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A family of genes has been identified that encodes subunits of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and is expressed in the nervous system. Functional neuronal nAChRs can be expressed in Xenopus oocytes by injection of RNA encoding 1 of 2 different beta-subunits (beta 2, beta 4) in pairwise combination with RNA encoding 1 of 3 different alpha-subunits (alpha 2, alpha 3, alpha 4). We examined the sensitivity of these 6 different alpha- beta-subunit combinations to the nicotinic agonists ACh, nicotine, cytisine, and 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium (DMPP). Each subunit combination displayed a distinct pattern of sensitivity to these 4 agonists. The alpha 2 beta 2 combination was 5-fold more sensitive to nicotine than to acetylcholine, while the alpha 3 beta 2 combination was 17-fold less sensitive to nicotine than to ACh, and the alpha 3 beta 4 combination was equally sensitive to both nicotine and ACh. nAChRs composed of alpha 2, alpha 3, or alpha 4 in combination with beta 2 were 14-100-fold less sensitive to cytisine than to ACh. In contrast, nAChRs composed of alpha 2, alpha 3, or alpha 4 in combination with beta 4 were 3-17-fold more sensitive to cytisine than to ACh. The alpha 2 beta 2, alpha 3 beta 2, and alpha 3 beta 4 combinations were each equally sensitive to DMPP and ACh, while the alpha 2 beta 4, alpha 4 beta 2, and alpha 4 beta 4 combinations were 4-24-fold less sensitive to DMPP than to ACh. We also demonstrated that these differences are neither a consequence of variation in the relative amounts of RNA injected nor an artifact of oocyte expression. The oocyte system can accurately express ligand-gated ion channels because mouse muscle nAChRs expressed in oocytes display pharmacological properties similar to those reported for these receptors expressed on BC3H-1 cells. We conclude that both the alpha- and the beta-subunits contribute to the pharmacological characteristics of neuronal nAChRs.  相似文献   

Identification of long tracts responsible for spontaneous locomotion is critical for spinal cord injury (SCI) repair strategies. We recently demonstrated that extensive demyelination of adult rat thoracic ventral columns, ventromedial, and ventrolateral white matter produces persistent, significant open-field hindlimb locomotor deficits. Locomotor movements resulting from stimulation of the pontomedullary locomotor region are inhibited by dorsolateral funiculus (DLF) lesions suggesting that important pathways for locomotion may also exist in the dorsal white matter. However, dorsal hemisections that interrupt dorsal columns/dorsal corticospinal tract (DC/CST) and DLF pathways do not produce persistent, severe locomotor deficits in the adult rat. We studied the contributions of myelinated tracts in the DLF and DC/CST to overground locomotion following complete conduction blockade of axons in the ventrolateral funiculus (VLF), a region important for locomotor movements and for transcranial magnetic motor-evoked potentials (tcMMEP). Animals received ethidium bromide plus photon irradiation to produce discrete demyelinating lesions sufficient to stop axonal conduction in the VLF, combined VLF + DLF, or combined VLF + DC/CST. Open-field BBB scores and tcMMEPs were studied at 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks postlesion. VLF lesions resulted in mean BBB scores of 17 at 4 weeks. VLF + DC/CST and VLF + DLF lesions resulted in mean BBB scores of 15.9 and 11.1, respectively. TcMMEPs were absent in all lesion types confirming VLF conduction blockade throughout the study. Our data indicate that significant contributions to locomotion from myelinated pathways within the rat DLF can be revealed when combined with simultaneous compromise of the VLF.  相似文献   

The effects of insulin on levels and turnover of catecholamines in the hypothalamus and medulla oblongata were investigated. Systemic or intraventricular administration of insulin had no effect on catecholamine levels, but increased the turnover rate of norepinephrine and epinephrine. Insulin induced a dose-related increased release of norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine from hypothalamic slices. These results indicate that the effects of insulin on central catecholamines are elicited by its action in the brain.  相似文献   

L. Franklin  L. Bauce  Q. J. Pittman   《Brain research》1988,438(1-2):295-298
Previous reports that central administration of arginine vasopressin (AVP) increases turnover of brain catecholamines raise the possibility that the pressor responses which follow central administration of AVP may be mediated, in part, by central catecholamines. To test this hypothesis, rats were given intraventricular injections of vehicle, or of the neurotoxin, 6-hydroxydopamine, which resulted in significant depletions of hypothalamic and medulla oblongata noradrenalin and hypothalamic dopamine, but not of medullary dopamine or of hypothalamic and medullary 5-hydroxytryptamine. Following a one week recovery, these conscious rats, fitted with indwelling arterial catheters, were given intraventricular injections of AVP; the increases in arterial pressure and heart rate were significantly reduced in the catecholamine-depleted animals. These data support the hypothesis that the pressor and tachycardia responses to intraventricular AVP are mediated, in part, by central catecholamine-containing neurons.  相似文献   

