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本文提出了一种用于微量体液密度测量的超声波传感器结构,并对其进行了理论分析和初步实验,结果表明:这种传感器结构与传统的体液密度传感器相比,具有测量精度高、所需试样少,响应快等特点,具有广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

沈文律 《华西医学》1991,6(3):343-348
休克是临床最常见的危重症之一,尽管二十年来休克微循环学说为休克的防治提供了重要的理论基础,使休克的诊治进入了一个新阶段,但某些休克如感染性休克和心源性休克病死率仍高。目前休克的研究已深入到细胞、亚细胞、受体及分子水平。从发病学和病因学来看,休克时细胞的损害是原始动因或是微循环障碍的结果尚待进一步研究。Ralph发现内毒素休克时细胞内形态变化可发生在血压下降之前;Duff证明某些败血症病人病情非常严重,甚至接近死亡时,血流仍正常。又如休克晚期溶酶体酶大量释放,可加剧休克和内脏功能衰竭。这些都说明休克时细胞的变化在休克的发病学上具有重要意义。  相似文献   

输血传播病毒 (transfusion transmittedvirus,TTV)是1997年新发现的一种可经输血传播的DNA病毒 ,在我国人群的血液中阳性率为 9.4 %~ 2 4 .0 % [1,2 ] 。为进一步了解人体常见体液中是否存在TTV ,并为今后研究其传播途径提供依据 ,我们采用了洛阳华美生物工程公司提供的TTVPCR扩增试剂盒 ,对唾液、阴道分泌物、脐带血等标本作了TTVDNA定性测定。我们按无菌操作要求 ,每例孕产妇同时收集唾液、静脉血血清和脐带血血清 6 2例 ,采用巢式PCR扩增技术作TTV定性测定 ,测定结果分别为唾液阳性 6例 ,阳性率为9.7% (6 / 6 2 ) ;静脉血阳…  相似文献   

输血传播病毒(transfusion-transmitted virus, TTV)是1997年新发现的一种可经输血传播的DNA病毒,在我国人群的血液中阳性率为9.4%~24.0%[1,2].为进一步了解人体常见体液中是否存在TTV,并为今后研究其传播途径提供依据,我们采用了洛阳华美生物工程公司提供的TTV PCR扩增试剂盒,对唾液、阴道分泌物、脐带血等标本作了TTV DNA定性测定.  相似文献   

许树耘  辜小丹 《华西医学》2002,17(2):237-237
目的:了解急诊医护人员沾染患者体液情况。方法:2000.4-2001.4四川省成都市3所医院急诊医护人员共106人每天问卷调查,共80人完成问卷,其中医生30人,护士50人。结果:最易沾染体液为血液,占59.3%;最易沾染部位为手指、手掌,占79.1%;常发生在注射、穿刺中,占45.58%;仅81.34%医护人员有一定防护意识,5.49%医护人员无防护意识。结论:急诊医护人员沾染患者体液情况严重,且防护意识淡薄,有待提高。  相似文献   

CT四种密度胆囊结石标本的溶石实验研究关长群,张玉忠,郭平临床在开展胆囊结石溶解治疗时,需要影像诊断提供胆囊结石的化学性质、结构等信息确定适应症,以提高溶解疗效。现将经CT预测分类的40例病人的胆囊结石标本溶解实验总结如下。1材料与方法取40例病人体...  相似文献   

吴锦芬 《检验医学》2001,16(5):291-291
我们经过多年的实践和研究,在采用棉棒吸附法改进体液制片中取得一定经验,现报道如下.材料和方法一、脱脂棉棒制备取一根细竹签,一头用刀片削尖,在尖处包少许脱脂棉花,呈尖形的脱脂棉花吸附棒.二、制片方法标本以1 500 r/min离心5~10 min,用小滴管轻轻吸出上清液(作其他多项目检查用),留下约0.2 ml沉淀物;把棉棒尖头轻轻地与沉淀物上层稍加接触,这时沉淀物的少许体液被脱脂棉花吸收,而有核细胞却吸附在棉棒顶端;在标本细胞总数多时,把已吸附有该细胞的棉棒顶端在玻片的一端约90度角往另一端轻轻一拉,制成厚、较厚、薄的涂片3张;在标本细胞总数少时,把已吸附有核细胞棉棒的顶端与玻片中部区域稍微轻轻一碰,均匀地印在玻片上待干.  相似文献   

