination sites were in the trochlear nucleus and in the inferior rectus subdivision of the oculomotor nucleus. As in the first case, axonal branches also recrossed the midline and terminated in identical motoneuron pools on the ipsilateral side. The above target sites were exactly those expected to be used in a reciprocal excitatory-inhibitory fashion during compensatory eye movements. Head-down movement would be excitatory for the lower horizontal canal producing contractions of both superior recti and inferior obliques as well as relaxation of the antagonistic inferior recti and superior obliques.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of vertical canal related second order vestibular neurons in the cat was studied with the intracellular horseradish peroxidase method. Neurons were identified by their monosynaptic potentials following electrical stimulation via bipolar electrodes implanted into individual semicircular canal ampullae. Anterior and posterior canal neurons projected primarily to contralateral or ipsilateral motoneuron pools (excitatory and inhibitory pathways, respectively). The axons of contralaterally projecting neurons crossed the midline at the level of the abducens nucleus and bifurcated into an ascending and a descending main branch which travelled in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). Two types of anterior canal neurons were observed, one with unilateral and one with bilateral oculomotor projection sites. For both neuron classes, the major termination sites were in the. contralateral superior rectus and inferior oblique subdivisions of the oculomotor nucleus. In neurons which terminated bilaterally, major collaterals recrossed the midline within the oculomotor nucleus to reach the ipsilateral superior rectus motoneuron pool. Other, less extensive, termination sites of both neuron classes were in the contralateral vestibular nuclear complex, the facial nucleus, the medullary and pontine reticular formation, midline areas within and neighboring the raphé nuclei, and the trochlear nucleus. The ascending main axons continued further rostrally to reach the interstitial nucleus of Cajal and areas around the fasciculus retroflexus. The descending branches proceeded further caudal in the medial vestibulo-spinal tract but were not followed to their spinal target areas. In addition to two previously described posterior canal related neuron types (Graf et al. 1983), we found neurons with bilateral oculomotor terminals and a spinal collateral. Typical for posterior canal neurons, the major termination sites were in the trochlear nucleus (superior oblique motoneurons) and in the inferior rectus subdivision of the oculomotor nucleus. Axon collaterals recrossed the midline to reach ipsilateral inferior rectus motoneurons. The axons of ipsilaterally projecting neurons ascended through the reticular formation to join the MLF caudal to the trochlear nucleus. The main target sites of anterior canal related neurons were in the trochlear nucleus and the inferior rectus subdivision of the oculomotor nucleus. Minor collaterals reached the pontine reticular formation and areas in between the fiber bundles of the ipsilateral MLF. In some cases, small collaterals crossed the midline within the oculomotor nucleus to terminate in the inferior rectus subdivision on the contralateral side. The axon proceeded further rostral to project to the interstitial nucleus of Cajal and beyond. The main termination sites of posterior canal neurons were in the superior rectus and inferior oblique subdivisions of the oculomotor nucleus. Minor collaterals were also observed to reach the midline area within the oculomotor nucleus, however, prospective contralateral termination sites could not be identified. More rostral projections were found in the interstitial nucleus of Cajal. The described axonal arborization of second order vestibular neurons reflects the organization of intrinsic coordinate systems as exemplified by the geometry of the semicircular canal and the extraocular muscle planes. These neurons are interpreted to provide a matrix for coordinate system transformation, i.e. from vestibular into oculomotor reference frames, and to play a role in gaze control and related reflexes by distributing their signals to multiple termination sites.Abbreviations DV descending vestibular nucleus - INC interstitial nucleus of Cajal - INT nucleus intercalatus - IQ inferior oblique subdivision - LV lateral vestibular nucleus - MLF medial longitudinal fasciculus - MRF medullary reticular formation - MV medial vestibular nucleus - nVII facial nerve - PH nucleus praepositus hypoglossi - PRF pontine reticular formation - RO nucleus Roller - SR superior rectus subdivision - SV superior vestibular nucleus - III oculomotor nucleus - IV trochlear nucleus - VI abducens nucleus - VII facial nucleus - XII hypoglossal nucleus Supported by NIH grants EY04613 and NS02619  