Experiments were done in chloralose anesthetized, paralyzed and artificially ventilated male Wistar rats to investigate the effects of microinjections of either norepinephrine (NE) or tyramine into the central nucleus of the amygdala (ACe) on the arterial pressure (AP) and heart rate (HR) responses elicited by glutamate (Glu) stimulation of the ACe. Microinjections of Glu into the ACe elicited decreases in mean AP (-23+/-3 mmHg) and HR (-11+/-3 bpm). Microinjections of NE or tyramine into these sites did not elicit cardiovascular responses. However, Glu into the ACe in the presence of NE or tyramine elicited depressor or bradycardic response that were significantly smaller (70-100%) in magnitude than to Glu alone. These data suggest that noradrenergic mechanisms in the ACe alter the excitability of ACe neurons involved in mediating changes in systemic AP and HR.  相似文献   

Older adults often exhibit greater brain activation in prefrontal cortex compared to younger adults, and there is some evidence that this increased activation compensates for age-related neural degradation that would otherwise adversely affect cognitive performance. Less is known about aging and compensatory recruitment in the parietal cortex. In this event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study, we presented healthy young and old participants with two Stroop-like tasks (number magnitude and physical size). In young, the number magnitude task activated right parietal cortex and the physical size task activated left parietal cortex. In older adults, we observed contralateral parietal recruitment that depended on the task: in the number magnitude task older participants recruited left posterior parietal cortex (in addition to the right parietal activity observed in young) while in the physical size task they recruited right (in addition to left) posterior parietal cortex. In both cases, the additional parietal activity was associated with better performance suggesting that it played a compensatory role. Older adults also recruited left prefrontal cortex during both tasks and this common activation was also associated with better performance. The results provide evidence for task-specific compensatory recruitment in parietal cortex as well as task-independent compensatory recruitment in prefrontal cortex in normal aging.  相似文献   

A role for alpha4 integrins in different forms of the multiple sclerosis-like disease experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) has been demonstrated, but the individual contributions of alpha4beta1, alpha4beta7, and the related alphaEbeta7 integrin have not been determined. The P7 integrins alpha4beta7 and alphaEbeta7 play a central role in chronic inflammation, mediating the trafficking, entry, and/or adhesion of lymphocytes in the inflamed pancreas and gut, and their ligands MAdCAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-cadherin are expressed on brain endothelial cells and/or on microvessels in the inflamed central nervous system. Here, we show that an antibody directed against the beta7 subunit greatly attenuates a non-remitting form of EAE, induced by adoptive transfer of myelin oligodendrocyte peptide (MOG35-55)-stimulated T cells. Combinational treatment with both anti-beta7 and alpha4 integrin subunit antibodies led to more rapid and complete remission than that obtained with anti-alpha4 antibody alone, potentially implicating a role for alphaEbeta7 in disease progression. Remission correlated with the down-regulation of the vascular addressins VCAM-1. MAdCAM-1, and ICAM-1 on cerebral blood vessels. Attenuated forms of disease were induced by adoptive transfer of either wild-type encephalitogenic T cells to beta7-deficient gene knockout mice, or of beta7-/-encephalitogenic T cells to wild-type recipients. The former finding indicates that beta7 + ve recruited cells contribute to disease progression. Thus alpha4beta1, alpha4beta7, and alphaEbeta7 integrins may all play a contributory role in the progression of chronic forms of demyelinating disease, and together with their ligands could represent potential targets for improved treatment of some forms of multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to document, through comprehensive means, normal distribution and concentration of catecholamines in various regions of the CNS of pigs, an increasingly popular animal model used for transgenic manipulation of neural genes. The effects of gonadal steroidal status on this distribution were also assessed by comparing CNS catecholamine concentrations among mature male pigs (boars), immature (gilts) and mature female pigs (sows), and adult male pigs castrated prepuberally (barrows). Dissected tissue samples from the CNS were extracted in 2 N acetic acid, filtered through a 0.2 micron filter, then quantitated by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography using a C-18 reverse phase column with electrochemical detection. In both boars and sows the highest concentrations of norepinephrine (NE) were found in the diencephalic areas and brain stem. Gilts exhibited elevated concentrations of NE in the olfactory bulbs (OB), hypothalamus, pons, and corpus trapezoideum-locus ceruleus (LC) compared to lower concentrations in corresponding areas of sows. Prepuberal castration of the male was associated with significantly lower NE concentrations in the striatum, periaqueductal area (PAG), pons, LC, and spinal cord. The sow exhibited significantly lower NE concentrations in the mammillary area (Mam), PAG, pons, and spinal cord than those in corresponding areas of the boar. Dopamine concentrations appeared to be similar in all areas of the brain and spinal cord studied in the sow and boar. Results demonstrated that prepuberal castration of the male appears to significantly alter the DA content of the Mam and dorsal spinal cord, in contrast to gilts who possess significantly higher concentrations of DA. It is concluded from our studies that in general, catecholamine concentrations in various regions of the brain and spinal cord of sexually mature pigs parallel distributions of neuropeptides, substance P, and methionine enkephalin, as previously reported. In addition, significant association was found between gonadal activity and catecholamine concentrations in discrete areas of the pig brain.  相似文献   

