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OBJECTIVE: The analysis of reasons for the replacement of 9,805 amalgam, composite, glass ionomer, resin modified glass ionomer and 'other' restorations in permanent teeth in general dental practice. DESIGN: The data were subdivided on the bases of age and gender of the patients, the types of restorations and the clinicians' gender, experience and practice setting. RESULTS: The clinical diagnosis of secondary caries was the main reason for replacement of all types of restorations studied, followed by fracture of restorations, especially bulk fracture, irrespective of patient's age. Bulk discoloration was the third most common reason for replacement of resin based materials in adults, but it rarely occurred in adolescents 18 years and younger. The reasons for replacement of restorations were not associated with the gender of the patients. Subgroupings based on the clinicians' gender showed that female clinicians diagnosed secondary caries more often than male clinicians. Otherwise, the reasons for replacements were similar for both genders of clinicians. Subdivision of restorations based on the years since graduation of the clinicians resulted in small groups. The youngest group of clinicians diagnosed relatively more secondary caries both for amalgam and composite restorations than the most experienced group. CONCLUSION: The clinical diagnosis secondary caries was the main reason for replacement of all types of restorations studied.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity in a cross-sectional study of patients visiting general dental practitioners in the South West region of the UK over a period of 1 calendar month. METHOD: Twelve dental practitioners examined 3593 patients over a period of 1 calendar month and 137 patients were diagnosed as having dentine hypersensitivity, giving a prevalence figure of 3.8%. RESULTS: The commonest teeth affected were the upper premolar and molar teeth and the commonest initiating factor was cold drinks. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity in general dental practice in the UK was 3.8%.  相似文献   

Because the recommendation to use flowables for posterior restorations is still a matter of debate, the objective of this study was to determine in a nationwide survey in Germany how frequently, for what indications, and for what reasons, German dentists use flowable composites in posterior teeth. In addition, the acceptance of a simplified filling technique for posterior restorations using a low stress flowable composite was evaluated. Completed questionnaires from all over Germany were returned by 1,449 dentists resulting in a response rate of 48.5%; 78.6% of whom regularly used flowable composites for posterior restorations. The most frequent indications were cavity lining (80.1%) and small Class I fillings (74.2%). Flowables were less frequently used for small Class II fillings (22.7%) or other indications (13.6%). Most frequent reasons given for the use of flowables in posterior teeth were the prevention of voids (71.7%) and superior adaptation to cavity walls (72.9%), whereas saving time was considered less important (13.8%). Based on the subjective opinion of the dentists the simplified filling technique seemed to deliver advantages compared to the methods used to date particularly with regard to good cavity adaptation and ease of use. In conclusion, resin composites are the standard material type used for posterior restorations by general dental practitioners in Germany and most dentists use flowable composites as liners.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate factors which influence rubber dam use and irrigant selection in UK National Health Service (NHS) endodontics. METHODOLOGY: A postal survey was conducted amongst two age cohorts of dentists, representing all of the 1970-73 (older) and 1990-93 (younger) graduates of two northern English dental schools (n = 643). Key and supplementary questions were posed on levels of rubber dam use, irrigant selection, and factors influencing practice in NHS endodontics. After manual checking, validated (dual) entry of responses was made to a flat ASCII data file before analysis with SPSS software. The threshold for statistical significance was set at the 95% probability level. RESULTS: Eighty-five per cent of the valid sample responded to the questionnaire. Regardless of age and qualifying school, less than one-fifth of dentists always or frequently used rubber dam, whilst 60% never used it. Qualifying school had a significant influence on rubber dam use, whilst age had a variable influence. Major disincentives to the use of rubber dam included the perception that patients do not like it, that the NHS fee was inadequate to justify its use, that it took too long to apply, and that dentists had received inadequate training. Frequent users of rubber dam were significantly less likely to cite these disincentives than nonusers. Overall, local anaesthetic solution was the most common endodontic irrigant. Irrigant choice was strongly linked to rubber dam use, and to graduation cohort. Seventy-one per cent of rubber dam users irrigated with sodium hypochlorite, compared with only 38% of nonusers. This pattern was reversed for local anaesthetic irrigation. Younger graduates were significantly more likely to irrigate with local anaesthetic solution than their older counterparts, and the younger graduates of one school showed a highly significant increase in the use of chlorhexidine. CONCLUSIONS: 1) The majority of UK Health Service dentists never use rubber dam isolation in endodontic treatment. 2) Qualifying school has a significant impact on rubber dam use, and irrigant selection. 3) Use of rubber dam has a significant association with irrigant choice in endodontics.  相似文献   

