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This international, prospective, randomised therapeutic study is based on previous, separate studies of the two societies. The study asks two principal questions: (1) Is it possible to improve the results of therapy by inserting, between surgery and post-operative irradiation, an intensive course of chemotherapy consisting of vincristine, procarbazine and methotrexate, followed by citrovorum factor rescue? (2) In “low risk” patients (i.e. those with macroscopically “complete” resection and absence of metastases at diagnosis), can the radiotherapy to CNS areas outside the primary tumour site be reduced by 10 Gy with the aim of reducing late sequelae of irradiation but without compromising survival results? The study also aims at standardising diagnostic methods, neurosurgical procedure and radiotherapeutic technique employed in this tumour. For statistical reasons, results can only be disclosed after the end of the recruitment phase. It is intended to include approximately 350 patients in the study, which is planned to continue until the end of 1988.  相似文献   

Discussion of the influence of peer group mores and values on the adolescent patient's dysfunctional behaviors and treatment outcome. When the group therapist thinks peer, the group will focus on important issues such as inclusion, acceptance and awareness of the contrasting beliefs of the numerous peer subcultures within adolescent society. Strategies and approaches to create a therapeutic group milieu and structure are outlined to enable unwanteds to enter peer groups which support rather than impede the attainment of treatment goals. The need for leadership to be responsive to group members who have not experienced negentropic or functional systems is emphasized.  相似文献   

The Sjöbring system of personality dimensions measuring intellectual capacity, activity, impulsivity and sociability was used to study possible salutogenic (i.e. causes of health) effects. The study comprised 590 subjects investigated in 1947, 1957, 1972 and 1988–1989 in the Lundby project, an epidemiological study in Sweden. Psychiatric diagnoses were made in 1947, 1957 and 1972. Mental health was estimated in 1988–1989 using the concept love well, work well, play well and expect well. The Sjöbring dimensions were clinically assessed in 1972. Both in the concurrent study in 1972 and in the prospective study in 1988–1989 super capacity (high intellectual function), super validity (high activity level) and super solidity (low impulsivity) were statistically associated with lower frequencies of certain psychiatric diagnoses and a higher frequency of positive mental health. These variables are proposed to increase coping capacity, and therefore increase stress resilience.  相似文献   

Summary In order to assess the course of methadone (Heptadone) substitution therapy, 29 inpatients at the Vienna Psychiatric University Clinic (21 males, mean age=27 years, SD 4 years; 8 females, mean age 29.75 years, SD 5.28 years) who were addicted to opium tea or to a mixture of opium and heroin were investigated by means of computer-assisted static- and light-evoked dynamic pupillometry. Pupillary measurements were carried out before the start of withdrawal, on the 2nd day 48 h after the administration of 10 mg methadone, and again after the maximum and half of the maximum dose of methadone had been administered. The constricted pupils (the effect of opiate) showed dilatation after the withdrawal syndrome appeared, but immediately after the start of the detoxification treatment, as well as 1 day after administration of the maximum methadone dose a decrease of pupillary diameter was observed. The narrowing of the pupil was followed by an increase in pupillary diameter, which peaked 48 h after the last minimal dose of methadone and nearly reached the normal level. The widening of the pupil reflects an increase of noradrenergic activity under conditions of opiate withdrawal. An increase of spontaneous fluctuations was observed during withdrawal and was only inhibited by the maximum dose of methadone. Finally, pupillary dynamics (shortening of latency time and increase of relative changes) improved during therapy. The pupillary measurement coresponded with clinical observations as well as with self-evaluation during treatment. Thus pupillometry seems to be a useful instrument for assessment of treatment of opiate-addicted patients.  相似文献   