B E Levin 《Brain research》1984,300(1):103-112
Free amino acids were studied in the olfactory bulb of the rabbit during basal conditions and veratridine-induced depolarization, in vitro with a tissue slice preparation and in vivo with a perfusion-dialysis technique. In vivo, basal extracellular concentrations of GABA, beta-alanine and aspartate were low, while glutamine showed the highest level. The basal steady-state concentration ratio between the total tissue pool of free amino acids and amino acids in the extracellular fluid was high for GABA, aspartate and glutamate, while low for glutamine and other 'non-transmitter' amino acids. Veratridine induced a marked TTX-sensitive release of GABA (40-50 times the control) both in vivo and in vitro. In vivo, the GABA release showed a peak during the first minutes of veratridine perfusion. The TTX-sensitive release of aspartate and glutamate, on the other hand, was approximately 5 times higher in vitro than in vivo. Furthermore, a prolonged response to veratridine was seen for glutamate and aspartate in vivo consisting of an early peak, followed by a sustained release. Taurine showed a time-delayed veratridine response, both in vivo and in vitro, whereas glutamine displayed a slow, TTX-sensitive decrease. No effect of veratridine was seen on beta-alanine or carnosine-threonine levels.  相似文献   

Catecholamines (CAs) were detected histochemically within over 185 cell bodies in the central nervous system (CNS) of juvenile and young adult Lymnaea. This distribution of CA-containing cells in all central ganglia except the pleural ganglia is more widespread than previously described but is consistent with other reports suggesting numerous roles for CAs within the nervous system. This study also describes the distribution of substances which are antigenically similar to four bovine enzymes for catecholamine synthesis, but the distribution patterns showed little or no overlap with each other or with CA. These results suggest the need for caution in the interpretation of such immunohistochemical studies.  相似文献   

The role of central nervous system (CNS) catecholamines in the development of hypertension and the control of drinking behavior was assessed in rats by depleting these amines with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). Intraventricular administration of 6-OHDA completely prevented the development of one-kidney renal hypertension and abolished the associated increase in water consumption. 6-OHDA-treated rats showed deficits in drinking behavior when challenged with subcutaneous injections of angiotensin II (AII) and hypertonic sodium chloride. The acute pressor responses produced by intraventricular injections of AII and carbachol were virtually abolished by central catecholamine depletion. However, drinking produced by central cholinergic stimulation remained intact while AII drinking was significantly reduced. These data demonstrate that the integrity of CNS catecholamines is required for the development of one-kidney renal hypertension and the increased drinking which accompanies it. In addition, destruction of central catecholamine-containing neurons allows for a specific dissociation of the pressor and drinking responses produced by central cholinergic but not AII stimulation.  相似文献   

