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BACKGROUND: In a randomized controlled trial testing a home safety program designed to prevent falls in older people with severe visual impairment, it was shown that the program, delivered by an experienced occupational therapist, significantly reduced the numbers of falls both at home and away from home. OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether the success of the home safety assessment and modification intervention in reducing falls resulted directly from modification of home hazards or from behavioral modifications, or both. METHODS: Participants were 391 community living women and men aged 75 years and older with visual acuity 6/24 meters or worse; 92% (361 of 391) completed one year of follow up. Main outcome measures were type and number of hazards and risky behavior identified in the home and garden of those receiving the home safety program, compliance with home safety recommendations reported at six months, location of all falls for all study participants during the trial, and environmental hazards associated with each fall. RESULTS: The numbers of falls at home related to an environmental hazard and those with no hazard involved were both reduced by the home safety program (n = 100 participants) compared with the group receiving social visits (n = 96) (incidence rate ratios = 0.40 (95% confidence interval, 0.21 to 0.74) and 0.43 (0.21 to 0.90), respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The overall reduction in falls by the home safety program must result from some mechanism in addition to the removal or modification of hazards or provision of new equipment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Many unintentional injuries occur in the home, but little research has considered the specific vulnerability of people with disabilities. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study examining nationally representative data from the 2004-2006 National Health Interview Surveys. SUBJECTS: Adults aged 18 and older who reported having an unintentional, non-motor vehicle-related injury in the home (n = 2189) or outside the home (n = 2072) and those who reported no injuries (n = 81,919) 3 months before their interview. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Non-fatal, unintentional, non-motor vehicle-related injuries. RESULTS: Among respondents experiencing a residential injury, 21.2% reported one type of disability, 11.2% reported two disabilities, and 9.1% reported three or more disabilities. As the number of disabilities increased, the odds of reporting a residential injury increased. Adults with three or more disabilities had three times the odds of reporting a residential injury (adjusted odds ratio = 3.2, 95% CI 2.7 to 3.9), compared with adults reporting no injury. CONCLUSION: The risk of injury in the residential environment among adults with disabilities increases with increasing numbers of disabilities. Attention to home safety issues for residents with disabilities is needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Deficiencies in emergency department (ED) charting is a common international problem. While unintentional falls account for the largest proportion of injury related ED visits by youth, insufficient charting details result in more than one third of these falls being coded as "unspecified". Non-specific coding compromises the utility of injury surveillance data. OBJECTIVE: To re-examine the ED charts of unspecified youth falls to determine the possibility of assigning more specific codes. METHODS: 400 ED charts for youth (aged 0-19 years) treated at four EDs in an urban Canadian health region between 1997 and 1999 and coded as "Other or unspecified fall" (ICD-9 E888) were randomly selected. A structured chart review was completed and a blinded nosologist recoded the cause of injury using the extracted data. Differences in coding specificity were compared with the original data, and logistic regression was undertaken to examine variables that predicted assignment of a specific E-code. RESULTS: A more specific code was assigned to 46% of cases initially coded as unspecified. Of these, 73% were recoded as "Slips, trips, and stumbles" (E885), which still lacks the specificity required for injury prevention planning; 2% of charts had no fall documented. Multivariate analysis revealed that dichotomized injury severity (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 1.75 (95% confidence interval, 1.11 to 2.78)), arrival at the ED by ambulance (adjusted OR = 5.41 (1.07 to 27.0)), and the availability of nurse's notes or triage forms, or both, in the chart (adjusted OR = 3.75 (2.17 to 6.45)) were the strongest predictors of a more specific E-code assignment. CONCLUSIONS: Deficiencies in both chart documentation and coding specificity contribute to the use of non-specific E-codes. More comprehensive triage coding, improved chart documentation, and alternative methods of data collection in the acute care setting are required to improve ED injury surveillance initiatives.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the burden or causes of injury in rural villages in India. OBJECTIVE: To examine injury-related mortality and morbidity in villages in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. METHODS: A verbal-autopsy-based mortality surveillance study was used to collect mortality data on all ages from residents in 45 villages in 2003-2004. In early 2005, a morbidity survey in adults was carried out using stratified random sampling in 20 villages. Participants were asked about injuries sustained in the preceding 12 months. Both fatal and non-fatal injuries were coded using classification methods derived from ICD-10. RESULTS: Response rates for the mortality surveillance and morbidity survey were 98% and 81%, respectively. Injury was the second leading cause of death for all ages, responsible for 13% (95% CI 11% to 15%) of all deaths. The leading causes of fatal injury were self-harm (36%), falls (20%), and road traffic crashes (13%). Non-fatal injury was reported by 6.7% of survey participants, with the leading causes of injury being falls (38%), road traffic crashes (25%), and mechanical forces (16.1%). Falls were more common in women, with most (72.3%) attributable to slipping and tripping. Road traffic injuries were sustained mainly by men and were primarily the result of motorcycle crashes (48.8%). DISCUSSION: Injury is an important contributor to disease burden in rural India. The leading causes of injury-falls, road traffic crashes, and suicides-are all preventable. It is important that effective interventions are developed and implemented to minimize the impact of injury in this region.  相似文献   