Quantitative histological studies on the aged human brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Brains from 75 people were studied to assess the occurrence of senile plaques and argyrophilic tangles in a population selected as far as possible for its probable mental normality.Histological methods were devised and validated to permit quantitative assessment of the numbers of these lesions as well as their frequency of occurrence in the two areas studied—frontal cortex and Ammon's horn.There was significant correlation between increasing age over 60 years and the proportion of patients who showed these changes at both sites. No definite relationship was found between age, site of occurrence and the intensity of the pathological changes.
Zusammenfassung 75 menschliche Gehirne wurden untersucht, um das Auftreten von senilen Plaques und argyrophilen Fibrillen in einer wegen mutmaßlicher psychischer Unauffälligkeit ausgewählten Population zu erfassen. Die histologischen Methoden wurden standardisiert und überprüft, um eine quantitative Erfassung der Zahl und Häufigkeit dieser Läsionen in zwei untersuchten Hirnregionen — Frontalrinde und Ammonshorn — zu ermöglichen. Es fand sich eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen zunehmendem Alter über 60 Jahren und dem Anteil an Patienten mit diesen Veränderungens in beiden Regionen. Zwischen Alter, Ort des Auftretens und Intensität der pathologischen Veränderungen fand sich keine Beziehung.

Summary Vincristine-induced crystalloid inclusions were examined in the neurons and neuronal processes of young rats by the electron microscope (EM) equipped with a tilting stage. Using a computer system that reproduces three-dimensional organization, an optical transformation method was applied to the microtubules and neurofilaments in an attempt to clarify the morphological appearance and internal pattern of crystalloid inclusions. The dimensional models obtained were compared with actual EM photographs, and the characteristic ultrastructural component and morphology were drawn out.Basically, a crystalloid inclusion is composed of four strands of intermediate 10 nm neurofilaments connected to one another by four side-arms producing a circular profile on a transverse section. These four side-arms seemed to arise from nodules within the filaments at regular intervals simulating a bead-like appearance. These data did not significantly differ from those obtained from EM images. Characteristically, these crystalloid inclusions began to appear 6 h after the administration of 10–3 M vincristine sulfate and persisted up to a period of 6 days. Beyond that, however, these inclusions were no longer demonstrable suggesting a transient state. This was in contrast to neurofibrillary tangles which appeared to be permanent changes.  相似文献   

Summary Most earlier studies and all studies on national samples in Scandinavia and in England and Wales have shown that schizophrenics have a significant excess of births in the winter or early months of the year when compared with the expected distribution of the normal population. The present German study, carried out on schizophrenic patients diagnosed in a strongly Kurt Schneider-oriented clinic, in contrast to almost all other authors, demonstrated no such significant overrepresentation of births in the winter months. Thus, the findings of Danneel's (1973) German report, also utilizing Schneider-diagnosed schizophrenics, seem, at least for the present, to be confirmed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Tagesschwankungen der Leistungsfähigkeit bei Parkinsonkranken unter langdauernder Levodopabehandlung sind als sogenanntes Off-On-Phänomen bekannt. Reduzierter Proteingehalt in der Nahrung soll diesen Effekt bei Kranken, die nur mit L-Dopa allein behandelt werden, beheben können, nicht aber bei denjenigen, die eine Behandlung mit L-Dopa Dekarboxylasehemmer erhalten (Cotzias et al.). Die Hypothese von Cotzias beruht auf der Annahme, daß eine Transportkonkurrenz zwischen L-Dopa und Aminosäuren zu den Hirnganglien besteht.Um diese Ergebnisse zu prüfen, wurde bei 23 Parkinsonkranken mit Off-On-Phänomen der Einfluß einer proteinarmen Nahrung untersucht.Alle Patienten waren 5–8 Jahre mit L-Dopa vorbehandelt und erhielten zumindest in den letzten 3 Jahren eine Kombinationsbehandlung mit Dopa/Dekarboxylasehemmer. Der Eiweißgehalt der Nahrung wurde auf 25 g pro Tag beschränkt (weniger als 0,5 g pro kg Gewicht) und dies für eine Zeit von 1–4 Monaten.In 6 Fällen konnte eine deutliche Besserung mit Verminderung des Off-On festgestellt werden, in 1 Fall kam es zum völligen Verschwinden des Phänomens. Eine auffallende Besserung der allgemeinen Leistungsfähigkeit konnte in weiteren 5 Fällen beobachtet werden und eine objektive Besserung der Symptome, aber nur während der Off-Periode, festgestellt werden. Die restlichen 12 Fälle haben nicht angesprochen. Bei allen Patienten mit Hyperkinesie wurde eine Steigerung des Symptoms während der Diätperiode beobachtet. Eine Abhängigkeit von Diät zum Alter, Schwere, Dauer der Krankheit und der Dopabehandlung konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Der mögliche Mechanismus des Off-On-Phänomens sowie einige Vorschläge es zu beeinflussen werden dargestellt.
The off-on phenomenon during treatment of Parkinson's disease with Levodopa
Summary The fluctuation in daily performance of Parkinson patients on long-term L-dopa therapy is known as the so called off-on phenomenon. Cotzias et al. found that a low protein diet is able to control this phenomenon in patients taking L-dopa alone but not in those receiving a combination of L-dopa and decarboxylase inhibitor. The author's hypothesis was based on the competition between the alimentary aminoacids and L-dopa for transport to the brain ganglia.In our attempt to prove the findings of Cotzias group we tested the influence of a low protein diet on 23 Parkinson patients manifesting the off-on phenomenon. All had been pretreated with L-dopa for 5–8 years and taking dopa DI for a minimum of 3 years. The protein intake was limited to 25 g/day (which is less than 0.5 g/kg body weight) for 1–4 months.In 6 cases there was a marked improvment with reduction of the off-on effect, and in one it disappeared completely.A distinct improvement of general capability was seen in the other 5 cases, and an objective improvement of the symptoms was noted, exept during the off period. No response could be observed in the remaining 12 cases. All cases with hyperkinesia showed an augmentation of this symptom during the use of the diet. The diet restriction was not found to be correlated with age, stage, duration of illness or duration of dopa treatment. The possible mechanism of the off-on phenomenon and some suggestions to influence it, are presented.