目的:建立科学有效的提纯、分析、检测肿瘤患者体液中肿瘤血管因子的方法,为研制高效低毒的肿瘤血管生成抑制剂和进行抗血管生成治疗奠定基础。方法:应用中空纤维超滤、超速离心、层析、电泳等方法进行提取分析;建立动物模型,采用鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜法监测其生物活性。结果:活性检测结果显示87例肺癌、卵巢癌的胸、腹水中,96.55%呈阳性,3.45%为阴性,具有显著性差异(P<0.01);肿瘤血管生成因子经电泳纯化后谱带清晰,分子量为4.6-4.8D,且具有生物活性,呈“红辐轮环”;抗体效价为16.50。结论:从癌性体液中纯化的肿瘤血管生成因子具有生物活性,提取、纯化及检测方法稳定有效。该方法可用于观测抗肿瘤血管生成药物的药效或生物疗法的效果。  相似文献   

低渗性脱水体液丧失量常用的估算公式为:丧失量(ml)=[(所测红细胞比容-正常血细胞比容)/正常血细胞比容]×体重(kg)×200。其数学表达式为:V=0.2W(HCT-HCTo)/HCTo(以下简称旧公式)上式中:V-丧失量(L),W-体重(kg),HCT-脱水后红细胞压积,HCTo-正常红细胞压积。笔者认为,该公式的分母HCTo改为HCT将使估算结果更准确,  相似文献   

在普通外科日常的工作中 ,手术后患者常不能经口摄入 ,在此期间需从静脉补偿患者手术后所缺失的液体和营养 ,由于每个外科病人的情况不同、病情不同及手术方式的不同 ,补充的液体也不相同 ,所以在临床上常会出现手术后电解质及体液的紊乱 ,复习近期各种文献将几种特殊类型体液紊乱的治疗介绍如下。1 细胞外液容量过多这是一种输液不当所产生的并发症 ,术后尤易发生。因机体对创伤和手术的应激反应使肾血管收缩 ,体内血管加压素和醛固酮的分泌增多 ,导致水、钠潴留。如术后短期内输入较多液体 ,就会发生细胞外液容量过多和心脏负荷过重。产…  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种新型的超声波式血液密度测量方法,即通过测量超 声脉冲在血液中传播时的速度和声阻抗的变化来测定血液密度。与一般的振动式 血液密度计相比,其结构简单,具有较高的灵敏度,且对流动没有限制。文中介绍了 测量的基本原理和测量装置的组成,并给出了有关实验结果。  相似文献   

目的研究一种新型医用超声探头消毒凝胶,并对其效果进行观察。方法通过配方和工艺研究、采用理化分析和载体定量杀菌试验方法,对该医用超声探头消毒凝胶相关性能进行了实验室和现场试验观察。结果该消毒凝胶以醋酸氯己定为有效成分,复配非离子型水溶性高分子聚合物基质及其他辅剂组成无色透明凝胶。用该消毒凝胶原液浸泡作用1 min,对载体上大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞菌平均杀灭率可达99.9%以上,作用5 min杀灭率可达100%;对载体上白色念珠菌作用3 min,平均杀灭率大于99.9%。该消毒凝胶对小鼠急性经口毒性LD50值5 000 mg/kg(体重),其原液对动物完整皮肤无刺激、无致突变作用。该医用超声探头消毒凝胶声学性能符合医用超声耦合剂相关要求。结论该医用超声探头消毒凝胶相关性能达到了设计要求,具有良好的杀菌效果和使用安全性。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨血清非高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(nonHDL-c)在冠心病、糖尿病中的预测价值。[方法]选取住院确诊的冠心病患者80例为冠心病组,糖尿病患者60例为糖尿病组(其中糖尿病并发冠心病组40例,糖尿病未并发冠心病组20例),健康正常查体80例为对照组。比较了各组的甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-c)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-c)及计算所得的(nonHDL-c)异常率。[结果]冠心病组nonHDL-c的异常率明显高于其他组,而糖尿病合并冠心病组高于无并发症的糖尿病组。[结论]血清nonHDL-c升高对冠心病具有预测价值,同时可作为糖尿病冠心病发生的预测因子。  相似文献   

A new antacid formulation (Dynese) based on magaldrate, a discrete chemical entity with marked antacid properties, has been compared in vitro with several commercially available antacid preparations. All preparations were tested for their ability to maintain gastric pH within acceptable limits and to effectively bind bile acids. Sodium concentrations were also determined. Dynese was shown to compare very favourably with existing preparations in that it had a prolonged even neutralization profile, efficient bile acid binding properties and a low sodium content.  相似文献   

