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The traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) adlay has been used as a dietary supplement to promote health and treat various ailments for thousands of years.The effective and safe ingredients of TCM could be used as sources for developing new drugs.This paper reviews the main research and application of adlay seed in medicinal field in the following aspects:botanical resource,ethnopharmacological function,chemical constituents,pharmacology and pharmacokinetics,safety evaluation and toxicity,and clinical application.We hope that the review could help researchers mine the scientific values of adlay seed,innovative drug design,provide the guidance for the application in clinical therapy,and enhance the academic level and clinical efficacy of adlay seed.  相似文献   

药用植物生物工程技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类时野生药用植物资源不加限制地开采使得其遗传多样性受到了严重的破坏,药用植物的大规模规范化种植不仅可有效缓解这一矛盾,同时还能解决中药材产品加工过程中与质量不稳定因素有关的诸多问题.传统的育种方法结合分子标记辅助育种技术已培育出了许多优质的中草药品种,在药用植物组织培养和利用遗传转化等生物工程技术改造其活性成分的代谢途径等方面也取得了很大的进展.为了进一步推广药用植物的规范化种植,还亟需对中草药市场需求进行合理地预测以及正确引导人们对草药制品的消费观念.  相似文献   

Medicinal smokes     
All through time, humans have used smoke of medicinal plants to cure illness. To the best of our knowledge, the ethnopharmacological aspects of natural products' smoke for therapy and health care have not been studied. Mono- and multi-ingredient herbal and non-herbal remedies administered as smoke from 50 countries across the 5 continents are reviewed. Most of the 265 plant species of mono-ingredient remedies studied belong to Asteraceae (10.6%), followed by Solanaceae (10.2%), Fabaceae (9.8%) and Apiaceae (5.3%). The most frequent medical indications for medicinal smoke are pulmonary (23.5%), neurological (21.8%) and dermatological (8.1%). Other uses of smoke are not exactly medical but beneficial to health, and include smoke as a preservative or a repellent and the social use of smoke. The three main methods for administering smoke are inhalation, which accounts for 71.5% of the indications; smoke directed at a specific organ or body part, which accounts for 24.5%; ambient smoke (passive smoking), which makes up the remaining 4.0%. Whereas inhalation is typically used in the treatment of pulmonary and neurological disorders and directed smoke in localized situations, such as dermatological and genito-urinary disorders, ambient smoke is not directed at the body at all but used as an air purifier. The advantages of smoke-based remedies are rapid delivery to the brain, more efficient absorption by the body and lower costs of production. This review highlights the fact that not enough is known about medicinal smoke and that a lot of natural products have potential for use as medicine in the smoke form. Furthermore, this review argues in favor of medicinal smoke extended use in modern medicine as a form of drug delivery and as a promising source of new active natural ingredients.  相似文献   

药用植物次生代谢与中药材GAP   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实施中药材GAP的最终目的是保证中药材质量的安全、有效、稳定与可控。药用植物次生代谢与植物药材质量密切相关,探讨影响药用植物次生代谢的各种因素,并在生产实际中加以调控,对于控制植物药材质量意义重大。本文论述了药用植物次生代谢与植物药材质量之间的关系,列举了影响药用植物次生代谢的各种因素,并讨论了中药材GAP基地建设中如何调控药用植物次生代谢等问题。  相似文献   

药用植物次生代谢与中药材GAP   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
实施中药材GAP的最终目的是保证中药材质量的安全、有效、稳定与可控。药用植物次生代谢与植物药材质量密切相关,探讨影响药用植物次生代谢的各种因素,并在生产实际中加以调控,对于控制植物药材质量意义重大。本文论述了药用植物次生代谢与植物药材质量之间的关系,列举了影响药用植物次生代谢的各种因素,并讨论了中药材GAP基地建设中如何调控药用植物次生代谢等问题。  相似文献   

药性是指药物性质和作用基本属性。中药药性物质组是中药药性在四维空间(长、宽、高、时间)对特定生物体的作用、是中药中发挥特定药性作用的分子集合。从中药药性物组学的基本概念、研究对象、内容、方法、相互关系等方面进行论述,以期为中药药性科学研究的思路和方法提供借鉴。  相似文献   

艾司佐匹克隆的药物化学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
失眠症的药物治疗已经历了巴比妥类、苯二氮卓类(BZ)和非BZ短效药物3个阶段。佐匹克隆属于非苯二氮卓类药物。艾司佐匹克隆是佐匹克隆的右旋异构体,是环吡咯酮类镇静催眠药,通过作用于苯二氮卓类(ω1型受体)-GABAA受体复合物特异的结合位点而发挥改善睡眠的作用。它在药效与药动以及临床治疗等方面都具有与苯二氮卓类药物不同的特点。本文讨论了艾司佐匹克隆的结构、理化性质、发现过程、构效关系、药理药动特点。  相似文献   

酒,是人类物质酿造的精华琼浆,用高梁、大麦、米、甘薯、玉米、葡萄等为原料酿制而成。因原料、酿造、加工、贮藏等条件不同,酒的种类极多,成份亦差异甚大,在制法上,酒可分为蒸馏酒(如高梁酒,烧酒)与非蒸馏酒(如绍兴酒、葡萄酒)两大类,性味甘辛而大热,有毒。入心、肝、肺、胃经。有通血脉,引药势,消冷结寒气,治风寒痹痛,经脉挛急,矫臭矫味之功。  相似文献   

芍药药用的炮制研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
测试结果表明:芍药根茎部芍药甙、丹皮酚、苯甲酸的含量低,属质次部位;赤白芍中主成分基本相同,但含量有显著差异,应区分药用;白芍以直接刮去外皮不经水煮为佳。  相似文献   

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