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To investigate the possible relationship of leptin to bone mineral density (BMD) in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM),
we screened 168 Belarusian men aged 45–65 years. Plasma total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and
triglyceride concentrations were assessed, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
(LDL-C) were calculated. Hemoglobin A1c, immune-reactive insulin (IRI), serum total testosterone, and sex hormone-binding globulin were also evaluated. BMD was evaluated
using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. By univariate linear regression analysis, BMD was significantly correlated with body
mass index (r = 0.23, P = 0.002) and leptin (r = 0.21, P = 0.006). By multivariate regression analysis adjusting for confounding factors, log leptin was independently correlated
with BMD (β = 0.058, P = 0.001). Our study revealed that leptin is an independent determinant of BMD in patients with T2DM. Further research is
necessary to confirm this association and to develop ways to correct abnormalities of bone metabolism in patients with T2DM. 相似文献
目的 观察血糖控制及阿仑膦酸钠对2型糖尿病合并骨质疏松症的影响.方法 将入选病例随机分为阿伦膦酸钠(AL)组(服用阿仑膦酸钠+钙尔奇D)及对照组(服用钙尔奇D),每组各50例,并控制血糖,于0、12月检测同部位骨密度,按血糖控制是否达标分组,观察比较各组骨密度值变化的差别.结果 血糖达标组骨密度增幅较未达标组高,二者比较有显著性差异(P<0.01).AL组中血糖控制达标亚组较其余组别骨密度增幅明显高,对照组中血糖控制未达标亚组较其余组别骨密度增幅明显低,均有显著性差异(P均<0.05).结论 血糖控制达标可改善2型糖尿病患者骨密度,同时服用阿仑膦酸钠疗效更明显. 相似文献
2型糖尿病患者性激素、细胞因子与骨密度相关性研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为探讨2型糖尿病(DM)患者血清性激素、细胞因子的改变及与其骨密度(BMD)的相关性,对89例2型DM患者的BMD进行了检测,同时测定其血清卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)、泌乳素(PRL)、雌二醇(E2)、睾酮(T)、孕酮(P)和IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α、IGF-1水平,并与非DM患者作对照.结果显示,DM合并骨质疏松(OP)的男、女性患者的比例均高于对照组,且随增龄BMD下降;女性OP患者的FSH、LH水平高于非OP患者,E2、T、P及男性T水平低于非OP患者,DM患者又低于对照组,P<0.05或<0.01;OP患者的IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α水平高于非OP患者,而IGF-1水平则低于非OP患者,且DM组与对照组间有显著性差异,P<0.05或<0.01;BMD与年龄、FSH、LH、IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α水平呈显著负相关,与E2、T、P、IGF-1水平呈显著正相关,P<0.05或<0.01、<0.001.提示IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α是DM和OP的共同促成因子,女性E2、T、P和男性T减少是造成骨代谢紊乱和OP的重要因素. 相似文献
老年2型糖尿病患者骨密度及骨超声改变的观察 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
目的:探讨老年2型糖尿病患者跟骨定量超声(QUS)和腰椎骨密度(BMD)的改变,方法:采用QUS骨量分析系统检测94例老年2型糖尿病患者和90例健康对照者的跟骨超声传导速度(SOS),超声振幅衰减(BUA)及骨强度指数(STI),用双能X线骨吸收测量仪(DXA)测定前后位腰椎BMD,并同时进行了骨生化指标的检测。结果:2型糖尿病患者BMD(g/cm^2)男性L2为0.863,低于对照组的0.931(P<0.05);女性L2,L2-4分别为0.826和0.841,均低于对照组0.903和0.905(P<0.01);2型糖尿病患者跟骨BUA(dB/MHz)男,女分别为64.63,51.05,均低于对照组71.38和61.76(P<0.01),糖尿病组STI男,女分别为83.12%和67.64%,低于对照组91.24%和69.03%(P<0.05)。糖尿病组女性SOS(m/s)为1487.28低于对照组1502.34(P<0.05)。结论:老年2型糖尿病患者跟骨BUA、SOS和腰椎前后位BMD均较正常对照组降低,提示有骨量丢失。 相似文献
Lovastatin effects on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of lovastatin on bone mineral density (BMD) of postmenopausal women
with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). The study was an open-label clinical trial conducted from March 2002 to November 2003.
