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原发性胃癌的比较基因组杂交研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 研究胃癌发生和发展过程中是否涉及其它未知的癌基因和抑癌基因。方法 采用比较基因组杂交法(com parative genom ic hybridization,CGH)分析了43 例原发性胃癌。结果 3p(8/43)、8q(8/43)、20 号染色体[20(9/43),20p(7/43)、20q(4/43)]、12q(16/43)、13q(12/43)的扩增,19 号染色体[19(15/43),19p(13/43)]、17 号染色体[17(8/43),17p(10/43)]、16 号染色体(10/43)和1p(11/43)区域的缺失为胃癌的特征性变化。结论 提示3p、8q、12q、13q、20 号染色体、17 号染色体、16 号染色体和1p 区域可能存在一些与胃癌形成相关的未知基因。  相似文献   

We used comparative genomic hybridization to analyze 10 primary tumor samples from patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis. The most frequent loss was located at 9q, that is, in 50% of the tumors. Gains of DNA sequences were most frequently observed in chromosome regions 1q21 approximately q23, 2p23 approximately p25, 8q21.1 approximately q22 and in the whole chromosome 20. High level amplifications at 1q21 approximately q25, 6p22 approximately p23, 8q21 approximately q22, 8q22 approximately q24.1, 11q13, and 12q14 approximately q21 were detected. Most of these regions have previously been reported to be involved in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, thus confirming the importance of an increasing number of chromosome imbalances in the development and progression of this type of tumors.  相似文献   

About 10% of colorectal carcinoma patients develop pulmonary metastases during their lifetime. We address whether and how the chromosomal abnormalities differ between the primary cancers and their metastatic counterparts, what the clonality relationship (CR) is between them, and whether certain genomic aberrations contribute to this disease progression. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) experiments were performed on 18 paired samples of primary and pulmonary metastases obtained from patients who had undergone two consecutive surgeries and from whom clinical data had been collected. The CGH profiles also were used as indexes for determining the CR between the cancers. The overall CGH abnormality profiles were similar for the primary colorectal carcinomas and their pulmonary metastases. Frequent gains were found on chromosome arms 20q, 8q, 13q, and 7q, whereas common losses were found on 18q, 8p, and 18p. The pulmonary metastases, however, contained more CGH abnormalities than did the primary carcinomas (total aberration events per tumor: 12.6 +/- 5.0 vs. 8.3 +/- 5.7, respectively, P = 0.024; gains: 7.6 +/- 3.1 vs. 5.1 +/- 3.5, respectively, P = 0.036; losses: 5.0 +/- 2.8 vs. 3.3 +/- 2.9, respectively, P = 0.076). Comparing CGH profiles between individual primary and metastasis pairs, we found that 10 of the 18 (56%) paired samples examined exhibited a high degree of CR, indicating that they were likely to have originated from the same clone and/or that not many additional chromosomal changes had occurred in the metastases, except for 4q loss, whose incidence was much higher in the metastases than in the primaries (60% vs. 10%; P = 0.030). Also, the primary tumors of the high-CR group carried more genomic aberrations, especially 8p loss, than did the primary tumors in the low-CR group. We found more chromosomal changes associated with the pulmonary metastases of colorectal cancer compared with the corresponding primary tumors. We concluded that primary cancers containing more genomic lesions, especially 8p losses, are more likely to metastasize to the lungs. Loss of 4q is potentially a supplementary factor contributing to the dissemination of this disease.  相似文献   

Prior cytogenetic analyses of hepatoblastomas have shown the most common recurring abnormalities to be trisomy for chromosomes 2 and 20, and a recurrent translocation involving chromosomes 1 and 4 identified in a minority of cases. Four cases have shown double minute chromosomes, which provide cytogenetic evidence for gene amplification, although no particular genes or genetic regions have been shown to be amplified. To further investigate the cytogenetic changes involved in the pathogenesis and progression of hepatoblastoma, this study analyzes 10 tumors by comparative genomic hybridization. Regions of relative gain or loss were found in nine tumors. The most common recurrent abnormalities were gain of the long arm of chromosome 1 (six tumors), gain of chromosomes 2 (seven tumors), 17 (four tumors), and 20 (three tumors), and loss of chromosomes 4 and 11 (two tumors each). Four cases showed restricted regions of high-level gain at 1q32 or 2q24, regions that have previously been reported to be amplified in other tumors, but not in hepatoblastomas. A specific amplified gene has yet to be identified at these loci, although candidate genes have been proposed and may offer targets for future studies. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 27:196-201, 2000.  相似文献   