Summary Radial or superficial peroneal nerve biopsies of 6 patients with tuberculoid or borderline-tuberculoid leprosy and 6 control nerve biopsies were examined by electron microscopy.Endoneurial blood vessels showed histopathology in all the leprosy patients. Changes, in particular, involved the basement membrane in postcapillary venules and venules. Multilayered parellel basement membranes, with collagen and ground substance, formed a thick coat (hyaline zone) around the vessels. It is suggested that the zone inhibits passage of nutrients and metabolites and, thus, contributes to or is the main cause of the local destruction of (unmyelinated) nerve fibres and the lack of nerve fibre regeneration observed in this type of leprosy. The perivascular zone, presumably, is produced by pericytes in response to defects in the blood-nerve barrier of endoneurial vessels. In granulomata of leprosy skin lesions, a perivascular zone was not present.The endothelium of endoneurial vessels, in affected nerves, generallywas normal. Occasionally, however, gaps and fenestrations were seen and there were histological indications that leakage of blood plasma had occurred through the gaps and through the basement membrane of the endothelium.Occlusion of endoneurial vessels was found only in the oldest patient and the degeneration of nerve fibres generally observed thus is considered not to be caused by ischaemia.Histopathology in epi-and perineurial vessels was definitely less pronounced than in endoneurial vessels.  相似文献   

Summary Review of the clinical and laboratory findings of 39 patients with amyloid polyneuropathy (AP) showed 12 cases to be hereditary and 12 to be associated with plasma cell dyscrasia (PCD). The remaining 15, termed sporadic AP, had neuropathy clinically indistinguishable from the other two groups but without a clinicopathologically identified PCD or positive family history. In an attempt to identify the type of amyloid in sporadic AP, the immunoreactivity of amyloid deposits was investigated using specific antisera raised against the following different chemical types of amyloid fibril proteins: variable regions of amyloid light chains (A) and (A), amyloid protein AA, and prealbumin. It was found that the amyloid in sporadic AP had A antigenic determinants in ten cases, A in one and prealbumin in three; in one case, the A nature of amyloid was confirmed biochemically on the extracted amyloid fibrills. Thus, the most common type of AP in our population appears to be the sporadic form. In sporadic AP, the amyloid is most commonly of immunoglobulin light chain origin, even in the absence of overt PCD, and it can be rapidly categorized immunocytochemically to determine therapeutic directions or provide genetic guidance.  相似文献   