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic potentials were recorded in identified extraocular motoneurons in anesthetized cats, following stimulation of ampullary nerves of the anterior and posterior semicircular canals.Superior rectus motoneurons received disynaptic EPSPs and IPSPs following stimulation of the two ampullary nerves of the anterior and posterior semicircular canals, respectively. In the inferior rectus motoneurons, the effects of anterior and posterior semicircular canal stimulation were a mirror image of those on superior rectus motoneurons.Inferior oblique motoneurons developed disynaptic EPSPs and IPSPs following stimulation of the ampullary nerves of the contralateral anterior and ipsilateral posterior semicircular canals, respectively. In addition, some inferior oblique motoneurons displayed disynaptic IPSPs following stimulation of the contralateral ampullary nerve of the posterior semicircular canal. In the superior oblique (trochlear) motoneurons, disynaptic EPSPs and IPSPs were recorded after stimulation of the contralateral posterior and ipsilateral anterior semicircular canals, respectively.There was no significant connection between the ampullary nerves of the vertical semicircular canals and motoneurons innervating lateral and medial rectus muscles.Abbreviations i- Ipsilateral to the recorded motoneuron - c- Contralateral to the recorded motoneuron - ACN Ampullary nerve of the anterior semicircular canal - HCN Ampullary nerve of the horizontal semicircular canal - PCN Ampullary nerve of the posterior semicircular canal - IO Inferior oblique - IR Inferior rectus - LR Lateral rectus - MR Medial rectus - SO Superior oblique - SR Superior rectus - EPSP Excitatory postsynaptic potential - IPSP Inhibitory postsynaptic potential - PSP Postsynaptic potential - MLF Medial longitudinal fasciculus  相似文献   

1. The axonal trajectories of excitatory vestibuloocular neurons and their synaptic contacts with extraocular motoneurons were studied by means of spike-triggered signal averaging and microstimulation techniques. A majority of the excitatory neurons related to the vertical semicircular canals were located in the border of the descending and medial nuclei and the rostral half of the descending nucleus. 2. Individual vestibuloocular neurons activated by stimulation of the ampullary nerve of the anterior semicircular canal excited motoneurons within both the contralateral inferior oblique and contralateral superior rectus motoneuron pools. 3. Individual vestibuloocular neurons receiving input from the ampullary nerve of the posterior semicircular canal excited motoneurons in both the contralateral trochlear nucleus and contralateral inferior rectus motoneuron pools. The branching pattern of single vestibuloocular neurons activated by the anterior and posterior canals probably underlies conjugate eye movement during vertical head rotation. 4. Time to peak and shape indices of unitary excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) suggested that the location of the synaptic contact of vestibuloocular neurons was on the soma or proximal dendrites of the target extraocular motoneurons. 5. In contrast, we did not find conclusive evidence that single vestibuloocular neurons receiving input from the horizontal semicircular canal give off axon collaterals to motoneurons innervating both the contralateral lateral rectus and the ipsilateral medial rectus muscles. Projection of horizontal vestibuloocular neurons to motoneurons supplying individual muscles might be useful for convergence during horizontal head movement.  相似文献   

Second-order vestibular nucleus neurons which were antidromically activated from the region of the oculomotor nucleus (second-order vestibuloocular relay neurons) were studied in alert cats during whole-body rotations in many horizontal and vertical planes. Sinusoidal rotation elicited sinusoidal modulation of firing rates except during rotation in a clearly defined null plane. Response gain (spike/s/deg/s) varied as a cosine function of the orientation of the cat with respect to a horizontal rotation axis, and phases were near that of head velocity, suggesting linear summation of canal inputs. A maximum activation direction (MAD) was calculated for each cell to represent the axis of rotation in three-dimensional space for which the cell responded maximally. Second-order vestibuloocular neurons divided into 3 non-overlapping populations of MADs, indicating primary canal input from either anterior, posterior or horizontal semicircular canal (AC, PC, HC cells). 80/84 neurons received primary canal input from ipsilateral vertical canals. Of these, at least 6 received input from more than one vertical canal, suggested by MAD azimuths which were sufficiently misaligned with their primary canal. In addition, 21/80 received convergent input from a horizontal canal, with about equal number of type I and type II yaw responses. 