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目的 观察人工全膝关节置换术(TKA)治疗膝关节骨性关节炎(KOA)的临床疗效.方法 选择120例(140膝)DOA患者,均行后稳定型人工全膝关节置换术(TKA)治疗,术后应用抗生素并加强关节功能锻炼,应用膝关节功能(HSS)评分系统判定疗效.结果 术后对患者平均随访18个月,膝关节功能优良率为92.5%;HSS评分由(40±5.56)分升至(95±7.68)分,关节活动度由平均60°提高至平均95°,P均<0.05.结论 TKA治疗KOA疗效确切,严格手术指征、术中矫正畸形时保持膝关节内外侧间隙及周围软组织平衡是手术成功的关键. 相似文献
全膝关节表面置换治疗老年严重膝骨关节炎的临床体会 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
目的作者报道了用全膝关节表面置换治疗老年性严重膝骨关节炎的临床体会。方法我院自1996年3月~1998年4月对10例60岁以上的严重膝骨关节炎的患者进行了全膝关节表面置换,均采用进口非限制性膝关节假体。结果经过6~30个月随访,采用HSS膝关节评分系统,术后所有患者在关节疼痛、功能及活动度均有明显改善,没有1例发生感染及深静脉栓塞。结论全膝关节表面置换对老年性严重膝骨关节炎治疗效果满意。 相似文献
人工全膝关节置换术治疗严重膝骨关节炎(附41例报告) 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
对41例(64膝)膝骨关节炎(OA)患者施行人工全膝关节置换术(TKA),术后平均随访11.6个月,并应用HSS膝关节评分系统进行分析。结果:患者术后在疼痛、功能及关节活动度等方面均有明显改善,缓解疼痛效果尤为显著。综和评定:优48膝(75%),良12膝(18.75%),可2膝(3.13%).差2膝(3.12%),优良率为93.75%。其中12例24膝同时行双TKA,采用自体血回输;41膝行髌骨置换,3膝(7.31%)术后出现髌前不适和疼痛;23膝未行髌骨置换,3膝(13.04%)出现髌前不适和疼痛。41例中,有4例(9.8%)术后下肢发生深静脉血栓形成,不保留后交叉韧带(PCL)的后方稳定型假体55膝中,综合评定可者2膝,差者1膝;保留PCL型假体9膝中,1膝综合评定差。认为TKA治疗严重膝骨关节病效果满意,术后有效的康复措施和功能锻炼甚为重要。 相似文献
目的 分析老年膝骨关节炎(KOA)患者经全膝关节置换术(TKA)治疗后脱位发生状况及其影响因素.方法 320例KOA患者均接受TKA治疗并获得随访结果,随访时间6个月;评估患者术后6个月脱位发生情况;设计一般资料调查问卷,详细记录患者性别及年龄等相关资料,将可能的影响因素纳入,经单因素与多因素检验,分析老年KOA患者T... 相似文献
目的 调查老年全膝关节置换术(TKA)患者术后康复依从性现状及其相关影响因素。方法 将2020年1月至2022年1月海南医学院第一附属医院收治的150例行TKA治疗的老年患者纳为研究对象,调查其出院后随访6个月内家庭康复训练依从性,并分析居家康复训练依从性对患者膝关节功能的影响。根据居家康复训练依从性量表得分,将患者分为高、中、低三个等级,并将高、中等级得分者纳为依从性良好组,低等级得分者纳为依从性不佳组。采用二元logistic回归模型分析影响老年TKA患者居家康复训练依从性的相关因素。采用SPSS 20.0软件进行数据分析。根据数据类型,组间比较分别采用t检验、单因素方差分析及χ2检验。结果 共回收有效问卷133份,有效问卷回收率为88.67%。74例(55.64%)进行了下肢关节活动范围训练,51例(38.35%)进行了下肢肌肉力量训练,19例(14.29%)患者未进行家庭康复训练;11例(8.27%)患者未坚持训练1个月,67例(50.38%)患者坚持家庭康复训练1个月以上,26例(19.55%)患者坚持训练3个月以上,仅10例(7.52%)患者坚持训练6个月。高、中、低等级患者6个月后HSS量表得分均较出院时升高(P<0.05)。6个月后,不同依从性等级患者美国特种外科医院膝关节(HSS)得分比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);其中依从性优等者HSS得分高于中等者及差等者,依从性中等者HSS得分进一步高于差等者,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。行二元logistic回归分析观察到,婚姻状况(OR=1.738,95%CI 1.224~2.469)、康复训练重要性认同感(OR=3.747,95%CI 1.228~11.430)、害怕疼痛(OR=2.330,95%CI 1.650~3.290)、社会支持水平(OR=0.263,95%CI 0.091~0.759)、无人指导康复训练(OR=6.679,95%CI 4.417~10.100)、出行不方便(OR=3.501,95%CI 2.417~5.071)是影响其康复训练依从性的相关因素(P<0.05)。结论 老年TKA患者术后家庭康复训练依从性普遍不高,婚姻状况、康复训练重要性认同感、害怕疼痛、社会支持水平、无人指导康复训练、出行不方便是影响其康复训练依从性的相关因素。 相似文献
目的研究老年双膝骨性关节炎患者选择同期和分期全膝关节置换术的治疗效果。方法选择我院2013年1月至2014年6月接受双膝关节置换术的患者49例。其中同期置换治疗患者为28例,分期置换治疗患者为21例,回顾性分析2组患者的治疗情况,比较2种手术方案的临床效果。结果同期全膝关节置换术在手术时间、住院时间方面具有优势,而分期关节置换术在术后血红蛋白、术后引流量和术后输血量方面具有优势,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05或P0.01);在并发症方面,同期全膝关节置换术后发热和并发症发生率明显高于分期治疗患者,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);在膝关节功能评分(HSS评分)和膝关节活动度方面,2组差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论同期和分期双侧全膝关节置换术治疗双侧膝骨关节炎均能够取得理想的术后功能恢复,掌握好手术指征以确保取得最佳的治疗效果。 相似文献
1.1 一般资料 我院2001年1月至2012年12月骨关节炎需行TKA病例211例,其中男性97例、女性114例,年龄55 ~ 81岁,平均年龄(71.1±7.2)岁.其中131例患者体型较为肥胖,体重在70~116 kg,患者术前的膝关节活动度数以及HSS评分分别为(68±10.3)度、(46.8±6.2)分.手术植入的假体多为施乐辉公司的旋转半月板假体,其次为林克公司产品.另外选取同时期内210例行关节镜下清理术治疗骨关节炎的病例作为对照组,其中男性96例、女性114例,年龄53~ 84岁,平均年龄(71.7±7.1)岁.患者术前的膝关节活动度数以及HSS评分分别为(67±9.6)度、(47.1±7.5)分.两组年龄、性别、术前膝关节活动度数以及HSS评分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性. 相似文献
对63例膝骨关节炎膝外翻畸形患者行后稳定型人工膝关节置换术,应用HSS膝关节评分系统进行临床效果评价.本组随访8~24个月,HSS评分由术前平均34.7分提高为85.2分,外翻角由术前平均23.6°降至6.8°.所有患者日常生活能自理,无严重疼痛、功能障碍,疗效满意.提示全膝关节置换术是治疗膝骨关节炎膝外翻畸形的有效方法 . 相似文献
Total knee replacement (TKR) is a technically demanding surgical procedure, which is becoming more reliable and durable than total hip replacements. The authors describe the mechanisms of failure, the clinical evaluation of the painful TKR, the surgical planning techniques, and the overall results of revision TKR to date. 相似文献
