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目的:探讨儿童期精神虐待经历对大学生人格及述情障碍的影响。方法:采用儿童虐待史问卷、艾森克人格问卷和多伦多述情障碍量表(TAS-26)对河南省某高校的733名本科生进行调查。结果:①除儿童期母亲憎恶与成年期人格的内外倾相关不显著外,其余儿童期精神虐待与大学生人格均呈显著相关(P<0.01);儿童期精神虐待的四个维度与大学生述情障碍呈显著正相关。儿童期父亲憎恶对神经质有显著预测作用(Beta=0.243,P<0.01),儿童期母亲忽视对大学生精神质有显著预测作用(Beta=0.206,P<0.01),儿童期父亲忽视对大学生内外倾有显著预测作用(Be-ta=-0.143,P<0.01)。儿童期母亲忽视对大学生述情障碍有正向的预测作用(Beta=0.113,P<0.01)。结论:儿童期精神虐待对大学生人格及述情障碍有直接预测作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨小组心理护理对抑郁症患者述情障碍的疗效.方法 将符合入组标准的抑郁症患者58例随机分为实验组和对照组各29例,分别对两组患者进行常规药物治疗和护理,且对实验组进行小组心理护理.在治疗前和治疗后分别进行多伦多述情障碍量表(TAS)等的测试.结果 ①重复测量的方差分析发现干预因素对TAS因子Ⅰ、因子Ⅱ和因子Ⅳ存在主效应(F=4.952~7.653,P<0.05);时间因素对TAS因子Ⅰ、因子Ⅱ、因子Ⅲ和因子Ⅳ均存在主效应(F=34.696~125.386,P<0.01);干预因素和时间因素对TAS因子Ⅰ、因子Ⅱ和因子Ⅳ存在交互作用(F=6.758~13.245,P<0.01);②逐步回归分析显示干预前TAS各因子分数和小组心理护理对TAS因子Ⅰ、因子Ⅱ、因子Ⅳ减少值具有显著的预测作用(P<0.01).结论 小组心理护理能够改善抑郁症患者的述情障碍.  相似文献   

目的 研究HIV、HBV共感染患者HIV病毒载量与HBV病毒载量及细胞免疫功能的相关性.方法 分别使用流式细胞仪和荧光定量PCR测定HIV、HBV共感染患者的CD3+、CD4+、CD8+细胞数目和HBV、HIV病毒载量,并采用Pearson相关分析研究病毒载量和免疫细胞数目的相关性.结果 在共感染患者中,HIV载量与CD3+及CD4+细胞负相关,HBV载量与CD4+/CD8+负相关,HIV与HBV载量正相关.结论 HBV可能存在促进HIV复制的功能,并加速HIV患者的免疫功能损伤.  相似文献   

Evaluated the correlates of mood state (psychological distress)in a multisite study of two groups: (a) mothers of HIV–positivechildren and adolescents with hemophilia (n=91), and (b) mothersof HIV –negative children and adolescents with hemophilia(n=92). Socioeconomic status, quality of family relationshipsupport, and frequency of negative life events accounted forsignificant variance in Total Mood Disturbance (psychologicaldistress) as measured by the Profile of Mood States in the overallsample. Severity of hemophilia was unrelated to distress. Asignificant interaction between HIV status and frequency ofstressful life events indicated that this variable related morestrongly to distress among mothers of HIV–infected childrenand adolescents with hemophilia than among mothers of HIV–negativechildren with hemophilia. Findings suggest that the presenceof HIV infection in their children and adolescents may hightenthe impact of negative life events on the psychological distressexperienced by these mothers.  相似文献   