Abstract – Cavities prepared on extracted human premolars were treated with different cleansing agents and by different procedures. The cavities were filled with a composite restorative material and microleakage was assessed by recording the penetration of basic fuchsin dye. Only acid agents which removed the smeared layer, producing an etch pattern on the enamel cavity walls, were able to prevent microleakage.  相似文献   

Abstract Annual expenditure on dental care in Australia amounts to ADD 1.9 billion. Approximately one-third of this expenditure involves private dental insurance, yet little is known about the impact of insurance on the provision of services. The aim of this analysis was to examine differences in dental service provision between insured and non-insured patients. Data collected from a random sample of dentists from a survey conducted in 1993-94 were used, providing 817 responses (response rate 74%). Logistic regression analysis controlling for patient age and sex and reason for visit indicated that in private general practice insured patients were more likely to receive preventive (OR=1.37), crown and bridge (OR = 2.25), and endodontic services (OR=1.27), but less likely to receive extraction services (OR=0.52). However, no significant differences by insurance status were found for diagnostic, restorative, or prosthodontic services in the multivariate models. These differences in service provision by insurance status indicate a more favourable pattern of services for insured patients, and point to equity issues in the provision of services.  相似文献   

Although a detailed understanding of the etiology of hypodontia is lacking, there is a need for awareness among dental professionals of the social and psychological consequences of severe hypodontia, as well as knowledge of those affected by hypodontia have ongoing dental treatment needs. Although, there may be a need for immediate referral of children to different specialists for optimal multidisciplinary treatment planning, most older patients with severe hypodontia can be treated by general practitioners. Practitioners therefore need to be aware of the ramifications of the condition and be capable of providing adequate oral health care for these patients and referring them for additional services when necessary. A case-report series is used to illustrate routine prosthodontic treatments that can be offered to older patients in general dental practice.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Objective:  The purpose of this study was to investigate the periodontal response to the presence of all-ceramic crowns (IPS Empress) in general practice patients. Methods:  The convenience sample included 82 IPS Empress crowns placed in 64 patients. These crowns had been in place for an average of 16.27 (SD 9.26) months and ranged from 6.2 to 48.87 months at the time of clinical examination. Periodontal health status (as determined by dental plaque, gingival health status, periodontal pockets) was assessed around all crowned teeth and around matched contralateral teeth by one calibrated examiner. Periodontal indices utilized included the Plaque Index (PI), Gingival Index (GI) and pocket depth (PD) with calibrated probes graduated in millimetres. Plaque, gingival and PD values for crowned teeth were compared with those for control teeth using Wilcoxon signed-rank test for each clinical parameters. Chi-square was used to test the significance of the difference in their distribution between crowns and control teeth. Results:  Statistically, PI (0.35), GI (0.41) and mean PD scores (1.42) of IPS Empress crowned teeth compared less favourably with scores of the control teeth (0.27, 0.23 and 0.86 respectively). Conclusion:  Teeth with IPS Empress crowns had poorer periodontal health and more clinically evident plaque than uncrowned teeth.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance of cast gold bonded restorations in clinical practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The records of all patients treated with cast gold bonded restorations between 1997 and 2004 of The Dental Hospital of Newcastle upon Tyne were reviewed. The following data were recorded: sex of patient, location of teeth (anterior or posterior), position of teeth (upper or lower) and type of cement (glass ionomer, zinc phosphate or resin cement). The survival time was calculated for each restoration; and the reason for failure (either debond or change of treatment plan) identified for each case. The restorations were stratified according to the age of the patient into 10-year age bands and survival analysis was used to identify variables associated with increased risk of failure. RESULTS: Restorations luted with resin cement showed the highest rate of survival after 7 years of follow-up. The alternative lutes had significantly worse survival (p<0.05). Restorations on anterior teeth had poorer survival than on posterior teeth but there were no differences between those placed in the mandible and the maxilla. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study resin cements are most appropriate for this type of restoration with 80% survival at 7 years. Restorations placed on posterior teeth survived better.  相似文献   

