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In an unselected series of patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) we found neuropathy in 2 of 34 patients with IgG (6%), 2 of 14 with IgA (14%), and 8 of 26 with IgM MGUS (31%). The neuropathy was subclinical in 6 patients (1 IgG, 1 IgA, and 4 IgM). Patients with IgG or IgA MGUS had a prominent motor impairment with electrophysiologic and morphologic findings suggestive of predominant axonal degeneration. No deposit of the M-protein in sural nerve and no reactivity of the M-protein with nerve was detected in these patients. Patients with IgM MGUS had a prominent sensory impairment with evidence of predominant demyelination. In 6 of these patients the M-protein reacted with the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG). The higher prevalence of neuropathy in patients with IgM MGUS may be related to the frequent reactivity of IgM M-proteins with MAG.  相似文献   

We report our experience with 24 consecutively treated patients (15 men and 9 women, median age 64 years) with anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (anti-MAG) neuropathy. The rates of response to plasma exchange (40%), immune globulin (16%), and cyclophosphamide-based therapy (36%) were similar. Five (24%) responded to the first treatment modality, 32% to a second, alternative modality, and 31% to a third. Only 4 of 12 responders had sustained improvement; the others relapsed after a median of 7 months. In those 4 patients, the median immunoglobulin M (IgM) level dropped by 25% compared to an increase of 24% in the nonresponders (P = 0.04). Thus, most patients with anti-MAG neuropathy failed to have sustained improvement after treatment, and none of the therapies emerged as superior. Disability improved transiently after therapy in approximately 50% of cases. A 25% reduction of the IgM level predicted sustained improvement, but was difficult to achieve. There were no clinical or electrodiagnostic features associated with a treatment response, nor did a reduction of the anti-MAG antibody titer correlate with clinical improvement.  相似文献   

Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (anti-MAG) neuropathy is a chronic demyelinating neuropathy with predominant involvement of large sensory fibers and deposits of IgM and complement on sural nerve myelinated fibers. We assessed the presence of IgM deposits on skin myelinated nerve fibers and the involvement of unmyelinated axons in anti-MAG neuropathy. Skin biopsies were performed in 14 patients with anti-MAG neuropathy, in 8 patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), and in 2 patients with IgM paraproteinemic neuropathy. Biopsies were taken at the proximal thigh in 20 patients, at the distal leg in 21 patients, at the proximal arm in 13 patients, and at the hand or fingertip in 10 patients. We found IgM deposits on dermal myelinated fibers in all anti-MAG neuropathy patients, with a greater prevalence at the distal site of the extremities. Deposits were located throughout the length of the fibers and at the paranodal loops. CIDP and IgM paraproteinemic neuropathies did not show any deposit of IgM. Anti-MAG neuropathy and CIPD patients showed a decrease in epidermal nerve fiber density reflecting an associated axonal loss. In anti-MAG neuropathy, both large- and small-diameter nerve fibers are affected, and specific deposits of IgM are found on skin myelinated nerve fibers.  相似文献   

Summary An 85-year-old man with a 2-year history of progressive lower limb weakness and paresthesia was found to have an IgG kappa monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (mgus). Clinical and electrophysiological studies revealed a severe distal bilateral symmetrical polyneuropathy. a sural nerve biopsy showed extensive nerve fibre loss with the deposition of large amounts of amorphous material throughout the endoneurium. Electron microscopy showed the deposits to be composed of microtubular structures which were located diffusely throughout the endoneurium. The deposits were also located within the lumina of the vasa nervorum, some of which were undergoing disintegration and rupture with release of the proteinaceous material into the endoneurium. The regions of the nerve in which they appeared most numerous showed more severe nerve fibre damage than other areas. These microtubular structures were also observed in disintegrating vessels and adjacent endoneurium. On immunohistochemistry they stained with antibody to IgG. Identical deposits were found in the dermis in which there was a leucocytoclastic vasculitis. Located in linear arrays within the axons of myelinated and unmyelinated fibres were highly organised tubular structures resembling immunotactoids. Identification of immunotactoidlike structures within the nerve is unique and may be another mechanism by which monoclonal proteins can induce nerve fibre injury.  相似文献   

Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is the most common paraproteinemia associated with polyneuropathy. Although the clinical and electrodiagnostic manifestations most resemble those of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, some patients manifest a pure sensory neuropathy or neuronopathy. The M protein is usually IgM, and its concentration in serum is low. Nerve pathology from patients with demyelinating disease shows a reduction of large myelinated fibers and segmental demyelination with remyelination. In some cases, the M protein possesses antibody activity against components of the myelin sheath or axon. These neuropathies may respond to treatment with steroids, immunosuppressant agents, and plasma exchange.  相似文献   

IntroductionSmall case series suggest tremor occurs frequently in IgM-monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (IgM-MGUS) neuropathy. Epidemiologic study to confirm this association is lacking. Whether the neuropathy or another remote IgM-effect is causal remains unsettled.Materials and methodsAn IgM-MGUS neuropathy case cohort (n = 207) was compared to age, gender, and neuropathy impairment score (NIS) matched, other-cause neuropathy controls (n = 414). Tremor details were extracted from structured neurologic evaluation. All patients underwent nerve conductions.ResultsTremor occurrence was significantly higher in IgM-MGUS case cohort (29%) than in control cohort (9.2%) (p = 0.001). In IgM-MGUS cases, tremor was associated with worse NIS (p = 0.025) and demyelinating nerve conductions (p = 0.020), but 11 of 60 (18%) IgM-MGUS cases with tremor had axonal neuropathy. In other-cause neuropathy controls, tremor was associated with axonal nerve conductions (p = 0.03) but not with NIS severity (p = 0.57). Tremor occurrence associated with older age in controls, (p = 0.004) but not in IgM-MGUS cases (p = 0.272). Most IgM-MGUS tremor cases (49/60) had a postural-kinetic tremor, 8 had rest tremor, 3 had mixed rest-action. Alternative causes of tremor was identified in 42% of IgM-MGUS cases, the most common type is inherited essential tremor 6/60 (p = 0.04).ConclusionsThis first epidemiologic case-control study validates association between IgM-MGUS neuropathy and tremor. Among IgM-MGUS neuropathy cases, severity as well as type of neuropathy (demyelinating over axonal) correlated with tremor occurrence. IgM-MGUS paraproteinemia may increase tremor expression in persons recognized with common other risk factors for tremor.  相似文献   

We report here on a patient with anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) neuropathy in whom examination of a sural nerve biopsy by multichannel confocal microscopy showed a partly overlapping distribution of MAG and IgM deposits in myelinated fibers. Our data demonstrate that MAG in Schmidt-Lanterman incisures and paranodal loops, as well as some additional HNK-1-positive components of the basal lamina, are the major targets of the anti-MAG monoclonal IgM autoantibodies in this neuropathy in vivo. Perforation of the basal lamina can allow the penetration and binding of anti-MAG IgM inside myelinated fibers. Our results support and extend the notion that the production of monoclonal anti-MAG IgM may be antigenically driven by MAG molecules and that this process may occur in the immunologically privileged environment of the nerve prior to the appearance of a genuine gammopathy in serum. Received: 12 May 1997 / Revised: 13 August 1997 / Revised, accepted: 19 November 1997  相似文献   

A patient with peripheral neuropathy accompanying a benign IgM anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein paraproteinemia has been treated successfully by plasmapheresis for over a year, and during this time, fluctuations in the patient's symptoms and signs have correlated with variations in the serum IgM level. These results suggest that plasmapheresis may be more beneficial for such neuropathies than indicated previously, and they add to the evidence implicating the paraprotein as the cause of the neuropathy.  相似文献   

