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Aim Assessment of pulmonary valve (PV) and right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) using real-time 3-dimensional echocardiography (RT3DE). Methods Two-dimensional echocardiography (2DE) and RT3DE were performed in 50 patients with congenital heart disease (mean age 32 ± 9.5 years, 60% female). Measurements were obtained at parasternal views: short axis (PSAX) at aortic valve level and long axis (PLAX) with superior tilting. RT3DE visualization was evaluated by 4-point score (1: not visualized, 2: inadequate, 3: sufficient, and 4: excellent). Diameters of PV annulus (PVAD), and RVOT (RVOTD) were measured by both 2DE and RT3DE, while areas (PVAA) and (RVOTA) by RT3DE only. Results By RT3DE, PV was visualized sufficiently in 68% and RVOT excellently in 40%. PVAD and PVAA were measured in 88%. RVOTD and PVAD by 2DE at PLAX were significantly higher than PSAX (P < 0.0001) and lower than that by RT3DE (P < 0.001). Conclusion RT3DE helps in RVOT and PV assessment adding more details supplemental to 2DE.  相似文献   

目的总结应用PTFE人工单叶肺动脉瓣实施右心室流出道重建矫治先天性心脏病的手术配合。方法用经修剪的PTFE片缝制人工单叶肺动脉瓣及自体心包片行右心室及主肺动脉补片扩大。结果21例中死亡1例,病死率4.76%,余20例术后恢复良好,除第1例患儿存在中度肺动脉返流外,其余患者均无返流;全部患儿均无肺动脉或右心室流出道梗阻。结论在行跨肺动脉瓣右心室流出道补片扩大术中,应用PTFE人工单叶肺动脉瓣可以有效地避免术后肺动脉瓣返流,改善右心室功能。  相似文献   

AIM: To analyse clinical manifestations of congenital pulmonary artery stenosis (CPAS) and right ventricular outlet stenosis (RVOS), development of its diagnosis depending on anatomic variants of heart disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The data on 539 patients examined with conventional clinical and highly informative novel techniques were studied. RESULTS: The analysis of the CPAS and RVOS clinical picture depending on the anatomic variant of the heart disease has shown that clinical symptomatology was of the same type. The data of the tests have some specific features allowing identification of some forms of the heart disease. CONCLUSION: Diagnostic and prognostic significance of the findings was determined which gave rise to an optimal examination scheme with focus on wider use of highly informative techniques.  相似文献   



The size of the ventricles of the heart is important to establish during the clinical echocardiographic examination. Due to the complex anatomy of the right ventricle, it is difficult to measure its size at times. One of the most frequently used ways is to measure the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT1), probably due to its good reproducibility. However, in the literature different ways are described to measure RVOT1, both at different sites and using different methods such as M-mode and 2D. The first aim of the present study was to exam if there is a significant difference in the outcome of RVOT1 using different sites and methods to measure it. The second aim was to study if there is a significant difference between the usually preferred left lateral decubitus position during the echocardiographic examination and the supine decubitus position, which the echocardiographer sometimes can be compelled to use if the patient is unable to lie in the left lateral decubitus position.  相似文献   