4/84 neurons were HC cells; all of them received convergent input from at least one vertical canal. Activity of many vertical second-order vestibuloocular neurons was also related to vertical and/or horizontal eye position. All AC and PC cells that had vertical eye position sensitivity had upward and downward on-directions, respectively. A number of PC cells had MADs centered around the MAD of the superior oblique muscle, and 2/3 AC cells recorded in the superior vestibular nucleus had MADs near that of the inferior oblique. Thus, signals with spatial properties appropriate to activate oblique eye muscles are present at the second-order vestibular neuron level. In contrast, none of the second-order vestibuloocular neurons had MADs near those of the superior or inferior rectus muscles. Signals appropriate to activate these eye muscles might be produced by combining signals from ipsilateral and contralateral AC neurons (for superior rectus) or PC neurons (for inferior rectus). Alternatively, less direct pathways such as those involving third or higher order vestibular or interstitial nucleus of Cajal neurons might play a crucial role in the spatial transformations between semicircular canals and vertical rectus eye muscles.  相似文献   

The branching pattern of inhibitory vestibuloocular neurons and their synaptic contacts with extraocular motoneurons were studied by means of spike-triggered averaging and local stimulation techniques. Individual vestibuloocular neurons activated by stimulation of the ampullary nerve of the anterior semicircular canal (ACN) inhibited motoneurons in both the ipsilateral (i-) trochlear nucleus and i-inferior rectus motoneuron pools. Individual vestibuloocular neurons receiving input from the ampullary nerve of the posterior semicircular canal (PCN) inhibited motoneurons in both the i-inferior oblique and i-superior rectus motoneuron pools. Probably, these axonal trajectories underlie conjugate eye movement during vertical head rotation. No conclusive evidence was found to indicate that single inhibitory vestibular neurons receiving input from the horizontal semicircular canal (HCN) give off axon collaterals to the i-abducens and the contralateral medial rectus motoneurons. A separate projection of HCN-related neurons to motoneurons supplying the lateral and medial rectus muscles might be useful for convergence during horizontal head movement.  相似文献   

1. Main findings in our previous studies are as follows: 1) there are three Purkinje cell zones running perpendicular to the long axis of the folia in the cat flocculus, 2) the caudal zone controls activity of the superior rectus (SR) and inferior oblique (IO) extraocular muscles via the y-group and oculomotor nucleus (OMN) neurons, and 3) the middle zone controls activity of the lateral (LR) and medial rectus (MR) muscles via the medial vestibular (MV) and abducens nucleus (ABN) neurons. In the present study, the neuronal pathways from the remaining rostral zone were investigated in the anesthetized cat. 2. Target neurons of rostral zone inhibition in the superior vestibular nucleus (SV) were identified by observing cessation of spontaneous discharges after rostral zone stimulation. Efferent projections were studied by the use of systematic microstimulation techniques. Unitary responses to stimulation of the eighth nerves were also investigated. 3. There are two types of the target neurons: 1) those, being located in the central and dorsal parts of the SV, project to the trochlear and oculomotor nuclei innervating superior oblique and inferior rectus muscles via the ipsilateral medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF); and 2) those, being located along the dorsal border of the SV, project to the contralateral oculomotor nucleus innervating superior rectus and inferior oblique muscles via the extra-MLF route. 4. Both types receive monosynaptic anterior canal nerve input but not posterior canal nerve input. Some neurons receive polysynaptic excitatory input from the contralateral eighth nerve, although commissural inhibition was never observed. 5. From neuronal connections of the rostral and caudal zones and action of the extraocular muscles, it was expected that 1) activity changes of Purkinje cells in the rostral and/or caudal zones on one side resulted in conjugate eye movement in the plane of the anterior canal on the side of the activity changes, 2) cooperative increased activity on both sides resulted in conjugate downward eye movement, and 3) increased activity on one side and decreased activity on the other side resulted in conjugate rotatory eye movement. The rostral and caudal zones may be responsible for eye-movement control in the sagittal plane by cooperative activity changes on both sides and in the transverse plane by reciprocal activity changes on both sides. For eye-movement control in the anterior canal plane, Purkinje cell activity on one side would be sufficient to produce the required movement. In a functional sense, we call the rostral and caudal zones, the vertical-plane zones.