A specific quantitative chromatographic assay method is described for 5-hydroxymethylfurfuraldehyde (5HMF) in degraded D-glucose solutions incorporating an internal standard. Comparison is made between the chromatographic method and the official direct ultraviolet absorption measurements at 284 nm for solutions of D-glucose degraded to different extents. Hospital samples of autoclaved Dextrose Injection, 5% w/v, are also examined by both methods and it is demonstrated that quite different results can be obtained depending upon the conditions of measurement. It is demonstrated that the direct absorption method does not provide an adequate limit test for compounds related to 5HMF.  相似文献   

We have studied 187 patients with rheumatoid arthritis for periodsranging from three months to six years; 55 of them were observedfor more than three years. The aim of the study was to comparechanges in clinical state with changes in measurements of theblood levels of two acutephase reactants (C-reactive proteinand haptoglobin). The results showed that measurements of the serum acute-phasereactants reflected exacerbation or remission of arthritis whensuch changes occurred over short periods of time—for examplea few months. The serum acute-phase reactants also reflectedthe course of rheumatoid arthritis over longer periods of time;in patients studied for more than three years there was a closecorrelation between the course of the disease and the levelsof the acute-phase reactants. We suggest that measurements of the serum acute-phase reactantsprovide an accurate and objective way of assessing the progressof rheumatoid arthritis and of its response to treatment.  相似文献   

Several attempts were made to transplant a spontaneous malignant tumor in a syphilitic rabbit before a method was devised which proved successful. Subcutaneous and intracutaneous inoculations were unsuccessful on account of the vigorous granulomatous reaction which was aroused by the introduction of tumor fragments into these tissues. This difficulty was overcome by the use of intratesticular inoculations. With this method, a good growth was obtained in practically all animals. It appeared possible, however, that a syphilitic infection had been transmitted along with the tumor, and hence treatment with arsphenamine was instituted as a means of eliminating this infection. A study of the transplanted tumor in the first and second generations showed that it possessed a high degree of malignancy. Metastases occurred at an early period in the majority of animals, and while some of them appeared to recover, the indications were that more than 50 per cent might be expected to succumb to the effects of the tumor growth within a period of 6 to 7 months. The method of intratesticular inoculation now in use is described in detail.  相似文献   

A malignant tumor which developed at the site of a primary syphilitic lesion in the scrotum of a rabbit, about 4 years after inoculation, and eventually led to the death of the animal, has formed the basis for an extensive series of investigations beginning with the study of the spontaneous tumor. The present report contains the clinical history of the animal from the time of inoculation to its death and the results of pathological examinations. The most important events recorded may be summarized as follows: 1. A mild but persistent syphilitic infection with an occasional relapse and the eventual development of chronic inflammatory lesions in the skin associated with atypical epithelial proliferations. 2. The occurrence, at about the same time, of extensive degenerative changes in the dermis accompanied by an atypical growth of hair follicles, with the production of diffuse and nodular areas of thickening and induration (scleroderma). 3. The development of a growth in the skin of the left scrotum which recurred after removal and spread diffusely over adjacent parts of the skin, and metastasized to the regional lymph nodes and to internal organs. 4. The transplantation of the growth to other rabbits by intratesticular inoculation and the successful propagation of the growth over a period of nearly 2 years (twenty generations). 5. The development of a cachexia and of pressure phenomena from metastases involving the cervical and lumbar regions of the spinal column which eventually led to the death of the animal. 6. The discovery, post mortem, of an extensive leucoplakia of the tongue and buccal mucosa, chronic inflammatory lesions in the esophagus with atypical epithelial proliferation, and a nodular growth in the left testicle differing in character from that in the scrotum. 7. The presence of extensive degenerative changes in the vascular system, degeneration of the parenchymatous organs, atrophy of the thymus and lymphoid system, with chronic lymphadenitis, atrophy, degeneration, and necrosis of the suprarenals, and atrophy and hyperplasia of the thyroid with chronic thyroiditis. The conclusion was reached that the growth in the scrotum represented a neoplasm of epithelial origin which was composed of cells allied to those found in the bulb and root sheath of the hair. No explanation was offered for the origin or unusual malignancy displayed by the tumor pending the introduction of experimental data. It was stated, however, that the evidence presented was sufficient to warrant the assumption that the factor of foremost importance in the development of the tumor was constitutional rather than local.  相似文献   

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