目的探讨0.1 mm厚聚四氟乙烯(Gore-Tex)片制作肺动脉单瓣跨环补片重建右心室流出道的近中期临床疗效。方法76例合并肺动脉狭窄或畸形的先天性心脏病患儿,其中法洛四联症(tetralogy of Fallot,TOF)合并肺动脉狭窄55例,TOF合并Ⅰ型肺动脉闭锁7例,TOF合并肺动脉瓣缺如5例,右心室双出口合并肺动脉狭窄3例,TOF行改良Blalock-Taussig分流术后6例(左侧改良Blalock-Taussig分流术5例,右侧1例),均行矫治术,术中使用Gore-Tex片制作肺动脉单瓣跨环补片重建右心室流出道。比较术前与术中停体外循环后血氧饱和度、肺动脉干直径等差异,随访观察手术效果。结果76例均顺利完成手术,体外循环时间118(109,134)min,主动脉阻断时间86(77,102)min,术后呼吸机辅助时间88(45,99)h,ICU停留时间135(114,161)h;术后因心包压塞急诊二次手术1例,发生一过性低心排血量综合征2例、心律失常2例、肺部感染1例,均经对症治疗后恢复;1例室间隔微小残余分流(流速<2.5 m/s),术后6个月自行闭合。术中停体外循环后血氧饱和度[96.00(94.00,97.00)%]较术前[84.00(78.00,89.00)%]增高,肺动脉干直径[12.00(10.12,13.00)mm]较术前[6.60(5.80,7.50)mm]增加,肺动脉瓣压差[21.00(16.00,27.00)mm Hg]、肺动脉瓣上流速[2.31(2.00,2.70)m/s]较术前[86.00(72.00,94.75)mm Hg、4.60(4.20,5.10)m/s]降低(P<0.05)。术后随访3~48个月,超声心动图示73例肺动脉瓣瓣叶活动良好,开启闭合正常;3例轻度肺动脉瓣狭窄,随访期间未见进一步加重;5例肺动脉瓣轻度关闭不全;均无肺动脉单瓣的撕裂、黏连、增厚、钙化、血栓形成及感染等。结论右心室流出道重建中术应用Gore-Tex片制作肺动脉单瓣有较好的近中期抗反流作用,可改善右心功能。  相似文献   

目的应用彩色多普勒超声心动图(UCG)观察复杂紫绀先心病行牛颈静脉带瓣管道重建右心室流出道的结构及血流动力学变化。方法应用UCG观察牛颈静脉带瓣管道(BJVC)重建右心室流出道结构及血流动力学在术后7天、1年的变化,对18例患者行右心室(RV)与主肺动脉(MPA)连接状况,测定重建后右心室流出道(RVOT)各截面的直径,右室、肺动脉吻合口的宽度、压差、速度;评价牛颈静脉带瓣管道生物材料有无变性、退行性变及通畅情况;以及自身RVOT、MPA闭合情况。结果术后7天,18例UCG检查肺动脉瓣开放、关闭良好;重建术后1年,18例患者均存活,BJVC瓣膜仍无病理性返流,跨瓣压差小,管道通畅,未见明显血栓形成。结论超声心动图在复杂紫绀先心病行牛颈静脉带瓣管道重建右心室流出道的结构及血流动力学变化中起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

右室流出道间隔部置入起搏器对患者生活质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景:已有随机对照研究显示右室流出道间隔部起搏对左室同步性及心功能恢复明显优于右室心尖部起搏.但右室流出道间隔部起搏对生活质量的影响国内尚未见报道.目的:应用SF-36量表和超声心动图方法来评估右室流出道间隔部起搏对缓慢性心律失常患者生活质量的影响.设计、时间及地点:病例分析,2005-06/2007-09在广东省心血管病研究所进行.对象:缓慢心律失常患者60例,其中男29例,女31例;年龄(62±18)岁.方法:采用锁骨下静脉穿刺方法置入DDD(R)起搏器,心室电极采用主动固定电极置入于右室流出道间隔部,于置入前和置入后12个月用SF-36量表及超声心动图评估患者生活质量和症状度.主要观察指标:①起搏器置入及起搏参数变化.②生活质量评分变化.③超声心动图评价血流动力学指标变化.结果:全部患者未出现置入并发症,随访12个月无电极移位、阈值增高;右室流出道间隔部起搏治疗12个月躯体功能、躯体角色、肌体疼痛、社会功能、生命力、心理健康和总的健康状况方面高于置入前(P均< 0.01),而情感角色的变化则没有统计学意义(P =0.125);左室舒张末径、左室收缩末内径、左室射血分数和左室充盈时间高于置入前(P均< 0.01),Tei指数明显低于置入前(P < 0.01).结论:对缓慢心律失常患者,右室流出道间隔部起搏治疗能明显改善患者的症状、生活质量和血流动力学指标,未出现置入并发症.  相似文献   

