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对方庄社区392名居民脑卒中知识、获取途径和就医行为做问卷调查,居民对脑卒中具有较高的早期识别率,能够正确选择早期症状者达57.91%-79.08%;能正确选择紧急救治途径,选择拨打“120”或“999”者占83.16%(326名);选择社区医生作为主要获取知识来源途径者占78.32%(307名)。说明几年里方庄社区卫生服务中心对居民脑卒中知识水平教育和就医行为的指导起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

大学新生人乳头瘤病毒认知现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过分析公共卫生学院2009级新生进校时对人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)及其感染的认知情况,为开展HPV感染的健康教育提供依据。方法以南华大学公共卫生学院2009级212名新生为研究对象,填写HPV感染知识调查问卷,统计207份有效问卷基本信息、HPV认知与知晓情况及对HPV感染的健康教育需求。结果在207名新生中,37名(17.87%)新生听说过HPV,其中81.08%通过公共媒体(电视、杂志、报纸、电台广播)知道HPV;对HPV知识的知晓水平从高到低依次为HPV可引起宫颈癌、阴茎癌、皮肤癌等恶性肿瘤(86.49%),尖锐湿疣由HPV感染引起(70.27%),不正常阴道括片结果可显示HPV感染(67.57%),感染HPV后可以没有症状(62.16%),HPV与性传播性疾病(性病)有关(29.73%),但知道HPV可以通过皮肤接触传染的新生很少(8.11%)。189名新生愿意了解HPV感染相关知识(91.30%)。结论在2009级新生中,只有少数学生听说过HPV,对HPV感染的知晓程度偏低,但绝大部分新生希望了解HPV感染知识。  相似文献   

通过目的抽样抽取北京市4家社区卫生服务中心全科医师、社区护士及公共卫生医师共200人,进行骨质疏松症危险症因素认知调查。北京市社区医务人员对骨质疏松症危险因素整体认知水平较低,知晓率最高的危险因素为老龄,仅为41.5%。北京市社区医务人员骨质疏松症危险因素认知水平较低,需加强培训,提高其在骨质疏松症危险因素方面的认知水平。  相似文献   

289 patients at Port Moresby General Hospital's Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Clinic were interviewed over the January-March 1985 period to evaluate the level of knowledge about STDs shown by people attending the clinic. The questionnaire used included open-ended and precoded questions and had been translated into the 2 major languages spoken in this area of Papua New Guinea. The data were processed by the Prime computer using the BMDP statistical package. There were 231 (80%) males and 58 females; their ages ranged from 15-47 years with a mean of 24.8 and a mode of 20 years. The patients came from all provinces except West Sepik and North Solomons. 85% of the patients had heard about gonorrhea, 38% about syphilis, and 11% about donovanosis. Of those who had heard about gonorrhea, only 25 (10%) knew a corresponding local name for gonorrhea. In general, the patients knew the symptoms of gonorrhea but not of syphilis or donovanosis. A large number responded affirmatively that they had ever suffered with, had sex with someone suffering with, or had sex with someone they suspected of having gonorrhea; a few responded affirmatively to these questions in regard to syphilis and donovanosis. There was considerable variation in the replies to the causes of gonorrhea, syphilis, and donovanosis. The older patients with a mean age of 29.7 years tended to believe the cause was sorcery (puripuri); the younger patients did not. Among the 256 patients that responded to the question about what they considered to be the worst consequences of STD, 39% thought it was death. 66% responded that there was no treatment for STD in their local area; 3 identified the use of leaves, bark of trees, and ashes. The plant most commonly mentioned was the "budowai" plant. The study results indicate that even among those individuals who attend a clinic for STDs the knowledge about the major 3 STDs of the country remains limited. Ignorance of causes, symptoms, and complications is common.  相似文献   