Evidence has been gathered which supports the notion that two distinct but interacting mechanisms, controlled by loci mapping within the H-2 complex, influence Friend murine leukemia virus (FV) disease. One mechanism, controlled by a gene mapping in or close to H-2D, influences the capacity of the H-2D gene product to form molecular complexes with FV molecules in the plasma membrane of infected cells. Formation of a complex appears to provide a target antigen for syngeneic cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, to cause co-capping of FV and H-2D antigens, to permit the selective inclusion of H-2Db molecules into progeny Friend virions, to influence the long-term maintenance of virus production in vitro and, in conjunction with the second mechanism, to stimulate the generation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. This second mechanism is controlled by a gene in the H-2K or H-2I region, and, in the presence of an H-2/FV molecular complex immunogen, influences the generation of H-2 restricted cytotxic T-lymphocytes and the rate of rejection of syngeneic FV-induced tumor cells.  相似文献   

目的以建立HIV感染者/AIDS患者心理支持小组的形式,探讨团体心理干预对HIV感染者/AIDS患者的影响效果。方法实施地点为湖南省某地区的疾病预防控制中心,自愿参加小组心理辅导和干预的HIV/AIDS患者19人组成2个小组,对小组成员进行为期4次,每次3小时的团体心理干预,采用激惹、抑郁和焦虑自评量表(IDA)、社会支持评定量表(SSS)及特质应对方式问卷(TCSQ)对干预效果进行评估。结果干预后小组成员的焦虑、抑郁情绪及由外部环境引起的易激惹状态有所改善;在寻求社会支持和应对问题的方式方面也有显著变化。结论团体心理干预对改善HIV感染者/AIDS患者的心理问题、提高其社会支持和同伴支持、改善应对策略有一定效果,值得应用和进一步的推广。  相似文献   

Background: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has been recognized as a central measure of the overall health status in HIV patients. With the availability of different highly effective drug combinations, maximizing quality-adjusted survival has become a major target of HIV treatment. Although the association of HIV RNA and CD4 cell count with clinical HIV progression has been well established, the relation between these markers and HRQoL measures is still unclear. Method: This cross-sectional study investigated the relationship linking HIV RNA and CD4 to HRQoL measures in 181 triple-class-experienced patients with advanced HIV disease. The instrument used was the ISSQoL, a self-administered and HIV-specific HRQoL questionnaire. Results: Data showed no correlation between HRQoL measures and CD4 counts. Higher HIV RNA levels were, however, associated with poor HRQoL scores in 3 out of 9 scales of social functioning, depression and anxiety, and satisfaction with quality of life. In multivariable analyses, only the satisfaction with quality of life mean score remained significantly lower for the HIV RNA >100,000 copies/mL group compared to the HIV RNA 50 to 10,000 copies/mL group. Conclusions: Although other determinants of HRQoL in people with HIV should also be considered, this finding suggests a negative impact of high viral load on perceived HRQoL that adds to other described determinants of lower quality of life in people with HIV, such as lower social support and self-reported symptoms.  相似文献   

目的 探讨述情障碍对身份相关表情后遗效应影响.方法 使用多伦多述情障碍评定量表(TAS-20)在大学生中筛选出高述情障碍者和低述情障碍者各20人,要求被试完成身份相关的表情后遗效应测试.结果 ①述情障碍高分组与低分组在无适应性干扰实验中差异无统计学意义(F=2.1,P=0.15);②述情障碍高分组与低分组在表情后遗效应...  相似文献   

目的探讨大学生在压力适应中的心理状况和对自我和谐感的影响。方法采用自制大学生压力源情况调查表,症状自评量表(SCL-90)和自我和谐量表(SCCS)对大学1~4年级的551名大学生进行了测查。结果在担心未来、学业、情感、家庭状况、个人能力满意度5个方面是目前在校大学生压力感体验最显著和集中的方面;学生党员、农村生源压力程度更高(P=0.023,0.039);在校大学生压力程度越高心理症状相关性越显著,最显著的为抑郁、强迫、焦虑、人际敏感症状(r=0.377,0.347,0.324,0.325;P0.001);阳性症状因子发生率排在前4的是强迫、人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑(36.2%、19.8%、17.5%、13.1%);随着压力感增大,大学生个体自我与经验的不和谐更容易出现问题或偏差(r=0.378,P0.001)。结论高校大学生压力源有其时代特征,压力带来的症状对大学生情绪、行为、人际关系、和对自我的苛刻要求,是大学生在适应压力中体验最集中的方面。需要针对问题建立相应的应对策略与工作机制。  相似文献   