Fifty-five postmenopausal women age 54–67 years with type 2 DM were allocated to lovastatin-treated and control (without lovastatin)
groups based on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) >130 or ≤130 mg/dl. The first group received lovastatin (20 mg
daily titrated every 3 months to keep LDL-C less than 130 mg/dl) for a total of 18 months. The second group received their
own diabetic regimen without statin. The BMD of the lumbar spine (L1-L4), femoral neck, Wards triangle, trochanter and total hip was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at baseline and
after 18 months. In the 28 women treated with lovastatin, the BMD increased in lumbar spine (from 0.946 (0.122) to 0.978 (0.135)
g/cm2, p<0.01) and Ward’s triangle (from 0.685 (0.123) to 0.780 (0.186) g/cm2, p<0.01). In the 27 women not treated with statin, the changes in BMD at all bone sites were not statistically significant.
BMD was higher in femoral neck (1.2% vs. −2.7%, p<0.05), Ward’s triangle (13.9% vs. 3.3%, p<0.05), trochanter (−0.1% vs. −2.9%, p<0.05), total hip (1.2% vs. −1.4%, p<0.05) and lumbar spine (3.4% vs. 1.2%, p>0.05) at the end of the study. Treatment with lovastatin may prevent bone loss in postmenopausal women with type 2 DM. 相似文献
老年2型糖尿病合并糖尿病足患者骨密度的临床分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 探讨老年2型糖尿病(T2DM)合并糖尿病足患者骨密度变化及其影响因素.方法 采用双能X线骨密度仪检测T2DM、T2DM合并糖尿病足患者及健康老年人腰椎(L2~4)和股骨(Neck)的骨密度,并对其与年龄、病程、体质指数(BMI)、糖化血红蛋白、血清胰岛素、血脂、尿微量白蛋白排泄率、骨钙素及性激素等指标的关系进行多元线性回归分析.结果 (1)老年T2DM组腰椎、股骨骨密度和骨质疏松患病率与同性别健康对照组比较(男性:腰椎(1.13±0.17)g/cm2和(1.15±0.18)g/cm2,股骨(0.87±0.13)g/cm2和(0.90±0.16)g/cm2,骨质疏松患病率36%和35%;女性:腰椎(0.96±0.15)g/cm2和(0.97±0.14)g/cm2,股骨(0.78±0.12)g/cm2和(0.82±0.15)g/cm2,骨质疏松患病率61%和62%],差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(2)老年糖尿病足组男性腰椎骨密度(1.05±0.17)g/cm2、股骨(0.80±0.15)g/cm2;女性腰椎骨密度(0.89±0.11)g/cm2、股骨(0.72±0.13)g/cm2,均低于同性别T2DM组和健康对照组(P<0.01或P<0.05),骨质疏松患病率(男性54%,女性82%)均高于T2DM组和缝康对照组(P<0.05);(3)多元线性回归分析显示,影响老年男性糖尿病足患者骨密度的因素为年龄、BMI和空腹胰岛素水平,影响老年女性糖尿病足患者骨密度的因素为年龄、BMI和雌二醇水平.结论 老年T2DM患者骨密度和骨质疏松患病率与健康老年人相似,与老年T2DM患者和健康老年人比较,老年糖尿病足患者骨密度显著降低,骨质疏松患病率显著增高. 相似文献
目的 探讨老年女性2型糖尿病患者骨密度和骨丢失率与人体测量学指标的关系.方法 采用双能X线吸收法(DXA),测定754例老年女性2型糖尿病患者腰椎和髋部骨密度.人体测量学指标采用四分位数(Q)分组,比较各组间骨密度和骨丢失率的差异.结果 体质量分组的Q1~Q4各组的平均骨密度(g/cm2):股骨颈分别为0.555±0.097、0.585±0.086、0.637±0.089和0.673±0.099,髋部总体分别为0.611±0.111、0.657±0.103、0.713±0.100和0.755±0.110;平均骨丢失率(%):股骨颈分别为30.4±12.2、26.6±10.8、20.1±11.2和15.6±12.5,髋部总体分别为29.2±12.8、23.9±11.9、17.5±11.6和(12.6±12.8).骨密度分别依次为Q1组<Q2组<Q3组<Q4组,骨丢失率依次为Q1组>Q2组>Q3组>Q4组,各组间差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.01).骨丢失率与年龄和绝经年限呈负相关(r=-0.108~0.277,均为P<0.01),与身高、体质量和体质指数呈正相关(r=0.146~0.503,均为P<0.01).结论 老年女性2型糖尿病患者的骨密度和骨丢失率随人体测量学指标而变化,体质量和体质指数较大者,骨密度较高和骨丢失率较小. 相似文献
目的 探讨2型糖尿病患者(T2DM)血清尿酸水平(SUA)与骨密度(BMD)的关系.方法 收集2型糖尿病患者235例(其中男性128例,女性107例)的相关临床资料.应用Pearson相关分析检验患者SUA与BMD的相关性;多元逐步回归分析BMD的影响因素.结果 (1)男性2型糖尿病患者SUA水平、BMD均明显高于女性(P<0.01).女性2型糖尿病患者SUA水平与腰椎及股骨颈BMD呈正相关.(2)多元逐步回归分析结果显示,年龄、SUA水平是女性2型糖尿病患者腰椎及左股骨颈BMD的独立相关因素.而高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)只与女性2型糖尿病患者腰椎BMD独立相关.结论 女性2型糖尿病患者的SUA水平与BMD密切相关. 相似文献
Kanzawa M Sugimoto T Kanatani M Chihara K 《European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies》2000,142(6):661-664