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary In the anesthetized cat, the posterior canal nerve (PCN) was stimulated by electric pulses and synaptic responses were recorded intracellularly in the three antagonistic pairs of extraocular motoneurons. Pure reciprocal effects were obtained in the motoneurons innervating the antagonistic pair of ipsilateral oblique muscles and the antagonistic pair of contralateral vertical rectus muscles. These responses consisted of low threshold disynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in either the contralateral superior oblique (c-SO) (trochlear) or contralateral inferior rectus (c-IR) motoneurons and of disynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in either the ipsilateral inferior oblique (i-IO) or ipsilateral superior rectus (i-SR) motoneurons. In addition, disynaptic IPSPs were also found in (i-SO) motoneurons. Mixtures of low threshold (dior trisynaptic) EPSPs and IPSPs were found in all other extraocular motoneurons except for the contralateral lateral rectus (c-LR) motoneurons. These results may afford a basis for the characteristic eye movements induced by vertical canal nerve stimulation.  相似文献   

Summary The vestibulo-ocular pathways have been examined in embryonic chicks using horseradish peroxidase or dil as retrograde and anterograde tracers. The vestibular neurons project to the rostral, external eye motor nuclei over one or the other of three separate pathways; the ipsilateral and controlateral medial longitudinal fascicle and the contralateral brachium conjunctivum. The brachium conjunctivum component originates dorsally in the superior vestibular region and projects to the contralateral inferior oblique and superior rectus motor nuclei. An ipsilateral component of the medial longitudinal fascicle is labeled from more ventral sites in the vestibulo-cerebellar process and terminates in the ipsilateral superior oblique and inferior rectus nuclei. The contralateral medial longitudinal fascicle component originates still more ventrally and terminates in the contralateral superior oblique and inferior rectus motor nuclei. Accordingly, the vestibulo-ocular pathways in chickens operate predominantly on synergistic pairs of external eye muscles. These selective terminal fields are established within a day or two after the first terminals invade the eye motor nuclei during embryo-genesis.Abbreviations Br.C. brachium conjunctivum - EW Edinger Westfahl nucleus - MLF medial longitudinal fascicle - IO inferior oblique muscle - RI inferior rectus muscle - RM medial rectus muscle - RS superior rectus muscle - SO superior oblique muscle - V-O vestibular-ocular - i ipsilateral - x contralateral This paper is dedicated to Professor Fred Walberg on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Stimulation of the superior vestibular nucleus and the anterior canal nerve evoked mono- and disynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials, respectively, in contralateral inferior oblique motoneurones of the cat. Combined stimulation revealed that the superior vestibular nucleus relayed excitatory anterior canal signals to the motoneurones. Thirty-six superior vestibular neurones receiving anterior canal inputs were activated antidromically by microstimulation of the contralateral inferior oblique motoneurone pool. Their axons ascended neither in the brachium conjunctivum nor in the medial longitudinal fasciculus, but proceeded rostrally in the ventral part of the brain stem.  相似文献   

M. Ito  I. Orlov  M. Yamamoto 《Neuroscience》1982,7(7):1657-1664
In anaesthetized albino rabbits, the cerebellar flocculus was systematically mapped with a glass microelectrode to identify the location of Purkinje cells that inhibit specific vestibulo-ocular reflex pathways. The effects of microstimulation of the flocculus Purkinje cell layer on vestibular nerve-evoked reflexes to ipsilateral medial rectus, ipsilateral superior rectus and contralateral inferior oblique muscles were explored by recording electromyographically. Visual climbing fibre inputs to the flocculus were also studied by mapping field potentials evoked from both retinae.The results suggest that there are microzones in the flocculus that are related specifically to these three vestibulo-ocular reflex pathways and to different visual climbing fibre pathways.