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科室主任在医院的经营活动中发挥着重要的作用。在新时期,要成为一名优秀的科室主任,必须明确自己的责任和工作目标,建立有效的工作方法,提高管理科室的水平。  相似文献   

运营管理是为了提升运营管理水平,提高运营效率和质量,助力医院精细化管理。过去的科室运营是由主任、护士长自行管理的,财务科对科室运营管理进行干预可有效填补科室主任、护士长财务管理和运营管理方面专业知识的不足,提高科室运营管理效率。本文以某科室为例,将各项指标从人力资源维度、医疗维度、财务维度进行整理分析,指出科室运营过程中出现的问题并制定改善建议,为提升科室运营管理水平,打造精细化管理医院提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

加强对临床医技科室主任的管理,是现代医院管理的重要内容。经过多年的探索和实践,结合医院管理年和医院管理评审要求,利用关键业绩指标法和平衡记分卡的原理,设计了一套较为科学合理的临床科室主任考核体系,以"责、权、利"相结合为原则,以年度考核和月度考核为基础实施考核。通过科室主任绩效考核调动了科室主任管理的积极性,增强了科室职工的质量管理意识和医疗安全意识,促进了医院的发展。  相似文献   

发挥科室主任作用促进医院全面建设   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
医院建设的实质就是学科建设与人才建设。全面提高科室主任素质,发挥和调动科室主任的潜力与积极性,对加快学科建设和医院的建设与发展,将起到重要的促进作用。发挥科室主任作用可从三方面着手,一要提高科室主任的素质;二要充分调动科室主任的潜力与积极性;三要处理好与科室主任的关系。只有这样,才能使医院的建设与发展取得显著成绩。  相似文献   

医院科室主任在科室管理中的作用   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
医院科室主任是医院管理系统中不可缺少的要素,他们是科室的行政负责人,也是科室的学科带头人,科主任的思想素质,业务水平,管理能力,敬业精神,拼搏精神,不仅关系到科室的兴衰,也关系到医院的建设和发展。  相似文献   

设计临床科室主任综合水平考核评估标准体系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床科室管理是医院管理的重要环节之一,从某种意义上讲,医院能否得到发展取决于科室管理水平的高低。临床科主任是临床科室的带头人,故科室主任必须具有较高的业务水平和较全面的行政管理能力。医院在抓全面质量管理的同时,也应抓科室带头人的管理,并对其实行考核评估,以促进发挥科室主任的最大管理作用。作者结合多年的医院管理经验,对如何设计临床科室主任综合水平考核评估标准体系作一探讨,并制定了一套“临床科室主任综合水平考核评估标准体系”,以供各医院制定临床科室主任考核评估标准时参考。  相似文献   

科室主任的破格任用与系统培养   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
科主任在科室、医院建设发展中起着关键性作用,本介绍了作所在医院打破界限,破格大胆任用;政策引导,针对性系统培养,正确处理好几个关系等科主任管理方法,为医院科室主任的培养,使用与管理提供借鉴经验。  相似文献   

医院实施绩效考核,以科学量化的评价体系考评医院员工的工作实绩,是公立医院内部运行机制改革的重要内容,也是卫生部强化医院管理的要求[1]。临床科室主任是医院科室管理的中流砥柱,在医院管理结构中处于承上启下的中间环节。科主任的品德、能力、对科室工作的投入及管理水平的高低,将直接影响科室的进步与发展,也影响到科室的绩效评估结果。我院从2007年开始,应用绩效考评制度对各临床科室的医疗质量、工作量、医疗安全、教学、科研等各方面进行综合考评,由此也提升了科室主任的责任感和工作积极性[2]。  相似文献   

科主任激励,关心等行为方式对职工心理感受影响的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的生活不但需要物质基础满足生理需要,更需要精神支持满足事业的追求。科室是医院实施医疗技术活动的基本单元,科室主任管理日常工作应善解人意,并运用激励、关心的手段来调动本部门医务人员潜在的积极性,促使本部门效率、技术整体水平上升。为此,我们探讨科室主任用人管理方式是否调动本科室人员的积极性,使卫生人力资源得到充分发挥。1 调查对象与方法1.1 调查对象  相似文献   