OBJECTIVE: Recently, osteoprotegerin (OPG)/osteoclastogenesis inhibitory factor (OCIF) has been shown to inhibit osteoclast differentiation. On the other hand, we have reported that parathyroid hormone (PTH) stimulated osteoclast formation, presumably through a PTH-responsive cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) pathway, in mouse bone cells. DESIGN AND METHODS: The present study was performed to examine how OPG/OCIF expression is regulated by PTH and to further investigate the possible involvement of OPG/OCIF in the stimulation of osteoclast formation by PTH in mouse bone cells. OPG/OCIF mRNA expression was analyzed by Northern hybridization after 24h treatments of mouse whole bone cells and mouse stromal cell line, ST2 cells with PTH or various second messenger analogs. RESULTS: Human (h) PTH(1-34) (10(-10) and 10(-8)mol/l) but not 10(-8)mol/l hPTH(3-34) down-regulated OPG/OCIF mRNA expression in mouse bone cells. Dibutyryl cAMP, but not phorbol ester, an activator of protein kinase C, or A23187, a calcium ionophore, down-regulated it. The same was also observed in ST2 cells, suggesting that stromal cells are responsible for the inhibitory effect of PTH and cAMP analogs on OPG/OCIF mRNA expression in mouse bone cells. CONCLUSIONS: The present study indicates that PTH down-regulates OPG/OCIF mRNA expression through the PKA pathway in stromal cells, which would result in the stimulation of osteoclast formation. 相似文献
目的研究2型糖尿病患者胰岛功能与骨密度的关系。方法应用骨密度仪测定了56例2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者和55例对照组L2-4及双侧股骨Ward区骨密度(BMD),根据BMD将T2DM患者分为无骨质疏松(0P)组(DM-A组)和并发OP组(DM-B组),并做比较。结果(1)T2DM患者的L2-4及左侧股骨Ward区骨密度(BMD)较健康对照组显著下降(P〈0.01或P〈0.05)。(2)DM-B组空腹胰岛素(Fins)、空腹C肽(FCP)与DM-A组低,差异有非常显著性(P〈0.01)。(3)DM-B组较DM-A病程长,差异有非常显著性(P〈0.01)。结论2型糖尿病患者骨密度较正常人低,骨密度降低与胰岛素缺乏及糖尿病病程有关。 相似文献
Tamura T Yoneda M Yamane K Nakanishi S Nakashima R Okubo M Kohno N 《Metabolism: clinical and experimental》2007,56(5):623-628
There have been several reports about associations of serum leptin or adiponectin with bone mineral density and biochemical markers of bone turnover. However, the precise roles of adipocytokines in bone metabolism have not been fully elucidated. We investigated the associations of serum level of leptin or adiponectin with bone mineral density, serum osteocalcin, and urinary N-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (NTX) in 40 Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Bone mineral density was measured by using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry at different sites (distal radius, femoral neck, and lumbar spine) and was expressed as z score. Multiple regression analysis revealed that there were significant positive correlations between serum leptin or adiponectin level and z score at the distal radius, but not at the femoral neck or the lumbar spine. Although no correlation was observed between serum leptin and serum osteocalcin, there was a significant negative correlation between serum leptin and urinary NTX, a marker of bone resorption. No correlation was observed between serum adiponectin and serum osteocalcin or urinary NTX. These results indicate that leptin and adiponectin may have a protective effect on bone metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 相似文献
《Diabetes & metabolism》2022,48(5):101350