The majority of genetic studies of colorectal carcinogenesis have focused on changes found in primary tumors. Despite the fact that liver metastases are a leading cause of colorectal cancer deaths, the molecular genetic basis of the advanced disease stages remains poorly understood. We performed comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) on 17 liver metastases from colorectal carcinomas and compared the quantitative profile with the qualitative profile previously obtained with chromosome banding. An average of 12.6 aberrations per tumor was found by CGH. Chromosome 18 and chromosome arms 4q, 8p, and 17p were most frequently lost, whereas chromosomes 7 and 20 and chromosome arms 6p, 8q, and 13q were most frequently gained. We compared the chromosome banding and CGH data after converting the karyotypes into net copy number gains and losses. Ten tumors showed agreement between the findings of the two techniques, whereas five tumors did not (in two cases, no mitotic cells were obtained for banding analysis). All five discordant cases had a "simple" abnormal or normal karyotype, but revealed multiple changes by CGH. A likely explanation for this discrepancy is that in vitro growth before G-banding selected against the cancer cells. Interestingly, by comparing the CGH profiles of the "complex" vs. the "simple"/normal karyotype groups, deletion of 8p and gain of 16q were seen more frequently in the former group. The liver metastases had the same aberrations as seen in primary colorectal carcinomas, summarized in a literature survey. However, these aberrations were seen more frequently in liver metastases, which may be attributable to increased genetic instability.  相似文献   

Neuroblastoma tumors show a complex interaction of genetic abnormalities, among which some are of significant prognostic importance; however, analysis of chromosome changes in this tumor is often unsuccessful. Twenty primary tumors were studied by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), and abnormalities were found in 19. While these changes included deletions of chromosome arm lp (45%) and MYCN oncogene amplification (30%), gains of chromosome 17 material were much more frequent (75%). We also found evidence in two cases of a new amplification site at band 2p23. Genes Chromosom. Cancer 18:162–169, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

鼻咽癌的比较基因组杂交研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究鼻咽癌的遗传变异特性。方法:采用激光微切割技术分离鼻咽癌细胞DNA,用比较基因组杂交检测6例鼻咽癌组织。结果:6q12-22、8q染色体区域的扩增,染色体11q23-24、13q基因缺失。结论:鼻咽癌具有染色体变异,其中6q12-22、8q、11q23-24和13q区域可能存在一些与鼻咽癌相关的未知基因。  相似文献   

Breast tumor development and progression are thought to be driven by an accumulation of genetic alterations, but little is known about the specific changes that occur during the metastatic process. We analyzed pairs of primary breast cancers and their matched lymph node metastases from 11 patients, pairs of primaries and distant metastases from three patients, and pairs of primaries, and local recurrences from two patients by using comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). Simultaneous hybridization analysis of primary versus matched lesion DNAs from 11 patients was also performed (modified CGH). This modified approach was useful not only for confirming CGH results but also for demonstrating quantitative differences between aberrations present at both sites. Frequent chromosomal changes present at both sites (>35% of 16 cases) were 1q, 8q, and 17q gains and 6q, 8p, 9q, 13q, 16q, 17p, and Xp losses. The total number of aberrations detected exclusively in the lymph nodes or distant metastases was higher than that in the primary tumors (2.5 vs. 0.7, P< 0.05). We found high-level amplifications in four metastases (two lymph nodes and two distant metastases), but none in any primary tumor. These findings suggest that progression from primary breast cancer to metastasis may be associated with the acquisition of further genetic changes. Although further investigations are required, it was of interest that 3 of 11 patients (27%) showed 18q loss solely in their lymph node metastases. Genes Chromosom. Cancer 19:267–272, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was used to screen 54 advanced colon carcinomas. i.e., 24 primary tumors and 30 metastases, for chromosomal alterations. Using a sensitive statistical method for the determination of DNA imbalances and histograms for analysis of the incidence of changes, we identified the DNA over-representation of chromosome 20q as the most common alteration being present in 100% of cases. High incidence deletions were observed on 18q21-18q23 (96%), 4q27-4q28 (96%), 4p14 (87%), 5q21 (81%), 1p21-1p22 (72%), 21q21 (74%), 6q16 (72%), 3p12 (66%), 8p24-8p21 (66%), 9p21 (64%), 11q22 (64%), and 14q13-14q21 (64%). Further frequent over-representation was found on 7q12-7q11.2 (75%), 16p11-16p12 (70%), 19p13 (70%), 9q34 (67%), 19q13 (67%), 13q34 (64%), 13q13 (64%), 17q21 (59%), 22q11 (61%), 8q24 (57%), and 1q21 (57%). Pronounced DNA gains and losses being defined as regions in which the ratio profiles exceeded the values of 1.5 and 0.5, respectively, frequently colocalized with peaks of incidence curve. The use of difference histograms for the comparison of tumor subgroups as well as case-by-case histogram for the analysis of 15 paired tumor samples identified several of the above alterations as relevant for tumor progression and metastasis formation. The study identified additional loci and delineates more precisely those that have been previously reported. For comparative purposes, we have made our primary data (ratio profiles, clinicopathological parameters, histograms) available at the interactive web site http://amba.charite.de/cgh, where the incidence of changes can be determined at individual loci and additional parameters can be applied for the analysis of our CGH results.  相似文献   

Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of a pleuropulmonary blastoma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB) is a rare, aggressive dysontogenetic tumor of childhood. We report the comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) study performed on a case of PPB in a 3-year-old-boy. The tumor was characterized by several chromosomal imbalances. Gains observed affected regions: 1q12-q23, 3q23-qter, 8pter-q24.1, 9p13-q21, 17p12-p11, 17q11-q22, 17q23-q25, 19pter-p11, and 19q11-q13.3. Whole chromosome gains were detected at 2 and 7. Loss of genetic material was found at regions: 6q13-qter, 10pter-p13, 10q22-qter, and 20p13. To our knowledge, there have been no CGH reports on PPB, but it is interesting to note that 1) the alterations found confirm previous cytogenetic reports describing gains of chromosomes 2 and 8 as recurrent abnormalities in this type of tumor, suggesting that a gene or genes of putative relevance in PPB pathogenesis are mapped at 8p11-p12, and 2) the CGH profile of this case is very similar to those observed in embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas, in which gains of 2 or 2q, 7 or 7q, and 8 or 8p and loss of 10q22-qter are consistently found. This finding supports the hypothesis that PPB may be tumorigenetically related with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma.  相似文献   

DNA copy number changes were characterized by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) in 18 breast cancer cell lines. In 5 of these, the results were comparable with those from the primary tumors of which the cell lines were established. All of the cell lines showed extensive DNA copy number changes, with a mean of 16.3 +/- 1.1 aberrations per sample (range 7-26). All of the cell lines had a gain at 8q22-qter. Other common gains of DNA sequences occurred at 1q31-32 (89%), 20q12-q13.2 (83%), 8q13 (72%), 3q26.1-qter (67%), 17q21-qter (67%) 5p14 (61%), 6p22 (56%), and 22pter-qter (50%). High-level amplifications were observed in all cell lines; the most frequent minimal common regions were 8q24.1 (89%), 20q12 (61%), 1q41 (39%), and 20p11.2 (28%). Losses were observed less frequently than gains and the minimal common regions of the most frequent losses were Xq11-q12 (56%), Xp11.2-pter (50%), 13q21 (50%), 8p12-pter (44%), 4p13-p14 (39%), 6q15-q22 (39%), and 18q11.2-qter (33%). Although the cell lines showed more DNA copy number changes than the primary tumors, all aberrations, except one found in a primary tumor, were always present in the corresponding cell line. High-level amplifications found both in primary tumors and cell lines were at 1q, 8q, 17q, and 20q. The DNA copy number changes detected in these cell lines can be valuable in investigation of tumor progression in vitro and for a more detailed mapping and isolation of genes implicated in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounts for approximately 3% of all new cancer cases. Although the classification of RCC is based mainly on histology, this method is not always accurate. We applied comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to determine genomic alterations in 46 cases of different RCC histological subtypes [10 cases of clear cell RCC (CCRCC), 13 cases of papillary RCC (PRCC), 12 cases of chromophobe RCC (CRCC), 9 cases of Xp11.2 translocation RCC (Xp11.2RCC), 2 cases of undifferentiated RCC (unRCC)], and investigated the relationships between clinical parameters and genomic aberrations. Changes involving one or more regions of the genome were seen in all RCC patients; DNA sequence gains were most frequently (>30%) seen in chromosomes 7q, 16p, and 20q; losses from 1p, 3p, 13q, 14q, and 8p. We conclude CGH is a useful complementary method for differential diagnosis of RCC. Loss of 3p21-25, 15q, and gain of 16p11-13 are relatively particular to CCRCC vs. other types of RCC. Gain of 7p13-22, 8q21-24, and loss of 18q12-ter, 14q13-24, and Xp11-q13/Y are more apparent in PRCC, and gain of 8q21-24 is characteristic of type 2 PRCC vs. type 1 PRCC. Loss of 2q12-32, 10p12-15, and 11p11-15, 13p are characteristic of CRCC, and gain of 3p and loss of 11p11-15 and 13p are significant differentiators between common CRCC and CRCC accompanied by sarcomatous change groups. Gain of Xp11-12 is characteristic of the Xp11.2RCC group. Based on Multivariate Cox regression analysis, aberration in 5 chromosome regions were poor prognostic markers of RCC, and include the gain of chromosome 12p12-ter (P = 0.034, RR = 3.502, 95% CI 1.097-11.182), 12q14-ter (P = 0.002, RR = 5.115, 95% CI 1.847-14.170), 16q21-24 (P = 0.044, RR = 2.629, 95% CI 1.027-6.731), 17p12-ter (P = 0.017, RR = 3.643, 95% CI 1.262-10.512) and the loss of 18q12-23 (P = 0.049, RR = 2.911, 95% CI 1.006-8.425), which may provide clues of new genes involved in RCC tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

