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A variety of fetal injuries, including those inflicted to the gastrointestinal tract by amniocentesis, have been reported before. This brief report describes the first documented case of sigmoid perforation owing to the common procedure of amniocentesis that manifested as abdominal distention at birth. A potential link between this complication and a recent increased incidence of “intrauterine spontaneous perforation” of the gastrointestinal tract has been mentioned. Practicing radiologists are encouraged to inquire directly about the history of amniocentesis in unexplained cases of intrauterine intestinal perforation. Received: 7 September 2000 Accepted: 14 January 2001  相似文献   

We report two cases of spontaneous colonic perforation associated with cystic fibrosis (CF) in the neonatal period. Both presented with an acute abdomen soon after birth and required laparotomy and stoma formation. Colonic perforation as an initial presentation of CF is reviewed and management options are discussed.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal tract perforation due to blunt abdominal trauma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A retrospective clinical study was performed to evaluate the etiology, diagnosis, and management of gastrointestinal tract perforation (GITP) due to blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) in order to find a predictor to avoid delay in diagnosis. Thirty-five children with GITP out of 805 BAT victims (4.3%) over a 21-year period formed the study group. Different parameters including preoperative (mechanism of injury, abdominal and X- ray findings at presentation, diagnostic modalities), operative (type and site of GITP, intra-abdominal associated injuries, surgical method), and postoperative (complications, mortality) status were analyzed. The patients were subdivided according to their initial clinical presentation as group I: evidence of peritonitis (n = 19, 54%); group II: abdominal findings such as distension, minimal tenderness, and guarding (n = 10, 29%); and group III: normal abdominal findings (n = 6, 26%). These groups were also statistically compared to each other with regard to the parameters mentioned above. The Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon rank-sum, and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for statistical analysis. P < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. There were 28 boys and 7 girls; the mean age was 8.2 ± 2.4 years. Mechanisms of injury were motor vehicle accidents (MVA) (60%), falls (26%), and bicycle accidents (BA) (14%). Group I patients presented with significantly higher transaminase levels and white blood cell counts than groups II and III. Group I patients and MVA victims were operated upon significantly earlier than group III patients and BA victims because of significantly earlier development of clinical signs of peritonitis. A significantly higher number of multiple perforations was encountered in Group I and MVA victims than in groups II and III and BA victims. The presence of multiple perforations correlated significantly with the earlier development of clinical signs of peritonitis. The analysis of site of perforation with regard to the other parameters did not differ significantly. Fifty-four percent (n = 19) of the patients presented with peritonitis; a pneumoperitoneum was detected in 46% (n = 16). Diagnosis was accomplished by plain radiographs, ultrasound, computed tomography, and, most importantly, frequent abdominal examination of the patient. The sites of perforation were the stomach (4), duodenum (2), jejunum (11), ileum (12), jejunum and ileum (3), colon (2), and ileum and colon (1). Simple closure was the most common surgical procedure (n = 21), followed by resection and anastomosis (n = 12) and simple closure plus creation of a proximal ostomy (n = 2). Two deaths (5.7%) were directly due to head injuries. Our experience revealed that in spite of advanced imaging and laboratory modalities, frequent evaluation of the patient by an experienced surgeon is still the most important tool for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. A child with BAT should be an inpatient and a high index of suspicion is always required, even in the presence of normal abdominal findings. Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   

Retrosternal (Morgagni) hernias in children are usually asymptomatic or may be associated with mild respiratory distress or gastrointestinal symptoms. Incarceration of bowel in a retrosternal hernia is unusual. This report describes a complete colonic obstruction with incarceration and perforation in a Morgagni hernia. Offprint requests to: Ö. Çakmak  相似文献   

Congenital defect of the muscular layer of the small intestine is a rare cause of spontaneous bowel perforation in premature infants. During the last 12 years we have observed four similar cases. We describe the most recent one, a premature infant who developed two abdominal events. On her 2nd day of life, spontaneous perforation of the distal ileum due to focal absence of the muscular layer occurred. Several weeks later she developed the typical clinical and histological picture of necrotizing enterocolitis. The clinical and histological characteristics of the two different conditions are compared, and the 24 cases reported in the literature are discussed. We conclude that focal absence of intestinal musculature may be not such a rare entity as is commonly believed.  相似文献   

