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美国饮食营养学会、加拿大营养师协会、美国运动医学会在2009年发布了新一版的有关营养与运动表现的联合声明.其中指出:理想的营养可以增强人们在身体活动和运动中的表现,并且促进身体在运动后的恢复过程。上述专业组织也推荐适当地选择食物和饮料,在恰当的时间进食.以及合理使用膳食补充剂来维持理想的健康状况和获得良好的运动表现。  相似文献   

陈超刚 《家庭医生》2011,(20):36-37
为了给孩子补充营养,父母往往选择给孩子服用各种营养补充剂。梁女士看到身边的朋友纷纷给孩子买含钙和锌的营养补充剂,她开始心慌起来,怀疑光靠食物养不好孩子。于是,她在网上四处搜索,给孩子订购了一堆营养补充剂。  相似文献   

营养补充剂使人们不用依赖食物,只要通过服用药片、胶囊、口服液,就可以满足机体对维生素、矿物质、微量元素及其他的一些活性物质的需求。营养补充剂的服用在一些国家和地区非常普遍.在英国,35%的受访者表示正在服用营养补充剂;在美国部分地区服用率达50%;在我国,近10多年来,营养补充剂的销售也十分火爆。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市居民营养补充剂的使用情况.方法 采用多阶段整群抽样方法,对北京市6区县居民各种营养补充剂使用情况进行问卷调查,分析539名营养补充剂使用者的人口学特征及各类补充剂的使用情况.结果 北京市营养补充剂使用人群中,45岁及以上者占72.9%,受教育程度在初中及以下者占63.7%,经医生推荐者仅占20.5%.所使用的营养补充剂中含矿物质成分的占47.6%,含脂溶性维生素占42.3%.使用营养补充剂持续时间达6~11个月和1年及以上者分别占13.9%和44.2%.每人营养补充剂的月消费总额中位数为28元.结论 营养补充剂使用者在选择和使用营养补充剂时缺乏专业指导,使用的合理性及健康效应值得关注.  相似文献   

运动、营养联合干预8~18岁肥胖儿童效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]通过运动和营养联合干预,观察8~18岁肥胖儿童的减肥效果。[方法]为受试者制定运动和饮食处方,服用营养补充剂,统一吃、住、运动训练1个月。[结果]在试验期间,受试者每日运动强度中等(达目标心率的60%~75%),1日摄入总能量为8.6 MJ(2 058 kcal)蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物的供能百分比分别为17.8%、19.6%和62.6%。11名受试者干预后体重共减少106 kg,平均每人减少9.6 kg,BMI平均值下降了3.9 kg/m2。[结论]通过运动与营养方式对肥胖学龄期儿童进行联合干预取得显著效果。  相似文献   

合理的饮食营养有助于健康。已是众所周知的事实。在温饱都难以解决的年代。谈营养只能是一种奢望,随着人民生活水平的提高,这不。又出来了运动营养。运动也要有营养?是的。现带你走入运动营养的世界。  相似文献   

<正>营养补充剂已经成为许多老年人的日常消费需求。但是,吃这些真的可以抗衰老吗?营养补充剂,又称膳食补充剂、营养补充品等,是弥补饮食中营养素摄取不足的一种制剂,用来补充人体所需的氨基酸、维生素、微量元素、矿物质等。老年人受到器官功能减退和疾病的影响,特别是消化吸收能力下降,使得老年人对于营养素的需求升高,需要额外补充一些营养素。科学研究结果显示,营养补充剂对衰老以及年龄相关疾病(如癌症、心脑血管疾病和肌肉丢失等)具有积极的影响。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,蛋白粉、维生素E、维生素A、葡萄籽等营养补充剂逐渐走入公众视野。其中。以增强人体免疫力为主的蛋白粉更是营养补充剂中的“明星”。各种类型的蛋白粉不但成了市民探视病患的理想礼品,而且也逐渐成了人们养生保健的首选补充剂。  相似文献   

成都市婴幼儿营养补充剂应用及影响因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解成都市婴幼儿营养补充剂使用现状及影响因素。方法随机选取成都市两个社区257名0~3岁婴幼儿及其家长作为研究对象,通过问卷调查收集婴幼儿营养补充剂使用相关信息和家庭基本情况,分析影响营养补充剂使用的相关因素。结果婴幼儿营养补充剂总使用率为87.5%,各类营养补充剂使用率依次为维生素D 76.3%、维生素A 75.5%、钙33.5%、锌16.3%、铁3.9%;除铁制剂外,不同月龄组间婴幼儿营养补充剂使用率差异有显著性(P<0.05),随月龄增加钙、锌使用率呈上升趋势,维生素D和维生素A在6~11月龄段使用率最高;营养补充剂使用分别与家长对婴幼儿期营养重视程度(OR=0.186,P<0.05)和婴幼儿生长发育状况(OR=2.317,P<0.05)有关。结论成都市婴幼儿营养补充剂使用已较普遍,需加强专业指导以保证营养补充剂的合理应用。  相似文献   