Summary The capacity of myelin-free Schwann cells to induce EAN was investigated. Human foetal peripheral nerve and human adult abdominal vagus nerve, both containing little or no myelin, failed to induce EAN when injected intradermally (together with Freund's adjuvant) into rabbits. In contrast, human adult sciatic nerve, which is heavily myelinated, induced characteristic signs and histopathology of EAN. Thus in the myelin-free antigens Schwann cell plasma membrane, from which myelin is apparently derived, failed to induce EAN. Reasons for this paradox are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In 11 necropsy cases with prolonged states of unresponsiveness (apallic syndrome) of various origin (8 cases following closed head injuries, one patient with postmeningitic phlebothrombosis and 2 postanoxic encephalopathies) the decrease of cerebral blood flow (CBF) was correlated to the extent and pattern of the anatomical lesions. Arranging the patients according to the severity and pattern of brain stem damage and according to the CBF values a Spearman rank correlation resulted in a highly significant relationship between these two parameters. By contrast, the extent of damage to the telencephalon and basal ganglia did not correlate to the CBF reduction in these cases. One patient with extensive neocortical destruction without damage to the brain stem had moderately decreased CBF.The data indicate that CBF reduction may result from both extensive destruction of the cerebral pallium and from states in which the cerebral cortex is out of function due to damage at lower levels. The importance of the reticular formation in the brain stem for the function and perfusion of the cerebral cortex is stressed.
Zusammenfassung An 11 Autopsiefällen mit protrahierten Bewußtseinsstörungen (apallisches Syndrom) verschiedener Genese (8 Zustände nach gedecktem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma, 1 Patient mit postmeningitischer Sinusthrombose und 2 post-anoxische Encephalopathien) wurde die Reduktion der Hirndurchblutung (HDB) mit der Ausdehnung und Lokalisation der anatomischen Hirnschäden korreliert. Unter Anordnung der Patienten jeweils nach der Schwere und Ausdehnung der Hirnstammläsionen sowie nach den HDB-Werten wurde eine Rang-Korrelation nach Spearman durchgeführt, die eine hochsignifikante Korrelation zwischen diesen beiden Parametern ergab. Hingegen zeigten diese Fälle keine Beziehungen zwischen Schwere bzw. Ausdehnung der Läsionen in Telencephalon und Stammganglien und der HDB-Reduktion. Ein Patient mit ausgedehnter postanoxischer Zerstörung des Neocortex ohne Hirnstammläsionen bot eine mäßiggradige HDB-Reduktion.Die erhobenen Befunde weisen darauf hin, daß eine Reduktion der Hirndurchblutung sowohl durch ausgedehnte Schädigung des Hirnmantels als auch durch Funktionsausfall der Großhirnrinde infolge von Schädigungen auf tieferen Ebenen bedingt sein kann. Die Bedeutung der Formatio reticularis des Hirnstammes für die Funktion und Durchblutung der Hirnrinde wird hervorgehoben.

Zusammenfassung Bei einer 47jährigen Patientin mit eitriger Meningitis konnte durch intensive Antibiotica-Therapie, vor allem mit Penicillin, keine Besserung erreicht werden. Sie verstarb nach 5tägigem Krankenhausaufenthalt in tiefem Koma.Die Untersuchung des Gehirns ergab außer der eitrigen Meningitis ausgedehnte Markläsionen in beiden Großhirnhemisphären. Es wird diskutiert, ob diese ungewöhnliche schwere Markschädigung außer durch den primär entzündlichen Prozeß auch durch zusätzliche Faktoren verursacht sein könnte.
Peculiar white matter lesions associated with purulent meningitis
Summary A case of a 47-year old female patient with a staphylococcus-meningitis and extensive white matter lesions is reported. The patient did not respond to intensive antibiotic therapy, mainly penicillin, and died in coma 5 days after admission to the hospital. Autopsy disclosed purulent meningitis associated with widespread necrotic lesions of the cerebral white matter. The neuropathological findings raise the question whether factors other than the purulent meningitis might have been responsible for the development of the white matter lesions.