A 15-month-old girl who developed respiratory distress which persisted for three days prior to admission demonstrated pleural effusion on the chest x-ray which was determined to be due to esophageal perforation caused by the ingestion of a ball point. A gastrotomy was performed to extract the ball point. A gastrostomy was performed and a chest tube was inserted. The esophagus was normal radiologically within one month. Foreign body ingestion may cause esophageal perforation in childhood. If it goes unnoticed and a diagnosis is delayed, there is danger of the more hazardous development of mediastinitis. It is important that a child with respiratory distress also be evaluated for esophageal foreign body ingestion.  相似文献   

Aerophagia, characterized by symptoms related to repetitive swallowing of air, is a functional gastrointestinal disorder. In some cases, severe aerophagia causes massive bowel distention and leads to volvulus, ileus, and even intestinal necrosis and perforation. A 10-year-old intellectually disabled boy was referred to our unit due to severe abdominal distention, bilious vomiting, no passage of feces and flatus during the previous 3 days. He had experienced episodes of severe abdominal distention and flatulence over the past 2-3 years. In the exploratory laparotomy, two old colonic perforations were found. Splenic flexura resection and diverting colostomy were performed. Rectal biopsy showed ganglionic architecture. During the fifth postoperative month, he was admitted to the emergency unit with severe abdominal distention. During this visit, we observed him swallowing air. For this reason, his primary illness was diagnosed as a pathologic aerophagia. The colostomy was closed 11 months following the first operation. His parents did not accept gastrostomy as a desufflator. For this reason, they were taught nasogastric tube installation for gastric distention. Briefly, if abdominal distention increases during the course of the day and increased flatus is observed during sleep, aerophagia could be the primary pathology. If aerophagia could cause complications, gastrostomy should be applied. If the parents refuse gastrostomy, the parents could perform nasogastric tube drainage.  相似文献   

We report a case of an abandoned distal limb of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt that resulted in hepatic as well as colonic perforation in a 12-year-old girl. Although it is common practice at the time of shunt revision to leave a retained distal catheter in the peritoneal cavity, we suggest this can result in perforation of solid as well as hollow viscera.  相似文献   

At birth, newborn babies tend to respond to any stressful event with elective blood shunting towards the main organ systems, such as the brain and heart. Consequently, the bowel may suffer from a severe flow reduction with a high risk of hypoperfusion. The distal ileum is relatively less vascularized than other parts of intestine, due to a lack of collateral arteriolar circulation. It is therefore at higher risk of hypoxia, tissue necrosis and perforation in situations of minimal hypoperfusion or spasm. A rare case of covered perforation of the last loop of the ileum in a severely preterm baby is reported. The perforation manifested atypically as inflammatory stenosis of the loop and the ileo-cecal valve. To avoid misdiagnoses and to manage these cases correctly, the caregiver has to consider this rare eventuality in the differential diagnosis of intestinal occlusion/subocclusion in the first days of life.  相似文献   

The ingestion of foreign bodies remains a common occurrence in children. Most ingested foreign bodies pass spontaneously, although up to 1% will result in intestinal perforation. Specific foreign bodies such as sharp, pointed, or corrosive objects have been typically associated with perforation. The initial diagnosis of foreign body ingestion may be difficult in the absence of a witness, and the presentation of perforation in this situation difficult to distinguish from other causes of an acute abdomen. We report a case of ileal perforation due to a blunt ingested foreign body in a child in whom the diagnosis was unclear until laparotomy. This case highlights the difficulties in managing pediatric ingested foreign bodies, including the risk of perforation even with a blunt object.  相似文献   

Kumar VH  Kamla CS 《Indian pediatrics》2004,41(12):1273-1274

Biliary ascariasis is a less frequent, but important complication of ascaris infestation, because it may cause biliary colic, pyogenic cholangitis, and septicemia. Early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent these complications. We present here a five-year-old girl with biliary ascariasis, whose main complaint was abdominal pain. After giving piperazin salt, multiple ascaris worms were seen in the stool within 10 days. She is at the follow-up without any complication.  相似文献   

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