北京市居民营养补充剂使用现况   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解北京市各类人群营养补充剂的使用现况及相关因素。方法采用多阶段整群抽样法,共抽取北京市6区县4561人,问卷调查其营养补充剂的使用情况及相关情况。结果北京市居民营养补充剂的使用率为11.9%(标化率为10.1%),男性为9.0%(标化率为7.7%),女性为14.5%(标化率为12.4%)。使用率最高是维生素-矿物质复合补充剂。不同年龄、经济水平、文化水平、健康状况以及健康相关行为不同的人群,营养补充剂的使用率不同。结论北京市居民营养补充剂使用率远低于发达国家的水平。  相似文献   

The development of the sports food market and industrial involvement have led to numerous nutritional studies to define the type of nutrients that are most suited to support energy metabolism, fluid balance and muscle function. The key question in many of these studies was: 'Does the product lead to a significant product/consumer benefit that can be used as a claim on the package?' New methods and techniques have been developed, partly with sponsorship of the food industry, with the goal of measuring the effects of specific nutrients and supplements on athletic performance and metabolism. In line with this development, a wide variety of supplements and sports foods/drinks labelled with various performance or health benefit statements have been launched on the sports nutrition market. Although a variety of products have been tested clinically, there are also many products on the market with benefit claims that cannot be supported by sound nutritional and sports physiological science. The current short review highlights some of the methods and biomarkers that are used to substantiate product/consumer benefit claims for foods and drinks that are marketed as functional foods for athletes.  相似文献   

Limited research has examined athletes’ food and health beliefs and decisions and the congruence of these decisions with recommendations from nutrition professionals. This study aimed to improve understanding of athletes’ food-related beliefs and practices to enable nutrition professionals to more effectively enhance performance while protecting athletes’ health. Division I college athletes (n = 14, 64% female) from a variety of sports were recruited to participate in 20-min semi-structured phone interviews about food and nutrition-related behaviors and cognitions. Data were content analyzed to identify themes and trends. Prominent factors influencing athletes’ food choices were potential benefits to health and performance, availability of foods, and recommendations from sports dietitians. Foods commonly consumed by athletes, including fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, were generally healthy and aligned with sports nutrition recommendations. Athletes avoided energy-dense nutrient-poor foods, such as fast food and fried foods, with the goal of improving performance. Some athletes took supplements (i.e., multivitamin, iron, protein) on the premise that they would improve health and enhance performance or recovery. While athletes’ nutrition behaviors are generally congruent with current recommendations, findings highlighted misconceptions held by athletes related to the benefits of some supplements and the belief that packaged/processed foods were inherently less healthy than other options. Nutrition misconceptions held by athletes and incongruities between athletes’ nutrition knowledge and behaviors suggest that dietitians should aim to dispel misconceptions held by athletes and provide additional guidance and information to support athletes’ current healthful behaviors to ensure these behaviors extend beyond their college athletic career.  相似文献   