AimsTo investigate the association between metformin and bone mineral density (BMD) in a large cohort of Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).MethodsA total of 11,458 T2DM patients aged ≥40 years were included. Information on demographic, anthropometric and clinical characteristics was collected from medical records. BMD at lumbar spine (LS), femoral neck (FN), and total hip(TH) was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.ResultsOverall prevalence of osteopenia and osteoporosis was 37.4% and 10.3%, and was lower in patients on metformin (34.6% vs 38.3% and 7.1% vs 11.3%, both p < 0.001). Patients who had a lower BMI, older age, and lower estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), had more osteoporosis, lower BMD (osteoporosis or osteopenia), and a lower T-score at LS, FN and TH. Metformin use and male sex was associated with a higher BMD. Metformin treatment was also independently associated with higher T-score at LS, FN and TH (β values of 0.120, 0.082 and 0.108; all p <0.001), and lower odds ratio of osteoporosis (OR = 0.779, 95%CI: 0.648–0.937, p = 0.008) or low BMD (OR = 0.834, 95%CI: 0.752 - 0.925, p = 0.001). However, when analyzed by sex, this association of a lower odds ratio for osteoporosis with metformin was only significant in women (OR= 0.775, 95% CI: 0.633–0.948; p = 0.013).ConclusionsMetformin treatment was associated with a higher T-score and a lower odds ratio of osteopenia and osteoporosis, especially in the female population, independent of age, BMI, and eGFR. 相似文献
Melina B. Loureiro Marcela A.G. Ururahy Francisco P. Freire-Neto Gustavo H.M. Oliveira Valéria M.G. Duarte André D. Luchessi José Brandão-Neto Rosario D.C. Hirata Mario H. Hirata José J. Maciel-Neto Ricardo F. Arrais Maria G. Almeida Adriana A. Rezende 《Diabetes research and clinical practice》2014
To investigate early alterations on bone mineral density (BMD) and RANK, RANKL and OPG mRNA expression in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and the relationship with glycemic control and bone biomarkers.Methods
This cross-sectional study included 75 children and adolescents with T1D and 100 individuals without diabetes (normoglycemic–NG) aged 6–20 years old. T1D individuals were considered to have good (T1DG) or poor (T1DP) glycemic control according to the values of HbA1c. Phosphorus, magnesium, total and ionized calcium, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase and tartaric-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) values were determined in blood samples. BMD was measured by DEXA. RANK, RANKL and OPG mRNA expression was measured in PBL by real-time PCR.Results
Osteocalcin values were decreased in diabetic groups in comparison to NG group (p < 0.05), and a negative correlation with both serum glucose (r = −0.265, p < 0.01) and Hb1Ac (r = −0.252, p < 0.01) in T1D group was found. BMD was lower in diabetic groups in comparison with NG group (p < 0.05) and a negative correlation was observed between BMD and both serum glucose (r = −0.357, p < 0.01) and HbA1c (r = −0.351, p < 0.01) in T1D group. OPG mRNA expression was significantly increased in T1D and T1DP groups in comparison with NG group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, children and adolescents with early onset T1D presented low bone mineral density associated to unsatisfactory glycemic control, increased OPG mRNA expression and low osteocalcin concentration. 相似文献14.
