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荆门市碘缺乏病防治效果评估分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
碘缺乏病是荆门市主要地方病之一 ,为实现 2 0 0 0年消除碘缺乏病的目标 ,自 1 995年开始按新标准全民供应加碘盐 ,全面落实以食盐加碘为主导的综合防治措施 ,并按照《全国碘缺乏病监测方案》开展两次病情监测 ,2 0 0 0年 4月按照卫生部等五部局《实现消除碘缺乏病阶段目标评估方案》要求 ,分别对该市 3县 (市、区 )碘缺乏病的防治效果进行了评估 ,现将结果报告如下。1 材料与方法1 .1 评估内容与方法 按卫生部等五部局《实现消除碘缺乏病阶段目标评估方案》进行 ,每个县 (市 )按东西南北中 5个方位各抽取 1所小学 ,用触诊和 B超法检查 …  相似文献   

1995、 1997和 1999年四川省已进行了 3次碘缺乏病PPS抽样监测 ,全省病情呈明显下降趋势 ,尿碘和盐碘水平均显著提高 ,3次监测儿童尿碘水平均达到国家标准 ,1997和 1999年已超出了ICCIDD/WHO等国际组织推荐的 10 0~ 2 0 0 μg/L适宜范围[1] 。为进一步评估全省碘缺乏病现状 ,根据卫生部卫办疾控发 [2 0 0 1]16 2号文件精神和《四川省第四次碘缺乏病监测实施方案》 ,四川省开展了第 4次碘缺乏病监测。现将监测的尿碘结果分析如下。1 材料与方法1 1 抽样方法 按照卫生部卫办疾控发 [2 0 0 1]16 2号文件和《四川省第 4次碘缺乏病监测…  相似文献   

为了解实现消除碘缺乏病阶段目标后防治情况,江西省血吸虫地方病防治工作办公室根据卫生部《关于开展全国第四次碘缺乏病监测》文件精神,拟定了《江西省第四次碘缺乏病监测实施意见》,于2 0 0 2 -0 5对赣州市随机抽取了南康、龙南、寻乌、宁都4县开展碘缺乏病监测,现将监测结果分析如下。1 对象与方法1 1 碘盐监测 从每个被抽取的县再随机抽取4个乡(镇、街) ,每个乡(镇、街)选取2个村(居委会) ,其中1个村(居委会)为乡(镇、街)所在地,另1个村(居委会)为“问题地区”(即加碘盐覆盖率低于90 %的地区)或距乡(镇、街) 5km以外的村。每个村(居…  相似文献   

根据全国2005年第五次碘缺乏病统一监测工作的实施意见,于2005年3~6月对全省30个县(市、区)600名五年级学生和150户家庭主妇,开展了碘缺乏病防治知识的健康教育问卷调查,现将结果分析如下.  相似文献   

山东省自 1995年起根据卫生部《全国碘缺乏病监测方案》的要求 ,每两年对山东省碘缺乏病 (IDD)进行1次全面监测。为了解居民食用盐碘现状 ,以便给今后制订防治措施提供依据 ,1995年、1997年、1999年对全省碘缺乏病病区居民户盐碘进行了调查。1 材料与方法以县为单位 ,在全省 99个IDD县 (市、区 )中 ,用容量比例概率抽样法 (PPS) ,抽取 30个县 (市、区 )为监测点 ,每个监测点随机抽取 4 0户居民家中食用盐为检测样品 ,同时收集盐样相关资料。采用直接滴定法测定盐碘含量。以碘含量 2 0~ 60mg/kg的盐样为合格碘盐 ,<2 0mg/k…  相似文献   

为了解和掌握桐庐县碘缺乏病病情和人群碘营养状况,按《全国碘缺乏病防治监测方案》的要求,结合全县防治工作开展监测,现将1999-2003年本县碘缺乏病监测结果(包括省地防所1999年、市地防所1999-2001年在桐庐县监测点监测数据)报告如下。  相似文献   

1983年我县参与省碘缺乏病(IDD)流行病学调查被确定为相对碘缺乏地区。1994年起在中小学生等特需人群中采取口服碘制剂措施,1996年开始供应加碘食盐。为了解IDD病情和干预措施落实情况,评价防治效果,我县于1997~1999年开展IDD防治抽样监测,现将结果分析报告如下。1 时间、内容和方法1.1 1997年4月,1999年4月我县分别参加全省、全国第二、三次碘缺乏病抽样监测。监测内容和方法按照《全国碘缺乏病防治监测方案》规定,先由省卫生防疫站按全省人口比例概率抽样方法(PPS法)确定我县为抽样单位,再按单纯随机抽样方法确定一所小学。在被抽到的小学中随机抽取40名8~10岁学生,用触诊法和B超法检测甲状腺大小。用直接滴定法检测学生家中盐碘含量;随机采集12名学生随意一次尿样,用酸化砷—铈接触法测尿碘含量;采集学校所在地水源水样2份,用硫酸  相似文献   

