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About 10 years ago Greil published a review and critique of the literature on the socio-psychological impact of infertility. He found at the time that most scholars treated infertility as a medical condition with psychological consequences rather than as a socially constructed reality. This article examines research published since the last review. More studies now place infertility within larger social contexts and social scientific frameworks although clinical emphases persist. Methodological problems remain but important improvements are also evident. We identify two vigorous research traditions in the social scientific study of infertility. One tradition uses primarily quantitative techniques to study clinic patients in order to improve service delivery and to assess the need for psychological counselling. The other tradition uses primarily qualitative research to capture the experiences of infertile people in a sociocultural context. We conclude that more attention is now being paid to the ways in which the experience of infertility is shaped by social context. We call for continued progress in the development of a distinctly sociological approach to infertility and for the continued integration of the two research traditions identified here.  相似文献   

The British tradition of analysing differences in health has been dominated by class, with women belatedly entering this debate. The American tradition has been dominated by role analysis, with women's health considered primarily in terms of their marital, parental and employment roles, with recent research coming to contradictory conclusions. Research in both traditions has reached an impasse. This paper uses a sample of over 25,000 men and women from the 1985 and 1986 British General Household Survey to show how both traditions need to be reformulated and integrated. The ways in which family roles are associated with women's health status is determined by material circumstances, but the material circumstances cannot be captured by occupational class alone. Participation in the labour market and consumption divisions, in the form of housing tenure, are crucial additional indicators of structural disadvantage. Standardised limiting long-standing illness ratios and multivariate logit analysis confirm that occupational class and paid employment are the most important attributes associated with health status for women and men. Family roles are important for women; women without children and previously married women have particularly poor health status especially those not in paid employment and living in local authority housing.  相似文献   

Recent reforms, which change incentive and accountability structures in the English National Health Service, can be conceptualised as trying to shift the dominant institutional logic in the field of primary medical care (general medical practice) away from medical professionalism towards a logic of "population based medicine". This paper draws on interviews with primary care doctors, conducted during 2007–2009 and 2011–2012. It contrasts the approach of active management of populations, in line with recent reforms with responses to patients with medically unexplained symptoms. Our data suggest that rather than one logic becoming dominant, different dimensions of organisational activity reflect different logics. Although some aspects of organisational life are relatively untouched by the reforms, this is not due to ‘resistance’ on the part of staff within these organisations to attempts to ‘control’ them. We suggest that a more helpful way of understanding the data is to see these different aspects of work as governed by different institutional logics.  相似文献   

Although the advisability of combining qualitative and quantitative approaches has been questioned on the grounds of incompatibility of epistemological assumptions that underpin the two paradigms, mixing methods within the qualitative paradigm has been viewed as a more straightforward enterprise. This article challenges this view, highlighting the existence of several qualitative traditions, each with its own distinctive set of assumptions about what constitutes appropriate research questions; theoretical frameworks; research settings; relationships with those whom we study; techniques for eliciting data; form and content of data; and approaches to analyzing, presenting, and disseminating data. Multimethod qualitative approaches can be seen to occupy a contested domain. Analytical rigor would be strengthened by acknowledging and addressing the potentially contradictory assumptions on which one draws when seeking to combine qualitative methods. As qualitative researchers, it is incumbent on us to pay attention to context--not just in terms of the data collected but in terms of our own methodological positions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Two different ways of thinking pervaded the history of science: rationalism and empiricism. In theory, these two paradigms are not necessarily in conflict. In practice, there has always been tension between them. The coming of evidence-based medicine put empiricism in a privileged position, but empiricism without a rationalistic guide could even be usefulness. The aim of this work is to present the tension between the rational reasons to administer immunonutrients to patients with sepsis and the controversial empirical evidence stemming from clinical trials. METHODS: We reviewed the literature on immunonutrition in sepsis from the rationalist and the empiricist perspectives. RESULTS: The large body of evidence for positive effects of immunonutrients in experimental models and the contradictory results from clinical trials make the discussion on immunonutrition in sepsis a typical example where the conflict between rationalism and empiricism hampered the advancement of knowledge and the implementation of new effective therapies into clinical practice. CONCLUSIONS: Future research projects involving immunonutrients should be based on robust knowledge of basic mechanisms of action to be properly addressed in clinical trials.  相似文献   