目的探讨2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者合并非酒精性脂肪肝(NAFLD)与骨密度(BMD)的相关性。方法筛选T2DM患者119例,依据B超结果分为2组:T2DM组(62例),T2DM合并NAFLD组(57例)。测定正位腰椎2-4(L2-4)、左侧股骨颈、Ward's三角、大粗隆及左前臂骨密度,行肝脏彩超及血糖、血脂、空腹C肽、肝肾功能、尿微量白蛋白检测,测量身高、体重等。结果 T2DM合并NAFLD组患者体重指数、三酰甘油、总胆固醇、空腹C肽、谷氨酰转酞酶、尿酸、尿微量蛋白均高于T2DM组,差异有统计学意义(均P0.05);左股骨颈、Ward's三角和左前臂骨密度值低于T2DM组,差异有统计学意义(均P0.05)。T2DM合并NAFLD与年龄、病程、左侧股骨和左前臂骨密度呈负相关(均P0.05),与体重指数、三酰甘油、总胆固醇、空腹C肽、尿微量蛋白呈正相关。左侧股骨颈骨密度值与年龄、病程、血糖、糖化血红蛋白A1C、总胆固醇呈负相关(均P0.05),与体重指数、高密度脂蛋白、肌酐呈正相关(P0.05)。体重指数、三酰甘油、尿酸与NAFLD独立相关(P0.05)。结论 T2DM合并NAFLD患者骨密度水平低于单纯2型糖尿病患者,二者有相关性。体重指数、空腹C肽、血脂是影响T2DM合并NAFLD患者骨密度水平的因素。 相似文献
2型糖尿病患者骨密度改变及相关因素分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨2型糖尿病患者骨密度(BMD)变化及其影响因素。方法采用美国Norland XR-36双能X线骨密度仪测定53例2型糖尿病患者(观察组)和40例正常人(对照组)腰椎(L2~4)的BMD,同时分析其与患者性别、体质量指数(BM I)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)及绝经年限间的关系。结果观察组BMD明显低于对照组(P〈0.05);BMD与年龄、HbA1c水平及绝经年限呈负相关,与BM I呈正相关(P均〈0.05)。结论 2型糖尿病患者BMD有不同程度减低,以女性及低BM I患者降低更明显;对2型糖尿病患者应积极控制血糖,定期测定BMD。 相似文献
目的 通过测定男性2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者及健康人群的骨代谢及相关指标,探讨T2DM对骨代谢的影响及其相关因素. 方法 对50例老年男性T2DM患者的血生化、骨代谢、性激素与维生素等指标进行检测,根据糖尿病病程将其分为T2DM 1组(病程<10年)及T2DM 2组(病程≥10年),根据糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)水平将其分为T2DM 3组(HbA1c <8%)及T2DM 4组(HbA1c≥8%),同时选取我院55例体检健康者作为对照组.结果 (1)T2DM组患者睾酮(T)、Ⅰ型前胶原氨基末端(N端)前肽(PINP)、Ⅰ型前胶原氨基末端(C端)前肽(PICP)、25-羟维生素D3水平明显低于对照组,抗酒石酸碱性磷酸酶(TrACP-5b)水平明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).(2) T2DM 2组血PINP水平明显低于T2DM 1组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而对于T、TrACP-5b和25-羟维生素D3,T2DM 1组和T2DM 2组之间无明显统计学差异(P>0.05).(3) T2DM 3组患者的25-羟维生素D3水平明显高于T2DM 4组,而TrACP-5b水平明显低于T2DM 4组,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05),2组间血T、PINP、PICP无明显统计学差异(P>0.05).(4)T与PINP、PICP、25-羟维生素D3、TrACP-5b无明显相关性,HbAlc与25-羟维生素D3、TrACP-5b存在显著相关性(r=-0.309、0.421,P<0.05). 结论 (1)与正常对照组相比,T2DM患者的骨形成降低,而骨吸收增加.(2)随着病程增加,T2DM患者骨质形成速率进一步减慢,而骨吸收无明显增加.(3)血糖控制不佳可致骨形成减缓、骨质吸收增加而影响骨代谢. 相似文献
Moseley KF Dobrosielski DA Stewart KJ De Beur SM Sellmeyer DE 《Clinical endocrinology》2011,74(5):565-571
Objective Despite high bone mineral density (BMD), persons with type 2 diabetes are at greater risk of fracture. The relationship between body composition and BMD in noninsulin‐requiring diabetes is unclear. The aim was to examine how fat and lean mass independently affect the skeleton in this population. Research design and methods Subjects for this cross‐sectional analysis were men (n = 78) and women (n = 56) aged 40–65 years (56 ± 6 years) with uncomplicated, noninsulin‐requiring type 2 diabetes. Total body fat and lean mass, total body, hip and lumbar spine BMD were measured with dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry. Magnetic resonance imaging measured total abdominal, visceral and subcutaneous (SQ) fat. Results Subjects had normal all‐site BMD and were obese to overweight (body mass index 29–41 kg/m2) with controlled diabetes (HbA1c women 6·6 ± 1·2%, men 6·7 ± 1·6%). Lean mass was positively associated with total body, hip, femoral neck and hip BMD in both sexes. Fat mass, abdominal total and SQ fat were associated with total body and hip BMD in women. In multivariate analyses adjusted for sex, lean mass significantly predicted