There has been a steady increase in elective TKA in elderly Koreans. However, there are few reports about the incidence of and risk factors for pulmonary complications, including pulmonary thromboembolism in these patients. We evaluated retrospectively 338 patients aged 60 years and over (290 females, median age 69 years) to assess the incidence and predictive factors for pulmonary complications, including pulmonary thromboembolism after TKA. Of these patients, 264 underwent simultaneous bilateral TKA (78%) by two surgeons and 56 (17%) had general anesthesia. No patient received thromboprophylaxis. There were 49 postoperative pulmonary complications in the 338 patients (14.2%, 49/338). Of the 49 patients, 27 developed atelectasis (27/49), six developed pneumonia (6/49), and four had pleural effusions (4/49) within 7 days of the surgery; 12 patients had a pulmonary thromboembolism (12/49) during their hospitalization. No pulmonary complication was fatal. Multivariate analysis revealed that pulmonary hypertension (right ventricular systolic pressure ≥ 35 mmHg on transthoracic echocardiography; odds ratio (OR) = 3.0, p = 0.016) was independently associated with pulmonary complications. A resting PaCO2 ≥ 45 mmHg (OR = 22.9, p = 0.004) was the only independent predictor of the development of a pulmonary thromboembolism. Pulmonary hypertension may thus predict pulmonary complications and a PaCO2 greater than 45 mmHg may be a risk factor for pulmonary thromboembolism following TKA. Preoperative blood gas analysis and transthoracic echocardiography can identify those patients at high risk for pulmonary complications, including pulmonary thromboembolism, after TKA in elderly Korean patients. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of preoperative coronal tibiofemoral subluxation (CTFS) on postoperative mechanical alignment in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA) for primary knee osteoarthritis (OA) and to investigate whether TKA can correct preoperative CTFS. We hypothesized that TKA would correct CTFS in patients with knee OA. A retrospective analysis of 102 patients with knee OA who underwent TKA was performed. The preoperative and postoperative CTFS and mechanical alignment were measured and compared. At the same time, the baseline values of CTFS and mechanical alignment in “normal” patients were measured and compared with those in the operation group. Eighty patients were eventually enrolled in the study. Mechanical alignment was corrected from 7.3 ± 5.2°, preoperatively, to 1.6 ± 2.3° postoperatively, while the tibiofemoral subluxation was corrected from 5.3 ± 2.6 mm, preoperatively, to 2.3 ± 2.7 mm postoperatively. There was no significant correlation between preoperative CTFS and gender (r = 0.03), BMI (r = −0.09), age (r = 0.05), or preoperative mechanical alignment (r = 0.09). In addition, there was no correlation between the degree of correction of CTFS and the degree of correction of overall mechanical alignment (r = 0.14). The difference between the value for CTFS in the “normal” patients and the preoperative value for arthritis cohorts were statistically significant (P = .004). However, no significant difference was appreciated between the value for CTFS in the “normal” patients and the postoperative value for TKA cohorts (P = .25). Preoperative CTFS does not affect postoperative mechanical alignment. Excellent TKA can correct preoperative CTFS in OA patients to reduce prosthesis wear and improve postoperative patient satisfaction. 相似文献
TKA is a highly effective means of treating (advanced knee arthritis) degenerative joint disease. Previous studies have demonstrated that a high surgical volume for total joint arthroplasty reduces morbidity and improved economic outcome, these methods for themselves are fraught with complexity, uncertainty and non-linear problem in terms of medical datasets may be unable to more accurately finding important information. As medical datasets often include a large number of features (attributes), some of which are irrelevant, and therefore it cannot intuitively understand the corresponding to main factors which affecting the resource utilizations of healthcare. In order to solve the problems mentioned above, this study employs specialist advice to filter relevant cases (records) and proposed an integrated five features selection methods to select the important features. Based on rough set theory (RST), the rules are extracted and compared with other methods in terms of accuracy. The contributions contain: (1) data screening based on specialist opinions, (2) two stage feature selection by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and proposed an integrated feature selection approach (IFSA), and (3) data discretization and rule generation by RST. The proposed model is verified by using three datasets for comparison accuracy. The results can provide a valuable reference for National Health Insurance Bureau (NHI) in establishing the TKA standard. 相似文献