Incidence and lifetime costs of injuries in the United States.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
BACKGROUND: Standardized methodologies for assessing economic burden of injury at the national or international level do not exist. OBJECTIVE: To measure national incidence, medical costs, and productivity losses of medically treated injuries using the most recent data available in the United States, as a case study for similarly developed countries undertaking economic burden analyses. METHOD: The authors combined several data sets to estimate the incidence of fatal and non-fatal injuries in 2000. They computed unit medical and productivity costs and multiplied these costs by corresponding incidence estimates to yield total lifetime costs of injuries occurring in 2000. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence, medical costs, productivity losses, and total costs for injuries stratified by age group, sex, and mechanism. RESULTS: More than 50 million Americans experienced a medically treated injury in 2000, resulting in lifetime costs of 406 billion dollars; 80 billion dollars for medical treatment and 326 billion dollars for lost productivity. Males had a 20% higher rate of injury than females. Injuries resulting from falls or being struck by/against an object accounted for more than 44% of injuries. The rate of medically treated injuries declined by 15% from 1985 to 2000 in the US. For those aged 0-44, the incidence rate of injuries declined by more than 20%; while persons aged 75 and older experienced a 20% increase. CONCLUSIONS: These national burden estimates provide unequivocal evidence of the large health and financial burden of injuries. This study can serve as a template for other countries or be used in intercountry comparisons.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the study were to ascertain the causes of accidents, injuries, and deaths in children who ride bicycles. Fatality and injury rates were also studied in order to compare with other studies. METHODS: Two studies of children were undertaken in children aged less than 15 years. In the first (retrospective fatality study), children who died as a result of a bicycle incident during the period 1981-92 were reviewed. In the second (prospective injury study) data were obtained prospectively between April 1991 and June 1992 about children who were injured while riding a bicycle and treated at a public hospital in Brisbane. RESULTS: Study 1: fatality rates for boys were twice those for girls. The rate was highest for boys of 14 years in the metropolitan area at 6.23/100,000. All deaths involved vehicles, and the majority involved head injury or multiple injuries including head injury. Study 2: similar numbers of children were injured at onroad and off-road locations. Faculty riding was described by the rider or caregiver as the cause in 62.5% of cases. The most common time of injury was between 3 and 6 pm on both school and non-school days. Only 5.5% of all incidents involved a moving vehicle. CONCLUSIONS: Bicycle riding by children is a common cause of injury, particularly for boys. Equal numbers of injuries occurred on the road as at other locations. Faulty riding caused most accidents. Injury prevention for bicycle riders should involve not only compulsory wearing of helmets, but should also include education and training about safe riding habits, separation of motorised vehicles from bicycles, modified helmet design to incorporate facial protection, and improved handlebar design.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To summarize house fire injury risk factor data, using relative risk estimation as a uniform method of comparison. METHODS: Residential fire risk factor studies were identified as follows: MEDLINE (1983 to March 1997) was searched using the keywords fire*/burn*, with etiology/cause*, prevention, epidemiology, and smoke detector* or alarm*. ERIC (1966 to March 1997) and PSYCLIT (1974 to June 1997) were searched by the above keywords, as well as safety, skills, education, and training. Other sources included: references of retrieved publications, review articles, and injury prevention books; Injury Prevention journal hand search; government documents; and internet sources. When not provided by the authors, relative risk (RR), odds ratio, and standardized mortality ratios were calculated, to enhance comparison between studies. RESULTS: Fifteen relevant articles were retrieved, including two case-control studies. Non-modifiable risk factors included young age (RR 1.8-7.5), old age (RR 2.6-3.6), male gender (RR 1.4-2.9), non-white race (RR 1.3-15.0), low income (RR 3.4), disability (RR 2.5-6.5), and late night/early morning occurrence (RR 4.1). Modifiable risk factors included place of residence (RR 2.1-4.2), type of residence (RR 1.7-10.5), smoking (RR 1.5 to 7.7), and alcohol use (RR 0.7-7.5). Mobile homes and homes with fewer safety features, such as a smoke detector or a telephone, presented a higher risk of fatal injury. CONCLUSIONS: Risk factor data should be used to assist in the development, targeting, and evaluation of preventive strategies. Development of a series of quantitative systematic reviews could synthesize existing data in areas such as house fire injury prevention.  相似文献   