In recent years, a research area has emerged within social determinants of health that examines the role of politics, expressed as political traditions/parties and welfare state characteristics, on population health. To better understand and synthesise this growing body of evidence, the present literature review, informed by a political economy of health and welfare regimes framework, located 73 empirical and comparative studies on politics and health, meeting our inclusion criteria in three databases: PubMed (1948-), Sociological Abstracts (1953-), and ISI Web of Science (1900-). We identified two major research programmes, welfare regimes and democracy, and two emerging programmes, political tradition and globalisation. Primary findings include: (1) left and egalitarian political traditions on population health are the most salutary, consistent, and substantial; (2) the health impacts of advanced and liberal democracies are also positive and large; (3) welfare regime studies, primarily conducted among wealthy countries, find that social democratic regimes tend to fare best with absolute health outcomes yet consistently in terms of relative health inequalities; and (4) globalisation defined as dependency indicators such as trade, foreign investment, and national debt is negatively associated with population health. We end by discussing epistemological, theoretical, and methodological issues for consideration for future research.  相似文献   

AIMS: Animal experimentation often demonstrates that alcohol leads to disinhibited behaviour, such as increased aggression, increased social behaviour, or increased impulsivity. However, human experimentation demonstrates that alcohol can have either disinhibiting or inhibiting effects on behaviour, depending on salient environmental cues. Our aim was to illustrate how alcohol myopia theory could be applied to the literature assessing the effects of alcohol on behaviour in animals. METHODS: The effects of alcohol on animal behaviour were reviewed in several domains, including aggression, social behaviours, and impulsivity. Suggestions for testing alcohol myopia with animal research paradigms were provided. RESULTS: Current animal research paradigms are often designed in such a way that alcohol myopia cannot be tested. To test alcohol myopia, we recommend manipulating the salience of both impelling and inhibiting environmental cues. CONCLUSIONS: Disinhibition alone cannot explain alcohol's effects on behaviour. We contend that alcohol myopia theory helps to explain some contradictory findings in the human and animal literature. We encourage animal researchers to develop research paradigms to provide tests of alcohol myopia.  相似文献   

Abstract  Nursing has historically relied heavily on scientific knowledge. It is not surprising that the cardiovascular health literature has been highly influenced by the post-positivist philosophy. The nursing discipline, as well as the cardiovascular nursing speciality, continues to benefit from research grounded within this philosophical tradition. At the same time, there are limitations associated with post-positivism. Therefore, it is beneficial for researchers and clinicians to examine the potential contributions various philosophical traditions can have for their research and practice. This paper is an exploration of the compatibilities of feminist and post-positivist philosophies in the study of cardiovascular nursing research. The ensuing discussion entails an examination of my clinical and research interests, the grounding of my research within the post-positivist perspective and the significant contribution feminist philosophy can make to my research.  相似文献   

An overview is presented of the research and theorizing on women's health accomplished over the past 25 years. This research is represented by two parallel strands regarding women's health: the first strand concerns the feminist and sociological research tradition, and the other focuses on the public health and epidemiological tradition. The conclusion is that Nordic research can offer new knowledge on women's health in both the quantitative and the qualitative research traditions when researchers adopt a gender-sensitive perspective.  相似文献   

Stories are the foundation of qualitative research. However, the development of qualitative methods rooted in oral traditions remains largely unexplored by researchers. The contextual and historical influences on storytelling and storytaking are critical features of the African American oral tradition that are often ignored or minimized in qualitative research. Despite the complex and often contentious history of African Americans, their oral traditions have not been explored to reveal the depth of their lived experiences and the way those experiences inform their health concerns. The purpose of this article is twofold. First, dialogues about storytelling and storytaking are revisited and critiqued. Second, a comprehensive analytic process for gathering and interpreting stories rooted in African American oral tradition is outlined.  相似文献   

