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Regression analyses suggest a weak prediction power of identified risk factors for apical root resorption in orthodontic patients, indicating the presence of etiologic or causative factors that have not yet been disclosed. To investigate the possible significance of dental anomalies as risk factors, pretreatment and posttreatment periapical radiographs of 84 patients with presence of at least one dental anomaly and of 84 patients without such anomalies were compared. The patients in the two groups were matched according to age, gender, Angle Class, extraction therapy, overbite, and treatment time. Apical root resorption was calculated by subtracting posttreatment tooth length measurements from the corresponding pretreatment measurements. Two sample t tests revealed no differences in mean root resorption between the patients in the two groups (P = .88). Stepwise regression analyses did not identify any of the individual anomalies as risk factors. In addition, patients with more than one anomaly did not appear to be at increased risk.  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective study was to assess if dental invagination is a risk factor for root resorption during orthodontic treatment. The sample consisted of 91 patients (32 males, 59 females) with a mean age of 13.1 years (range 9.3-32.1 years) with complete orthodontic records, including periapical radiographs of the maxillary incisors before and after treatment. Forty-nine patients had at least one maxillary incisor invaginated, whilst the remaining 42 patients were free of dental invaginations. Variables recorded for each patient included gender, age, Angle classification, extraction or non-extraction therapy, ANB angle, overjet, overbite, trauma, habits, agenesis, tooth exfoliation, treatment duration, Class II elastics, body-build, general factors, impacted canines, and root form deviation. Crown and root length of the maxillary incisors were measured on pre- and post-treatment long cone periapical radiographs corrected for image distortion. The percentage of root shortening and root length loss in millimetres was then calculated. Most of the invaginated teeth were minor type 1. Statistical analysis revealed no significant difference in the severity of apical root resorption between invaginated and non-invaginated incisors in patients without dental invaginations, nor was the extent of dental invagination related to the severity of apical root resorption. However, invaginated teeth had malformed roots more often than non-invaginated teeth. Dental invagination, and particularly type 1, cannot be considered a risk factor for apical root resorption during orthodontic tooth movement.  相似文献   


The identification of predictors of supragingival biofilm accumulation may improve the results of therapeutic strategies for dental caries and periodontal diseases in general clinical practice. This study aimed to determine predictors of changes in visible plaque (VP) and gingival bleeding (GB) during integrated dental care.

Materials and methods

A retrospective longitudinal study was conducted by a census of patients receiving integrated dental care in a general clinical practice ambulatory at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). The sample comprised 91 charts of patients attended over a 6-months period. Gender, age, patient’s main complaint, oral hygiene pattern, and clinical data were recorded from charts for the last two dental visits in the ambulatory. Changes in VP and GB were modeled by multiple linear regression and beta coefficients (b) were reported.


The mean follow-up time was 13 months. Significant reductions in VP (32.8 ± 27.9 to 17.4 ± 19.4%; p < 0.001) and GB (27.1 ± 23.8 to 18.5 ± 17.3%; p < 0.001) were observed. Higher plaque reductions were predicted by higher baseline VP levels (p = 0.02), shorter time (< 12 months) elapsed between VP recordings (b = 14.1%, p = 0.02), interproximal cleansing (b = 11.9%, p = 0.03), lower number of sessions for oral hygiene instruction (b = 13.7%, p = 0.02), and presence of pockets ≥ 6 mm (b = − 12.4%, p = 0.02). GB was predicted by time of follow-up > 12 months and baseline VP.


Plaque and gingivitis improved in patients under integrated dental care. Factors related to motivation, oral hygiene practices, and baseline periodontal status might be used as predictors of VP and GB changes.

Clinical relevance

Visible plaque and gingivitis reduced in a sample of patients treated under integrated dental care. Some predictors may determine for which patients the treatment may be maximize and those who will need greater efforts to achieve the therapeutic goal for oral hygiene.