Available data suggest that the provision of periodontal ly related services in general dental practices is low. However, studies indicate that the employment of dental hygienists is associated with increased provision. One method of measuring is by examination of notations in patient treatment records. As part of a project assessing the effectiveness of professional education in changing the provision of periodontal services, 2280 records, comprising 60 randomly selected records of dentate adult patients who had received a dental examination in the previous 6 months were audited in each of 38 practices, 13 of which employed hygienists. Entries of a periodontal nature were classified under 3 categories: diagnostic, preventive and treatment. The presence or absence of each item on each record was recorded. Diagnostic services were notated infrequently overall, but practices employing hygienists had a significantly lower number of records with no diagnostic notations. Preventive items were more frequently notated in practices employing hygienists. Treatment items were most frequently notated in both types of practices. Overall, 13 of the 23 items were recorded significantly more frequently in practices employing hygienists.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: These were to assess whether ART restorations and sealants could be provided to children in a school environment in China, to assess patient acceptability of the ART approach, and to evaluate on a longitudinal basis the treatments performed. METHODS: This study was conducted in Deyang, Sichuan Province, in western China. A total of 294 ART restorations were placed in 197 children and 191 fissure sealants were placed in 140 children by five middle-level dentists in four secondary schools. Standard instruments and procedures for ART were used. The restorative material used was a high-strength glass-ionomer (Ketac-Molar, ESPE). The treatments were evaluated annually after placement by the same examiner who had not been involved in the placement of the restorations nor sealants using explorers and mouth-mirrors. At the 3-year examination an independent external examiner evaluated the restorations using USPHS criteria. RESULTS: Most of the children did not report discomfort during treatment and 92% were willing to receive ART restorations again. The cumulative 1-year and 3-year survival rates of small Class I restorations were 99% and 92% respectively. The corresponding figures for large Class I restorations were 90% and 77%. After 3 years, 72% of the sealants were either partially or completely retained. Only 2% of the sealed teeth developed fissure caries and these involved teeth where the sealants had been lost. Similar success rates were found using USPHS criteria. CONCLUSIONS: The ART approach for preventing and treating tooth decay in Chinese school children was shown to be appropriate, effective and acceptable. The 3-year survival rates of the restorations were high but were related to the size and type of the restoration.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Practice beliefs have been related to service rate variation and appropriateness of care. The aim of this paper was to further develop practice belief scales by adding new items to an existing set and testing associations with dentist and practice characteristics, and services provided. METHODS: Practice belief items were recorded on a five-point Likert scale using mailed questionnaires from a random sample of dentists in 2004 (response rate = 76.8 per cent). RESULTS: Factor analysis yielded five factor-based scales, with three having adequate or near adequate internal consistency: Professional Autonomy (alpha = 0.72), Patient Focus (alpha = 0.71) and Preventive Orientation (alpha = 0.59). Responses were skewed towards strongly agree (scores 1-<2) for Professional Autonomy (60.6 per cent), Patient Focus (71.7 per cent) and Preventive Orientation (46.3 per cent). Higher percentages of dentists with strong agreement on Patient Focus were aged 30-39 and 60+ years, while lower percentages of dentists with strong agreement on Preventive Orientation were male (Chi-square, P < 0.05). Those strongly agreeing with the scales (scores 1-<2) had (Poisson regression; P < 0.05): lower rates of restorative, a rate ratio (RR) of 0.93, dentures (RR = 0.72) and extractions (RR = 0.63) for Professional Autonomy; higher rates of dentures (RR = 1.32), crowns (RR = 1.46) and extractions (RR = 1.47) for Patient Focus; and lower rates of restorative (RR = 0.88), dentures (RR = 0.78), crowns (RR = 0.72), extractions (RR = 0.50), endodontics (RR = 0.80), but a higher rate of scaling (RR = 1.13) for Preventive Orientation. CONCLUSIONS: The findings confirmed some of an earlier factor structure of practice beliefs, extended the potential practice belief domains, and demonstrated associations with service rates.  相似文献   