The utility of social capital in research on health determinants   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Social capital has become a popular subject in the literature on determinants of health. The concept of social capital has been used in the sociological, political science, and economic development literatures, as well as in the health inequalities literature. Analysis of its use in the health inequalities literature suggests that each theoretical tradition has conceptualized social capital differently. Health researchers have employed a wide range of social capital measures, borrowing from several theoretical traditions. Given the wide variation in these measures and an apparent lack of consistent theoretical or empirical justification for their use, conclusions about the likely role of "social capital" on population health may be overstated or even misleading. Elements of a research agenda are proposed to further elucidate the potential role of factors currently subsumed under the rubric of "social capital."  相似文献   

Some hospital trusts and health authorities consistently outperform others on different dimensions of performance. Why? There is some evidence that "management matters", as well as the combined efforts of individual clinicians and teams. However, studies that have been conducted on the link between the organisation and management of services and quality of patient care can be criticised both theoretically and methodologically. A larger, and arguably more rigorous, body of work exists on the performance of firms in the private sector, often conducted within the disciplines of organisational behaviour or human resource management. Studies in these traditions have focused on the effects of decentralisation, participation, innovative work practices, and "complementarities" on outcome variables such as job satisfaction and performance. The aim of this paper is to identify a number of reviews and research traditions that might bring new ideas into future work on the determinants of hospital performance. Ideally, future research should be more theoretically informed and should use longitudinal rather than cross sectional research designs. The use of statistical methods such as multilevel modelling, which allow for the inclusion of variables at different levels of analysis, would enable estimation of the separate contribution that structure and process make to hospital outcomes.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen the development of interest in the usefulness of qualitative methods in family practice research. This paper shows how the underlying concerns of family practice medicine parallel those of the qualitative research tradition. After contrasting the philosophical underpinnings of both quantitative and qualitative methods, we go on to describe the methodological commitments of qualitative research. We relate this emerging debate within family practice to that which has taken place in other disciplines, particularly that of education. We discuss the relative strengths of qualitative and quantitative methods, and argue that these two traditions have complementary contributions to make to the discipline of family practice medicine.  相似文献   

Nutrition is a complex interdisciplinary science. It is an intersection point of a number of other sciences such as biology, economics, technology, ethnography, medicine, history, linguistics, politics. Folk dietary tradition is a normative nutritional system that is used by an already formed community. As no definition is available we analysed the term and, on the basis of our extensive research, came to the following conclusion: folk dietary tradition is constituted together with the establishment of the community for the purpose of consolidating it as well as for differentiating it from other communities; it reflects the historical development and the destiny of the specific community; it changes, becomes enriched or poorer, or loses its originality; it can be formed using previous, local dietary traditions that precede the formation of a community, or can be borrowed by other peoples which are in the process of introducing a new religion. During its golden age Bulgaria introduced its folk dietary tradition to the peoples converted by Bulgaria to Christianity. In the present study I give a definition of the basic characteristics of the Bulgarian folk dietary tradition. This definition can be used to analyse all folk dietary traditions and make comparison between them.  相似文献   