The purpose of this study is to discover valuable medical facts by utilizing the Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI) database, which contains 32,200 records of TKA surgeries. Three main objectives of this paper include the following: (a) building learning curves of TKA from the target database; (b) characterizing how the TKA volume correlates with infection rate and mortality; (c) examining the differences of infection rate and mortality between the medical center (Group I) and the non-medical center (Group II). The TKA samples are classified into two groups according to their institution type (medical center and non-medical center). The Z-test is used to test whether there are differences in the infection rate and mortality between the two observed groups. This study also adopts linear/nonlinear regression to investigate the relationship between TKA volume and the infection rate (mortality). This study has three main findings: (a) it confirms a correlation between the TKA surgical volumes and certain outcomes, (b) surgeons and hospitals with higher TKA volumes exhibit better operation quality, lower postoperative complication rate, and (c) there are significant differences in infection and mortality rate between Group I and Group II. 相似文献
Hesslink R Armstrong D Nagendran MV Sreevatsan S Barathur R 《The Journal of rheumatology》2002,29(8):1708-1712
OBJECTIVE: To determine the benefit of cetylated fatty acids (CFA) on knee range of motion and function in patients with osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS: Sixty-four patients with chronic knee OA were evaluated at baseline and at 30 and 68 days after consuming either placebo (vegetable oil; n = 31) or CFA (Celadrin; n = 33). Evaluations included physician assessment, knee range of motion with goniometry, and the Lequesne Algofunctional Index (LAI). RESULTS: After 68 days, patients treated with CFA exhibited significant (p < 0.001) increase in knee flexion (10.1 degrees) compared to patients given placebo (1.1 degrees). Neither group reported improvement in knee extension. Patient responses to the LAI indicated a significant (p < 0.001) shift towards functional improvement for the CFA group (-5.4 points) after 68 days compared to a modest improvement in the placebo group (-2.1 points). CONCLUSION: Compared to placebo, CFA provides an improvement in knee range of motion and overall function in patients with OA of the knee. CFA may be an alternative to the use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs for the treatment of OA. 相似文献
To compare femoral sagittal axis between navigated total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and conventional TKA.A total of 136 cases were assigned to group 1 (navigated TKA) and 77 cases were assigned to group 2 (conventional TKA). Specifically, this study targeted patients with degenerative osteoarthritis. Only patients with primary TKA were analyzed. Hip knee ankle angle and lateral femoral bowing were measured using preoperative scanogram. Anterior femoral bowing was measured using preoperative femoral lateral X rays. The presence of anterior femoral notching and the insertion angle of the femoral implant with respect to the anatomical sagittal plane of the distal femur were checked using postoperative lateral knee X rays. Student t-test was used to compare the difference in the position of the sagittal plane of the femoral implant between the navigated TKA group and the conventional TKA group.When comparing the 2 groups, the sagittal axis of the femoral implant was more extended than the anatomical