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节细胞神经瘤(ganglioneuroma,GN )是起源于交感神经嵴细胞的良性神经母细胞瘤。以后纵隔及腹膜后最常见,发生于肾上腺者少见。肾上腺节细胞神经瘤(adrenal ganglioneuroma,AGN)是起源于肾上腺髓质的偶发瘤,临床多无明显症状,多为体检或因其他疾病就诊而发现,早期诊断有一定困难。术前诊断多依靠影像学检查。本文分析经手术、病理证实的2例肾上腺节细胞瘤的CT表现,以期提高对该病的认识。 相似文献
肾上腺节细胞神经瘤5例报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
肾上腺节细胞神经瘤是一种少见的良性肿瘤,多发于肾上腺髓质。我们自1992年2月—1998年10月共收治5例,均经病理证实,现报告如下。1 临床资料本组5例,男4例,女1例。年龄20岁~66岁,平均57岁。肿瘤发生在右侧肾上腺3例,左侧2例。瘤体直径在6.0cm以上者4例,最大者9.0cm×8.0cm×5.0cm,最小5.5cm×4.5cm×4.0cm。5例均为体检B超发现肾上腺占位收稿日期:2000-01-03作者单位:1.江苏省淮阴市第一人民医院,江苏 淮阴 223300;2.上海长海医院,上海 200433而就诊,均无头痛、头晕、出汗及高血压史。5例作CT检查,均显示患侧肾上腺占位性病变,呈椭圆… 相似文献
1 病例报告患者 ,男性 ,47岁。B超检查发现左肾上腺肿物 10天。患者于 2 0 0 0年 8月 11日体检时行B超检查 ,于左肾上腺区检查探及一 110mm× 88mm× 86mm实质性肿物 ,考虑为肾上腺无功能性腺瘤。患者平时无明显自觉症状 ,入院行 2 4h血压动态监测正常 ,无腰背压痛、满月脸、水牛背、皮肤痤疮及精神异常。逆行肾盂造影检查发现左肾盂肾盏受推压向下移位 ,左肾上方见一软组织块影 ,边界不清。彩色多普勒检查发现左肾上腺区有一 113 .2mm× 10 6 .1mm× 97.3mm的等回声偏低的实质性团块 ,包膜完整 ,其内为星点状。 2 0 0 0年 … 相似文献
目的探讨后腹腔镜下行肾上腺肿瘤切除术的可行性及安全性。方法施行后腹腔镜下肾上腺肿瘤切除术49例,男25例,女24例。年龄21~67岁,平均年龄43.4岁。肿瘤位于右侧26例,肿瘤位于左侧23例,肿瘤位于两侧2例。结果 2例患者手术中转开放手术,47例手术均获得成功。手术时间为34~176 min,平均72.3 min。术中出血10~430 ml、平均36 ml,患者平均住院时间6.8 d。结论腹腔镜肾上腺肿瘤切除术是治疗肾上腺疾病的一种微创、安全、有效、术后恢复快的治疗方法。 相似文献
肾上腺节细胞神经瘤四例报告并文献复习 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的探讨肾上腺节细胞神经瘤的病理特点、临床症状及诊断治疗方法。方法回顾性分析临床所见4例肾上腺节细胞神经瘤并总结国内外病例文献资料。结果经手术治疗,术后病理诊断为肾上腺节细胞神经瘤,4例均痊愈出院。结论肾上腺节细胞神经瘤是一种罕见的良性肿瘤,多数临床症状不明显。诊断主要依赖B超、CT、MRI,确诊需要病理学检查,手术切除是其主要的治疗方法,多数预后良好。 相似文献
目的:探讨肾上腺节细胞神经瘤的临床症状、影像及病理表现、治疗方法.方法:回顾性分析2012年至今收治的3例肾上腺节细胞神经瘤患者的临床病例并复习相关文献.结果:3例肾上腺节细胞神经瘤患者无明显临床症状,CT平扫低密度、增强扫描无明显强化,经腹腔镜手术切除肿瘤,术后镜下病理见瘤组织内散在神经节细胞分布,免疫组化:S100(+).结论:肾上腺节细胞神经瘤是一种罕见的良性肿瘤,大多无明显临床症状.诊断主要依赖CT,术后病理及免疫组化确诊.腹腔镜手术为目前首选治疗方法,大多数预后良好. 相似文献
1病例报告 患者男,49岁,因尿频,尿痛1年于2000年3月17日入院。1年前无明显诱因出现尿频,尿争,偶有尿痛,以终末为重;无肉眼血尿,发热,盗汗及排尿困难。曾在当地医院按膀胱炎治疗,病情无好转,转诊我院。入院查体未见异常,膀胱镜示膀胱憩室。行膀胱部分切除术,术中发现膀胱右前壁肿物,切除肿物及其周围约2cm膀胱壁,病理检查:送检带物的 相似文献
《European journal of surgical oncology》2019,45(4):631-634
BackgroundAdrenal metastases can arise from different primary sites. Surgical resection of the adrenal gland in patients with isolated metastases may offer improved survival in many of these patients. However, the benefit of surgery in this heterogenous group is often disputed. The aim of this study was to identify patients undergoing adrenalectomy for isolated metastases and to describe survival outcomes based on origin of the primary malignancy.MethodsPatients undergoing surgery for isolated adrenal metastases were retrospectively analysed from a prospectively kept database. Data collected included the age of the patient, gender, size and functional status of the tumour and the site of the primary malignancy. Overall survival and survival based on the primary tumour were calculated using Kaplan-Meier survival analyses.Results42 patients were included for analysis. The median tumour size was 40 mm. 91% (n = 38) of operations were performed laparoscopically. Metastases were from the following primary organs: kidney (n = 22), lung (n = 11), breast (n = 2), gastric (n = 1), skin (n = 3), liver (n = 2) and neuroendocrine (n = 1). Overall median survival was 56 (19–93) months with 95% of patients followed up for >6 months. There was a significant difference in median survival between primary organs of origin: 83(42–123), 14(9–18), 15 and 12(3–20) months (p < 0.05) for kidney, lung, breast and skin respectively.ConclusionThere is a potential survival benefit for patients undergoing surgery for isolated adrenal metastases; however this survival benefit is greater in patients undergoing resection for metastases arising from kidney primaries. A selective approach should be adopted to identify patients that will clearly benefit from surgery. 相似文献
目的 探讨开腹与后腹腔镜术式对肾上腺良性肿瘤患者围手术期临床指标、ICU转送率及并发症的影响。方法 选取120例肾上腺良性肿瘤患者为研究对象,以随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,每组各60例;其中对照组患者采用开腹术式治疗,观察组患者则采用后腹腔镜术式治疗;比较两组患者的手术时间、术中失血量、肛门排气时间、术后引流量、术后拔管时间、住院时间、ICU转送率及并发症发生率。结果 观察组患者手术时间、肛门排气时间、术后拔管时间及住院时间均显著短于对照组(P<0.05);观察组患者术中失血量和术后引流量均显著少于对照组(P<0.05);两组患者ICU转送率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);同时观察组患者术中和术后并发症发生率均显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 后腹腔镜术式治疗肾上腺良性肿瘤可有效减轻医源性损伤程度,促进术后早期康复,且有助于避免术中及术后出现并发症,其临床应用价值优于开腹术式。 相似文献
背景与目的:较开放手术,腹腔镜肾上腺占位性病变切除术具有微创与视野清晰的优点。该研究拟探讨后腹腔镜肾上腺占位性病变切除的临床价值。方法:回顾性收集2007年1月—2012年12月在复旦大学附属肿瘤医院行后腹腔镜肾上腺占位性病变切除术的患者共130例,比较患者临床病理特征、并发症情况及短期预后。结果:在130例患者中,男性63例,女性67例,平均年龄50岁。病理类型:肾上腺皮质腺瘤68例,嗜铬细胞瘤15例,髓样脂肪瘤13例,囊肿10例,节细胞神经瘤7例,转移性癌5例,肾上腺皮质增生4例,神经鞘瘤3例,淋巴管瘤2例,肾上腺血肿1例,肾上腺皮质癌1例,肾上腺血管肉瘤1例,副脾脏1例(其中1例患者同时有嗜铬细胞瘤和节细胞神经瘤)。肿瘤最大直径为0.5~9.0 cm,平均为3.48 cm,平均术中出血量为62.73 mL,平均术后住院时间为7 d。其中3例患者转为开放手术,另有5例患者发生术后并发症,其中发热2例,食物过敏1例,药物过敏1例,低血钾1例。结论:后腹腔镜肾上腺占位性病变切除术具有创伤小、安全性高,患者术后恢复快的优点,有利于在有条件的中心开展。 相似文献
目的 评价后腹腔镜根治性肾切除术治疗肾癌的安全性及疗效.方法 回顾性分析后腹腔镜根治性肾切除术治疗53例肾癌的临床资料.结果 53例患者中,52例成功施行后腹腔镜根治性肾切除术,1例因粘连较重改行开放手术.手术时间75~220min,平均125min;术中出血50~420 ml,平均120ml;术后住院时间为6~12 d.发生手术并发症4例.病理检查显示,透明细胞癌47例,嫌色细胞癌5例,囊性肾细胞癌1例.随访1个月至5年,未见肿瘤复发转移.结论 后腹腔镜根治性肾切除术治疗T1~2N0M0期肾癌安全、有效.Abstract: Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of retroperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy in the treatment of renal cancer. Methods The clinical data of 53 cases who underwent retroperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy were analyzed retrospectively. Results Fifty-two cases achieved successful retroperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy, a conversion to open surgery was required in one case because of severe adhesion. The operation time was 75 min to 220 min ( mean, 125 min), the blood loss was 50 ml to 420 ml ( mean, 120 ml), and the postoperative hospital stay was 6 d to 12 d. Complications occurred in 4 cases. Pathological examination showed that 47 cases were of renal clear cell carcinoma, 5 of chromophobe carcinoma, and 1 of cystic renal cell carcinoma. Follow-up for 1 month to 5 years showed no mimor recurrence and metastasis. Conclusion Retroperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy is a safe and effective treatment for patients with stage T1 ~2N0M0 renal cell carcinoma. 相似文献