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study the vestibular components of the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis (flm) were investigated in the lizard Varanus exanthematicus with various tracing techniques: anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase to study vestibulo-oculomotor and vestibulospinal projections, the multiple retrograde fluorescent tracer technique for the cells of origin of such projections. Internuclear projections between the oculomotor and abducens nuclei could also be studied in this way.Rather extensive vestibulo-ocular projections passing via the flm were demonstrated. Mainly ipsilateral ascending projections arise in the dorsolateral vestibular nucleus, mainly contralateral ascending projections in the ventromedial vestibular nucleus and adjacent parts of the ventrolateral and descending vestibular nuclei. Furthermore, distinet bilateral ascending projections of the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi were demonstrated. Extensive vestibulospinal projections pass via the flm and form the medial vestibulospinal tract. This largely contralateral descending pathway arises predominantly in the ventromedial and descending vestibular nuclei. Terminal structures presumably arising in the ventromedial and descending vestibular nuclei were found on contralateral neurons, probably motoneurons innervating neck muscles.Vestibular neurons with both ascending (presumably to extra-ocular motoneurons) and descending projections to the spinal cord are present in all vestibular nuclei, although preferentially in the ventromedial vestibular nucleus and adjacent parts of the ventrolateral and descending vestibular nuclei. However, also in the dorsolateral vestibular nucleus a substantial number of double labeled neurons were found. These vestibular neurons with both vestibulomesencephalic and vestibulospinal projections are probably involved in combined movements of eyes and head.Evidence for reciprocal internuclear connections between the oculomotor and abducens nuclei was found. Neurons in the dorsal part of the oculomotor nucleus probably project to the ipsilateral abducens nucleus, while neurons in the abducens nucleus most likely project to the contralatcral oculomotor nucleus. These recpprocal internuclear connections between the oculomotor and abducens nuclei probably play an important role in conjugate horizontal eye movements.This investigation was supported in part by the Foundation for Medical Research FUNGO, which is subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.).  相似文献   

We compared the spatial organization patterns of linear and angular vestibuloocular reflexes in frogs by recording the multiunit spike activity from cranial nerve branches innervating the lateral rectus, the inferior rectus, or the inferior obliquus eye muscles. Responses were evoked by linear horizontal and/or vertical accelerations on a sled or by angular accelerations about an earth-vertical axis on a turntable. Before each sinusoidal oscillation test in darkness, the static head position was systematically altered to determine those directions of horizontal linear acceleration and those planes of angular head oscillation that were associated with minimal response amplitudes. Inhibitory response components during angular accelerations were clearly present, whereas inhibitory response components during linear accelerations were absent. Likewise was no contribution from the vertical otolith organs (i.e., lagena and saccule) observed during vertical linear acceleration. Horizontal linear acceleration evoked responses that originated from eye muscle-specific sectors on the contralateral utricular macula. The sectors of the inferior obliquus and lateral rectus muscles on the utricle had an opening angle of 45 and 60 degrees, respectively and overlapped to a large extent in the laterorostral part of the utricle. Both sectors were coplanar with the horizontal semicircular canals. The sector of the inferior rectus muscle was narrow (opening 5 degrees), laterocaudally oriented, and slightly pitched up by 6 degrees. Angular acceleration evoked maximal responses in the inferior obliquus muscle nerve that originated from the ipsilateral horizontal and the contralateral anterior vertical canals in a ratio of 50:50. Lateral rectus excitation originated from the contralateral horizontal and anterior vertical semicircular canals in a ratio of 80:20. The excitatory responses of the inferior rectus muscle nerve originated exclusively from the contralateral posterior vertical canal. Measured data and known semicircular canal plane vectors were used to calculate the spatial orientation of maximum sensitivity vectors for the investigated eye muscle nerves in semicircular canal coordinates. Comparison of the directions of maximal sensitivity vectors of responses evoked by linear or angular accelerations in a given eye muscle nerve showed that the two vector directions were oriented about orthogonally with respect to each other. With this arrangement the linear and the angular vestibuloocular reflex can support each other dynamically whenever they are co-activated without a change in the spatial response characteristics. The mutual adaptation of angular and linear vestibuloocular reflexes as well as the differences in their organization described here for frogs may represent a basic feature common for vertebrates in general.  相似文献   