目的 调查北京市居民对口腔癌及相关知识的认知现状.方法: 采用方便抽样方法,对北京市居民(非医学相关人员)进行口腔癌及其相关防治知识的认知情况进行问卷调查.结果: 完成问卷调查共1 483份,其中男性663份(44.6%),女性820份(55.3%),年龄15~91岁.79.2%的被调查者能做到早晚各刷一次牙,仍有16.6%被调查者每天只刷一次牙.当被问及听说过哪些癌症时,肺癌知晓率最高,达94.3%,肝癌,胃癌次之,达92.5%,92.4%,口腔癌的知晓率最低,仅47.7%.口腔癌知晓率与户口(P=0.015),长期居住地(P=0.028),家庭人均年收入(P=0.024),刷牙频率(P<0.001),自我检查口腔频率(P<0.001)及是否嚼槟榔(P=0.015)有关.多数被调查者从电视节目(24.3%),手机新闻/电子杂志(22.0%),微信(11.3%)及与朋友或身边的人聊天(14.6%)获知口腔癌相关信息.知道吸烟是口腔癌危险因素的仅34.9%,且其认识与年龄(P=0.011),教育水平(P=0.007),刷牙频率(P<0.001)及自我检查口腔(P=0.002)有关.知道饮酒是口腔癌危险因素的仅23.5%,其认识与教育水平(P=0.002),长期居住地(P=0.022),刷牙频率(P=0.009),自我检查口腔频率(P=0.005)有关.知道嚼槟榔是口腔癌危险因素的只有35.1%,其认识与年龄(P=0.040),学历(P=0.002),户口(P=0.002),家庭人均年收入(P=0.005),刷牙频率(P=0.001),自我检查口腔(P<0.001),嚼槟榔(P=0.002)有关.知道口内长期不愈的溃疡,白色斑块,红色斑块是口腔癌早期症状的分别有35.7%,21.6%,16.9%.结论: 北京市居民对口腔癌及其相关防治知识的认识存在严重不足,尚有部分居民还未形成良好的个人口腔卫生习惯,需采取针对性措施提高大众对口腔癌及相关防治知识的认知情况,如利用各种新媒体形式对大众进行口腔卫生健康知识宣教,以减少口腔癌发病率,提高早期就诊率和患者生存率.  相似文献   

2009年4月对上海市新港社区提蓝和张桥两个居委会200名市民进行入户问卷调查.结果 87.0%的市民(174人)知道肺结核症状,但仅42.5%(85人)知道"咳嗽"、"咳痰"是肺结核症状之一;76.5%的市民(153人)知道用肺结核病患者用过的东西不会被传染;85.5%的市民(171人)知道政府有减免项目;82.0%(164人)知道有定点医院;两居委会市民相关知识知晓率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).家庭年人均收入、文化层次和电视广播等因素,对知晓率影响最大.  相似文献   

In a survey of risk factors for coronary heart disease 14 102 middle aged men and women answered a questionnaire on lifestyle, diet, and health, including symptoms of functional abdominal disorders. The overall prevalence of reports of one or both of the abdominal symptoms of "bloating and rumbling" or "cramping abdominal pain" was 28% in men and 35% in women. Only a weak negative association between age and prevalence of reported pain was found in both sexes. Women reported abdominal symptoms, especially cramping abdominal pain, significantly more commonly than men. In a multiple regression analysis abdominal symptoms were much more strongly associated with symptoms of mental stress such as depression, sleeping difficulties, problems of coping, and the use of analgesics than with lifestyle, dietary, and social variables together. The association was stronger in subjects reporting both symptoms. This strong and consistent association between functional abdominal disorders and psychological and social problems suggests that action other than prescribing drugs, diets, or radiography is required.  相似文献   