Aim:  The initial aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity (DH) in a cross-sectional study of patients visiting general dental practitioners in the UK over a period of one calendar month.
Methods:  Eighteen dental practitioners examined 5477 patients over a period of one calendar month, and patients who were diagnosed with DH were questioned further about their occupation and smoking habits. The amount of buccal gingival recession associated with the sensitive teeth was also recorded, as was the presence of periodontal disease.
Results:  One hundred and fifty-two patients were diagnosed as having DH, giving a prevalence figure of 2.8%. The commonest teeth affected were the first molars and premolars, and the commonest initiating factor was cold drinks. A tendency for a greater number of DH teeth was also found for patients with periodontal disease who also smoked. There was also a tendency for the patients with DH teeth to come from higher social groups.
Conclusion:  At the time of conducting this study, the European Federation of Periodontology had not recommended that sensitive teeth associated with periodontal disease and treatment be termed root sensitivity (RS). The title of this paper was therefore chosen to reflect this decision, and the data represent teeth both within and between subjects with DH and RS.  相似文献   

All non-specialist ADA member private practitioners in Queensland were invited to participate in a survey to determine the number of the various types of permanent restorations placed in one week and the percentage breakdown of the time they devoted to the various areas of dentistry. Final year dentistry students at the University of Queensland were asked to estimate the projected breakdown of their time in future practice. Results showed that amalgam is still by far the most commonly used material followed by composite resin and glass ionomer cement and that restorative dentistry accounts for the bulk of the practitioners' time. Students' estimations of the work mix were in agreement with those of the practitioners.  相似文献   

In the context of European Union harmonization, this article compares the systems of training for general dental practice in three European countries, the UK, Sweden and Poland. A UK perspective is adopted and the question as to whether dentists who have qualified in Poland or Sweden are adequately prepared for practice in the UK is explored. The paper is a result of discussion between providers of dental training in the three study countries. Key similarities, strengths and weaknesses are identified and issues pertinent to the transferability of general dental practitioners within Europe are raised.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Aggregate trends have indicated increases in the provision of diagnostic and preventive services but there have been few reports based on their component sub-categories. The aims of this study were to investigate time trends in the provision of sub-categories of diagnostic an preventive services across a 15-year period. METHODS: A random sample of Australian dentists was surveyed by mailed questionnaire in 1983-1984, 1988-1989, 1993-1994 and 1998-1999 (response rates 71-75 per cent). Data were weighted to provide representative estimates for the age by sex distribution of private general practitioners in 1983, 1988, 1993 and 1998. RESULTS: Rates per visit were higher, Poisson regression, P<0.05, in 1998-1999 compared to baseline for examinations, radiographs, prophylaxis and topical fluoride. Diagnostic and preventive service rates varied by age of patient: compared to patients aged 65+ years, examinations were higher among children aged <5 years to adults aged 25-44 years, radiographs were lower among children <5 years and 5-11 years but higher among adults aged from 18-24 years to 45-64 years, prophylaxis services were lower among children <5 years but higher among adolescents 12-17 years to adults aged 45-64 years, while topical fluoride was higher among children 5-11 years and adolescents 12-17 years. CONCLUSIONS: Examination, radiograph, prophylaxis, and topical fluoride rates increased over the study period. While examination rates increased for both children and adults, and prophylaxis rates increased for adolescents and adults, rates for radiographs and topical fluoride only increased for adults. Age-specific changes in service rates over time indicate the effect of changing oral health status and population demographics on service provision.  相似文献   

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