Vestibular nuclear neurons that mediate horizontal canal signals to the ipsilateral medial rectus motoneurons were explored in anesthetized and decerebrate rabbits. These neurons were identified by four criteria: (1) they were activated monosynaptically by ipsilateral vestibular nerve stimulation and (2) antidromically from the oculomotor nucleus region, while they were inhibited by (3) direct floccular stimulation and (4) ipsilateral retinal stimulation that activated floccular Purkinje cells via a climbing fiber afferent pathway. Neurons fulfilling these criteria were found in two anatomically different regions, i.e. the rostrolateral part of the medial vestibular nucleus and in the ventral part of the lateral vestibular nucleus. In decerebrate rabbits, neurons in both loci responded to horizontal rotation of the whole body with the type I pattern (excited by ipsilateral rotation). These results suggest that horizontal canal signals are conveyed to ipsilateral medial rectus motoneurons by two separate groups of vestibular nuclear neurons which may play different roles in the vestibulo-ocular reflex.  相似文献   

Second-order vestibular neurons form the central links of the vestibulo-oculomotor three-neuron arcs that mediate compensatory eye movements. Most of the axons that provide for vertical vestibulo-ocular reflexes ascend in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) toward target neurons in the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei. We have now determined the morphology of individual excitatory second-order neurons of the anterior semicircular canal system that course outside the MLF to the oculomotor nucleus. The data were obtained by the intracellular horseradish peroxidase method. Cell somata of the extra-MLF anterior canal neurons were located in the superior vestibular nucleus. The main axon ascended through the deep reticular formation beneath the brachium conjunctivum to the rostral extent of the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis, where it crossed the midline. The main axon continued its trajectory to the caudal edge of the red nucleus from where it coursed back toward the oculomotor nucleus. Within the oculomotor nucleus, collaterals reached superior rectus and inferior oblique motoneurons. Some axon branches recrossed the midline within the oculomotor nucleus and reached the superior rectus motoneuron subdivision on that side. Since these neurons did not give off a collateral toward the spinal cord, they were classified as being of the vestibulo-oculomotor type and are thought to be involved exclusively in eye movement control. The signal content and spatial tuning characteristics of this anterior canal vestibulo-oculomotor neuron class remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Neurons subserving the vestibulo-ocular reflex transform the directionality and timing of input from semicircular canals into commands that are appropriate to rotate the eyes in a compensatory fashion. In order to assess the degree to which this transformation is evident in vestibular nucleus neurons of alert cats, we recorded the extracellular discharge properties of 138 second-order vestibular neurons in the superior and medial vestibular nucleus, including 64 neurons identified as second-order vestibulo-ocular neurons by antidromic responses to oculomotor nucleus stimulation and short-latency orthodromic responses to labyrinth stimulation (1.3 ms or less). Neuronal response gains and phases were recorded during 0.5-Hz sinusoidal oscillations about many different horizontal axes and during vertical axis rotations to define neuronal response directionality more precisely than in past studies. Neurons with spatial responses similar to anterior semicircular canal afferents were found to have more diverse maximal activation direction vectors than neurons with responses resembling those of posterior or horizontal canal afferents. The mean angle from neuron response vector to the axis of the nearest canal or canal pair was 19 degrees for anterior canal second-order neurons (n=28) and 20 degrees for anterior canal second-order vestibulo-ocular neurons (n=18), compared with 11 degrees for posterior canal second-order neurons (n=43) and 11 degrees for posterior canal second-order vestibulo-ocular neurons (n=25). Only two second-order vestibulo-ocular neurons (3%) showed a marked dependence of response phase on rotation direction, which is indicative of convergent inputs that differ in both dynamics and directionality. This suggests that spatiotemporal convergence is uncommon in the three-neuron vestibulo-ocular reflex arc of the cat. Neuron vectors included many that were closely aligned with canal axes and several that were better aligned with oblique or superior rectus extraocular muscle excitation axis vectors. Only single examples of second-order vestibulo-ocular neuron vectors were approximately aligned with the pitch and roll coordinate axes. We conclude that second-order vestibulo-ocular neurons do not exclusively represent either the semicircular canal sensory coordinate frame or the extraocular muscle excitation motor coordinate frame, and instead are mostly distributed on a continuum between the input and output coordinate frames, with anterior canal neurons having the widest distribution of directionality.  相似文献   