total, hip and femoral neck BMD in men and women. In unadjusted models, lean mass continued to predict BMD at these sites in men; fat mass also predicted total body, femoral and hip BMD in women. Conclusions In men and women with uncomplicated, noninsulin‐requiring diabetes, lean mass significantly predicted BMD at the total body, hip and femoral neck. Further research is needed to determine whether acquisition or maintenance of lean mass in T2DM can prevent hip fracture in this at‐risk population. 相似文献
Ippei Kanazawa Toru Yamaguchi Toshitsugu Sugimoto 《Metabolism: clinical and experimental》2010,59(9):1252-1256
Although recent clinical studies have shown that serum adiponectin level was negatively associated with bone mineral density (BMD), serum adiponectin action on bone metabolism in humans is still unclear. We investigated the relationships between serum levels of total and high-molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin and its ratio (HMW-total ratio) vs chronological changes in BMD at the lumbar spine, femoral neck (FN), and one third of the radius after 1-year treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in 32 Japanese patients. Serum total adiponectin, but not HMW adiponectin or HMW-total ratio, was significantly and positively correlated with percentage change in FN-BMD (r = 0.35, P < .05). Multiple regression analysis adjusted for age, duration of diabetes, sex, body height, body weight, waist circumference, serum creatinine, and hemoglobin A1c showed that serum total adiponectin was still significantly and positively correlated with percentage change in FN-BMD (r = 0.65, P < .01). On the other hand, no significant relationships were found between serum levels of hemoglobin A1c, pentosidine, bone formation markers (bone-specific alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin), or a bone resorption marker (urinary N-terminal cross-linked telopeptide of type-I collagen) vs percentage change in BMD at any site. These findings suggest that serum total adiponectin could be clinically useful for predicting BMD change during treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Adiponectin might protect against BMD reduction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 相似文献
目的探讨绝经后2型糖尿病患者骨密度与体成分的关系。方法选择绝经后2型糖尿病患者(DM组)68例,绝经后血糖正常女性(NC组)73例。详细记录全部受试者年龄、身高、体重、体重指数、绝经年限,双能X线吸收测定仪检测正位腰椎(L_(2-4))、股骨(股骨颈、大转子、粗隆间)骨密度(BMD)与全身各部位的脂肪和肌肉含量,并进行临床指标测定,分析骨密度与对应的肌肉和脂肪含量的相关关系。结果 2组受试者的年龄、BMI、绝经年限差异无统计学意义(P0.05);DM组空腹血糖(FBG)、餐后2 h血糖(PBG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)均明显高于NC组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);DM组L_(2-4)、股骨颈、大转子BMD较NC组显著下降,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);DM组躯干、腿部、总肌肉含量均较NC组显著下降,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);DM组躯干、总脂肪含量较NC组明显增加,(P0.05)。根据骨密度测定结果将糖尿病组进一步分为糖尿病骨质疏松组(DM-OP组)和糖尿病非骨质疏松组(DM-NP组):2组受试者年龄、BMI、绝经年限的差异无统计学意义(P0.05);DM-OP组DM病程、FBG、PBG、HbAlc明显高于DM-NP组(P0.05),DM-OP组躯干、腿部、总肌肉含量均明显低于DM-NP组(P0.05);总脂肪含量DM-OP组明显高于DM-NP组(P0.05),其他部位脂肪含量2组间的差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。多元线性回归分析显示,糖尿病患者L_(2-4)、股骨均值BMD与年龄、绝经年限、糖尿病病程、BMI、TLM、TKLM关系最为密切。结论绝经后2型糖尿病患者较血糖正常女性容易发生骨质疏松,绝经后2型糖尿病患者肌肉含量、脂肪含量均与骨密度密切相关,肌肉含量较脂肪含量对骨密度影响更为显著。 相似文献