近年来,我国推进医疗卫生体制改革,医院面临着新的机遇和挑战,而对于医院自身建设及发展来说,人力资源发挥着重要作用.与医院的临床医技科室相比较而言,管理岗位属于非临床行政科室之一,在医院日常运行中承担着主要管理责任.即便管理部门与医技科室等在职能、工作内容等方面均具有明显区分,但二者之间又存在着一定关联.通常情况下,管理...  相似文献   

Management is an increasingly important issue for many doctors. If doctors wish to influence resource allocation, they must involve themselves in health service management. This article describes the results of an enquiry action learning project involving six doctors. As part of the project, clinical directors and their business managers were interviewed. In addition, the Police Force and BAA (formerly the British Airport Authority) were visited and their management structure, out-of-hours activities and planning for emergencies assessed. This article examines the reasons why many doctors do not involve themselves in management, such as increased time commitment and negative peer pressure, and suggests some solutions to these problems, including the need for a wider understanding of the role of clinical directors. It also considers how some organizations are already starting to address these issues, and how both doctors and hospitals can benefit from greater involvement of doctors in health service management.  相似文献   

In our changing economic environment, efficient human resource (HR) management is especially crucial to hospitals. Has the emphasis on HR activities responded to this changing environment? We studied 165 hospitals to determine whether they are making good use of HR. The results of our study show that HR activities remain important during these turbulent times. The emphasis hospitals place on HR activities increased slightly between 1985 and 1986. Performance evaluation ranked the highest in emphasis; job redesign and analysis were also high ranking. These are important mechanisms for improving performance and productivity. Respondents also rated HR activities by importance. Several categories that ranked high in change in emphasis ranked low in importance, and vice versa. One reason for this discrepancy between emphasis and importance is that HR activities that directors consider important may have already received a great deal of emphasis, leaving no room for increase. Also, circumstances may dictate increased emphasis on an activity (e.g., layoffs) even though HR directors consider it unimportant.  相似文献   

通过制定科室成员配备计划、做好岗位分析、确定科室成员岗位职责、注重员工岗前培训、建立绩效考核机制并完善科室成员在职教育,将个人发展目标与科室管理目标有效结合,从而实现人才的可持续发展。  相似文献   

规范科主任管理能力培训提升医疗质量管理水平   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对综合医院科主任管理能力培训的必要性进行了探讨,并结合陕西省人民医院工作实践,提出了管理人员培训工作拓展的思路。  相似文献   

Although research is an important part of social work practice in health care, there is little systematic information that sheds light on research productivity, the benefits of conducting research, or the obstacles that must be overcome. This article represents the viewpoints of nearly all the directors of social services departments in the largest multihospital system in the United States, the Department of Veterans Affairs. The organizational characteristics of hospitals and the attitudes of the directors about research were important correlates of research productivity. Although lack of time, resources, and interest were cited as common obstacles, more than one-third of the departments were conducting or involved in at least one study. Information about the research efforts of other social services departments was considered an important resource, particularly for departments with no ongoing studies. The implications of these findings for social work research in health care are discussed.  相似文献   

Reviews the role of clinical directors from outside the usual managerial framework to challenge the managerial myth applied to professionals who take on these roles. Defines management, managing, managerialism and leadership and develops an empirical framework to compare the roles of doctors and managers. Uses the framework to identify the cognitive map that clinical directors use and how they perceive their role. An emergent model illustrates how clinical directors combine a new cognitive map with their existing professional behaviours to undertake their role. Clinical directors both perceived and described their role in terms of leadership rather than management reinforcing the inappropriateness of using managerial frameworks. Instead clinical directors should be developed and evaluated as professional leaders. This raises wider questions of whether management and the language of management are either useful or appropriate for professionals in the NHS or whether their value is really a myth.  相似文献   

提高科主任查房质量的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高诊治水平,促进医院业务技术建设,分析了我院科主任在业务查房中的缺陷及其原因。教育科主任提高对查房质量重要性的认识。针对不同年龄段科主任采取不同类型的理论学习和临床基本功的训练,夯实了提高查房质量的基础;采用了制定和执行严格的查房规章制度、规范查房模式、实施科主任查房全程监控和定期讲评等方法,从而保证了科主任查房质量的稳固提高。科主任查房质量是医疗质量管理极其重要的内容,可以提高医疗质量水平和服务水平,促进医院的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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