Background Delay in seeking medical care in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is receiving increasing attention. This study aimed to examine the association between expected symptoms and experienced symptoms of AMI and its effects on care-seeking behaviors of patients with AMI. Methods Between November 1, 2005 and December 31, 2006, a cross-sectional and multicenter survey was conducted in 19 hospitals in Beijing and included 799 patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) admitted within 24 hours after onset of symptoms. Data were collected by structured interviews and medical record review. Results The median (25%, 75%) prehospital delay was 140 (75, 300) minutes. Only 264 (33.0%) arrived at the hospital by ambulance. The most common symptoms expected by patients with STEMI were central or left chest pain (71.4%), radiating arm or shoulder pain (68.7%), shortness of breath or dyspnea (65.5%), and loss of consciousness (52.1%). The most common symptoms experienced were central or left chest pain (82.1%), sweats (71.8%), shortness of breath or dyspnea (43.7%), nausea or vomiting (32.3%), and radiating pain (29.4%). A mismatch between symptoms experienced and those expected occurred in 41.8% of patients. Patients who interpreted their symptoms as noncardiac in origin were more likely to arrive at the hospital by self-transport (86.5% vs. 52.9%, P 〈0.001) and had longer prehospital delays (medians, 180 vs. 120 minutes, P 〈0.001) compared to those who interpreted their symptoms as cardiac in origin. Conclusions Symptom interpretation influenced the care-seeking behaviors of patients with STEMI in Beijing. A mismatch between expectation and actual symptoms was associated with longer prehospital delay and decreased use of emerqency medical service (EMS).  相似文献   

先天禀赋性体质心、肝之气易虚易实,及躁狂抑郁性精神病易发之倾向性,是躁狂抑郁性精神病主要致病因素;躁狂抑郁性精神病最常见的临床表现,是抑郁状态与躁狂状态之交替发作;心、肝之气虚则发抑郁,心、肝之气实则发躁狂;心、肝之气易虚易实则引致郁与躁狂交替发作。另外,心性与肝性两类证候,多以固定之属性虚与实交替为症。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the perception of ischaemic heart disease (heart attack) as a cause of mortality and determine the current knowledge of its risk factors as well as the level of adoption of preventive strategies among Nigerians working in a tertiary institution. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. SUBJECTS: Five hundred randomly selected University workers both senior and junior staff. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Assessment of the awareness of ischaemic heart disease as a cause of morbidity and mortality, knowledge of risk factors and degree of adoption of lifestyle modification strategies. RESULTS: Only 136 (27.7%) of respondents considered ischaemic heart disease (heart attack) as the leading cause of death in their environment while 201 (40.2%) thought it was hypertension. Smoking was readily identified by 70.6% as a risk factor, excessive alcohol use by 52.8% and 41.6% of respondents identified obesity. Sedentary life-style and oral contraceptive use were least identified with only 16.6% and 6.4% of respondents respectively identifying them. This knowledge was significantly influenced by the educational status and cadre of the subjects. The senior staff who were also better educated demonstrated more knowledge. Two point two percent of respondents were smokers and smoked ten sticks of cigarettes or less per day. All expressed willingness to stop. One hundred and fifty eight admitted taking alcohol, most taking less than ten units a week and of these, only 64 were willing to quit. Fifty three point four percent (29.2% of senior and 24.2% of junior undertook some exercise while only 45.6% checked their body weights regularly. Only 25% of all the respondents visited the hospital or clinic for routine medical check-up. No statistically significant difference was found between the senior/better educated and the junior/less educated members of staff in the adoption of these life style modification measures. Sixty four point four percent got medical information from doctors and other health workers. CONCLUSION: Level of awareness of ishaemic heart disease as a leading cause of death is poor even in an academic environment. Knowledge of risk factors is also poor and is influenced by the level of educational attainment. Life style modification strategies are still not widely accepted irrespective of educational status. A concerted public health response is advocated to improve the present level of knowledge and establish behavioural changes.  相似文献   

Background: Cervical cancer, although largely preventable, remains the most common cause of cancer mortality among women in the developing world. Other members of the community see health care workers as models, therefore their attitudes and actions are predictors of societal health behaviour. Objectives: We assessed the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding prevention of cervical cancer among female health professionals in a secondary health facility in Kano, Nigeria. Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered on 230 female respondents in the various health professions including doctors, pharmacists, nurses and laboratory technologists in Murtala Mohammed Specialist hospital, Kano. Results: Over 60% of the respondents were able to correctly identify all the important aetiological factors associated with cervical cancer, while a similar figure knew the important signs and symptoms of the disease. Up to 94.7% of the respondents had a positive attitude towards Pap smear while 8.2% disapproved of it. Only 20.8% of the respondents have had a Pap smear done previously. Married respondents were more than four times likely to have had a previous Pap smear compared to their single counterparts. (X(2) = 13.3 df=1 P = 0.0003)[O.R=4.8, 95% confidence interval= 1.9 -14.4]. In contrast, religion appeared to have no significant influence on the practice (X(2)= 0.87 df=1 P=0.35). Conclusions: Despite a moderately high level of knowledge of cervical cancer screening and positive attitude towards it, the uptake of Pap smear was low. There is a need for continuing education to improve uptake of these services by health professionals so as to serve as a motivating factor for the public. Key words: cervical cancer screening, pap smear, female health workers, knowledge, practices.  相似文献   