Aim: An epidemic of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) occurred in Singapore between September and November 2000. During the epidemic, there were four HFMD-related deaths and after the epidemic, another three HFMD-related deaths. This study sought to determine the risk factors predictive of death from HFMD disease. Methods: The risk factors for fatal HFMD were determined by comparing clinical and laboratory findings between fatal cases (n = 7) and non-fatal controls (n = 131) admitted between September 2000 and April 2001. Enterovirus 71 positive fatal cases (n = 4) and non-fatal controls (n = 63) were also compared. Results: In total, 138 HFMD cases with a mean age of 32 mo were studied. The majority of fatal cases died from interstitial pneumonitis, of whom three also had brainstem encephalitis. Of the 131 non-fatal cases, 3 had concomitant infections (respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis, right-sided pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis), 2 had aseptic meningitis, and 1 each had transient drowsiness, intravenous immunoglobulin-related complications and transverse myelitis. By multivariate logistic regression analysis, atypical physical findings (p = 0.0006), raised total white cell count (p = 0.0128), vomiting (p = 0.0116) and absence of mouth ulcers (p = 0.043) were predictive of a fatal course. Although previous epidemics have described neurogenic pulmonary oedema as the main cause of death, the fatal cases in this study died mainly from interstitial pneumonitis alone or with myocarditis or encephalitis.

Conclusion: Although HFMD is generally a benign disease, risk factors such as vomiting, absence of mouth ulcers, atypical presentation and raised total white cell count should alert the physician of a fatal course of illness.  相似文献   

The costs incurred by the families of children with cancer remain under researched. The objectives were to systematically review the literature and identify research and clinical implications. Thirteen studies were critically appraised using the Pediatric Quality Appraisal Questionnaire (PQAQ) [Ungar and Santos. Value Health 2003; 6:584-594]. Existing research indicates that families incur significant variable costs throughout cancer treatment. However, problems with the published studies related to various PQAQ domains (e.g., time horizon, sensitivity analysis) rendered the magnitude of families' childhood cancer costs somewhat uncertain. Strategies for enhancing the quality of childhood cancer cost of illness research are presented. Implications for clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Longer duration of breastfeeding is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, breast and ovarian cancer, myocardial infarction, and hypertension diseases in women. Mexico has one of the lowest breastfeeding rates worldwide; therefore, estimating the disease and economic burden of such rates is needed to influence public policy. We considered suboptimal breastfeeding when fewer than 95% of parous women breastfeed for less than 24 months per child, according to the World Health Organization recommendations. We quantified the lifetime excess cases of maternal health outcomes, premature death, disability‐adjusted life years, direct costs, and indirect costs attributable to suboptimal breastfeeding practices from Mexico in 2012. We used a static microsimulation model for a hypothetical cohort of 100,000 Mexican women to estimate the lifetime economic cost and disease burden of type 2 diabetes, breast and ovarian cancer, myocardial infarction, and hypertension in mothers, due to suboptimal breastfeeding, compared with an optimal scenario of 95% of parous women breastfeeding for 24 months. We expressed cost in 2016 USD. We used a 3% discount rate and tested in sensitivity analysis 0% and 5% discount rates. We found that the 2012 suboptimal scenario was associated with 5,344 more cases of all analysed diseases, 1,681 additional premature deaths, 66,873 disability‐adjusted life years, and 561.94 million USD for direct and indirect costs over the lifetime of a cohort of 1,116 million Mexican women. Findings suggest that investments in strategies to enable more women to optimally breastfeed could result in important health and cost savings.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: With more older drivers on the road, public concern has been expressed about their impact on traffic safety. This study revisited the question of driver age in relation to the risks of older drivers and others sharing the road with them, including pedestrians, passengers in the same vehicle, and occupants of other vehicles. METHODS: Using United States federal data on fatal and non-fatal crashes, injury rates per driver were calculated for different types of road users. In addition, using data supplied by nine insurers, insurance claims per insured vehicle year were examined by driver age. The reference drivers were aged 30-59. RESULTS: For fatal crashes, older drivers' major impact on road users other than themselves was an increase in death rates among their passengers, who also tended to be elderly and thus more vulnerable to injuries (rate ratio (RR) for drivers aged 75+ 2.52; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.39 to 2.66). For non-fatal crashes, drivers aged 75+ had a RR of 1.10 (95% CI 0.98 to 1.24) for involvement in collisions resulting in injuries to other passenger vehicles' occupants compared with 30-59 year old drivers. The oldest drivers (aged 85+) had significant increases in insurance claims for injuries to other road users in crashes in which they were deemed at fault (RR 1.8; 95% CI 1.71 to 1.89). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the oldest drivers, a group with low average annual mileage, do pose some increased risks to occupants of other vehicles, and pose the most serious risks to themselves and their passengers.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the impact and financial costs of childhood cancer for Australian families by means of a nonrandomized retrospective cross-sectional survey at the oncology department of a large metropolitan pediatric hospital. The Family Impact Scale (a standardized questionnaire) and the self-reported economic burden (a questionnaire on expenses and lifestyle changes) were utilized. Results of the family impact score were compared to a previously published cohort of children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The participants were 56 parents of children newly diagnosed with cancer in the year 2002. In addition to the expected high social and emotional impacts, the majority of families reported suffering from great or moderate economic hardship. Factors predictive for families at risk included single parenthood, lower household income, and greater distance from the hospital. The results show that the distribution of resources is not equitable and is currently failing to negate significant financial stresses for many Australian families.  相似文献   