目的 探讨大学生依恋模式对述情障碍的影响.方法 选取136位正在恋爱的大学生为被试,采用亲密关系经历量袁(ECR)的中文版和多伦多述情障碍量表(TAS-20)中文版进行调查,并对其结果做t检验、相关、回归以及曲线分析.结果 ①性别在述情障碍上的差异无统计学意义(t=0.239,P>0.05);②性别在依恋上的差异无统计学意义(t=0.879,P>0.05);③焦虑得分高于回避得分,差异有统计学意义(t=4.596,P<0.05);④依恋的回避维度与述情障碍的难以描述自己的情感显著正相关(P<0.01),依恋的焦虑维度与述情障碍的难以识别自己的情感显著正相关(P<0.01),与述情障碍的难以描述自己的情感显著正相关(P<0.01);⑤不安全依恋对述情障碍有预测效果.结论 依恋与述情障碍关系密切;依恋对述情障碍的影响在宏观上表现出线性相关,微观上存在S型曲线的波动.  相似文献   

Objective/Background: Poor sleep quality is common in pregnancy and associated with increased psychological distress, which has adverse consequences for families. Emerging theory suggests that mindfulness-based interventions may help reduce cognitive and emotional reactivity to stressful events. The current study examines the effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on the relationship between poor sleep quality and increased depression symptom severity and perceived stress during pregnancy. Additionally, we explored the prevalence of poor sleep quality in this unique sample and the impact of intervention on sleep quality. Participants: Participants were 215 ethnically diverse, overweight and obese, predominantly low-income pregnant women drawn from a study examining the impact of an 8-week mindfulness-based program (Mindful Moms Training; MMT) to reduce excessive gestational weight gain, stress, and depression compared to treatment as usual (TAU). Methods: Participants reported global sleep quality, depressive symptoms, and perceived stress at baseline and postintervention. Results: Most participants (63%) were categorized as poor sleepers at baseline. MMT participants did not experience significantly greater improvement in sleep quality compared to TAU participants. Baseline poor global sleep quality predicted increased depression symptom severity for all participants. Baseline poor global sleep quality predicted increased perceived stress for the TAU group only; this association was not evident in the MMT group. Conclusions: Poor sleep quality is prevalent in overweight and obese predominantly low-income pregnant women. Poor sleep quality was associated with worsening psychological distress, but mindfulness training significantly attenuated the influence of poor sleep on perceived stress.  相似文献   