The maintenance of optimum oral health is dependent on the efficacy of oral self-care. The objective of the present study was to evaluate oral self-care practices and knowledge among non-medical students at the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria.

Materials and Methods:

The cross-sectional survey was conducted among undergraduate students at the University of Port Harcourt Nigeria, in January, 2014. Self-administered questionnaire elicited information on demography, frequency of tooth brushing, type of tooth brush, use of dental floss and previous visit to the dentist.


A total of 360 young adults, 188 males and 172 females, aged 18-33 years participated in the study. Brushing habits of the study population was at least once a day (90%). Approximately half (52.5 %) of the samples used medium-sized bristles and about 28.8% of the students replaced their toothbrush every 3 months. Regarding oral hygiene aids, few students, 5.8% and 4.2% used dental floss and mouthwash, respectively, as oral cleaning aid. Most of the students (71.6%) had never visited the dentist, 18.1% visited due to dental pain and 8.1% for extraction. Regarding knowledge on oral hygiene practice, approximately 60% of students knew that we have to brush our teeth twice daily, 31% knew we need to visit the dentist twice a year and only 18% knew what was dental floss.


Oral hygiene practices among the students were poor. Therefore, oral health education and promotion is required to improve oral hygiene practices and health among young adults and the general population.  相似文献   

朱海莹  李晓慧 《海南医学》2009,20(10):27-28,26
目的探讨如何对无症状性心肌缺血的糖尿病患者进行及时诊断。方法对382例糖尿病患者进行24h动态心电图监测,根据ST段压低情况及其与临床症状、发作时间、持续时间、心率变化及日常活动的关系做定性、定量分析。结果检出109例(28.5%)ST段压低,其中单纯性无症状性心肌缺血73例,无症状缺血型ST段压低发生的次数是有症状的4.1倍;心肌缺血发作时,症状的有无与缺血时间长短无关;无症状心肌缺血多见于一般活动中(43.1%),发作时与发作前心率比较差别不大,发作高峰在06:00-12:00。结论心电图表现为心肌缺血的糖尿病患者,有一部分患者无胸痛或与心肌缺血相关的主观症状。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the referral practices, perceived usefulness, knowledge, prior training and desire for training of general practitioners (GPs) in Quebec with regard to complementary health care services such as acupuncture, chiropractic and hypnosis. DESIGN: Cross-sectional mail survey. SETTING: Province of Quebec. PARTICIPANTS: Random sample of 200 GPs. Of the 146 who responded, 25 were excluded because they were no longer in practice; this left 121 (83%). OUTCOME MEASURES: Self-reported referral practices for complementary health care services, perceived usefulness and self-assessed knowledge of such services, and prior training and desire for training in these services. RESULTS: Sixty percent (72/121) of the GPs knew at least one practitioner of a complementary health care service for referral; 59% (70/119) reported referring patients to physicians who practise such services and 68% (80/118) to nonmedical practitioners. At least one of the three services studied were regarded as having some use by 83% (101/121). Overall, self-reported knowledge was poor: the proportions of GPs who reported knowing a lot about acupuncture, chiropractic and hypnosis were 11% (13/121), 10% (12/121) and 8% (10/121) respectively. Prior training was also lacking: only 8% (9/118) of the GPs had received previous training in acupuncture, 2% (2/111) in chiropractic and 3% (3/103) in hypnosis. In all, 48% (57/118) indicated that they would like further training in at least one of the services studied, and 13% (16/121) indicated that they currently provided one service. CONCLUSIONS: Referral of patients by GPs to practitioners of complementary health care services is common in Quebec. Although self-assessed knowledge about such services is relatively poor, interest in learning more about them is high. These findings identify a demand for future educational initiatives.  相似文献   