经腹腔入路腹腔镜肾上腺切除术治疗肾上腺肿瘤371例报告 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
背景与目的:目前,腹腔镜肾上腺切除术已基本取代了开放性肾上腺切除术。腹腔镜下肾上腺切除手术途径主要有经腹腔和经腹膜后两种。本文总结经腹腔入路腹腔镜肾上腺切除手术经验。方法:对2003年2月至2008年8月在我院行腹腔入路的腹腔镜肾上腺切除病例的临床资料进行回顾性分析,共有371例,其中原发性醛固酮腺瘤127例.柯兴氏腺瘤117例,嗜铬细胞瘤58例,无功能腺瘤37例,其它病变32例。对肾上腺病变类型、腹腔镜手术的时间、出血量、并发症和预后进行总结,并对手术方法进行分析。结果:365例(98.4%)手术成功,5例(1.4%)中转开放手术,1例因肿瘤广泛侵犯放弃手术。手术时间40~240min,平均70min;术中出血量20—1000mL,平均80mL。膈肌损伤2例,结肠和肾静脉损伤各1例。术后平均住院时间5d。结论:腹腔入路腹腔镜肾上腺手术是治疗肾上腺肿瘤的理想方法之一。 相似文献
目的探讨后腹腔镜肾上腺肿瘤切除术治疗肾上腺较大肿瘤的有效性及安全性。方法回顾性选取2010年3月至2020年2月间大连市中心医院收治的1 000例肾上腺肿瘤患者,按肿瘤直径分为肾上腺较小肿瘤(直径<6cm) 665例和肾上腺较大肿瘤(直径≥6cm) 335例,术前均完善肾上腺增强CT(其中95例因过敏史行平扫CT)确定肿瘤最大直径,均采用后腹腔镜手术,评价临床价值。结果 995例患者成功完成后腹腔镜下肾上腺肿瘤切除术,5例患者中转开放手术。较小肿瘤组患者手术时间15~110min,平均40.5min;较大肿瘤组30~220min,平均78.5min。较小肿瘤组术中出血量10~220ml,平均35.5ml;较大肿瘤组50~1 200ml,平均205.5ml。较小肿瘤组术中及术后输血5例,较大肿瘤组15例。较小肿瘤组中转开放2例,较大肿瘤组3例。以上两组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05)。较小肿瘤组患者术后拔除引流管时间1~3天,平均1.55天;较大肿瘤组1~4天,平均1.59天。较小肿瘤组住院时间4~11天,平均5.1天;较大肿瘤组4~14天,平均5.25天。两组比较... 相似文献
S. Short A. Chaturvedi M.D. Leslie 《Clinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain))》1996,8(6):387-389
Whilst adrenal metastases are common in patients with metastatic disease, they are rarely symptomatic. We present a series of seven patients with painful adrenal metastases who were seen in one centre over an 18-month period. All responded to palliative radiotherapy with a reduction in pain. 相似文献
《European journal of surgical oncology》2020,46(5):839-846
IntroductionThe indication for choosing the minimally invasive approach for large adrenal mass remains controversial. This study is to assess perioperative outcomes after minimally invasive adrenalectomy (MIA) versus open adrenalectomy (OA) for adrenal mass ≥ 6 cm.Materials and methodsA cohort of 173 patients underwent adrenalectomy for adrenal mass ≥ 6 cm in our urology center between May 2005 and April 2018 was included. MIA was performed in 96 patients, whereas 77 patients underwent OA. We performed a retrospective propensity score-matched study to compare MIA versus OA.ResultsAfter propensity score-matched, 58 matched pairs of patients identified from each group. There were no significant differences between the groups in postoperative morbidity (p = 0.146), operative time (p = 0.163), intraoperative hypertension (p = 0.248) and drainage time (p = 0.188). Estimated blood loss, the rate of blood transfusions postoperative hospital stay was less in MIA group (p < 0.0001; p = 0.007; p < 0.0001). Total expense was significantly more in the MIA group [49379.28 (38496.69, 68008.69) CNY vs 39951.48 (30666.33, 50292.03) CNY, p = 0.001].ConclusionsMIA results in equivalent perioperative outcomes compared with OA and is an effective and safe surgical method for patients with an adrenal mass more than 6 cm in diameter. 相似文献