An emerging body of evidence from in vitro studies and in vivo animal models supports a pathogenic role of antibodies in the development of peripheral neuropathy associated with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). Although the assessment of motor and sensory nerve fiber function is of clinical importance, it is seldom applied experimentally. We describe the application of an electrophysiologic method for the evaluation of motor and sensory nerve fiber function using an experimental model of MGUS neuropathy. Supramaximal stimulation of the tibial nerve elicited an early motor response (M-wave, 1.7 +/- 0.1 ms, n = 10) and a late sensory (H-reflex, 7.8 +/- 0.1 ms, n = 10) response that was recorded from the hind foot of anesthetized rats. Intraneural injection of serum antibodies from a MGUS patient with sensorimotor polyneuropathy, but not from an age-matched control subject, produced a marked attenuation of the H-reflex (P < 0.01, n = 10) without affecting the M-wave. Light and electron microscopy of affected nerve showed myelinoaxonal degeneration with sparing of the smaller unmyelinated nerve fibers. The combined electrophysiologic and morphologic findings presented in this study are consistent with a selective sensory conduction deficit in MGUS neuropathy. Selective injury of afferent nerve fibers by this patient's serum antibodies may result from reactivity to neural antigens uniquely expressed by sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of serum antibodies to neurofilament proteins have been associated with a variety of neurological diseases, including autoimmune disorders such as neuropathy with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). The pathological significance of anti-neurofilament antibodies in sera of affected patients, however, remains unclear. In this study, we report our findings of polyclonal antibodies in sera from 4 of 16 IgG MGUS neuropathy patients that react strongly on immunoblot with a high molecular weight neurofilament protein (NFH). The effect of anti-NFH polyclonal antibody on peripheral nerve function was tested in vivo by intraneural injection. Sera containing anti-NFH antibody, but not sera from age-matched control subjects, injected into the endoneurium of rat sciatic nerve significantly attenuated proximal-evoked motor nerve compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitudes in a complement-dependent manner. In contrast, ankle-evoked CMAP amplitudes were unaffected by intraneural injection of sera containing anti-NFH antibody. Anti-NFH serum-injected nerves showed changes in both axon caliber (shrinkage) and myelin ultrastructure (vesiculation and ovoid formation), suggestive of intramyelinic edema. Preincubation of sera containing anti-NFH antibody with purified NFH protein abolished immunoreactivity to NFH protein and neutralized the serum-mediated toxicity. The data suggest that anti-NFH polyclonal antibodies occurring in sera of some patients with IgG MGUS neuropathy may elicit peripheral nerve conduction block independent of the patients' IgG paraprotein. Anti-neural polyclonal antibodies in sera of IgG MGUS neuropathy patients may have a greater pathological significance than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

Neuropathy has been frequently reported in patients with IgG monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) but it is still unclear whether this association has clinical or pathogenetic relevance. In order to clarify the possible role of IgG MGUS in the neuropathy we correlated the clinical and electrophysiological features of the neuropathy with the duration and anti-neural activity of the M-protein in 17 patients with neuropathy and IgG MGUS. Ten patients (59%) had a chronic demyelinating neuropathy clinically indistinguishable from chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) while 7 (41%) had a predominantly sensory axonal or mixed neuropathy. In 80% of patients in the CIDP-like and 28% in the sensory group the IgG M-protein became manifest several months to years after onset of the neuropathy. Antibodies to one or more neural antigens (including tubulin, a 35KD P0-like nerve myelin glycoprotein, GD1a, GM1 and chondrotin sulfate C) were found in 40% of patients with CIDP-like and 43% with sensory neuropathy but also in 37% patients with IgG MGUS without neuropathy. Neuropathy associated with IgG MGUS is probably less heterogeneous than previously considered suggesting that this association may not be merely casual. The evidence for primary pathogenetic role of IgG M-proteins in the neuropathy remains however elusive.  相似文献   