Purpose of the researchTooth germ development involves multiple events, including cell proliferation and cell differentiation. Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) is a signaling protein involved in tooth germ development, and we investigated how it is expressed and what roles it may have in primary cultures of mesenchymal cells derived from the developing tooth germ. We also examined the expression of CCN2 in a human odontogenic myxofibroma, a benign tumor of odontogenic mesenchymal origin, and considered the possible roles of CCN2 in the development of myxofibromas.Materials and methodsMesenchymal cells of early bell-stage tooth germs were isolated from Day-90 bovine embryos and placed in primary culture. A resected specimen from a patient with odontogenic myxofibroma was prepared for immunohistochemical studies.Principal resultsThe CCN2 expression level in proliferating odontogenic mesenchymal cells freshly isolated from the early bell stage of developing bovine tooth germs and placed in primary culture was 3 times higher than that in the confluent non-proliferating cells. Recombinant CCN2 significantly increased the proliferation and type I collagen expression in odontogenic mesenchymal cells in primary culture. Immunohistochemical analysis on myxofibroma case revealed that CCN2 was detectable in MIB-1, a cellular marker of proliferation-positive odontogenic mesenchymal cells adjacent to capillary blood vessels and in the endothelial cells of the vessels in the tumor.Major conclusionCCN2 signaling would influence the proliferation of and extracellular matrix production by dental mesenchymal cells. Our results suggest that the same mechanisms of CCN2 action toward dental mesenchymal cells would also be operative in the odontogenic myxofibroma microenvironment.  相似文献   

Objectives : To provide a conceptual framework of the relationships between dental health and dental care utilisation with socio‐economic factors, human resources and the finance and organisation of dental healthcare systems in European countries from 1990 to 2004. Methods : Bivariate relations and longitudinal analysis using time series cross‐sectional regression models. Data were obtained from published papers and official publications. Results : We found no evidence that greater access to dental healthcare professionals has contributed to improving dental health among 12‐year‐old children. The main parameters influencing oral health and its evolution are income and educational levels within countries. The greater number of dentists and a relatively young adult population have a positive effect on the utilisation of dental services. Conclusions : The improvement in dental health obtained among European children over the last 15 years does not seem to be attributable to policies aimed at improving access to oral health services. What has been achieved is a higher rate of utilisation by adults, due in part to the greater relative numbers of dental healthcare personnel in European countries between 1990 and 2004.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the distribution and severity of tooth wear in deciduous dentition and its relationship with possible risk factors. A stratified cluster sample of 243 5-7-year-old children was examined using the tooth wear index of Smith and Knight, and their exposure to intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors was retrospectively investigated through a structured questionnaire. The severity of wear was quantitatively estimated by the number of surfaces with affected dentine and by the cumulative score of the sextants, based on the Basic Erosive Wear Examination scoring system. Only 1.6% of the children were tooth wear free, whereas 45.6% had moderate to severe wear involving dentine. Maxillary canines were the most affected teeth (83.2%), and occlusal/incisal the most affected surfaces (52.7%). The likelihood of tooth wear involving dentine was greater in boys than girls (OR = 1.72), in immigrants than in Greeks (OR = 1.93), and in 6- and 7-year olds than in 5-year olds (OR = 2.78 to 2.93). After adjustment for age, gender, and nationality, exposure to several dietary factors and especially to soft drinks was found to significantly affect the prevalence (OR = 1.27) and the severity of tooth wear. Every additional serving/week of consumption of soft drinks increases the number of surfaces with dentine affected by 0.03 per year (p < 0.05) and the cumulative score of sextants by 0.04 (p < 0.05). The cluster of children with the higher prevalence and severity of tooth wear had an average exposure to soft drinks of 10 servings/week for a duration of 4 years. The cumulative score of sextants was better predicted by the assessed risk factors, in comparison with the number of surfaces with affected dentine. Tooth wear is a common condition in children, related both to the physiological process of aging of dentition and to the erosive effect of dietary factors. Strategies to reduce the intake of soft drinks in children are expected to have multiple benefits preventing tooth wear in childhood and in later life, as well as many other general and oral health diseases.  相似文献   