The Institute of Medicine has recommended that policy decisions about improvement of national public health systems be guided by sound scientific evidence. However, to date there is no national research agenda to help guide public health systems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was called upon to lead a collaborative consensus-based process to define key research questions and establish a framework to create opportunities to better coordinate, leverage, and identify public health resources, which are increasingly scarce. The public health systems research agenda that emerged from this process has 14 over-arching priority research themes. This national agenda should stimulate and guide research to meet the urgent need to improve the nation's public health systems.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide empirical evidences supporting the definition of hospital wards’ boundaries in organisational designing processes, by suggesting services aggregation criteria that are focused on organisational complexity. In order to test the research hypotheses, a panel data analysis was conducted on Lombardy hospitals in Italy. Information was gathered both from administrative records – aggregated at in-patient ward level – and general registry offices. The results highlight that the wards offering integrated services perform better than those that are more specialised. However, for growing levels of within-complexity, the positive effects of formal integration between wards tend to reduce. Some guidelines for practitioners engaged in defining hospitals’ organisational structures can be drawn from the empirical analysis.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of organisational changes in UK elite sport on the professional relations among and between different healthcare providers. The article describes the processes by which demand for elite sport healthcare has increased in the UK. It further charts the subsequent response within medicine and physiotherapy and, in particular, the institutionalisation of sport-specific sub-disciplines through the introduction of specialist qualifications. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with 14 doctors and 14 physiotherapists, the article argues that organisational changes have led to intra-professional tensions within both professional groups but in qualitatively different forms reflecting the organisational traditions and professional identities of the respective disciplines. Organisational changes promoting multi-disciplinary healthcare teams have also fostered an environment conducive to high levels of inter-professional cooperation though significant elements of inter-professional conflict remain. This study illustrates how intra-professional relations are affected by specialisation, how legitimation discourses are used by different professions, and how intra- and inter-professional conflict and cooperation should be seen as highly interdependent processes.  相似文献   

The philosophy of Thomas Kuhn proposes that scientific progress involves periods of crisis and revolution in which previous paradigms are discarded and replaced. Revolutions in how mental health problems are conceptualised have had a substantial impact on the work of mental health nurses. However, despite numerous revolutions within the field of mental health, the biological paradigm has remained largely dominant within western healthcare, especially in orientating the understanding and treatment of psychosis. This paper utilises concepts drawn from the philosophy of Thomas Kuhn to explore the impact of what Kuhn terms ‘anomalies’ within the dominant biological paradigm: the anomaly of the meaningful utterance, the anomaly of complex aetiology and taxonomy and the anomaly of pharmacological inefficacy in recovery. The paper argues that the biological paradigm for understanding psychosis is in crisis and explores the implications for mental health nursing.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the nuclear themes in the debate about the qualitative health research approach in the Brazilian scientific context and more specifically in the public health field. The author begins by defining some central concepts in the analysis conducted. Then, combining the literature on the subject with her academic praxis, she examines the current status of this research tradition, highlighting an extensive set of challenges. The discussion focuses on each challenge, moving between the different epistemic, ethical and operational planes in relation to the scientific status of this approach to public health. Considering various questions and based on empirical examples, analysis shows that, despite the expansion observed in qualitative research and its contributions to public health, this approach still faces many challenges before consolidating its status. The situation demands investments in dialogue with the other approaches which form the core area. Despite these challenges, the paper concludes by pointing to the possibility of new pacts in the public health field in order to incorporate innovations to address the diversity and complexity of this field.  相似文献   

Umbilical cord blood (CB) has become established as an increasingly viable clinical alternative to bone marrow in the treatment of leukaemia leading to the construction of a global network of CB banks promoted through a moral ethos of gift. Additionally, some banks offer the opportunity to retain stem cells privately. CB is discursively presented as clinical ‘waste’, a ‘by‐product’ of birthing. In this way CB units are made available to a global exchange‐based bioeconomy. Crucially, CB collection has developed in parallel with several necessary obstetric practices, especially the immediate clamping of the cord following delivery, essential to high volume collection. However, this article strongly suggests the promotional basis of CB banking (such as by gift, waste or donation) is in tension with the growing preference of new parents to delay cord clamping. Based on focus groups with expectant parents, the promotion of CB banking can in fact be seen to feed into critical reflection on the value of CB for newborn infants, potentially reinvigorating a tradition of delayed umbilical cord clamping. Theoretically, these contradictory systems of valuing are conceptualised through recent literature on bioeconomy and Marx’s writings on the contrasting tensions between use and exchange value.  相似文献   

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