Summary The intrinsic and commissural projection of the vestibular nuclei were investigated by means of retrograde transport of normal (HRP) and wheatgerm-agglutinated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). It was found that within each vestibular complex, the superior (SV), medial (MV) and descending (DV) vestibular nuclei are reciprocally connected. A rostrocaudally oriented column of medium-sized and large neurons, comprising the central SV and the magnocellular MV (MVmc) receives input from the surrounding neurons and does not reciprocate this projection. Efferents from group y terminate in the SV, MV and DV. The infracerebellar nucleus (INF) as well as the interstitial nucleus of the VIII the nerve (IN) supply fibers to the MV and DV. The neurons that participate in the commissural projection are distributed throughout the vestibular complex with the exception of the lateral vestibular nucleus (LV) and group x. The largest number of cells was found in the MV. The HRP labeled cells show a tendency to cluster into rostrocaudally oriented groups. Each nucleus projects to more than one contralateral nucleus. Group y shows a more extensive contralateral projection than the bordering INF. It was concluded that quantitative differences in connectivity were present between a core region in the vestibular complex and peripheral parts. This core region comprises the central SV, the LV, the MVmc and extends into the rostral DV. It receives predominantly intrinsic input from the surrounding vestibular neurons and is in contrast to these latter neurons only minimally involved in the commissural projection.Abbreviations AChE acetylcholinesterase - bc brachium conjunctivum - bp brachium pontis - CE nucleus cuneatus externus - CO nuclei cochlearis - cr corpus restiforme - DV nucleus vestibularis descendens - DX nucleus dorsalis vagi - F nucleus fastigii - flm fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - gVII genu of the nervus facialis - group x, y, f groups x, y and f of Brodal - HRP horseradish peroxidase - IA nucleus interpositus anterior - IN nucleus interstitialis of nVIII - INF nucleus infracerebellaris - L nucleus lateralis - LV nucleus vestibularis lateralis - flm fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - MV nucleus vestibularis medialis - MVc caudal MV - MVmc magnocellular MV - MVpc parvocellular MV - nV nervus trigeminus - nVI nervus abducens - nVII nervus facialis - NV par nucleus vestibularis parabrachialis - PH nucleus prepositus hypoglossi - rV ramus descendens of nV - S nucleus and tractus solitarius - sad stria acustica dorsalis - SV nucleus vestibularis superior - tu tractus uncinatus - VI nucleus abducens - VM nucleus masticatorius - VOR vestibulo-ocular reflex - VP nucleus princeps trigemini - WGA-HRP wheatgerm-agglutinated HRP - XII nucleus hypoglossus  相似文献   

1. In anaesthetized albino rabbits, the occurrence of Purkinje cell inhibition on canal-ocular reflexes was surveyed with a reflex testing method. 2. Test reflexes were elicited by electrical stimulation of the semicircular canals. The results were appaised by recording potentials and tension from extraocular muscles. Twelve reflexes were defined in terms of the receptor canal and the effector muscle. 3. Conditioning electrical stimuli were applied to the flocculus, the inferior olive, and optic pathways at the retinae, optic chiasm, pretectal area and upper medulla. 4. The conditioning stimulation at the ipsilateral flocculus induced depression in six of the twelve canal-ocular reflexes; four of the six arose from the anterior canal and the remaining two from the horizontal canal. 5. The effect of stimulation of the contralateral inferior olive was similar to that of the ipsilateral flocculus, though less clear in two of the four reflexes from the anterior canal because of a contaminating effect. 6. The two reflexes from the horizontal canal were depressed by stimulation of the ipsilateral optic pathway which reached the ipsilateral flocculus via the contralateral pretectal area and inferior olive. 7. The four reflexes from the anterior canal were affected by stimulation of optic pathways in a different manner from each other. One was depressed from the contralateral retina via the ipsilateral pretectal area, while another was depressed from the ipsilateral retina via the contralateral pretectal area, though only occasionally. The third reflex was depressed from the ipsilateral pretectal area but not from the retina. The fourth was affected from neither the retina nor the pretectal area. 8. On the basis of latency measurements, it was concluded that the depression of canal-ocular reflexes was due to inhibition of relay neurones of the testing reflexes by flocculus Purkinje cells which were activated either directly, or indirectly through olivocerebellar climbing fibre afferents. 