The influences of gender, ethnicity, and sport of varsity athletes on their vitamin/mineral supplementation habits were examined. Subjects included 145 females and 266 males from 22 varsity teams; 80% were Caucasian; 12% African American; and 8% Combined-Other. Over half of the subjects took supplements. Males were more likely than females to give "too expensive" as a reason for not taking supplements, and "improve athletic performance" and "build muscle" as reasons for taking supplements. The most common supplement was multivitamins plus minerals. Females were more likely to take calcium and iron, and males vitamins B12 and A. African Americans were the most likely to take vitamin A. Males were more likely to get supplement information from nutritionists/dietitians and self, and females from family members or friends and physicians or pharmacists. Football players were more likely to get supplement information from nutritionists/dietitians, and males in other sports from coaches/trainers. There were some differences in vitamin/mineral supplement habits of the athletes by gender, ethnicity, and sport.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine that physical activity, athletic performance, and recovery from exercise are enhanced by optimal nutrition. These organizations recommend appropriate selection of foods and fluids, timing of intake, and supplement choices for optimal health and exercise performance. This updated position paper couples a rigorous, systematic, evidence-based analysis of nutrition and performance-specific literature with current scientific data related to energy needs, assessment of body composition, strategies for weight change, nutrient and fluid needs, special nutrient needs during training and competition, the use of supplements and ergogenic aids, nutrition recommendations for vegetarian athletes, and the roles and responsibilities of sports dietitians. Energy and macronutrient needs, especially carbohydrate and protein, must be met during times of high physical activity to maintain body weight, replenish glycogen stores, and provide adequate protein to build and repair tissue. Fat intake should be sufficient to provide the essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, as well as contribute energy for weight maintenance. Although exercise performance can be affected by body weight and composition, these physical measures should not be a criterion for sports performance and daily weigh-ins are discouraged. Adequate food and fluid should be consumed before, during, and after exercise to help maintain blood glucose concentration during exercise, maximize exercise performance, and improve recovery time. Athletes should be well hydrated before exercise and drink enough fluid during and after exercise to balance fluid losses. Sports beverages containing carbohydrates and electrolytes may be consumed before, during, and after exercise to help maintain blood glucose concentration, provide fuel for muscles, and decrease risk of dehydration and hyponatremia. Vitamin and mineral supplements are not needed if adequate energy to maintain body weight is consumed from a variety of foods. However, athletes who restrict energy intake, use severe weight-loss practices, eliminate one or more food groups from their diet, or consume unbalanced diets with low micronutrient density, may require supplements. Because regulations specific to nutritional ergogenic aids are poorly enforced, they should be used with caution, and only after careful product evaluation for safety, efficacy, potency, and legality. A qualified sports dietitian and in particular in the United States, a Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics, should provide individualized nutrition direction and advice subsequent to a comprehensive nutrition assessment.  相似文献   

目的 描述柳州市中学生大强度、中等强度体育活动的频度分布,分析体育活动与危害健康行为之间的关系.方法 对4 386名城乡中学生进行无记名调查,计算大强度、中等强度体育活动在不同类型学生中的发生率,运用多因素非条件Logistic回归模型,分析2种强度的体育运动与14项危害健康行为之间的关联性.结果 大强度、中等强度体育活动发生率分别为53.47%、48.32%,并均与骑自行车违规、非安全场所游泳、喝酒等行为显著相关,情绪不良、节食减肥等行为是体育活动的制约因素.结论 体育活动与危害健康行为既有共存现象,又有互相制约的现象,以体育活动为平台开展健康行为干预值得进一步研究.  相似文献   

An alarming trend in the United States is the use of performance-enhancing supplements by children and adolescents. These widely available over-the-counter products, often marketed as natural substances, are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and are thus widely available. High school and even middle school students are using these supplements because they are misled into thinking that supplements will enhance their athletic skills resulting in an improvement in their performance. Yet, the safety and long-term effects of these supplements have not been established in reputable or prevalent studies. School nurses have a unique opportunity and even an ethical responsibility to help in efforts to address this growing trend. Specific roles for the school nurse include serving as a student advocate for the health and safety of children and adolescents; identifying at-risk students; forming partnerships with teachers, parents, students, coaches, athletic trainers, and local health care providers; evaluating and refining health-oriented curricula; collecting and disseminating new knowledge; and staying abreast of new findings.  相似文献   

Risk factors for the development of eating disorder symptoms in female college athletes were studied using structural equation modeling. Three risk factors: social influence for thinness, athletic performance anxiety, and self-appraisal of athletic achievement, were selected for study. The association of these risk factors and eating disorder symptoms was hypothesized to be mediated by overconcern with body size and shape. The study sample was 98 women recruited from eight sports teams at a major university. Structural equation modeling analysis supported the hypothesized model and cross validation of the model showed the findings to be stable. The results of this correlational study suggested that eating disorder symptoms in college athletes are significantly influenced by the interaction of sociocultural pressure for thinness, athletic performance anxiety, and negative self-appraisal of athletic achievement. if these risk factors lead to overconcern with body size and shape, then the emergence of an eating disorder is more probable. © 7995 by john Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Many Minnesotans with asthma participate in recreational and competitive sports. If asthma is undiagnosed or if it is poorly controlled, its symptoms can compromise health, impair athletic performance, and limit sports participation. It can even lead to death. Asthma-related deaths during sports participation, while not common, have occurred in Minnesota. Having asthma should not limit an athlete's ability to compete and win at the highest levels of competition. This article briefly reviews asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, discusses the impact of asthma on sports participation and outlines asthma management strategies for team physicians, coaches, and athletic trainers.  相似文献   

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