Aneurysm formation has not been previously described as a complication of radiofrequency ablation. A 49-year-old woman with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome underwent ablation of abnormal conduction pathways in Koch's triangle and in the outflow tract of the right ventricle. Nine months after the procedure, she died suddenly, and was found at autopsy to have a hemopericardium due to rupture of an aneurysm in the right ventricular outflow tract. The gross and histological features of the aneurysm suggest that it developed because of radiofrequency ablation. The possibility of this potentially fatal complication should be considered during follow-up evaluation of ablation therapy patients.  相似文献   

Intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) is a developing technology and a promising method for visualizing intracardiac structures. However, its applications are currently limited to guidance during mitral valvuloplasty, catheter ablation, or electrophysiologic examination. The goal of this study was to observe the aortic valve, measure the annular diameter of the valve by ICE through a right-sided approach, and compare the results by ICE with those by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) or transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). We studied 18 patients (9 men, 9 women, aged 19 to 72 years) with various heart diseases, including 15 patients with mitral or aortic valvular disease. An imaging catheter was advanced through a long sheath into the outflow tract of the right ventricle. We obtained good longitudinal views of the aortic valve in all patients. Two of the 18 patients had poor image quality by TTE. The annular diameter by ICE correlated more closely with TEE than with TTE. In conclusion, right-sided ICE is a safe, simple, and useful procedure for observing the aortic valve during cardiac catheterization without additional discomfort in the patients. Right-sided ICE is superior to TTE in observing the aortic valve and measuring the annular diameter of the valve. The annular diameter can be measured by ICE as precisely as by TEE.  相似文献   

Three cases of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction caused by 3 distinct tumors-myxoma, sarcoma, and presumed metastatic tumor-diagnosed by transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography are presented. The differences among these 3 types of tumors with similar clinical and echocardiographic findings are highlighted, and a review of the pertinent literature is discussed. By applying the approximate frequencies of cardiac tumors categorized by type and site, statistically, an intracavitary right ventricular outflow tract tumor is 70 to 140 times more likely to be malignant than benign; furthermore, if it is a primary cardiac tumor, it is approximately 2 times more likely to be a sarcoma than a myxoma.  相似文献   

Radiofrequency catheter ablation was performed in four adults with myocardial dysfunction related to repetitive monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (RMVT) originating in the right ventricular outflow tract. Serial echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular function before and after radiofrequency catheter ablation of RMVT showed complete reversal of left ventricular dysfunction without arrhythmia recurrence during 31+/-28 months follow-up.  相似文献   

Percutaneous transluminal septal myocardial ablation (PTSMA) is an established procedure for treating symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. We report a case of urgent PTSMA for treating refractory heart failure due to exacerbated obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract after surgical aortic valvular replacement to treat severe aortic stenosis.  相似文献   

导管射频消融治疗右室流出道室性早搏的护理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨导管射频消融治疗右室流出道室性早搏的护理方法。方法对52例右室流出道室性早搏患者,采用射频消融治疗,并给予心理护理和基础护理。结果52例均完成了射频消融治疗。随访2~60个月,根治率92.3%(48/52),有效率98.1%(51/52)。结论合理、细致的护理可消除患者的恐惧心理,提高手术耐受性,且能及早发现和防治并发症,增加手术的安全性。  相似文献   

Percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty (PBPV) is the primary treatment for pulmonary valve stenosis (PVS). The study consisted of 228 children with PVS who underwent PBPV from January 2004 to October 2019 at a single center. The risk factors for ≥moderate pulmonary regurgitation (PR), residual stenosis, and restenosis were analyzed based on the baseline patient characteristics and measured value of corresponding inspection results. Among 228 patients, follow‐up results were obtained in 193 patients. The univariate analysis demonstrated that young age, low weight, small pulmonary annulus diameter, higher initial RV‐PA PSEG, increased RV/systemic pressure ratio, and severe PVS were associated with ≥moderate PR. The multivariate analysis demonstrated that higher initial RV‐PA PSEG and low weight were independently associated with ≥moderate PR, while higher initial RV‐PA PSEG was independently associated with residual stenosis and restenosis. PBPV is a preferred tre atment in PVS children with a higher success rate. Higher initial RV‐PA PSEG was a significant factor for ≥moderate PR, residual stenosis, and restenosis.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to define the factors that may predict the outcomes of radiofrequency ablation from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) in patients with idiopathic VT with a QRS morphology of LBBB. Endocardial mapping and RF ablation from the RVOT were performed in 35 patients (14 men, mean age 41 +/- 14 years), and VT was successfully ablated in 30 patients. There was no significant difference with regard to clinical characteristics and electrophysiological findings between patients with successful and failed ablation. The VTs with successful ablation showed an rS (n = 16) or QS (n = 14) pattern in lead V1, and all five VTs with failed ablation showed an rS pattern in lead V1. Although the absence of an R wave in lead V1 did not differ between patients with successful and failed ablation (P = 0.13), the absence of an R wave in lead V1 predicted VT successfully ablated from the RVOT (positive predictive value 100%; negative predictive value 24%). The VTs with successful ablation had a median precordial transitional zone at lead V4 (range V3-V6), whereas all five VTs with failed ablation had precordial transition zones at lead V3 (P = 0.004). Furthermore, a presence of an R wave in lead V1 associated with a precordial transition zone at lead V3 predicted VT not successfully ablated from the RVOT (positive predictive value 100%; negative predictive value 100%). In conclusion, some VTs with LBBB and inferior or normal axis cannot be ablated from the RVOT. The presence of an R wave in lead V1 associated with a precordial transition zone at lead V3 suggest that some VTs may not arise from the RVOT.  相似文献   

Bifocal RIGHT ventricular stimulation (BRIGHT) is an ongoing, randomized, single-blind, crossover study of atrial synchronized bi-right ventricular (RV) pacing in patients in New York Heart Association heart failure functional class III, a left ventricular ejection fraction <35%, left bundle branch block and QRS complexes >/=120 ms. This analysis compared the electrical and handling characteristics, and the complications of pacing at the RV apex (Ap) with passive, versus RV outflow tract (OT) with active fixation leads. A mean of 1.6 +/- 0.9 and 2.2 +/- 2.0 attempts were needed to position the Ap and OT leads, respectively (ns). R-wave amplitudes at Ap versus OT were 23 +/- 13 mV versus 14 +/- 8 mV (n = 36, P < 0.001). R-wave amplitudes at the Ap remained stable between implant and M7. R-wave amplitudes at the OT could not be measured after implantation. In two patients, atrioventricular block occurred during active fixation at the OT. Conduction recovered spontaneously within 4 months. Ventricular fibrillation was induced in one patient during manipulation of an Ap lead in the RV. Marked differences were found between leads positioned in the OT versus Ap, partly related to the difference in lead design. Mean R-wave amplitude was higher at the Ap that at the OT. Ease and success rate of lead implant was similar in both positions.  相似文献   

To validate the right ventricular outflow tract systolic flow acceleration (RVOTACC; peak flow velocity/time-to-peak velocity) measured by phase-contrast (PC)—cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) as a novel index of right ventricular (RV) function, and to investigate its clinical implications in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Thirty (38 % male, 43 ± 15 years old) out of 55 consecutive patients who were initially diagnosed with PAH at the referral center were prospectively enrolled between March 2009 and July 2010 and were followed for PAH-related cardiovascular events for 2 years. The invasively measured maximum dP/dt (dP/dtmax) was used as an index of RV contractility. The PC-CMR-derived RVOTACC was compared with well-known prognostic parameters. The PC-CMR-derived RVOTACC correlated strongly with the dP/dtmax and estimated RV function more accurately than the CMR-derived RV ejection fraction. The CMR-derived RVOTACC level (HR = 0.87, 95 % CI 0.78–0.98, p = 0.038) could be another powerful prognostic index compared with the functional capacity (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.88, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.78–0.97, p = 0.035) and REVEAL Registry risk score (HR = 0.83, CI 0.56–0.95, p = 0.012). Furthermore, receiver-operating characteristic analysis identified ≥0.4 m/s2 as the optimal RVOTACC cut-off for predicting subsequent cardiovascular events. PC-CMR-derived RVOTACC is a promising non-invasively measured index of RV function and prognosis in patients with PAH.  相似文献   

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