9. The above conclusion was supported by the observation that the depression induced by stimulation of the inferior olive and optic pathways was abolished by acute destruction of the ipsilateral flocculus. 10. The possible functional significance of the specific patterns of connexions from flocculus Purkinje cells to canal-ocular reflex pathways is discussed, and specialization among flocculus Purkinje cells in relationship with vestibulo-ocular reflexes is postulated.  相似文献   

Billig I  Balaban CD 《Neuroscience》2004,125(2):507-520
Much literature has studied the relationship between the organization of neurons in the flocculus/ventral paraflocculus and vestibulo-ocular reflex pathways. Although activation of a flocculus central zone produces ipsilateral horizontal eye movement, anatomical tracing evidence in rats suggests that there may not be a simple one-to-one correspondence between flocculus/ventral paraflocculus zones and control of single extraocular muscles or coplanar pairs of antagonistic extraocular muscles. This study used the retrograde transynaptic transport of pseudorabies virus to identify the topographical organization of Purkinje cells in the flocculus/ventral paraflocculus that control the lateral rectus (LR) and medial rectus (MR) muscles in rats. A survival time of 80 h and 84 h was necessary to observe consistent transynaptically labeled cells in the flocculus/ventral paraflocculus following injections of pseudorabies virus into the MR and LR, respectively. The organization of Purkinje cells in the dorsal flocculus and ventral paraflocculus abided by the traditional boundaries, whereas the labeling pattern in the ventral flocculus showed a more complex, interdigitated arrangement. In agreement with prior studies, transynaptically labeled neurons were also observed in specific vestibular nuclear regions within the medial and superior vestibular nuclei and dorsal Y group. The distribution of labeled neurons in ipsilateral and contralateral vestibular nuclei was associated with features of ipsilateral and contralateral retrograde labeling of Purkinje cells in flocculus/ventral paraflocculus. Importantly, this study provides the first evidence of vestibulo-cerebellar zones controlling individual extraocular muscles and also overlapping distribution of neurons in flocculo-vestibular zones that influence the LR and MR motoneuron pools. This suggests that some of these neurons may be responsible for controlling both muscles.  相似文献   

Each muscle of the extraocular muscles, containing abundant muscle spindles, was exposed to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) on 8 young pigs (2-month-old, 20-30 kg in body weight, both sexes). The results obtained are follows: The HRP-labelled neurons innervating the superior rectus muscle were always found in a crescent ventro-medio-dorsal fashion in the most medial position of the contralateral oculomotor nucleus. The HRP-labelled cells for the medial rectus muscle appeared close to the superior rectus group in the ipsilateral nucleus. The labelled cells for the inferior rectus muscle appeared in the ventrolateral position of the ipsilateral nucleus and those for the inferior oblique muscle in the area between the medial rectus and inferior rectus muscle groups. The labelled cells for the superior oblique muscle were found in the contralateral trochlear nucleus and those for the lateral rectus muscle bilaterally in the abducens nuclei, predominantly on the ipsilateral side and poorly on the contralateral side. The HRP-labelled cells were composed of large (alpha) and small (gamma) multipolar cells and of bipolar, oval or round (proprioceptive) cells, all intermingled together within the nucleus. The bipolar cells have been also identified in the 3 nuclei by means of Nissl staining technique. On this basis, they should be considered as the proprioceptive neurons. In the shrew-moles, the cell bodies of the proprioceptive neurons innervating the snout muscle spindles have been found close to the ipsilateral glossopharyngeal ganglion and those of the somatic sensory neurons in the ipsilateral trigeminal ganglion. In the pigs, no HRP-labelled cells were found in the trigeminal mesencephalic tract nucleus, but the HRP-labelled cells were found in the ipsilateral trigeminal and the superior cervical sympathetic ganglia. From the results, it could be emphasized that the proprioceptive neurons innervating the pig extraocular muscle spindles are located within the nuclei of the IIIrd, IVth and VIth cranial nerves.  相似文献   

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