The prevalence of peripheral polyneuropathy in patients with monoclonal gammopathy is known to be higher than in the general population. A prevalence as high as that in the series of Osby et al, who found clinical and/or electrophysiological evidence compatible with peripheral polyneuropathy in 15 of 21 patients has not been reported before. These results could not be confirmed in a study in which 19 patients with benign monoclonal gammopathy were investigated. In contrast there were only two patients with questionable evidence of peripheral neuropathy: one had lower limb symptoms and signs only, the other had evidence of a subclinical polyneuropathy with some abnormalities of nerve conduction.  相似文献   

Previous case reports and studies have shown that anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) antibody can be detected in patients with polyneuropathy without any detectable M-protein. Nevertheless, the frequency of and related factors have not yet been adequately investigated. The objectives of this study are to examine the prevalence of anti-MAG antibody in patients with demyelinating neuropathy without M-protein and to determine their clinical characteristics. From January, 2004, to September, 2016, consecutive patients with chronic demyelinating neuropathy were recruited. Anti-MAG antibody presence was tested at the first evaluation. We determined the prevalence of anti-MAG antibody without M-protein among included patients and evaluated the clinical characteristics. A total of 44 patients were included in the present study (12 women; median age at first visit 60 years [interquartile range 47–67 years]; median duration between onset and first visit 9 months [3–26 months]). M-protein was found in eight patients (18%) at the first evaluation. Anti-MAG antibody was present in 2 of remaining 36 (5.6 [95% confidence interval 0–13.0] %) patients without M-protein. Patients with anti-MAG antibody exhibited slowly progressive and distal dominant neuropathy with elevated serum IgM levels and refractory to immunotherapy. There were no differences in clinical features between patients having anti-MAG antibody without M-protein, and those with M-protein. One patient with the anti-MAG antibody showed a delayed appearance of M-protein during a 4-year follow-up after diagnosis. The prevalence of the anti-MAG antibody in chronic demyelinating neuropathy without any detectable M-protein was 5.6%. Anti-MAG antibody may be detectable earlier than M-protein.  相似文献   

Although polyneuropathies associated with IgM and IgG monoclonal gammopathies have been well described, polyneuropathy with IgA monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is less commonly seen and has not been well studies. We reviewed the clinical and electrodiagnostic features of 5 such patients, and the sural nerve biopsy findings in 4 of them. One patient was diabetic, while 4 were free of other diagnoses commonly associated with neuropathy. Clinical presentations were varied. Electrodiagnostic and histological studies ranged from primary demyelination to primary axon loss to a mixed axonal/demyelinating picture. Three patients who were treated appeared to respond to prednisone or intravenous gamma globulin, despite clear clinical, electrodiagnostic, and histological differences. We conclude that the polyneuropathy associated with IgA MGUS is heterogeneous, similar to that in IgM and IgG MGUS. A trial of immunomodulating therapy appears to be warranted in such patients if the neuropathy is sufficiently servere. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We report the clinical response and biological effects of treatment with rituximab and fludarabine (RF) in five patients with IgM anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) demyelinating neuropathy. Between November 2006 and October 2009, four men and one woman aged 52-85 years received intravenous rituximab at 375 mg/m(2) on day 1 and oral fludarabine at 40 mg/m(2) /day from days 1 to 5, in a treatment cycle that was repeated every month for up to 6 months. Two patients had IgM monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and three low tumor mass Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. Four patients showed a major hematological response with a decrease in anti-MAG titer in three and clearing in one. One patient did not respond. For the responding patients, symptoms and electrophysiological parameters improved significantly. No patient relapsed at post-RF treatment follow-up (12-45 months), and no toxicity was reported. The combination of RF induced significant responses in IgM anti-MAG demyelinating neuropathies, without toxicity. Clinical improvements were correlated to hematological and immunological results.  相似文献   