HIV-1 viral load testing is essential to the management of HIV-1-infected patients, and proper specimen handling ensures accurate viral load (VL) results. This study was performed to (i) evaluate the effect of freezing plasma in situ in BD Vacutainer plasma preparation tubes (PPT) on the accuracy of HIV-1 viral load results using the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay and (ii) evaluate the effect of whole-blood storage in the PPT for 6 h at room temperature prior to centrifugation (PPT6H) rather than 2 h as specified in the PPT product insert. Of the 64 HIV-positive subjects evaluated, 29 had average viral load counts of >40 copies/ml in at least one of the tubes tested and 35 subjects had a result of either “undetected target” or “below the limit of quantification” (LOQ) for all or some of the tubes regardless of handling condition. For the 29 subjects with VLs that were >LOQ, the mean biases between plasma from Vacutainer K2EDTA tubes and plasma frozen in situ in PPT and between K2EDTA tube plasma and plasma from PPT6H (log10 copies/ml) were 0.005 and −0.001, respectively, and r2 was >0.92 for all correlations. We conclude that VLs determined from plasma frozen in situ in PPT are equivalent to VLs in K2EDTA tube plasma and can be used for accurate quantification of HIV-1 RNA in the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. Furthermore specimens collected in PPT can be stored for 6 h at room temperature with no effect on viral load results as measured by the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay.Accurate quantification of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), also referred to as HIV-1 viral load (VL) testing, is essential for effective management of HIV-1-infected patients. The BD Vacutainer plasma preparation tube (PPT) (BD Preanalytical Systems, Franklin Lakes, NJ) was developed to facilitate the handling of plasma specimens used for HIV-1 viral load testing. The PPT contains a K2EDTA additive and a polyester gel which, upon centrifugation, forms a barrier that separates blood cells from plasma, allowing storage, freezing, and shipment of the plasma specimen in situ in PPT. Use of PPT also results in a decrease in the amount of labor required to process specimens, elimination of a potential source of error in specimen labeling, and reduction in the risk of HIV exposure associated with the transfer of separated plasma to secondary tubes for shipping.Earlier studies using PPT for specimen collection demonstrated compatibility of this tube with HIV-1 VL tests (1, 4, 5). Over the past few years, however, investigators have reported that freezing plasma in situ in a PPT produced higher HIV-1 viral load results compared to plasma from K2EDTA tubes when tested in the Cobas Amplicor HIV-1 monitor system (Roche Molecular Diagnostics, Pleasanton, CA) (2, 3, 11). Elevated levels of HIV-1 VL from PPT frozen in situ after centrifugation were first reported by Squires et al., who showed that PPT yielded higher HIV RNA levels than K2EDTA tubes. The disparity in quantification, seen in both standard and ultrasensitive assays, was more apparent in specimens with VLs between the limit of quantification (LOQ), 50 copies/ml, and 1,000 copies/ml and more pronounced in specimens close to or below 50 copies/ml (3, 10, 11). In fact, studies that compared plasma aspirated from K2EDTA tubes with plasma frozen in situ in PPT show that VLs that are clearly below the LOQ in the former are quantifiable in the latter (3, 8, 11). Such discrepant results for plasma collected in different tubes from the same subject could be interpreted as virological failure, and these results, therefore, have therapeutic implications.Additional studies reported that specimens which were aspirated and transferred to another tube after centrifugation did not show patterns of artificially increased viral load (8, 10). Similarly, recentrifugation of specimens transported in PPT at 4°C eliminated the inaccurate quantification of HIV seen in plasmas frozen in situ in PPT (6, 9).Such observations led investigators to associate elevated viral loads in plasma in PPT with the presence of cell-associated nucleic acids released from cells trapped within or adhered to the surface of the gel barrier in PPT (6). Depletion of cellular material by recentrifugation of separated, unfrozen plasma from PPT resulted in lower VLs, indicating that cell-associated nucleic acid contributed to the elevation in VL. This finding was compatible with an earlier study which had shown that the HIV proviral DNA associated with cellular (genomic) DNA was in part responsible for the increase in viral load (13).The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of PPT with the new automated RealTime HIV-1 assay (Abbott Molecular, Des Plaines, IL) for the quantification of HIV-1 viral load using the Abbott m2000sp and m2000rt systems for sample processing and amplification/detection, respectively. Specifically, we were interested in determining the effect of freezing plasma in situ in PPT on HIV-1 viral load analyzed using the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. In addition, the study evaluated the effect on viral load of whole-blood storage in PPT for 6 h before centrifugation rather than 2 h, as specified in the PPT product insert.  相似文献   

陕西省高校教师工作压力对心理健康影响因素的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨高校教师工作压力、工作满意度对心理健康的影响方式。方法采用问卷调查法对陕西省部分高等院校在职教师330人进行调查。结果1高校教师工作压力、工作满意度和心理健康三者之间具有密切关系(r分别为-0.217、0.307和-0.282,P0.01);2工作压力作为预测变量,分别对高校教师的工作满意度和心理健康具有显著预测作用(t分别为-3.948、5.730,P0.001),且工作满意度单独也对心理健康有显著预测作用(t=-4.392,P0.001);3工作压力与工作满意度联合起来,对心理健康也具有一定预测作用(t分别为4.954、-3.370,P0.01),且工作压力经由工作满意度的部分中介效应影响心理健康。结论高校教师工作压力对其心理健康产生了显著影响,且以工作满意度为中介。这提示了对高校教师心理健康干预应以减压为基础,提升其工作满意度,进而达到良好的心理状态。  相似文献   