Summary The autopsy of a 68-year-old male who died of cardiac infarction revealed an ep - and intramedullary neurilemmoma of the spinal cord as an associated finding half a year prior to death. The patient had suffered from progressive weakness and sensory disturbances of the lower limbs together with muscular wasting for 6 months. Repeated neurological examinations had led to the diagnosis of an intraspinal space occupation which, however, could not be substantiated by myelography because of its surprisingly small size. The Schwann cell proliferation originated from the adventitia of the epi- and intramedullary vessels of the conus medullaris. The main tumor mass was epi-medullary and extended into the medullary parenchyma via the penetrating vessels forming intramedullary nodules. The special findings in the present case seem to support the hypothesis that intramedullary neurilemmomas originate from the perivascular nerve endings.
Zusammenfassung Bei einem 68jährigen, an einem Herzinfarkt verstorbenen Manne fand sich bei der Sektion ein epi- und intramedullär entwickeltes Neurilemmom im Bereiche des Conus medullaris des Rückenmarkes. Seit 1/2 Jahr vor dem Tode hatten sich gravierende motorische und sensible Störungen in den Beinen eingestellt, die nach mehrfachen neurologischen Untersuchungen klinisch auf einen intraspinalen raumfordernden Prozeß wegen der typischen Verteilung der sensiblen Störungen zurückgeführt worden waren. Myelographisch war ein solcher Prozeß allerdings nicht zu sichern. Die Schwannzellproliferation ging von den Adventitiae der pialen Rückenmarksgefäße aus und schob sich über die radiär ins Rückenmark eindringenden Gefäße in die zentralen Medullaabschnitte vor, wo sich ebenfalls kleine Tumoren entwickelten. Die eindeutige Ableitung von den Gefäßwänden scheint die Vermutung früherer Autoren zu bestätigen, daß intramedulläre Neurilemmome sich von den perivasculären Nervengeflechten aus entwickeln.

Objective The treatment of huge craniopharyngiomas represents a therapeutic challenge for neurosurgeons. Some authors prefer to run the high risks of total removal at primary surgery, while others do not despise subtotal removal in accordance with a multidisciplinary treatment.Methods We report the case of a 17-year-old girl who underwent subtotal removal (tumour remnant with maximum diameter of 2.5 cm) of a huge cystic craniopharyngioma by frontotemporal approach, followed by early external fractionated radiotherapy by linear accelerator. Serial magnetic resonance imaging during a follow-up period of 5 years showed a progressive marked reduction of the tumour remnant, accompanied by a complete recovery of visual deficits and an almost complete regression of diencephalic disturbances.Conclusions Subtotal removal followed by early fractionated radiotherapy can be an effective treatment for huge craniopharyngiomas. Such a multidisciplinary treatment may favour tumour control and assure a satisfactory quality of life as well.Commentaries on this paper are available at , , , , and  相似文献   

Lewy bodies in cerebral cortex. Report of three cases   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary The histochemical and structural properties and the topographical distribution pattern of Lewy bodies in the cerebral cortex as well as in the brain stem and diencephalon were studied in three cases.The Lewy bodies in the cerebral cortex were found in the small or medium-sized neurons of the fifth and sixth layers, particularly in the anterior frontal, temporal, insular, and cingulate cortex, and showed minor differences in their histochemical and structural properties from typical Lewy bodies in the brain stem and diencephalon. By light microscopy they were more irregular in shape, less eosinophilic, less sharply demarcated, and did not have clear halos and central cores. From the ultrastructural aspect, the filaments in them did not radiate, but were arranged at random, and circular profiles were not associated in the central zone. This type of Lewy body was also distributed in the basal ganglia. A close relationship between Lewy bodies and monoamines in the cerebral cortex of our cases was not recognized. These three cases showed also concomitant senile changes, i.e., senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.Supported in part by a scholarship in Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie (München)  相似文献   

Summary The electron microscopic findings of cerebral biopsies from two siblings with late infantile-juvenile amaurotic idiocy are presented. One patient had a mixture of fingerprint and multilamellar inclusions, often in the same cytosome. The second patient had only fingerprint inclusions.Electron microscopic findings in autopsied tissues from two other cases of late infantile-juvenile amaurotic idiocy with multilamellar cytosomes are also presented. Evolution of the multilamellar cytosomes into lipofuscin was not observed. We concluded that cases of late infantile-juvenile amaurotic idiocy with multilamellar and fingerprint inclusions should be distinguished from cases with lipofuscin.The present investigation was supported by Research Grants NS 05572-08, 1 T01 NS 05712-01 and RR 75.  相似文献   