兴义市地处贵州西南部 ,是中度碘缺乏病 (IDD)病区 ,经 82年以来的碘缺乏病防治及全民食盐加碘工作的开展 ,碘缺乏病状况已有明显改善。为了解现阶段全市碘营养水平 ,供碘状况及人群对 IDD的认识 ,以及为在 2 0 0 0年实现消除碘缺乏病后仍持之以恒地监督监测提供依据 ,于 1999年 11月对该市儿童就甲状腺肿、尿碘、食用盐、碘缺乏病知识进行了问卷抽样调查 ,现将结果报告如下。1 材料与方法调查方法 :按全国碘缺乏病监测方案及五部局《实现消除碘缺乏病阶段目标评估方案》进行。1.1 病情监测 甲肿率 :按东西南北中抽五个乡镇的五所小学…  相似文献   

为及时了解和分析浙江省碘缺乏病病情和人群碘营养状况,2006年在全省11个市各随机抽取1个县(市、区)为省级监测点,在每个监测点随机选取一所乡镇中心小学,按照全国碘缺乏病防治监测方案的要求,开展碘缺乏病病情调查和碘盐检测,现将结果报告如下。对象与方法1病情调查用触诊法对所有在校8~10岁学生进行甲状腺检查;在3个年级中随机抽取12名学生(男女各半)作尿碘含量检测(酸消化砷一铈接触法)。2盐碘检测随机选取四年级的1个班,进行学生家中食用盐碘含量检测(硫代硫酸钠直接滴定法)。结果1甲状腺肿大率采用触诊法,共检查8~10岁在校学生3291名,…  相似文献   

按照全国碘缺乏病监测方案的要求和全国的统一布置 ,1995、 1997和 1999年进行了 3次全省碘缺乏病监测 ,抽样调查了 8~ 10岁学生家中盐碘、学生尿碘、学生甲状腺肿大率、五年级学生及居民户健教和新生儿脐血TSH等。 3次监测获取的大量的珍贵的数据和信息 ,不仅为全国碘缺乏病防治策略与规划的制定提供了依据 ,而且对于动态地了解四川 5年碘缺乏病防治动向 ,评价防治措施 ,确定今后的防治方向和对策更有重要意义。现将 3次结果综合分析如下。1 方法  每次监测前按PPS抽样法全省分别抽取 30个监测单位 (县 ) ,每县抽取 1所小学 ,每…  相似文献   

A national survey on the treatment of acute gastroenteritis in children was conducted among 10% of the Dutch general practitioners and 10% of the paediatricians. Oral Rehydration Solution was used by less than 40% of the general practitioners, while 95% of the paediatricians used it (nearly) always. About a quarter of the general practitioners used antidiarrhoeal medication in contrast to the paediatricians who hardly or never used these drugs. The refeeding period after the acute rehydration therapy showed great difference. The need for a uniform dietary advice was felt by nearly half the general practitioners. It is concluded that the internationally accepted primary treatment with O.R.S. has insufficient impact on the Dutch general practitioners. Greater knowledge on the unique features of this method is needed. The dietary advice after the primary treatment needs more uniformity.  相似文献   

失能调整生命年在煤矿职业性疾病负担分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为估计煤矿外伤性截瘫疾病负担,采用横断面抽样调查,共抽样调查全国5 个统配矿务局的26 个煤矿。以煤矿外伤性截瘫的患病和死亡资料为基础,用失能调整生命年(DALY) 估计煤矿外伤性截瘫疾病负担。结果表明:煤矿外伤性截瘫疾病负担为每千人口3225DALY。各矿务局比较:铜川矿务局外伤性截瘫疾病负担最重,每千人口5447 DALY,高于5 个矿务局的平均水平每千人口3225DALY。其次为阳泉、峰峰矿务局、三路安矿务局和晋城矿务局,分别为每千人口27 .85 、26 .60 、1510 和11 .71DALY。结果提示:DALY 可用于煤矿职业性疾病负担分析。各统配矿务局外伤性截瘫的DALY 差异较大  相似文献   