Fetal spinal cord transplants prevent the retrograde cell death of immature axotomized central nervous system (CNS) neurons and provide a terrain which supports axonal elongation in the injured immature spinal cord. The current experiments were designed to determine whether the axons which grow across the site of the neonatal lesion and transplant are derived from axotomized neurons and are therefore regenerating or whether the axons which grow across the transplant are late-growing axons that have not been axotomized directly. We have used an experimental paradigm of midthoracic spinal cord lesion plus transplant at birth and temporally spaced retrograde tracing with the fluorescent tracers fast blue (FB) and diamidino yellow (DY) to address this issue. Fast blue was placed into the site of a spinal cord hemisection in rat pups less than 48 h old. After 3-6 h to allow uptake and transport of the tracer, the source of fast blue was removed by aspiration and the lesion was enlarged to an "over-hemisection." A transplant of Embryonic Day 14 fetal spinal cord tissue was placed into the lesion site. The animals survived 3-6 weeks prior to the injection of the second tracer (DY) bilaterally into the host spinal cord caudal to the lesion plus transplant. Neurons with late-developing axons would not be exposed to the first dye (FB), but could only be exposed to the second tracer, diamidino yellow. Thus, neurons with a diamidino yellow-labeled nucleus are interpreted as "late-developing" neurons. Neurons axotomized by midthoracic spinal cord lesion at birth could be exposed to the first tracer, fast blue. If after axotomy they regrew caudal to the transplant, they could be labeled by the second tracer as well. We interpret these double-labeled neurons as regenerating neurons. If neurons labeled with fast blue and axotomized by the spinal cord hemisection either failed to regenerate or grew into the transplant but not caudal to it, they would be labeled only by the first dye. We have examined the pattern and distribution of single (FB or DY)- and double (FB + DY)-labeled neurons in the sensorimotor cortex, red nucleus, locus coeruleus, and raphe nuclei. The sensorimotor cortex contains only DY-labeled neurons. The red nucleus contains both FB- and FB + DY-labeled neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The pressor (VLPA) and the depressor (VLDA) areas in the ventrolateral medulla were identified with the microinjections of L-glutamate (1.77 nmol/site) in artificially ventilated, pentobarbital-anesthetized male Wistar rats. Electrical stimulation of the left or right aortic nerve (1-6 V, 10-40 pulses/s, 3 ms) produced usual depressor responses. Electrolytic lesions (2.5 mA for 30 s) were placed bilaterally in the VLDA. Lack of responses to subsequent microinjections of glutamate into the VLDA indicated that the lesions were complete. The function of the VLPA was not compromised because it continued to respond to microinjections of glutamate. Subsequent stimulation of the aortic nerves failed to elicit the usual depressor responses. These results confirm our earlier reports indicating that the VLDA is important in mediating the depressor component of the aortic baroreflex.  相似文献   

The effects of alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists on sympathetic nervous discharge (SND) recorded from the external carotid and splanchnic nerves were studied in baroreceptor intact and denervated cats. Prazosin (50 microgram/kg, i.v.) produced a rapid fall in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and no significant change in heart rate (HR) in baroreceptor denervated cats. Prazosin administration was also associated with a prolonged inhibition of SND. Nerve activity was significantly reduced within 5 min of prazosin administration remained depressed throughout the 2 h observation period. Like prazosin, WB-4101 (0.5 mg/kg, i.v.) also produced significant reductions in MAP and SND. In addition, WB-4104 produced a transient bradycardia. The decreases in MAP and SND were reversed by piperoxane (0.5 mg/kg, i.v.). Both prazosin and WB-4101 inhibited the pressor response to i.v. norepinephrine. In baroreceptor intact cats, prazosin decreased MAP and SND, but did not affect HR. In contrast, phentolamine (1 mg/kg, i.v.) decreased MAP but increased SND and HR. These data indicate that the sympatholytic action of WB-4101 and prazosin results from a centrally mediated reduction in SND as well as a peripheral blockade of alpha-adrenergic receptors. These data further suggest that noradrenergic neurons normally facilitate the outflow of sympathetic nerve activity from the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Arterial levels of epinephrine (E) were significantly raised for all times sampled, after intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of arginine vasopressin (AVP) (1 nmol) into conscious rabbits. Venous levels of norepinephrine (NE) were significantly raised within the first 4 min after a similar i.c.v. injection of AVP. The significant increases in arterial E and venous NE correspond in time and therefore could account for changes in heart rate and blood pressure elicited by centrally injected AVP. Therefore, AVP could influence cardiovascular function by increasing the activity of the sympatho-adrenomedullary system.  相似文献   

Central catecholamine concentrations were determined in autopsy brain samples from 19 elderly schizophrenic patients and controls. Data from the hypothalamus and nucleus accumbens demonstrate altered catecholamine metabolism associated with cognitive impairment in these subjects. Both loci show decrements of norepinephrine concentrations, while the nucleus accumbens samples also show increased dopamine, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol concentrations associated with dementia in these subjects. The data argue for examination of catecholamine metabolism with respect to dementia in a broad range of elderly subjects.  相似文献   

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