Metopic synostosis is a relatively simple form of craniosynostosis, resulting from premature fusion of the metopic suture. In this pathology different degrees of dysmorphia of the anterior cranial fossa and the presence of associated anomalies of the skull might enable specific subgroups to be identified. Since most functional and cosmetic anomalies benefit from early surgical treatment, over the last few years neurosurgeons have been forced to elaborate less drastic, but nonetheless effective, surgical techniques. In the present report we analyze the surgical results obtained in a series of 62 infants with trigonocephaly operated on within their 1st year of life. Patients were subdivided into two groups (group I: 8 patients; group II: 54 patients) according to the specific dysmorphic characteristics of the frontal bone and anterior cranial fossa, and the presence of compensatory deformities affecting the anterior cranial base and temporo-parietal region. All the patients were treated using one of two relatively simple surgical techniques (procedure A: inversion of two hemifrontal bone flaps-48 cases; procedure B: the shell operation-14 cases). Both surgical procedures appeared to be effective, allowing adequate functional and cosmetic correction of the cranial deformity. In patients operated on following procedure B surgical time and and blood loss were dramatically reduced. Long-term outcomes were satisfactory in all cases, irrespective of the surgical technique used. In the group II patients, however, progressive normalization of the interorbital distance was constantly observed, suggesting a different degree of stenotic involvement at the level of the anterior cranial base in these patients.Presented at the Consensus Conference on Craniosynostoses, Rome, 4–6 May 1995  相似文献   

Summary A patient with an infarct limited to the paramedian thalamus and upper mesencephalon on the right side suffered a conjugate upgaze palsy associated with a monocular paresis of downward gaze in the ispsilateral eye (vertical one-and-a-half syndrome). This paresis involved tonic and phasic components. Vertical oculocephalic movements and conjugate horizontal gaze were normal. It is suggested that the unilateral lesion destroyed the fibres of the posterior commissure and the descending fibres to the ipsilateral subnucleus of the inferior rectus and contralateral subnucleus of the superior oblique just after they decussate, probably above the level of the third nerve nucleus. A complex disturbance of vertical gaze may be due to a unilateral thalamo-mesencephalic lesion.
Zusammenfassung Wir beschreiben einen Patienten mit einem Infarkt rechts paramedian im Thalamus und oberen Mesencephalon mit Blicklähmung nach oben und einer Parese nach unten nur ipsilateral. Betroffen waren sowohl die tonischen wie die phasischen Bewegungskomponenten. Die vertikalen okulocephalen Reflexe und der konjugierte horizontale Blick waren normal. Wir vermuten, daß die einseitige Läsion Fasern der hinteren Kommissur und abwärts führende Fasern zum ipsilateralen Kern des Rectus inferior und zum gegenseitigen Kern des Obliquus superior zerstörte kaudal ihrer Kreuzung, wahrscheinlich rostral des Nucleus oculomotorius. Eine komplexe Störung der vertikalen Blickbewegung kann auf eine einseitige thalamo-mesencephale Läsion hinweisen.

Summary There is a marked difference in the cellular response of the host to peripheral nerve allografts and autografts. The response elicited by allografts is characterised by invasion of tissue with lymphocytes, plasma cells and activated macrophages. These cells disrupt the nerve architecture, and cause rupture and consequent compression of the neurolemmal tubes which are the essential conduit element of a nerve graft.By contrast, in the autograft, regeneration follows the initial process of Wallerian degeneration without the complication of immune reaction. The Schwann cells and macrophages rapidly remove the myelin and axons from the neurolemmal tubes of the donor nerve; new axonal sprouts are then able to traverse these channels and reach the periphery in large numbers. If this process is delayed, the neurolemmal tubes in the distal nerve segment are compressed by surrounding collagen which limits the size of regenerating axons.  相似文献   

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