sagittal plane axis of the distal femur in group 1 than in group 2 (P = .01). There was a significant negative correlation between the value of anterior femoral bowing and the degree of flexion to the sagittal plane of the femoral implant in group 1 (correlation coefficient: –0.40, P = .01). The occurrence of anterior femoral notching was significantly higher in group 1 than in group 2.During navigated TKA, imageless navigation does not consider the anatomical variation of the femoral shaft. Therefore, surgeons should take into consideration that when performing navigated TKA, a femoral implant could be inserted more extended for the anatomical sagittal axis of the distal femur than for the conventional TKA. Also, surgeon should know that the degree of extension insertion of the femoral implant increases as femoral anterior bowing increases. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common indication for total knee arthroplasty (TKA), but the rate of contralateral disease progression after unilateral TKA as well as risk factors that may predict progression have not been determined. We assessed the overall rate of contralateral knee replacement after initial TKA for OA as a marker of progression to advanced symptomatic OA. METHODS: A total of 117 consecutive patients undergoing unilateral TKA for OA between 1983 and 1988 were evaluated and followed longitudinally for up to 14 years. Evaluation of potential risk factors for progression to contralateral TKA included age, sex, side of surgery, body mass index (BMI), and Kellgren-Lawrence (K-L) grade. RESULTS: The contralateral knee progressed to TKA in 31 patients, yielding an overall 10-year risk of contralateral TKA of 37.2%. The baseline K-L grade of the contralateral knee was strongly correlated with future risk of TKA (p < 0.001). Mean survival times were similar for those with grade II (131.7 mo) and grade III (127.6 mo); patients with grade IV, however, had a mean survival of 80.5 months, with an overall 10-year risk of TKA of 62.7%. Age, sex, side of initial TKA, and BMI were not risk factors for progression to contralateral TKA. CONCLUSION: In this cohort, the K-L grading scale was a highly significant predictor for progression of contralateral OA to TKA. These data may provide important information to patients undergoing TKA, and shed light on the natural history of contralateral OA after TKA. 相似文献
Socioeconomic and psychosocial factors influence pain or physical function in Asian patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
OBJECTIVE: To determine factors influencing pain or physical function in Asian patients with osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS: 126 consecutive Chinese (110), Malays (two), Indians (10), or other races (four) with knee or hip OA and a median age of 60.5 years were seen at a tertiary referral centre; 103 were women. Subjects underwent a structured assessment including the Short Form-36 (SF-36) bodily pain (BP) and physical functioning (PF) scales and assessing demographic, socioeconomic, psychosocial, and other characteristics. Factors influencing BP or PF were identified using separate multiple linear regression models. RESULTS: The index joint (that is, the most symptomatic joint) was the knee in 118 (94%) and the hip in eight (6%) patients. The median duration of pain and limitation of normal activities were three years and one year, respectively. The mean BP and PF scores of 57.7 and 56.2 points for the patients were substantially lower than the expected scores of 79.3 and 80.8 points for the general Singapore population. Multiple regression analysis showed that less pain was associated with a younger age, shorter duration of symptoms, more years of education, working, and Chinese ethnicity. Better physical function was associated with more years of education, less learned helplessness, less bodily pain, and less severe OA. CONCLUSIONS: Socioeconomic status and psychosocial factors, some of which are potentially modifiable, influence pain or physical function in Asian patients with OA in Singapore. 相似文献