目的了解医院门诊患者对慢性病毒性肝炎防治知识的知晓情况,为医护人员开展健康教育和加强健康监护提供依据。方法采用慢性病毒性肝炎防治知识调查问卷,对2011年世界肝炎宣传日自愿参与北京友谊医院义诊活动的门诊患者进行现场问卷调查。结果在118名门诊患者中,对病毒性乙型肝炎和病毒性丙型肝炎传播途径的知晓率介于41.5%~87.3%。门诊患者中分别有50.0%和46.6%的患者知晓乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎的病情进展;59.3%和57.6%的患者知晓两者何时需要治疗;14.4%和39.0%的患者知晓两者的治疗结局。在治疗结局方面,门诊患者对乙型肝炎的知晓率低于丙型肝炎,两者差异有统计学意义(χ2=17.89,P<0.001)。主要家庭成员中有无肝炎患者的门诊患者对病毒性肝炎防治知识的知晓率差异无统计学意义。39.8%的门诊患者对肝炎患者仍然存在不同程度的偏见。结论应提高门诊患者对肝炎病毒传播途径全面的认知,重视对门诊患者,尤其是肝炎患者家属开展关于不同类型病毒性肝炎防治知识的宣传教育。  相似文献   

Background  Sexual and reproductive health among adolescents have become increasingly important and aroused international concerns. In this study, we investigate sexual knowledge, attitudes, sexual behaviors, the unwanted pregnancy and the abortion rate and to explore related determinants among college students in Beijing.
Methods  This study is based on a cross-sectional survey of college students’ knowledge, attitudes and behavior. Multistage cluster sampling was used to select subjects in Beijing. The self-questionnaire designed by our research group including general information, knowledge, attitude and behavior about sexuality was used to collect information. A total of 2003 questionnaires were collected from June to July 2010.
Results  The data showed that most of the college students lacked knowledge about reproductive health. Only 17.9% of the respondents knew the appropriate time of abortion. Data also showed that the respondents had high-risk attitude about sex, 58.7% could accept premarital sex, and 29.7% had negative attitude towards contraception. Moreover, sexual activity of the respondents was active. Data showed that 18.5% of the respondents had had sexual activities. Significantly more boys than girls had sex (χ2=73.374, P <0.001). Among the boys and girls who reported sexual history, 43.1% of the boys had impregnated girlfriend and 49.3% of the girls among those people who have sex had unwanted pregnancies. Logistic regression analysis showed that the variables the gender (OR=3.12, 95% CI: 2.39–4.11), grade (OR=1.78, 95% CI: 1.40–2.26), specialty (OR=1.35, 95% CI: 1.12–1.74), family situation (OR=1.66, 95% CI: 1.15–2.38), score of knowledge (OR=0.74, 95% CI: 0.58–0.95) and attitude to sex activity (OR=0.09, 95% CI: 0.04–0.22) had a significant effect on having sexual behavior.

Conclusions  College students lack knowledge and methods to avoid risky sexual behaviors in Beijing. College students have high-risk sexual attitude and behaviors. Therefore, suitable and effective sex health measures to protect college students would be strongly recommended.