To investigate genetic alterations in primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas (PCBCLs), we have analyzed 29 cases of PCBCL. Comparative genomic hybridization showed chromosome imbalances (CIs) in 12 cases (41%). The mean number of CIs per sample was 2.05 +/- 2.97, with gains (1.48 +/- 2.38) more frequent than losses (0.56 +/- 1.40). The common regions of gains were 18/18q (50%), 7/7p (42%), 3/3q (33%), 20 (33%), 1p (25%), 12/12q (25%), and 13/13q (25%), whereas loss of 6q was frequent (42%). Among the different subsets of PCBCLs, CI was seen in 50% of diffuse large-cell lymphomas (DLCLs), 33% of marginal zone lymphomas, and 8% of follicle center cell lymphomas and unclassified lymphomas. A similar pattern of CI was observed in these lymphomas, but loss of 6q and gains of 3/3q were present only in DLCLs. Microarray-based genomic analysis of four DLCL cases identified oncogene gains of SAS/CDK4 (12q13.3) in three cases and MYCL1 (1p34.3), MYC (8q24), FGFR2 (10q26), BCL2 (18q21.3), CSE1L (20q13), and PDGFB (22q12-13) in two cases, whereas losses of AKT1 (14q32.3), IGFR1 (15q25-26), and JUNB (19p13.2) were identified in three cases, and losses of FGR (1p36), ESR (6q25.1), ABL1 (9q34.1), TOP2A (17q21-22), ERBB2 (17q21.2), CCNE1 (19q13.1), and BCR (22q11) were each identified in two cases. In addition, real-time-polymerase chain reaction detected amplification of BCL2 in 5 of 29 cases. These findings suggest that there are complex but consistent genetic alterations associated with the pathogenesis of PCBCLs.  相似文献   

In cancer therapy novel concepts focus on phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/activated protein kinase B (p-AKT)/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors. In this context, p-AKT overexpression was previously shown to be associated with sensitivity to inhibitors of mTOR. The present study evaluated p-AKT expression in a tissue microarray of primary renal cell carcinomas (PRCCs) (n = 45), their metastases (primary onset n = 45, secondary onset n = 5), and normal renal parenchyma (n = 45) by means of immunohistochemistry. Total p-AKT overexpression was found in 24/45 (53.3%) PRCCs, in 32/45 (71.1%) primary and in 3/5 (60%) secondary onset metastases. Membranous p-AKT overexpression was seen more frequently in PRCCs, namely 11/45 (24.4%), than in primary onset metastases 1/45 (2.2%). Overexpression of total p-AKT solely in metastases without overexpression in PRCC was exclusively demonstrated in primary onset metastases, namely in 28.9%. Patients with total p-AKT overexpression in primary carcinomas showed a trend to longer, and those with total p-AKT overexpression in metastases a tendency to shorter survival. In conclusion, the present study shows total p-AKT overexpression to be more frequent in metastases than in PRCCs. Total p-AKT overexpression in metastases without concomitant overexpression in their primary tumors was found in approximately one-third of primary onset metastases, which is interesting with regard to the association between high p-AKT expression and sensitivity to mTOR inhibitor therapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Classical cytogenetic methods and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) have been employed for the analysis of chromosomal abnormalities in human oocytes. However, these methods are limited by the need to spread the sample on a microscope slide, a process that risks artefactual chromosome loss. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is a DNA-based method that enables the investigation of the entire chromosome complement. We optimized and evaluated a CGH protocol for the chromosomal analysis of first polar bodies (PBs) and oocytes. The protocol was then employed to obtain a detailed picture of meiosis I errors in human oogenesis. METHODS: 107 MII oocyte-PB complexes were examined using whole genome amplification (WGA) and CGH. RESULTS: Data was obtained for 100 complexes, donated from 46 patients of average age 32.5 (range 18-42). 22 complexes from 15 patients were abnormal, giving an aneuploidy rate of 22%. CONCLUSIONS: The results presented in this study more than double the quantity of CGH data from female gametes currently available. Abnormalities caused by whole chromosome non-disjunction, unbalanced chromatid predivision and chromosome breakage were reliably identified using the CGH protocol. Analysis of the data revealed a preferential participation of chromosome X and the smaller autosomes in aneuploidy and provided further evidence for the existence of age-independent factors in female aneuploidy.  相似文献   