目的:分析述情障碍者情绪启动中的ERPs特征,探讨述情障碍者情绪自动加工缺陷的神经机制。方法:采用TAS-20中文版筛选出述情障碍者与非述情障碍者进入情绪启动实验。以阈下或阈上方式呈现启动图片,要求受试对目标图片做出正负性的判断,记录受试ERPs数据。结果:在阈上启动任务中,述情障碍组的P2波幅和"启动-非启动"差异波N600波幅均显著小于非述情障碍组的波幅,而阈下启动任务中的P2、P3潜伏期与波幅及N600波幅则均不存在显著组间差异。结论:本研究进一步支持述情障碍者对无意识感知的情绪刺激的自动加工是完整的,而对意识到的情绪刺激的自动加工存在明显的缺陷。  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性心理应激对不同行为类型人群的血浆血栓素B2(TXB2)及6-酮-前列腺素(6-keto-PGF1a)的影响。方法 用A型行为问卷(TABP)对150名大学生自愿者进行测试,筛选出A型行为和B型行为组各24名,再对A型行为和B型行为组随机分为应激组和对照组;应激后用放射免疫法测定其血浆中TXB2及6-Keto-PGF1a的含量。结果 心理应激后,实验组及A、B型行为实验组血浆TXB2浓度均升高,与对照组相比兰异有显著性(P〈0.05);实验组及A、B型行为实验组血浆6-keto-PGF1a浓度均有变化,但差异均无显著性(P〉0.05);实验组及B型行为实验组TXB2/6-Ke-to-PGF1a的比值都明显变大,差异均有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论 ①急性心理应激可导致大学生血浆TXB2升高,TXB2/6-Keto-PGF1a的比值变大,提示应激可能是引起心血管功能改变的关键因素之一;②心理应激对不同行为大学生血裳TXB2及6-Keto-PGF1a浓度的影响不同,该结果可能是揭示特定人格好发心脑血管痰病的机制之一。  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that the pathogenesis of HIV infection and AIDS involves two distinct phases. During acute infection, massive depletion of CD4+CCR5+ memory T cells within the mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue leads to major and potentially irreversible damage to CD4+ T-cell-mediated immune functions. The emergence of potent, but ultimately ineffective, cell-mediated and humoral responses to HIV leads to the chronic phase of infection, which is characterized by partial control of viral replication, chronic immune activation, progressive decline of the na?ve and memory T-cell pool, and systemic CD4+ T-cell depletion. The identification of these two pathogenic phases of HIV infection could have important implications in terms of HIV therapy and vaccine development.  相似文献   

目的探讨团体心理干预对受艾滋病影响儿童的影响和效果。方法将自愿参加小组心理辅导和干预的受艾滋病影响儿童28人分为2个小组,对小组成员进行为期7次,每次2~3小时的团体心理干预辅导,采用中文版儿童焦虑性情绪障碍筛查表(SCARED)、中文版儿童抑郁自评量表(DSRS)、社会支持评定量表(SSS)、简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)及青少年心理韧性量表(RSCA)对干预效果进行评估。结果干预后小组成员的焦虑、抑郁情绪有所改善;在寻求社会支持和心理韧性方面也有显著变化。结论团体心理干预对改善受艾滋病影响儿童的心理问题、增强其社会支持和同伴支持、提高心理韧性方面有一定效果。  相似文献   

An external quality assurance program was developed for HIV-1 RNA viral load measurements taken from dried blood spots using a reference panel and field-collected specimens. The program demonstrated that accurate and reproducible quantitation can be obtained from field-collected specimens. Residual proviral DNA may confound interpretation in virologically suppressed subjects.  相似文献   

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