AIM: To document the burden of disease caused by an outbreak of rotavirus (RV) gastroenteritis in a remote Aboriginal community. METHODS: During an outbreak of RV gastroenteritis, data were collected from patients notes, hospital and laboratory data. Age, date of presentation, severity of illness, number of total presentations, presentations per patient, total clinic hours per presentation, stool analysis, treatment and outcomes were measured. These data were compared with a time period of equal duration in order to establish a baseline burden of gastroenteritis. RESULTS: In a remote Aboriginal community 26 patients were managed for acute diarrhoea between 19 September 2005 and 5 October 2005. Gastroenteritis was the diagnosis in 24 cases for which there were 55 presentations. Stool specimens were analysed in 14 (58%) cases. RV was identified in eight (57%) of these specimens. The majority (80%) had mild disease. Moderate disease was noted in 15% and 5% were follow-up reviews. There were no severe cases of gastroenteritis. Four patients required evacuation to hospital. From a total of 607 presentations to the clinic during this time period, 55 (9%) were managed for acute diarrhoea. In the comparative time period there were five (0.9%) cases of acute diarrhoea from a total of 571 presentations. CONCLUSION: Rotavirus gastroenteritis places a large burden on remote Aboriginal communities and health-care centres in the form of morbidity, overworked clinic staff, economic cost and reduced capacity for primary health-care duties.  相似文献   

Reduced quality of life (QoL) is a known consequence of chronic disease in children, and this association may be more evident in those who are socio‐economically disadvantaged. The aims of this systematic review were to assess the association between socio‐economic disadvantage and QoL among children with chronic disease, and to identify the specific socio‐economic factors that are most influential. MEDLINE, Embase and PsycINFO were searched to March 2015. Observational studies that reported the association between at least one measure of social disadvantage in caregivers and at least one QoL measure in children and young people (age 2–21 years) with a debilitating non‐communicable childhood disease (asthma, chronic kidney disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus and epilepsy) were eligible. A total of 30 studies involving 6957 patients were included (asthma (six studies, n = 576), chronic kidney disease (four studies, n = 796), epilepsy (14 studies, n = 2121), type 1 diabetes mellitus (six studies, n = 3464)). A total of 22 (73%) studies reported a statistically significant association between at least one socio‐economic determinant and QoL. Parental education, occupation, marital status, income and health insurance coverage were associated with reduced QoL in children with chronic disease. The quality of the included studies varied widely and there was a high risk of reporting bias. Children with chronic disease from lower socio‐economic backgrounds experience reduced QoL compared with their wealthier counterparts. Initiatives to improve access to and usage of medical and psychological services by children and their families who are socio‐economically disadvantaged may help to mitigate the disparities and improve outcomes in children with chronic illnesses.  相似文献   

Aims: To estimate the annual mortality and the cost of hospital admissions for acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) for New Zealand residents. Methods: Hospital admissions in 2000–2009 with a principal diagnosis of ARF or RHD (ICD9_AM 390‐398; ICD10‐AM I00‐I099) and deaths in 2000–2007 with RHD as the underlying cause were obtained from routine statistics. The cost of each admission was estimated by multiplying its diagnosis‐related group (DRG) cost weight by the national price for financial year 2009/2010. Results: There were on average 159 RHD deaths each year with a mean annual mortality rate of 4.4 per 100 000 (95% confidence limit 4.2, 4.7). Age‐adjusted mortality was five‐ to 10‐fold higher for Māori and Pacific peoples than for non‐Māori/Pacific. The mean age at RHD death (male/female) was 56.4/58.4 for Māori, 50.9/59.8 for Pacific and 78.2/80.6 for non‐Māori, non‐Pacific men and women. The average annual DRG‐based cost of hospital admissions in 2000–2009 for ARF and RHD across all age groups was $12.0 million (95% confidence limit $11.1 million, $12.8 million). Heart valve surgery accounted for 28% of admissions and 71% of the cost. For children 5–14 years of age, valve surgery accounted for 7% of admissions and 27% of the cost. Two‐thirds of the cost occurs after the age of 30. Conclusions: ARF and RHD comprise a burden of mortality and hospital cost concentrated largely in middle age. Māori and Pacific RHD mortality rates are substantially higher than those of non‐Māori/Pacific.  相似文献   

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