Ionizing irradiation to the skull is a known risk factor for meningioma development. To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms that underlie radiation-associated meningioma (RAM), we characterized the somatic genetic alterations in 16 RAMs by using comparative genomic hybridization and compared the pattern of alterations with 17 nonradiation-associated meningiomas (non-RAM). Most tumors (29/33;87.9%) displayed at least one DNA copy number alteration, and 11 out of 33 (33%) exhibited four or more changes. The mean number of DNA copy number changes was similar in RAMs (2.4+/-1.9) and in non-RAMs (2.5+/-1.9). The most common DNA losses were noted in chromosome 22 (56.2% in RAM, and 47% in non-RAM) and chromosome 1 (37.5% in RAM and 35.3% in non-RAM), with no significant differences between the two groups. Noteworthy, gain in DNA copy number of chromosomes 8 and 12 was detected in two RAM tumors only. In conclusion, no significant differences were noted between RAMs and non-RAMs regarding the number of genetic changes and the extent and frequency of chromosomes 1 and 22 losses. These preliminary data suggest that the tumorogenic pathways of meningioma formation are similar, regardless of previous skull irradiation.  相似文献   

Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was used in a retrospective analysis of chromosomal imbalances in frozen primary tumor specimens from 14 endometrial carcinoma patients. Chromosome changes were detected in nine cases (64%), and tumor stage and grade tended to parallel the degree of genomic imbalances. Gain of the entire long arm of chromosome I was observed in six cases (43%), three of which displayed only this chromosome change. Other common sites of copy number increases included 8q21 → qter (4 cases), 10p15 (4 cases), 10q11 → q24 (3 cases), and 13q21 → qter (3 cases, each with stage III disease). Two of the tumors with gains of chromosome 10 involved the whole chromosome, and this was the sole abnormality in one case. DNA amplification at 5p14 → p15 was identified in one specimen, a stage III tumor having numerous imbalances. DNA microsatellite analysis revealed multiple replication errors (RER), indicative of the RER+ phenotype, in four of 13 (31%) cases evaluated. The RER+ phenotype was observed in four of six stage Ia tumors but in none of seven stage Ib or stage III tumors. Multiple genomic imbalances detected by CGH were not observed in RER+ tumors but were detected in five of nine tumors without the RER+ phenotype. These investigations demonstrate the feasibility of CGH for the retrospective assessment of chromosomal changes in endometrial carcinoma specimens. Moreover, these data suggest that the etiologies in tumors with and without the RER+ phenotype may differ. Genes Chromosom. Cancer 18:115–125, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Thymic neuroendocrine (carcinoid) tumors are a rare neoplasm of the anterior mediastinum. The tumors frequently exhibit a wide spectrum of histology and appear to follow a more aggressive behavior than their nonthymic counterparts. Given the differing clinicopathologic manifestations, thymic neuroendocrine tumors may also possess different cytogenetic abnormalities from those that occur in foregut carcinoid tumors. In this study, we employed comparative genomic hybridization to detect genomic instability in 10 sporadic thymic neuroendocrine tumors and one multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1)-associated case. Gross chromosomal imbalances were found in nine cases, including gains of chromosomal material on regions X, 8, 18 and 20p and losses on 3, 6, 9q, 13q and 11q. We did not observe deletion at locus 11q13 where the MEN1 gene is located. These findings were essentially dissimilar to those reported in sporadic and MEN1-associated foregut carcinoid tumors. Consequently, we consider that a distinctive cytogenetic mechanism is at work in the development of thymic neuroendocrine tumors, which is different from that of foregut carcinoid tumors.  相似文献   

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