社区全科团队慢性阻塞性肺疾病防治基本知识调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的了解社区卫生服务中心全科团队对慢性阻塞性肺疾病防治基本知识的知晓度。方法2008年2月26日统一时间开始,对上海市某区全部15家社区卫生服务中心的全科医生做慢性阻塞性肺疾病防治基本知识的问卷调查。除去不能离开工作岗位者,接受调查医生593名。结果542名(91.4%)医生知道慢性阻塞性肺疾病的英文缩写;315名(53.1%)自认为知道《慢性阻塞性肺疾病防治指南》的主要内容;全部被调查的社区卫生服务中心均没有配备肺功能仪;500名(84.3%)知道肺功能检查是慢性阻塞性肺疾病诊断的金标准;115名(19.4%)医生知道慢性阻塞性肺疾病分为急性发作期和稳定期;163名(27.5%)知道慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者药物治疗有效后,应该长期治疗;328名(55.3%)认识到慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者在稳定期仍需要治疗;312名(52.6%)认为慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重后不一定要用抗生素;465名(78.4%)认为吸入治疗是慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性发作的首选方案。235名(39.6%)知道规范家庭氧疗是每日吸氧时间大于15h。调查发现仅365名(61.6%)医生参加过慢性阻塞性肺疾病相关知识培训,且培训次数每年仅1~2次。乡村医生所掌握的知识明显少于社区医生。结论全科医生在慢性阻塞性肺疾病防治知识方面严重缺乏,须加强相关防治知识的培训。  相似文献   

目的 了解与疟疾有利害相关者对当地疟疾态势看法和其疟疾知识,探寻开展疟疾防治IEC的潜在合作伙伴。方法 根据人类学的方法,组织哈尼和佤族社区居民以及中小学教师开展疟疾专题性讨论,对关键人员进行半结构式深度访谈。结果 当地政府和卫生部门把疟疾列为当地的主要公共卫生问题,但教育等非卫生部门对当地的疟疾情况和疟疾知识知之甚少;多数被调查者主要知识间日疟症状;多数社区居民不能肯定疟疾具有传染性;多数知识疟疾与蚊子有联系者,把疟疾感染又与诸如苍蝇和环境卫生差等因素也相联系。所有被调查者赞赏疟疾健康教育;教育,广播电视和农业部门表示愿意参与疟疾IEC活动。结论在我们以往的疟疾防治和研究中,在IEC方面工作的不足,导致人们对疟疾的知晓不够;社区和其它非卫生部门将是疟疾IEC活动的潜在合作伙伴,而当地政府的协调和领导极为重要。  相似文献   

目的:探讨“冠脉症状及早应对”健康教育在老年冠心病患者心脏病发作中的应用效果.方法:选取行经皮冠状动脉介入治疗的冠心病患者60例,随机分为观察组和对照组各30例.对照组进行常规冠心病健康教育,观察组进行“冠脉症状及早应对”健康教育.采用心脏病发作应对问卷对两组患者进行测评,对比两组入院前后识别症状、使用救援医疗服务、知识掌握、态度以及控制5个方面的变化.结果:两组患者入院时的识别症状、使用救援医疗服务、知识掌握、态度以及控制的测评结果比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);观察组出院时、出院1个月后以及出院3个月后,5个方面的测评结果均显著高于入院时及对照组对应时期的测评结果(P<0.05).结论:对老年冠心病患者实施“冠脉症状及早应对”健康教育能够显著提高患者发病时识别症状、使用救援医疗服务以及掌握知识的能力,提高其态度和控制水平,帮助患者及早做出就医决定.  相似文献   

目的 了解保定莲池区女大学生日常生殖保健现状、知识水平以及需求状况,并探讨解决生殖保健相关问题的合理性对策。方法 采用半结构式访谈与现场自填问卷相结合的方法收集数据,以现况调查为主要研究方法,利用多阶段分层抽样方法进行抽样,并运用χ2检验与多因素Logistic回归进行数据整理与分析。结果 调查显示,27.35%的女大学生坚持平均每天清洗外阴,37.09%的女大学生因妇科疾病感到身体不适而选择拖延就诊。Logistic回归结果显示,阴道分泌物异常与妊娠或流产情况、外阴受伤史以及婚姻状况有关,66.32%的大学生知道13种避孕方法,知晓乙肝为性传播疾病仅占26.15%,76.41%的人希望通过学校教育获取生殖保健相关资料。结论 大多数的女大学生存在生殖健康问题,在生殖保健方面仍有着很大缺陷,生殖保健知识掌握水平中等偏下,对于生殖保健技能和知识的获取尚存在较大需求。  相似文献   

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