BackgroundTo ensure the oral health of a population, clinicians must deliver appropriate dental services, and local communities need to have access to dental care facilities. However, establishment of this infrastructure must be based on reliable information regarding disease prevalence and severity in the target population.ObjectivesThe aims of this study were to measure the incidence of dental caries in school children aged 12–14 throughout Qatar, including the influence of socio-demographic factors.Materials and methodsA cross-sectional study was conducted in Qatar from October 2011 to March 2012. A total of 2113 children aged 12–14 were randomly selected from 16 schools located in different geographic areas. Three calibrated examiners using World Health Organization (WHO) criteria to diagnose dental caries performed the clinical examinations. Data analyses were subsequently conducted.ResultsThe mean decayed, missing, and filled teeth index values were respectively 4.62 (±3.2), 4.79 (±3.5), and 5.5 (±3.7), for 12, 13, and 14 year-old subjects. Caries prevalence was 85%. The mandibular incisors and canines were least affected by dental caries, while maxillary and mandibular molars exhibited the highest incidence of dental caries. Dental caries were affected by socio-demographic factors; significant differences were detected between female and male children, where more female children showed dental caries than male children. In addition, children residing in semi-urban areas showed more dental caries than in urban areas.ConclusionResults indicated that dental caries prevalence among school children in Qatar has reached critical levels, and is influenced by socio-demographic factors. The mean decayed, missing, and filled teeth values obtained in this study were the second highest detected in the Eastern Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

This systematic review and meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the long-term hard tissue stability and relapse factors following surgical–orthodontic treatment in skeletal class II patients. A literature search was conducted using Embase, Cochrane Central, Web of Science, and PubMed, yielding 3184 articles published up to January 2019. Risk of bias was assessed following the Cochrane handbook. Ten articles met the inclusion criteria. A total of 1079 patients were followed up for 5–13 years. The qualitative findings showed a variety of extrinsic and intrinsic factors affecting long-term stability. Meta-analysis for the amount and direction of cephalometric landmark displacement in the vertical and sagittal planes showed significant angular increases of ANB and backward relapse of SNB, however within the clinically acceptable range of 4°. In relation to linear measurements, the mean differences in all landmarks were within the clinically acceptable range of 2 mm except for gonion. In conclusion, this systematic review showed multiple intrinsic and extrinsic factors responsible for relapse. However, the outcomes of the meta-analysis are limited due to the heterogeneity of data, small number of studies, and inconsistent methods of evaluation. Further high-quality studies utilising standardised three-dimensional methodologies are required to improve the level of evidence.  相似文献   

Oral Radiology - Although radiation exposure associated with dental radiography is relatively low, patient exposure must be kept practically low. Therefore, it is necessary for each country to...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if there are any common skeletal or dental characteristics among TMD patients that may be of diagnostic value. Thirty charts of orthodontic patients with pretreatmentTMD symptoms were selected at random.Gender, age, sex, ethnicity, SNA, SNB, ANB,Wits, interincisal angle, missing teeth, prior orthodontic treatment, crossbites, Angle's Class and maxillary and mandibular length were tabulated and analyzed for patterns. The results revealed a clear pattern of excessive mandibular length relative to maxillary length.  相似文献   



Dental caries is one of the most prevalent diseases of childhood in developing countries. However, there is a paucity of epidemiological data on the prevalence and associated factors of dental caries in Eritrea. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence and associated factors of dental caries among 12 years old school children in Eritrea.


A school based cross sectional study was conducted among 225 twelve years old students in two selected schools. One school from randomly selected urban and rural subzones of the country were selected. WHO adopted questionnaire and a standard checklist were used to collect relevant data. To assess dental caries, two examiners were calibrated by a certified dentist and inter observer agreement was calculated using the Cohen’s Kappa statistic (0.82). All data analysis was done using SPSS version 20.


The prevalence of dental caries was 78%, without significant difference between males (78%) and females (79%).The mean DMFT value was 2.50 (±2.21). The decayed component contributed 98.3% of the score as it had 2.44 (±1.2) share to the mean DMFT value. The first molar was the most affected tooth with a DMFT value of 1.55 (±1.36). The mean significant caries index score (SiC) was 4.97 (±1.9) which is higher than the upper limit of SiC value of 3 set by the WHO as a global average. More than half of the respondents had never visited a dentist and out of the students who had utilized a dental health facility, 82% of visits were due to dental pain while visits for regular checkups were cited by only 6.6% of the respondents.


Dental caries was found to be a common public health problem among 12 years old Eritrean students. The prevalence of dental caries, mean DMFT and SiC scores were higher than the average score of other developing countries. Gaps in dental health service utilization, dental health practices and suboptimal water fluoride levels contribute to poor dental health among school children in Eritrea.

Clinical Oral Investigations - Aim of this cross-sectional case-control study was the comprehensive examination of oral health, oral behaviour and oral health-related quality of life of patients...  相似文献   

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