The development of memory clinics in the Netherlands. - Memory clinics (MCs) are multidisciplinary teams involved in the early diagnosis and treatment of people with dementia. Between 1998 and 2004 the number of MCs in the Netherlands increased from 13 to 40. This type of clinic is increasingly becoming part of standard care for people with early dementia and other cognitive disorders. A growing number ofMCs are collaborating structurally with local mental health care service providers. This is a positive development, in which hospital-based diagnosis and treatment are increasingly being integrated with long-term care to reach patient centred disease management.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis is a very frequent import infection in the Netherlands. The serotesting for schistosomiasis in Leyden affords reasonable insight into the prevalence of this import infection among different groups of the population in the Netherlands. Out of 3032 serum samples submitted in the period from 1983 to April 1986, 40% was positive. Most people with positive serum tests were of Surinam origin. Currently, there is a shift toward more infections among Dutch travellers. Many of these patients have high IFA titres indicating a recently incurred infection. Often no ova are found in spite of positive serotest: this phenomenon was seen in 36% of the Dutch travellers and in 48% of the Surinam people.  相似文献   

Municipal health services (MHSs) carry out the control and prevention of communicable diseases, under the authority of the municipal councils. Mayors have the authority to enforce measures aimed at individuals, such as isolation and quarantine. The mandatory notification of infectious diseases by physicians, as required by the Infectious Diseases Act, is an essential part of infectious disease control. By collecting these notifications, MHSs obtain a much better picture than the individual physician of the mutual relationships between the reported cases. MHSs monitor current regional developments, while the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) does this for the entire country and elsewhere in the world. By means of electronic message service, the information can be disseminated immediately, if necessary, to health professionals everywhere in The Netherlands. In case of national threats or epidemics, the National Coordination of Infectious Disease Control (LCI) can request expert advice from the Outbreak Management Team and can advise the Minister of Public Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) as to the best control measures. The Minister is chairman of a board of administrators, defines the policy and bears the final responsibility. The Ministry of VWS creates the necessary conditions. The Minister of VWS has noted structural errors in the organisation of the prevention of infectious diseases and will implement an improved organisational structure in the beginning of 2005. The assignments of the new centre are not only research and advising, but also the overall management of the prevention.  相似文献   

Cause-of-death statistics are a major source of information for epidemiological research or policy decisions. Information on the reliability of these statistics is important for interpreting trends in time or differences between populations. Variations in coding the underlying cause of death could hinder the attribution of observed differences to determinants of health. Therefore we studied the reliability of cause-of-death statistics in the Netherlands. We performed a double coding study. Death certificates from the month of May 2005 were coded again in 2007. Each death certificate was coded manually by four coders. Reliability was measured by calculating agreement between coders (intercoder agreement) and by calculating the consistency of each individual coder in time (intracoder agreement). Our analysis covered an amount of 10,833 death certificates. The intercoder agreement of four coders on the underlying cause of death was 78%. In 2.2% of the cases coders agreed on a change of the code assigned in 2005. The (mean) intracoder agreement of four coders was 89%. Agreement was associated with the specificity of the ICD-10 code (chapter, three digits, four digits), the age of the deceased, the number of coders and the number of diseases reported on the death certificate. The reliability of cause-of-death statistics turned out to be high (>90%) for major causes of death such as cancers and acute myocardial infarction. For chronic diseases, such as diabetes and renal insufficiency, reliability was low (<70%). The reliability of cause-of-death statistics varies by ICD-10 code/chapter. A statistical office should provide coders with (additional) rules for coding diseases with a low reliability and evaluate these rules regularly. Users of cause-of-death statistics should exercise caution when interpreting causes of death with a low reliability. Studies of reliability should take into account the number of coders involved and the number of codes on a death certificate.  相似文献   

构建和谐的医患关系是古往今来社会广泛关注的焦点话题,更是新时代健康中国战略的必然要求。本文分析了民国医德建设在社会约束、政府引导、医师转变、患者调整等方面产生的有益变化及主要原因,提出要加强法制建设和体制机制改革、医疗机构良好医德医风建设、社会规范引领和社会氛围营造、医患双方的教育引导,着力构建新时代医患命运共同体,进一步推进和谐社会建设。  相似文献   

A simple radioisotope scanner was used in a study of liver diseases in The Gambia. Scans were of value in localizing areas for biopsy or aspiration and in defining the liver in the presence of gross ascites. Although the scan was not helpful in diagnosis it provided a measure of the size of filling defects during treatment.  相似文献   

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