Attention has recently been directed toward patients having a polyneuropathy and a monoclonal IgM anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (anti-MAG) antibody. The possibility of a pathogenetic role for the anti-MAG antibody in the evolution of the polyneuropathy and in the development of central nervous system signs, including tremor and ataxia, remains unresolved. In 5 patients with this syndrome whose clinical courses were followed closely, in 1 of whom a complete postmortem examination of the nervous system was performed, we made the following observations: the anti-MAG antibody did not localize to the compact layer of the myelin sheath in affected nerves, but did localize to areas of myelin splitting; anti-MAG antibody present in the sural nerve of an affected individual for 7 years was not associated with progressive pathology; anti-MAG antibody was not deposited in the central nervous system of an affected individual, although the antibody did bind to these same tissues in vitro; deposition of anti-MAG antibody observed at postmortem examination did not correlate with the degree of pathological change; and study of the peripheral nervous system favored a primary axonal neuropathy with secondary demyelination.  相似文献   

Tremor is often associated with anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein (anti-MAG) peripheral neuropathy (PN), but its physiology has never been accurately described. This study quantified the physiological characteristics of tremors in patients with anti-MAG demyelinating PN. Eighteen patients with tremor and PN with demyelinating features (ages 30–86, mean = 66.5 years) were evaluated for anti-MAG antibodies (positive considered ≥ 1:3200) and for tremor amplitude, frequency, side-to-side relationships, and electromyographic (EMG) activation patterns. Thirteen patients had anti-MAG titers > 1:3200 and 8 had both positive anti-MAG titers and tremors. Anti-MAG PN patients revealed tremors higher in amplitude, lower in frequency, with greater side-to-side amplitude ratios, greater amplitude variability, and more consistent cocontracting antagonist EMG patterns that do not attenuate with inertial loading. We conclude that anti-MAG PN tremor is not due only to exaggerated physiologic mechanisms but may reflect a distinctive form of neurogenic tremor. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Circulating monoclonal IgM antibodies that react with myelin-associated glycoprotein are strongly associated with a specific type of human peripheral nerve demyelination. There has been great interest in this syndrome because, if the paraprotein could be shown to cause the demyelination, then it would be the first proven example of antibody-mediated demyelination in humans. Systemic transfusion of chickens with monoclonal IgM antibody isolated from one of these patients produced peripheral demyelination highly characteristic of the human syndrome. The experimental lesion consists of segmental demyelination and remyelination with minimal inflammation, specific antibody bound to myelin, and widening of the myelin lamellae. In the experimental model, antibody is concentrated in specialized myelin structures, the nodes of Ranvier, and Schmidt-Lanterman incisures, suggesting that myelin-associated glycoprotein may be the antigenic target in vivo. This demonstration that human myelin-associated glycoprotein antibodies cause demyelination in vivo is the final information needed to prove that this type of human demyelination is antibody mediated. This strengthens the proposition that nerve antibodies, present in other human neurological syndromes, may also cause disease.  相似文献   

Antibodies to the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) are implicated in the pathogenesis of an acquired demyelinating polyneuropathy. We studied IgM affinity to MAG in 18 patients with anti-MAG antibodies. Binding of sera was tested for anti-MAG immunoreactivity in central nervous system (CNS) by ELISA and in CNS and peripheral nervous system (PNS) by Western blot analysis. Furthermore, immunohistochemical characterization of IgM binding on sural nerve tissue was investigated using the indirect peroxidase method. Western blot analysis revealed that all sera detected MAG in central myelin, but only eight in peripheral myelin. Anti-MAG-IgM-ELISA-titers correlated significantly (p<0.0001) with PNS-Western blot results. By indirect immunoperoxidase immunohistochemistry, 12 sera stained myelin sheaths, while 6 sera showed no staining. These results demonstrate considerable variations in antibody binding strength to MAG between PNS myelin and CNS myelin. The relevance of these differences for the pathogenesis of the neuropathy and clinical impairment remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

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